THE CANADIAN PRESS Ontario accounted for nearly half of all traffic deaths re ported on Canadian roads this weekend Canadian Press survey from pm Friday to midnight 51de showed to Canadians died accidentally fit in highway mishaps Ontario reported 15 traffic deaths Alberta had six traffic deaths Manitoba and British Columbia four each and Quebec and Sask utchewan one each There were six drownings three In Quebec andonn each in New Brunswick Ontario and British Columbia Ono lire death was rninrtcd in Nova Scolin two persons were accidentally shot in Maui toba and Alberta and there were seven accidental deaths by unclassified causes Quebec farmer was killed when his tractor toppled over The figures do not include By ROBERT RICE Canadian Press Staff Writer arrows CPI The Com mons moves back today into its debate on capital punishment instead of discussing the prin ciples underlying the death pen alty for murder MPs will turn to detailed clause hy clause study of the governments measure to establish two de grees of murder The bill givea second read ing last week is to come up for oonunittee study in the Commons today it was ap proved in principle last Wed nesday by recorded vote of 139 to 21 Nenty Liberals all French speaking with two exceptions voted against the legislation while iii others were in favor Maurice Johnson Chamny Houvilie was the only Progres sive Conservative to vote against his party The CCF sided with the government The bill provides for two de grees of murder one punish able by death the other by life imprisonment In the Commons Saturday Frank Howard CCF Skeenat By AL GRAHAM Canadian Press Correspondent ANTIGONISH NS GP Bock from sea and tucked snugeg in bed little Lloyd Me long told Sunday night of how who prayedrandom savedfrom the clutches of storm that claimed his companion ien year old Lloyd left his home in nearby Cape Jack Saturday night with Bill Dawe to pull some lobster traps The storm with winds up to so miles an hour swept in with savage swiitness Sunday afternoon the winds still raging but the rain gone the fisheries department dragger Kagoshkn picked up the duty Dow 33 was dead theboy huddled in the bottom of the boat with his compan ions coat around him Later in hospital th boy told the story We tried rowing as hard as we could but it was no use We kept drifting further and further away until we couldnt see the lights on land any more Twice during the night boots of about the size of dragger passed us we holiered and made as much noise as we could but they 11905 HAYES THEATRE is accmrmnm dustriai accidentI natural deaths or known suicides Ontario dud Ernestiohoson 17 Port Ar thur in twocar coibsim on the Port Anhuerort Willi highway Friday Raymond Joscph Rooiiuoo 22 and Joseph Daniel Gailani 22 both of the Ssrnla area Saturday when their cars ooh lided on highway 1nt Temple is Brights Grove died of his injuriessunday Wank Dietsch 53 early Sat urday oaa Toronto crosswalk Douglas Vindovcr 16 pituicd beneath car he was repairing in Tomato Saturday ghen blocks gave way Gerald Perkins 35 Kettlehy and Raymond McDonald 32 Toronto Sunday when their car plunged into the Holland River near Newmarkct about 20 miles north of Toronto CAR ROLLED OVER Howard Cogswcli 32 Sunday when his car rolled over on raised the issue of drug prices in Canada He tried to bring before the Commons excerpts from statement on drug pricing pre pared for the restrictive trade practices commission by the dl rector of comhlnes investiga tion and research MOVE FAILED But he was ruled out of or der Mr Howard said manufactur ers of wonder drugs in Can adaspend Ecents of every sales dollar in trying to bam hoozie the doctors into not for getting thename oi the drug He also contended that the general public paid prices from 20b to 5m per cent higher for dnigthan did the defence pro duction department Justice Minister Fulton said he was prevented from ieply lag properly because the mat ter Is being studied by the Re strictch Trade Practices Com mission iiowever he indicated that the government is considering the information available so far on drug pricing to see whether something could be done in the Boy 10 Survives Fierce Gale Companion Dies In Open Boat didnt hear us and they couldnt see us We slept once in while and when we werent sleeping we bailed and we prayed The waves were very high and the water kept coming into the GAVE ME JACKET Bill gave me his jacket when he saw me shivering He had only light shirt on was frightened sometimes and guess cried little bit now and then especially after knew Bill had died When asked if he had ever given up hope of being rescued Lloyd replied0h no knew they wouldnt leave us out there knew they would be looking for us and knew myfather would come And his father did He was the first man to touch the boy when he was hoisted aboard the Kegaska kissed him and hugged him so muchI was so happy saidJeek Malone At home the boys mother three brothers and three sisters ranging in age from five months to 13 years kept lonely vigil told nw wife to pray to St Anne said the father Now ShoWing Fist lawnmower meson in MN AMEWWAYDTNIONHLRBERT MARSHALL Adult Entertainment GetFEATURE Feature Times TOWARDS THE rm mmvnmnammhunMEMN idioimmnmn UNKNOWNJJIO p111 autumnrm urn mum RAW Ontario Recor Deaths On Highways e515 highway near Levack about 22 milesnorthweat of Sudbury Nelsoo Morphet 58 and hire Margaret Ana A511 79 both of Little Current in twocar ool lisioa Saturday near little Cur rent lith ifoisan 11 drowned in Jpnction Creek near Sudbury Sunday Ronald Nolan 12 Hendrick about is miles SOLILI of Ottawa when his bicycle conided with car Sunday Waiter Calling 61 Hagrrs ville Sunday when his car went out of control near Cayuga about 20 miles south of Hamil ton Kelvn King i8 Copper Cliff Sunday in beadcn colltsion on highway lnear Pcrsrborough Oran Suave 15 St Jerome Que in twocor crnsh Sunday near Cumberland 14 miles east of Ottawa Mrs Daisy Browne Lively in twocnr crash Sun day near North Bay MP Contendsk General Public Pay Ridiculous Drug PriCes federal field without waiting for further report MIGHT PROM ACTION There may he one or two particular aspects where the re sults of our consideration may suggest courses oi action but these would be of an to terlm nature he said Mr Howard indicated that most of the blame for high prices in Canada should be laid to US patent law and said Canadian drug companies operate to all intents under the effect of the 115 law The CCF member charged that 05 patents are being used to create monopolich situa tions which Canadian law ap pears to have been designed to prevent Arnold Peters OCF fimis kemingt urged some immediate government action aimed at bringing prices down NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Algonquin 111 ding Credit Ltd year ended Dec 31 1960 $173745 70 cents share 1969 $56051 50 cents Interprovinclai Building Cred its Ltd year ended Feb 28 1961 $110645 36 cents share 1960 $98249 30 cents United Fuel Investments L61 year ended March 31 1961 $29531 1960 $275557 UnionWGas CompaoyoLCan ada Ltd year ended March 51 1961 53916465 72 cents share 1960 $3032049 53 cents Consolidates United Fuel in vestment Ltd NOON DOLLAR MONTREAL CWThe US dollar was at discount ofl $32 per cent in terms of Cana dian funds the Bank of Mont real reported near noon today Friday the noon rate was 9331 Pound sterling $275 down NEW YORK CWCanadian dollar 164 higher at $101 7964 in terms of US funds Pound sterling 34 lower at $279 764 HURONIA Bravom THEATRE PA H391 mantras ind wn ï¬re as 3W amt3 iii mg ingest 11L In Alumni us use Dal be as corn gt um dun sir DQIL atom 11 513 Petn iii mg as mm Aliu smi no Dom hr in run Hp rm index down In light morning annuaflngcu git Pm any Nat Cu trading today nun Id Ce on row as Etoan airs 13 BA and 1mm 0It Tram run at nu BINt hm mi St Law an hintminin and Interprovlnclai 320 am gï¬douiiuAmn iiii 51 pt Pipe um an en wmm ac so imp none 1m of oil ma WW9 Steel Company and can nicer in on do Suinan It minion Foundries and Steel mm are in it as were also on cum Cement am lnIIrprov arts siting is On the exchange Index indus Con Cnrntical Jockey cum 395 runs no 51 trials dropped 11 to 57950 Can can no Loni Pm also rum or Luudnn uu 2w labor Union not 5° d5 13 3153 base ml Con 11in am is the Powell R1 to win new um his 31 to 19511 Westun oils MINING were up 20 to 9879 camp Chtb us Gunnu as 370 Quemoat no The am Im Cu Del aio as Human muss on Gordon us 000 shares com arcd with 735 in unstruc some as 00° at the me time mm Lusnmhw 54 3351 13 an Am it industrial Acceptance Corpor co maxim 1W ow mu nun 00m atlon and Distillers Seagrams TE CARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY MAY 13 £1 Sieels Oils Ioniiys srocx ICES Led industrial Compiled by Flynn L3 Dunlap St in Barrie each dropped V4 to £15 and 40 Canada Cement lost teem Loblaw was up St to 41 Gatineau Power Hordee Famis and Great Lakes Paper each added Ya Mines were quiet Consoli dated hiirilng and Smelling fell to 2614 Noranda lost Vi Hudson Bay Mining and Smelt tog rose 14 to 52 and Quemant Fm nlosr am aimks Bell Telephone CPR Cons Mining Smellint AN Roe Tritich Fin nowuouu new you more nomAY TORONTO STOCK cannon mun Indiumll do iJi Golds do 13 Kent dn 34 Oils up 10 DIVIDEND autonomous Nauonnl Grocer Co common cent preferred 17v cents ox div June Westmi Fonda Ltd no rents ply Jlliy 15 ex div Juno i5 Sorry Im into fellowshad pry July attend to memo is cent1 nfewthingstn Nelve persons lost their lives Few Koreans Sorry Iii Death 0i Democracy Accept Tyranny By GENE KRAMER SEOUL AP Nobodv is dancing in tho streets bu there are few regrets That is the re sponse of many South Koreans to the army coup detat The old regime was clected in Koreas freest election and lt ruled in an atmosphere unsusu nib frco for Asia Yet few Koreans seem sorry to see it go This reaction to the demise of the democracy alarms more than few Westcmas here But people who have suffered under one tyranny after another for centuries dont seem to miss freedom What the Koreans seam to de spise is failure and hunger To most oi them Premier John Changs regime was to to failure It had only scratched the surface of enormous prob lems inherited from Syngman Rhee year ago Sure the army in strict with the people now said student who participated in the uprising against Rhee But give the generals chance to show what they can do if they fail to im prove conditions iust wait until martial law is liitcd and they will have to answer to the Ko reao people DEMOCRACY FAILED Said young Korean news paperman Call this new rail itary goyernment fascism if you want but there isnt much left for us to try cxceot commu nism We tried democracy and it failed fn so oi the takeover has brought hare that South Korea may see one coup aitcr another in the search for soiutloo in its problems The generals who gave John 1oaig than one year to work on ublems Syngman Rheecopid notsoive inadcc ads have come up with no eco nomic plan so far They have made efforts to mobilize the support of the poor Free rice has been distrib uted Hoodlums who prey on the poor have been arrested and paraded through the IMPERIAL now 5110me indFinn cannula Aï¬ï¬mflhmefl mo ATTENIDKUUGH brown in canon HOUSTON oouomr mu THE MAN night of shattering suspense mc1yugmv on man my mom LION INIERNMIDNM REDS JISIBIEMIEUIJIANLIJUADISERIBUTORS streets Farm debts have been cancelled Streets have been cleaned high government citi cials arrested and lowranking public servants put on seven doy week with penalties for be ing late to work Some relaxations were or dered Saturday Civil servants went back on stiay week An hour was lapped off the cur few five cents Golds were dull with no maior changes NAMES DEFECIOR LONDON APiA high Pol ish security official reported to have fled to the West has been named as Col Antonio Alster Myearold vlccminister oi the interior lie was said to be in Washington now and under questioning as the most im portant Communist to change allegiance since the war The London Daily Mail says he was idcntificd as Alster by Polish cmigres in London Plane Crashes l3 Aboard Die SINGAPORE Routers An RAF transport plane crashed and burst into flames here to day killing all 13 persons aboard CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines PA 66555 One little reason Why father needs in the crash and the 13th was dead on arrivalat hospital Ten bodies have been accounted for but two are still missing in the charred wreckage AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION on your antomaua Inn mtnlnn repaired by quail tied mechanicl You may lilo ï¬nanc all work and parts here MOTORS 369 Hayfield Si PA 34330 smutSECURITY CHECKUPJ Every father knows his familys needs change from year to year it may be new baby new house or teenage whos maldng plans for university Because his familys needs are constantly changing every father should review his family security program everyyear More am Your Metropolitan representative has Metropolitans ownschoois and is qualified perience to bring yoavthis Metropolitan the company you lookio for authoritative information on physical health now offers we your ï¬nancial healtha Family Security Ch kJJ oeH WHAIITISAND WHATITDDES FOR YOU Adult Entertainment