Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 May 1961, p. 1

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foos mounts F0 Wlnl Ads phone PA our in tawd nurnbcr meal for thoBuxinus LOCAL WEATHER Mainly clan lmiBht and to monommuthlawto nlxthHldi1tesdaysoFar or Editorial Dept ll PA 6697 HQ YearNo 124 TWO STEEIIlCKS DIE IN TOWER COLLAPSE An unldcntifiod man leans over the body of steeple jack trapped in the wreck age of Brandon television towcr which collapscd Satur day May 27 lvo workmen high up on the tillfoot Io wer were carried to their star rmruos Irws deaths The body of the se cond steeplejack was trap ped In the twisted steel near the group of men do ambu High Nazis Unaware Oi Eichmanns Work By LIONEL WALSE JERUSALEM Reuters New York psychologist testified at the trial of Adolf Eichmann today that top Nazi war crim inals had told him some of their best friends wcro Jews Dr Gustave ltL Gilbert chair man of the psychology depart ment at bong Island University dacrihed his interviews with Germans on trial for war crimes at Nuernberg after the Second World War Gilbert said he made exten 5ch notes after every conversa tinn with the Nazis Because some things they said were so incredible he had them write essays as substantiation Gilbertsaid he acted as in terpreter at an interview be tween Judge Michael Mus manno now Pennsylvania su preme court judge and Field Marshal Hermann Goering Goering relerring to extermi nationrof Jews said This of course was not any business of mine Senate Reports Conferences It was under the jurisdiction of Heinrich Himmler supreme Nazi SS and police chief and his boys Reinhard Hey drich chief of the security headquarters Eichmann and so on Gilbert described the one oc casion on which he said he lost his professional sloolness survivor from Auschwrtz had testified how children born in concentration camps were taken from their mothers and never seen again and how in therush season in 1944 children were thrown alive onto the We Ne This was too much even for psychologist and went to Ernst Kaltcnbrunner Hey drichs succeSsor as security fchief in the lunch break and toldhim Do you really mean that you know nothing about this He replied No No did not have anything to do with the extermination program as such It was the others Hey drich Eichmann and others from Himmler down In that chain of command but they are all dead ONLY LOOKS BIG Goerlngs comment on the testimony of Dieter Wisliceny an Elchmann aid later exo cuted was Wisliceny Is lit tle schweinhund who looks like big one only because Eich mann Is nothere Hans Frank former governor of Nazioccupied Poland told Gilbert after the testimony at Nucmberg of Rudolf Hocss last cornmgpdant hwlt Just Imagine Captain ctr hart sitting there and saying murdered two and half milV lion men women and children people will talk about it for thousand years At Gilberts request Hoess the deportees arrived in trains ordered by cable by Eich manns department in the Reich security headquarters each containing about 2000 persons Weakened Will Oi Scientist illo Resist SovietAggression By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Staff Writer WASHINGTON CPiA staff report by the US Senate in ternal security subcommittee says the Pugwash conferences which originated in Nova Scotia were designed to weaken the will of Western scientists to re sist Soviet aggression it charges the conferences of international scientists sup ported largely by Canadian lJoru 115 industrialist Cyrs Eaton were initiated by in viduals with signifcant records of support of Communist causes Eaton who has been strongly critical of 115 foreign policy was accused by the subcommi tee staff of having made an almost treasonous attack on American security by urging Canada to divorce itself from US foreign strategy General Collapses Canada is vital link in the chain of our defences the re port said OPENED HOME Eaton offeredhis Pugwasb NS home to the international meetings Six have been held so far since they were starter in 1957two at Pugwash one at Lac Beauport Que one near Vienna another at Baden Aus tria and the sixth at Moscow late last year Two of President Kennedys White House Dr Rostow and Dr Jerome Wiesner were delegates to the oscow meeting Prominent Canadian 1scientists ihave at tended the meetings along with others from Britain France West Germany India Japan Russia Poland and other coun tries Eaton has given up financing the meetings which now are be NiA NUTSIIELL In Court PARIS Reuters Engeneral Andre Zeller63 collapsed twice today while testifying at hk trial on charges of leading last months abortive army coup in Algeria Instructor Transferred To Congo KINGSTON 0P Major John August chief instruct or at Kingstons Royal Canadian School of Signalsis to leave shortly for The Congo to become signals officer for he United Nations Headquarters Major August is formerly from United Nations Headquarters Barrie Major August formerly from Minister Did Not Detect WARSAW AP The polish foreign ministry described as pure nonsense today Westernreports Minister Antoni Alsterhasfled Home TovVisi rotary Dun Hulk and United Nations SecretaryGeneral Dag Humoar lrlold It was announced hora today LONDON Reuters Forelgn Secrets Lord lion will It thdfllnftciisfates June 13 to is or With Stats Seo to theiWést ing underwritten gtbythe Ford Foundation The name is being changed to the Conferences on Science and World Affairs COSW The next meeting is scheduled for Woods Hole Mass Sept The subcommittee document didnt suggest the Russians had made any great gains in sub verting Western scientists al1 though it concluded thatsome had been subverted SCIENTISTS SNARED Farymore significant how ever is the damage done by those scientists who the nonCommunist permit them selves to be snared by plausible deyicesand arguments Senator Thomas Dodd sub committee vicechairman said purpose of the staff Vstudywos to illustrate showutherKrcmiin has managed to exploit scien tific conferencesto further its own aggressive design and to confuse anddisorient the free world about the psychological and political techni played by the Gamma resentatives at suc ences about the utilization of scientific con cIs for thepur pose of lllZingWeStflll sci entific ms for programs that coincidewith Soviet inter and finally about the ex ation of scientific contacts for purposes of direct subver sron The report suggests that west ern scientists possibly were in adequately trained and experi enced in intemational politics in meeting with their opposite numbers from Russia GETS DEATH SENTENCE NEW WESTMINSTER BC CP Charles Heathman was sentenced to deathSaturday retrial for the murder ofl yearold Vernonnewsph Donald Oliver Mr Justice mrdanicsmwToldlbe wrote detailed report saying es anho Set kcciil Minimaly mama NotflmlhmlopatCopynmu Term 01 Peddlers Of fGOoiballS lanca waits st lcft OP Wirephoto HERES ONE Yes said the explorer on as wasso hungry that dined off my pet parrot What was It like Very nice Yes but what did It taste ilke Oh turkey chicken wild duck plovar that bird could imitate anything Downtown Parking Restricted Days Watch out where marrow Wednesday too The new concrete 25foot street lighting pols will be placed in position In Dunlop Street starting tomorrow and work Will continue through Wed nesday Barrie traffic mrordlnator You park to this morning 44 poles will be in stalled In present excavations Thera will be noparking to mormw AM South side of Dunlop Street from Bradford to aniicld PM From Hayfield to Mul caster south side No parlong Wednesday on the north side AM High Street to Bay field PM Bayfield to Mulcaacr No Cuba Invasion ll Given Tractors TORONTO UP Toronto rabbi Saturday said the recent abortive invasion of Cuba might never have happened had the us given Cubs tractors two years ago Rabbi Joseph Kelman told his Beth Emcth Synagogue congre gation he is glad attempts are being made to fill Premier Cas tros demand for tractors In exchange for invasion prisoners even though the demand at first glance has Nazilike tones about It If America had sent him bulldozer tractors and equi ment two years ago it woud have been far less costly in price in world tension and the prestige of America would not be at its low ebb now he said HALIFAX GP weather spread into Nova tia todaynbutmors rain was in store for New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island in the eekend storm and an property However the rain was to he mostlyin the form of showers far short of the concentrated deluge which lashed all three provinces during the weekend sending New Brunswicks St John er on the rampas¢ Two man died in small wooden boatsand another was drowned when car skidded of slippery bridge lIeavy tolls were anticipated in the fishing fleets The storm struck Saturday with winds that exceeded 60 mils Most of Nova Sc gotan ch or more of rain Fredericton got up tofivc inch es of rain In 36hour period The StJohn River rosemearly New Bram ck were washed rupt JVMcInnesscntancedthc3mupowcrand yearold itinerant laborer to be hangedvAug 15 for the sex slay Ing which kplscc inst were cut off ch ookatollrof live six feet Bridges and highways homes evacuated and Laws suspended Make Coup Legal By PHILIP KIM SEOUL ReuteniTho military junta today temporar Ilysospended the constitution while It changed South Korean laws to make Its coup legal Junta leader uGcn Do Yong Chang announced the sus pension and said partial amendmentsfl soon will be madr to the constitution Chang reltcrutul his pledge to hand over power to fresh and conscientious citizens as soon as possible But he said changes In the constitution were neces sary to make the daddyold coup legal and also disclosed tho laws govemlog elections to the national usembly would be amended Chang said referendum was one of the methods under study by the junta for amending both the constitution and the elec toral laws Reviewing Koreas economic problems Chang said he wel comed longterm grants or loans from friendly notions especially the United States SEEKS AID He said he hoped West Gen man government offer of long term loan originally made to the ousted government of Pro mier John Chang would be carriedout soon In another junta move all coffee min about 2000 of themwere or dered at stop serving coffee as GEN no mo CHANG part at crackdown on smug gling South Korea does not pro duco coffee which Is Imported only through the blackmarkat Tho junta Sunday arrested 23 leading South Koreans as it launched campaign against corruption The accused werearrested on charges of accumulating wealth illegally during the re gimes John Chang andhis predecessor ousted former preldent Syngman Rhee They included Il leading business men to officials of the lthce and AJohn Chang governments and five retired military of ficers LGeneva ConferenCe liepares To Resume Laos Peace Talks VINCENT BUIST GENEVU ReuterslThe 14 powcr conference on Laos due to resume today after fivevdny recess has again been ad journed The date of the next session will be announced later and will take place soon as possible according to joint statement Issued by the British and Soviet delegations The British and Soviet co chairman of the conference Malcolm MacDonald and Georgi Pusnkin failed at threehour meeting this morning toiagrecr on the subjects to be discussed at this afternoons scheduled session authoritative sources said They said MacDonald and Pushkin lhad forceful ex change of viewson the future development of the conference which ended incomplete dil agreement gt In another development Mac Donald turned down an invita tion to meet today in the French Riviera resort of Nice with Pro mier Price Boun Oum of the Laotian rightwing government Sources said MacDonald whose country was cocbairman Maritimes lashedBy Fierce Gale Three Personvailled the Bartibog river after his car skidded on bridge and crash ed throughthe railing William Dawe 33 of Cape Jack near Antlgnnish NS was found dead In ng dory after thefstorm passed With him In the boat and huddled in the coat Dawe had give him was loyeanold Lloyd Melong also of Cape JacklIc was harmed The dory was plckedup by the fisheries department drag ger Kegashka after search by an RCAF plane was called ff because of high winds The two had set outrto pull lobster traps Saturday Inthe Eeyof Fundy off westcm Nova Scotla search plane found one airman dead and another suffering from ex with Russia of the 1954 Geneva talks on Indochina excused himself on the grounds he was too busy with conference work here The talks have pivoted around this question since they opened May 16 Verification of the ceasetire was responsiblefor fiveday adjournment The United States Saturday is sued shonglyworded state ment charging many premcdi tated violations of the cease fire by the proCommunist Pa thet Lao guerillas The statement said the Pathet Laosguéilllns has obstructed the international control com mission In Laos whose job ls to make sure ceasefir wu OTTAWA CPITho govern ment introduced In the Com mons today new measure aimed at controlling drugs com monly known as goofballs lho measure an amendment to the Food and Drugs Act pro vidcs for prison sentences from in months to 10 years for any person convicted of Illegal traf flckIng In or illegal possession of such drugs Tha legislation given first reading today cites three drugs as coming under its provisions amphetamine and In salts barbiturlc acid and its salts and derivatives and methampheta mine and Its salts It provides that persons dcal ing in these drugs must be ll oaosed and must keep special refords on their distribution and la The cabinet to issue rou htfons coveringnthe manufac turc sale Importation trans portation delivery or other deal Ing In the controlled drugs It will also spell out what records are to be kept and who is ell gjblo for licence The mcasure sets iiua up to $500 for violation of thc regu latiops The controlled drugs are sold under medical prescription as tranquilllzers stimulants or de pressants However they have also turned up in abiack market trade as goofballs which are combined with soft drinks or al cohol to give uscrs lift or Intoxicated feeling Freedom Riders Continue Revolt JACKSON Miss AP Selt ventean morotsogregntlon do tying Freedom Elders go on trial In city court today amid reports fifth group would leave soonfor Jackson in an attempt to crack the deep southelim Crow barriers In Forest Park Pa the Riders chief coordinator Mar vin Rich of New York said bus trip would he made to Jackson from New Orleans to day or tomorrow Meanwhlle 22 Freedom Rid ers who were convicted here in Miss pnis capital city on brea of peace charges last Friday were itansferred today to the countyvpenal farm to workofftlieir Smiines at the rate of $3 day Fiva others posted bond earlier and were released The 17 newlyarrested rid ers laylnegroes andfour whi tes go on trial on the same charges as the other 27 Four separalegroups of rid ers attempting to dosegregate bus terminals through the south have arrived in Jackson since last Wednesday GROUP ARRESTED No bus loads arrived from MontgomeryAla Members of the groups were arrested after entering white waiting rooms and falling to obey police or ders to leave Sunday two more groups ar rived one Jrom Montgomery and the other form Memphis Both came from Nashville The MmphistoNew Orleans bus group seven negrnes and two whims was arrested dur ing the morning Eight more six ncgrocs and two whites we re arrested upon arrival In the aftcrnoon One of the latter contingent did not participate loathe test and was not arrest Arrests were made after po lice told them Youll have to move on They didnt budge In Montgomery scene of bloo dy rioting May 20 the riders used white rest room facilities and attempted to use the lunchraomvfacilities hoth whi to and negro but they were closed No attempts were ma de to arrest them VSAl ATV WHITECOUNTER Eleven integratiouists were arrested at the same bus sta tion last Thursday when they sat at whitelunch cormter Police In Montgomery and Bir mingham were called into fe deral court today criminal chargejvas pending against them only justice depart ment demand for an injunction to prevert them in the future from showing race rioters to lntIerfere with interstate tra ve US district judge Frank Johnson Jr issued similar restraining order nine days ago against the Ku IGuxKlan Johnson was to determine to day whether to continuethat order The justice department blamed thoKlan for the racial violence anrsaidv the law en forcement of Birmingham and Montgomery had not properly protected in interstats passen

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