LT AND MRS GEE SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS snares courses Mrs Chris Sheils Toronto spent the holiday weekend with Mr and Mrs Ernest Dales Mrs Jack Rumble and child ren attended Richmond Hill Fair Saturday Andrew Bell and boys Toron to were Monday visitors with Mr and Mrs Ernest Bell and John Mr and Mrs Chris Bowden Cookstown were Friday even ing callers at Ernest Dales Athomewith their parents for the weekend were Miss Mary Dales and John Dales BEETON Mrs James Jardine and Mr and Mrs Currie of Coiling wood attended the anniversary service in St Andrews Pres byterian Church on Sunday and were guests oi Mr and Mrs James Watson Mr and Mrs Spence McCul lough and family of Richmond Hill visited relatives in town during the weekend Mrs McCullough of To routo spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs English Miss Wray of Toronto spent the weekend with her mother Mrs Wray Miss Mildred English of Ten onto visited Mr and Mrs Frank Lisk during the weekend Paul Hawtnn of Ottawa spent the weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs Gordon Hawton Rev and Mrs Logan and Douglas of Toronto spent the weekend with McDer mott Mr and Mrs HarryCampiin returned home on Wednesday from Florida where they spent the past five months Mr and Mrs Broderick and Joan ofSault Ste Marie vis ited friends in town during the weekend NEW FLOS Mr Mrs Russel Sageand boys of Edenvale were Sunday visitors at Kirkpatricks Mr and Mrs Del Reynolds of Wyevale and Mr and Mrs Stuart Seaton and boys of Tor onto were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Harold Smith and family Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Nelson Sterling and boys included Mr and Mrs Jim Duncan and family of Sar nia Mr and Mrs Rutledge lim Starling and Miss Jessie Trimble of Toronto Mr and Mrs Ray Hall Rayx Commercial or Industrial Photos Portraits Passport Film Developing CALL erujrun Dunlap tit enema Cvor iiuntsl mond ond JudyLynn of George town were weekend guests oi Mr and Mrs Walter Hail and family Mr and Mrs Blake Ogiivie and family of Georgctown and Alfred and Douglas Collins oi Weston were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Archie Wanless and family Thomas Hisey of Brentiord spent the weekend at the home of Mr and Mrs Fred Viney Mr and Mrs Archie Malcolm of Willowdnie and Mr and Mrs Henry Starling of Toronto spent the holiday weekend at their summer homes here Jim Atkinson at Toronto was weekend visitor at the home of Mr and Mrs Clarence At kinson Mr and Mrs Harold Pearson and Sharon of Alliston and Miss Elaine Atkinson and Campbell Steel of Toronto were supper guests of Mr and Mrs At kinson and family Sunday Miss Helen Pickering and Elva Fryer of Collingwood vis ited at the home of the formers sister and hrotherindaw Mr and Mrs Alec Finlay and am ily Monday RUGBY Mr and Mrs Ted Blogg and Karen of Ottawa spent the holi day weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Albert Horne Mrs Thomas Edgett is under the doctors care FREE TRIP r011 THIS BOY KINGSTON CP it wont cost six months old Michael Scott cent for medical attention His mother Dr Grace Scott and father Dr Scott graduated this week end from the Queens Uni versity Medical School Michaels mother is for meriy of Niagara on the Lake and his father from Fort William ADLAI 0N MISSION WASHINGTON AP Pres ident Kennedy announced Sun day he is sending Adlai Steven son on mission to South Amer ica to seek to perfect and ac celerate the interAmerican pro gram for social and economic dev opment Stevenson is the Uni tes the United Nations Miss Gleé august Marries At Trinity Chapel Kingston Standards oi spring flowers decorated Trinity Chapel Fort Henry Hdehu lungston for the military wedding oiMiss Anne Gayle August and Lieut enant David John Gee The bride is the daughter of Male and Mrs John August of Fort Henry Heights King ston and granddaughter of hits Johnston Barrie The bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs William Gee Mei bourne Quebec Captain ll Johnson olï¬c iated at the wedding The bride was given in mar riage by her father For her special day she chose floor length gown oi white silk organ lo over taffeta The fitted bod ice was trimmed with Chantilly lace and seed pearls and ieatur ed scalloped neckline The bouiiant skirt was trimmed with squares of Chantilly lace cent red by tiny rosettes Her headdress was tiny crown oi seed pearls and oran ge blossoms She carried c354 cade bouquet oi white garden ias and stephnnotis Bridal attendants were Miss Lynda Keel Buieville maid of honor Misses Joan Down King ston and Willa Shipiey London on Rowe Ottawa was flower B111 The attendants were lowoed alike in peacock blue taffeta Their rocks were fashioned with tightly titted bodices soft ly rounded neckline and cap sleeves Bell shaped skirts were accentuated by bows oi sell ma terial at the waist Henddresses for the sheath anls were fashioned oi match ing bows and they carried bou oi baby pink roses and whi mums The lower girls dress was fashioned of pale orchid silk or ganza She carried nosegay oi mauve shnsta mums FO Murray Roland St Catharines was groomsmnn The ushers were Lt Ronald Shi Ea Hamilton and F0 De Tracey Montreal Mrs Johnson Kingston was soloist Coptatn Perry was organist As the couple left the chapel guard of honor was formed by fellow aiiiccrs oi the bridegroom and included Lt Morris Lt ill Jackson Lt Ashworth milk Watts OC Cross DC Don aldson reception was held at the Officers Mess Royal Canadian School oi Signals Kingston The were bridesmaids Miss Barb WI Members Asked to Contribute History For Tweedsmuir Book CRAIGHURST Mrs Tat too was hostess at the Craig hurstWomens institute Viilay meeting Mrs Sintoo vicepres ident presided Program plans for the coming year included iiims speakers demonstrations to tours and pic nics The historical Convener re quested each member to write up the nlstory oi her inmin £0 rthe iweedsmuir Book Members plan to spend an ev ening studying the new hand book when it comes out There was some discussion on short course and Creative Cooking was chosen Most of the members bmught plants which contributed to succcssiul auction Mrs Pedlingham was pre 4H Club Girls Parade Fashions At Thornton Institute Meeting Thomton Womens institute held the May meeting at the home of Mrs Dixon Mrs BourA ne second vicepresident open ed the meeting with the Ode and Mary Stewart collect Roll call was answered by brand name and its slogan Mrs Holt Mrs Jcnudt and Mrs Black were Home Economic conveners The girls from Groups one and two assisted Shirley Dixon from Group Two gave the commentary on Good Lines For Different Figures This was followed by fashion parade Nancy Sguires com menting for Group One and Frances Ann Maw for Group Two The leaders are Mrs Squires and Mrs Reid for Group One and Mrs Dixon and Mrs Finkbeiner for Group Two Mrs Black and Mrs Jennett read some very helpiul articles on safety from the CAC bulletin The program conclud ed with spelling match The TB Xray Unit will be in tons Holds Slst Annual CAIGARY Member ship in the imperial Order Daughters of the Empire dipped slightly in 1960 but is up in 1961 mhaesador jto bitsiiiigh FREE DISNEYKINS tree in so any pkg with the formation of 11 new chapters Organizing Secretary Mrs Gordon Leggett of Toronto told delegates to the orders Gist annual meeting today Membership dropped to 30300 in 1960 from approximately 30 600 the previous year In her reportrfor the national executive committee Mrs Chant of Toronto told mem bers that Madame Georges Va nier has consented to remain honorary president of the order during her husbands tenure as Governor General Lifemem bership was conferred on Ma dame Vanier last December Tomato NEXT FLIGHT IN JUNE WASHINGTON APlArneri can Space Administrator James Webb predicted Sunday the United States Will beat the Rus sians to the moon and disclosed that the next Mercury suhor soheduiedforlate June or early July wm msorv Psooucnons lime in so bag pkg vup mama Von loln noo Hieinsured mother of the bride received anniversary Mrs Ellsmere presented the gift on behalf or the WI members and friends HONOR STUDENT At the May meeting of St Johns VAAiian Simon was special guest The president Mrs Sheilieid presented Mr Slnton with leatherbound Bible from the WA Mr Simon has been one of the leading young men in the Sun day SchooL the choir and the AYPA lie is gardunto oi Barrie Collegiate and for the past three years has attended Rycrson institute oi Technology in Toronto He graduated this spring with first class honors as technologist oi metallury sented with surprise sit on the occasion of her 35th wedding Thornton June 75 Members made donation to the cancer fund Mrs Holt Mrs Mow and Mrs Jennett will be in charge of the flower bed at the cemetery this year Mrs Jennett gave re port on the swimming classes to be held at Alliston Rotary Pool commencing July 274a Au gust 17 Mrs Einkbeiner and Mrs Aleskey assisting with this group Mrs Rég Reid presented Mrs Cooke with her Wi pin which was engraved by Sam Marshall guests wearing an afternoon trod of coral silk organza with matching flowered hat andoc censories corsage oi white gardenias complemented her costume She was assisted by the math or of the bridegroom wearing blue and white flowered sheath dress with matching topper Her accessories were white and her corsago was oi white gard euitu For travelling the bride chose coffee hmwn wool suit with mushroom accessories After wedding tripto the Laurentlm and eastern points the couple will reside at Cart Wrights Point Kingston Out of city guests at the wed ding were from Barrie Oriilia Richmond Hill Collingwood To ronto New York New York Montreal Quebec Ottawa hel laviile and Amherst Nova Soo un Japanese DoII Chosen Queen BLENHEIM Ont CPtThe big brown eyes of CheryiShi omi Japanese girl from Co dar Sprin glistened with tears as she was announced the 1961 blossomqueen oi Blenheim District high school Friday nigh attractive and popular 17 yenroid Grade 12 student is tho daughter at Mr and Mrs Na sayoshi shiomi One of 13 can didotes chosen by the student body to compete in the eighth annuni blossom queen contest she isthe first JapaneseCana dish to win the crown THE STARS SAY By ESTRELHTA FOR TOMORROW highly stimulating dayl All sound and financial affairs should run smoothly show gain in personal relationships be discreet howeverespecially in the PM Some persons may be overly sensitive will need ex tremer tactful handling FOR THE BIRTHDAY if tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that the next six months encompass WI Members Honor Mothers The May meeting oi Edenvale Womens institute was held at the home of Mrs Koifscho ten meatyNo members um wered the roll all Mrs Degecr gave the mot to Mrs McDonald Club Girl Leader reported on Achie vement Day Plans were completed for tour of Barrie to be held June 21 resolution is being sent to the District regarding the standardization of school text books Mrs McDonald and Mrs Ward conducted on lot eresting program consisting oi poem contests and music Prizes were given for the old est mother Mrs Dougall youngest mother Mrs Ven IT THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY MAY family Mrs Mesiey and nearest birthday Mrs Ball Hoslesscs were Mrs Mow Mrs Giiien and Mrs Mcs lay DE TRUCK GOES ON D0nloN Que top No school children on their way home imm classes were killed Wednesday when hit by truck jthat did not stop They were Gary Howard and Terrence Ferguson Dorion is 25 miles Leeuw mothers with largest west oi Montreal Whatlmakes TD safety mulch May be Warning Bonhchl in often cured by lay in Wbmhdu army donutsIndanan in tho lycirll lbs backache dio MumKtan undhuvy hurled turn my midiv nor hotimol oioaamm de 1th till in iiilu on unar Kidnyï¬ibmw no deposit boxes so different Franitiyftheyre not different As almatter of fact the Safety Deposit Boxes at TorontoDominion are exactly the same as thoseyoull find at any other Canadian bank Theyre wonder ful places to keep your valuables safe from loss or theft We charge the same low rates for the service too So why should you choose TorontoDominion The reason is simple period in which it would be well to graspevery available opportunity to impress super iors with your ability since display of initiative and enter prise now could pay off hand somely by early October Do not let fatigue or anxiety deplete your energies in August or No vember however With the exception of brief period in late November per sonal relationships especially those of sensitive naturhwili be under fine aspects and early in July there is possibility that you will go on so enjoy able trip Creative and original ideas should prove profitable frommid December through late March of 1962 child born on this day will be artistically inclined but may The next meeting will be held at Mrs Beattys residence The May meeting of the WMS was held in the church with Gil ford and Ebenezer Societies as guests The president Miss Tillman opened the meeting with hymn and welcomed the guests Mrs Stewartread the scripture selection from first Peter chapter three The nail call was answered by 16 members who used the word lily in Bible verse Mrs Ken Sturgeo gave the prayer for the missionary Rev Eliza beth Newbort in lndia Mrs Allan and Mrs Constable received the offering which was dedicated by Mrs Kell Mrs Allan Todd favor ed witb lovely solo Mrs Keii introduced the speaker Mrs Perkins Past President of Simcoe Presbytery who spoke upon the amalg amation of the WMS and the WA in January of 1962 phone Beneï¬cial Get the cash you want fast One phone call and one ofï¬ce dam everythm Call up or come in May YOURE THE BOSS AT BENEFICIAL isenvFIELo STREET Phone PArkway 85931 BARRlE IE mnnlh conivasls on than our usoouu BENEFICIAL experience constant desire for change Speaker Disousses New Church Group The new society will be called The United Church Women she said its purpose beingto unite all of the women of the congregations for total mission ary and local activities of the church Mrs Campbell thanked the speaker and the president clos ed the meeting with prayer On the same afternoon the WA held short business meet ing when the president Mrs Toddmad the lesson thoughts on Forgiveness and then led in prayer Plans were made for birth day tea to be held in June Ap ron material was also on dis play to be made up for the fail bazaar The two societies then joined for social hour with the guests in the newly decorated school room herSariaanIACo 2Mary st Barrier PA nIcEs now NANCE CD OF CANADA people areithe MOST HELPFUL When you have Safety Deposit Box chances are youll vvantto visit The Bankfrom time to time tojput something into it or to take something out This means that youll be greeted by member of The Bank staff just like Brian McGeachie whos shoanabove Brian is the Accountant at our Jane Street St Lawrence Avenue branch in Weston and he really takes pridein the service he has to offer Sometimes theservice he prbvides is as simple as friendly smile and cheery good morning But you can be sure that it will make your visit to The Bank that much more pleasant Wed like you to visit theTordntoDominion branch nearest point to meet the people there Youll ï¬nd all of them enjoy taking all the time necessary to help you with any banking problems you may have Youll be delighted when you discover how much PEOPLE MAKE one BilTERENCE AT mam onssou Manager Allandnle Branch doorman DDMUNDS Manager Barbie Branch