Ella metric Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Buyfield 5m Barrie Ohm PAGE Ian MONDAY MAY ll auricular Minister warns Business Canadians Might Change Hon George Rees Canadas minister of trade and commerce has been trav elling around the country tolling busi nessmen the plain facts of life as they exist wdaysï¬e was in Barrie in mid February to address the Kiwanis clubs and what he said then is much ne same as what is reported in his talks elsewhere in Canada Canadas leaders of industry must get off their backs to increase sales and help create more jobs This does not an ply to all of course and Mr Bees paid special compliment to the management of Barrie firms who were showing spec ial energy and ingenuity But there are toomany in this country who settled into the postwar era when people were begging to buy goods and cannot get our of hte rut of thinking that this situation will return The fact is it will not We cannot re peat it we often Canadians are pricing themselves out of world markets Not only that they are pricing themselves out of the domestic market This situa tion seems to be overlooked by most labor leaders too The attitude is well lets get ours anyway Who cares about anyone else Hon Mr Hoes pointed out in talk at London Ontario recently that busi ness in this nation might be confronted one day by Socialist federal govern ment socialist thinking runs along the him that the government should run everything The minister former football star in Toronto hit hard in his talking read of the causes of unemployment he said the fact that Canadian secondary in dustries are running up against stiffer competition both in world and domestic markets If businessmen do not work harder to increase sales he asserted they will be opening the door wide for different kind of economic system with rigid controls If we dont act then one of these fine days Canadians are going to get fed up and they might try some thing else No doubt Mr Hoes was referring to that something else being different from our present free enterprise system He did not forget to mention again that organized labor the trade unions must cooperate in reducing production costs to make prices of goods more compet itlve In the past 10 years we have gotten pretty sloppy he told the conference of industrial leaders Dont sit back and think that sales will land in your lap like they did after the war Those days are gone forever Management and labor in Canada should take few momenu every day to consider those all too true statements by Mr new Good Home Life Needed The importance of good home life under the guidance of parents who are always taking keen interest in the activities of their children does much toward them becoming good and law abidlng citizens throughout their youngg ger years as well aslaying foundation for their adulthood in speaking to the Third Biennial Canadian Congress of Corrections Pro fessor Campbell of Mount Allison Universitysaid astidy has shown that delinquents who find their way into courts for their entries have less desir ablehome and family life than those who dont fall foul of the law and they appear to have ttle regard for ethics The study was basEd on comparison of family and small group exparienoe duringadolescence It was divided be tween criminals and noncriminals bouttwice as many delinquents as non dellnquents showed feelings of being neglected by their parents with more than half the boys in the reform school group reeling that their fathers resented the expense of looking after them And about 45 per cent of the delinquents felt they were the victims of the lack of parental affection When it came to ethics the reform school groups felt that Chrltianlty does not work in practice That to get ahead one cant consider cthers feelings That most people would steal if they had chance What an outlook for teenagerl It is sorrowful picture and one that parents in Barrie should consider wisely Down Memory Lane KIWANIANS HEAR GOVERNOR On Monday night Male 1841 five Kiwanlsolitbs met injarrie minimal7 land Penetang Oriliia Owen und and Barrie in Trinity Parish Hall to hear John Burden Kiwanis Governor of the OntarioQuebecMaritime District All clubs were well represented very pleasing feature was several choruses by the choir of Victoria school under direction of Miss Victoria Strange President Roy McVittie of arrie club welcomed the visitors Di lsion LieutenantGovernor Sid Horneof Oriis lla introduced Mr Burdenwho stated that we were standing at the crossroads Democracy has beencrushed inn large part of theworld and we must put every ounce of ourselvesand our resources in to the struggle he warned He added the thought that our four fathers made Other Editors Vievvs ONTARIO FARMERS LEAD Windsor Star Ontario is recognized as the top indus trial province of Canada What too many ignore is that it also is the topagricul tural province The Prairies are regarded as the bread basket of Canada as indeed they are with their wheat They have no claim however to being the only food bin of the country statistics show that Eastern Canada Ontario Quebec and the At lantic provinces produce in value just about equal tothat of the Prairies and British Columbia Ontario by itself is far in the lead overpayother province esproved by gt statistics for 1000 issued in Ottawa The value of its production last yaar was $877100000 Saskatchewan came next The Barrie Examiner Authorized ll second clulmlii Port Ollie Dlplrment Ottawa Dally Sunday and Sialuloryflolidlyl axepied mamas wan Publisher amawebuanr ouuu Mann emu com auaaas nurhcuim ounces wanes Bulluul Muncu concur shame Advertising Manlgol some noansa Circulation Manager Subscri on me duly by sinm sea wclfly masses moan butsi ohmlo lie your oiltlm on 1000 year as nivarsi Ave gigollllfeiioau me on Georgia st or Member of the Canadian no No fishers Association The Conrail Piggy om Audit Burnu of Circulation are ubiioition or in new Paper on lead to it or Ti Al ï¬lm and lilo till luull newlipubillhsd Ill this of Dublin eiaidispstobu ammo umvsd Toronto 840 Calhoun the sacrifices from which we profit and we must take our turn now ZRAILWAISTOCKEDCOA mm In Allandale news of May 22 1941 The Barrie Examiner tOld that After 20 Years CNR stocks Coal The railway was again stocking coal the areal used pre viousiy which is east of the Cities Service property and near the Mimis rPoint crossing heavy tractor had been tearing up the thick growth of young poplar and birch that sprung up there Between 75000 and 100000 tons will be stored This was formerly stocked with hundreds of cars of coal when Italian andother laborers were brought out to shovel it by hand from cars topiie They boarded in cars near the spot and number settled in Aliandale and brought out their wives from Italy and Sicily making splendid citizens then and now with $533400000 Alberta third with $499900000 and Quebec fourth with $414600000 The explanation for0niarlos leader ship is in the diversification of products and the intensive often specialized ag riculture An acre of Ontario tomatoes or tobacco w1l produce for more revenue than an acre of wheat or barley in sask atchewan The above figures represent cash in come Net income is something different It costs more to grow and harvest an acre of tomatoes in Ontario than it does to grow and harvest anacre of wheat on the Prairies Ontariorhoweverristhe foremost ag riculture province by any yardstick That is the achievement of our Ontario farmers GREAT TEMPIATION Montreal Gazette One of the greatest temptations is to believe that ones enemies are aboutï¬o crumblehand that ones friends have the influence todisplaco them Hitler was al ways about to crumble yet his followers were fighting desperately far him even long enter all hope as gone The sov iet Union in the op him of some has been crumbling for decades But it is there todayjapparently strong thanev Andso ithasaiways been through history No doubt Castrosday will come But it is astonishing thatanyone could have became convinced that ltmight come as soon SECONlDS OUT OF THE RING Discover Plot To Kill Franco LONDON AP More than 200 people are reported to have been arrested in Spain follow ing discovery of plot to as sassinate Gen Francisco Franco There was no immediate cifi ciai continuation of the report but Spanish security police pres paring for Francos trip through Madridgnext week to open new session of parliament have ordered building owners along the route to give names ad dresses and political affiliation of persons who would be in the Buildings when Franco passed in Madrid official sources de nied the arrests had resulted from an attempted assassina tion plot It was known how ever that there had been rests for distribution of tious pamphlets OTTAWA REPORT Slaughter By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWAMany members Parliament are expressing growing worry about our rising national deathrate on the roads Motor vehicle accidents are kill log each year 150 times as many Canadians as die from polio and five times the number claimed by that former dreaded killer tuberculosis in propor tion to population our traffic victims are twice as numerous as those killed on British roads Wby and Must we are the two penetrating questions asked here With their political sense of comparison some MPs ponder why we have the anomaly that the driver of an automobile and his vehicle are licensed by pro vincial governments to their in dividual and often lax stand ards In contrast the driver of another form of vehicle and his vehicl quire strict federal refer to pilots and aircraft Would federal licensing for automobiles and drivers benefit a1lCauadians by establishing exacting national standards uni form in all provinces for driving skill mechanical ï¬tness and fi nancial responsibility carer arrow cans Thinking on Parliament Hilll seems to accept the general idea QUEENS PARK Donald MacDonald An Horatio Alger By DON OEEABN TORONTOWeill Donald MacDonald has pulled me into the Royal York strike dispute The GOP leader has quoted piece that appeared in these col umns some Lime ago It was used in discussing the question of public morality and the slipping ethics in public ille The piece concerned the mem bers of the House and the fact they got reduced rate from the Royal York And it pointed out that despite this they had voted on and againsta City of Tomato bill which would have empowered the city to impose full taxes OnTlreinghway lion St Catherine ranked the least safe and Sault Ste Marie the most safe Cornwall was the fourth safest Serbia the ninth Oshawa the 21st Guelph tbe SIih Fort William was 20th in order of safety in contrast to Port Arthurs ranging ofwbyl 86tb Last year record number of 16m accidents took place on our roads This was equal to one accident somewhere in Can ada every two minutes or 30 accidents inevcry hour The Dominion Bureau of Sta flatlcl reveals that the greatest cause of aocldeutsis the truck which in the opinion of many politicians has grownoversize iorour generally narrow and often winding roads Based on last years experl ence the most likely casualty in dial accident is passenger with pedestrian being inihe second most dangagousfpusition riskier thantbe drivers sea sidesexcept when it is ques MacDonalds wisdom in father THE FIRST COLUMN WALLS Colony in the Admin isoaiy four hours from Malian and we found it quite fascinating These days run Barrie there are Caribbean travellers Ewepean travellers and oven mumblin world uavcllers But we had never been to Bermuda and it seems practically everybody else in this community had 50 that in order for us to join in urbane conversation with our friends in future it was neces sary to go to Bermuda Now we can Join in the cocktail can versation with some ale oi au iliorlty THEY USED to fell usI that would be mainly Oliver Camer on and Mayor Robert Peacock oi Mldburst Station and Willow reek that curling was the greatest levellcr la the world Not so That dubious distinc tion would go to news editors of newspapers On arrival hack in the ofï¬ce quite apparently sun buraed after two weeks ab sence several days elapsed when our very new news edi tor looked me and asked Have you been away town has always had fairly high percentage of bachelors of the highly eligible type That is they are well groomed cul tured reasonably handsome and get this girls have reason ably good incomes it isnt that they have any allergy to the thought thenand still do ihat this was case of law relt fard for wiles lihougb consid ering that most of the members of the committee resided at the hotel and took advantage of the special rate dont know just how approval of this bill should have been tackled N0 SIDES But Donl Dont pull itcr meinio labor dispute it is not my job to take sides It is not the job of Premier Frost or his cabinet ministers to take sides by refusing to cross picket lines Arlabor disputevls dispute Presumably there are two sides to it And presumably there is old least some right on both 51 BS PUBIJC EERVANTS Memhers of the Legislature are publi servants and as such their job is not to take sides MONTREAL CPiDrPeier which would be what they Scholefleld 35 year old blo caiildhaslmpeciad ofrAdoing7ahanilslwltht MM wrong in voting on the Toronto real General Hospital haearch private bill Institute is investigating what In sense newspaper man can energy particularly when he is mi metabolism of tumor cells In politicsisalsoa public servant alieml devem And as such he shouldnt take came Working in an old houseon dowuiown University Street Dr Scholeiield and three graduate students are trying to ï¬nd out what tumor cells cat it is not known yet how food enters normal cell let alone homer cell tolei it grow Dr Scholeiield reports that he has been able to certain ek ient to control or divert these unknown processes to influence the growth of cells ENERGY RELEASED Part of the metabolism of cell involves the production of heat another part involves the production of energy This is known as AdenosinelrlPhos phate ATP ATP is kind of stored energy comparable to also todayAnd to at least one that in coiled spring when man you cant get rounded the spring uncoils it releases picture of our society enliaae its problems unless you con fthie energy srder the whole picture be stopped scientists say cant seem to catch up with them long enough Its been about four years since their ranks were breached The realt son for this blurb is that ibis corner has heard rumor there may be another deserier to double bed ALLOF wnlcn leads upio the repetition of story of sev ticn of the public interest being diffeatened by the Legislature it se Mr MacDonald views his re sponsibilities otherwise He takes sides He lives in therlioratio Alger days when there was bornand with some reasona bogey of big business The writer could go along with his line and take on another bogey today that of big la bor But he doesnt think that is his proper job And he has to question Mr lag his own bogeyasibarepre sentaiiveol all the people 1315 business is people FOR SOME REASON fills distal side The females just eraiyearlput ltvm golfclubdinncr Indooeol bcadlomcyouoz men calvingaizpphyloribc plausibly labia thanking marksbewasalightlyhecki Ousofibegoodnsiuredqu was Dont you think oboiddgetmamcdnowf mnomore bononio here Towbicb cum ply Well dont know tbelockcr mom and some chillers men my ran roanr there wasnt married man in the mom who didnt keep the family dog oom puny DRIVING HOME from St Thomas Tbumhy morning we had the car radio on as per up ual with ibrooins CFRB com ing in clearly There broke in one of those women commenter tors with 10minute disserta tion llcr subject how to keep cool in summer Outsldc recordlowforidayzainibeso parts THIS WEEKS News Era and Express has story on page one to the effect that Pulr Ilsher ion Baxier was in ct iawa at the annual convention of the Ontario Weekly New papers Association lir Baxter was to receive an award from the OWNA Judges for his papers ucellence in several categories Our hearty congurtulatlons lan but if you look over on the next page there is headline New local Rotary Club Gus Chars tcr Horrors and all that it was actually the new Aurora Ncwmorket KiWANlS Club which was chartered There is difference 11 MINDS when Banits Elli Garner was an internation al Trustees for the lions Club several years ago and be was guest speak at Kiwanis dine penilele tedihatasarS yearold or so merchant just starting up be was faced in 1933 will the idea of ï¬elding ser vice club lust why did he pick Lions Bill was asked Weill said be figured was loo young to loin Kiwanis and too poor in join Rotary Sohere am lion This COLUMN will attempt to appear regularly again after an absence of nearly four years during wbldi time the writer was up to his hips in busines matters and writing editorials Thecolumnmustofcholcebeof light tongue in cheek na ture Naming should be con sidered too seriouslyif you read it here Anything of heavy pondemus nature that we feel like sprouting forth will appear as an editorial Ever TE 5355333 Energy Metabolism Studied In Search Of Cure For Cancer the growth of the call can be stopped DuriugJllLlast iyearere searchers have reasonedmark cells can be denied ATP their growth will be inhibited but other life might go on its like weed killer that destroys dandelions but does not harm grass Dr Schola fleld says in effect were looking for weed killer for cancer One of the difficulties hi cancer work has been the ne cassity of working with animals and developing principles which wethen try to apply to people he says If something doesnt work with animal tumors it has to be assumed that it will no work with people BIBLE THOUGHT None of the wicked shall unfl erstand but the wise shall und BalsamDaniel 1210 The ck if neither under stand their sin nor Gods judg ment upon it The righteousrung dersiand because they have found the Saviour that the problem of theslaugh for on our roads centres around the driver who cannotflaffordjo drive That driver is the one whom other Canadians cannot afford to tolerate in possession of lethal weapon in public place For that driver does not ibuy insurancelieoause he cauu not afford it nor for the same reason does be My adequate maintenance of his vehicle it is flagrant contravention of the commonsense of our law that person should be licensed by provincial government toin flict property damage and phys ical injury upon his fellows whilst lacking the financial means to recompense for that destruction this is one line of reasonin heard here Whiiernany politicians con sider that something is amiss few can propose ihe foolproof solution Meanwhile few can point with pride to statistics recently released here showing that some communities a1 ing an afï¬rmï¬u socialon the roads in 1980 among our 10 cities pule EX ck Tothcaiert Jan women excel open this business of aviation IT HAS new 0F OPPORTUNITIES FOR1YOUNG WOMEN on women in the RCA is be There are many types of dnwork in which to you You will earn while you learn The pay is excellent the same as the men and housing and food is provided You quickly make friends in new andlnurcsung surroundings and win for yourself apl oo in keeping with your modern aims and ambitious You too can serve as on Airwoman In Canadas Air force SPECIAL RCAF yoMAuvcouiisELLdg Witchcraft =g oRILLIA ARMouRIes 1g noon jlo Pent39 See new his letter lenyou men epoch meo haw