ammumnarrurmmo SPORTS TYPE LIKE THE TIMES When it comes to diamond sports In Barrie softball is it and basehali is what once was Why Where have the boseballers gone so where do the softballers come from Weve heard some reasons why baseball has died Main reason were toidis the site of the games The Fdll Grounds Despite the fact few people walk block anymore everyone drives the Fair Grounds is considered In outoftheway spot This spot will draw only for special events were told Weve found this to be true Barrie Exhibition seems to be popular Special diamond events such as Donkey Baseball and touring clubs have drawn there Soccer used to draw quite well at Queens Park Since moving to the Fair Grounds even with an im proved brand in improved leagues it doesnt do worth lick Now that weve settled the Why and strayed little heres our answer to where the basebailers go and where the softbailers come from One example should do it One club in the Barrie and District Senior Softball League has no less than five baseballersi All of the five Dori Johnston Lou Morrow Frank Rawn John Christie and Jimmy Ed wards are stars at the bigger diamond game Softball is certainly an easier and faster game Condiitoning is not as essential as it is or baseball softball squad can go an entire season with but one starting pitcher It may have another around Just in case No baseball club can operate success fully in the same circumstances We contribute this wholesale switch in games to the times People want to work fewer hours for more dollars Ballplayers want to play game that provides certain amountof recreation that demands little strain JUST NOTES The weatherman started his spoil ing season early The Thursdayvtllt between Mine slng and RCAF Camp Borden was washedout as was the girls softball game at Queens between Var coe Willows and Hillcrest Monarchs It wasnt raining last night as thiscolumn was being written but it was too dang cold to even think ball The soccer fellows are taking day of today to watch the International stars in Toronto If weather conditions are half right Stewarts Lunch will play the BDSSL AllStars at Queens this evening at 730 Pm DeanLeods ii llTlf uouonro Opl Brown was we rented the Lawson Memorial Twth as the ouistandlng athlete in the hoyal Cano Harvey Mulling Over New Lure New York Ups flute For Service MONTREAL CPlNew York Rangers have tossed out more attractive lure to Doug Harvey Hes going to spend the week end mulling it over before mak4 ing any moves This much emerged from Fri days developments in bid No by the Rangers to land Harvey as piaycncoach with the Na tional Hockey League club Harvey by telephone fold general manager Muzz Pairick of Now Yorkbe will reply Mon day to lhelatest offer The wyearold defence star oi seasons with Montreal Ca nadians made no reference to terms in disclosing the new of fer here But Patrick said in New York that it called for three year contract He didnt specify for how much but he said the amount was more than New York offered earlier Harvey earlier turned down the Ranger offer of twoyear contract providing what was understood to be the same yearly salary Montreal paid in 2ka Tori obich mix Warren Is Closing In On Coveted 300 Wins By no mists Associated Press staff Writer beating Los Angeles Dodgers but if it wasnt for the Dodgers he might be seven over the 00 mark When Spalin beat the Dodgers 102 at Milwaukee Friday night it was his second decision over Los Angeles this season and the Md Victory of his 17 year career in the National league Eui it also marked the first lime in 10 years he has won two in one season from the Dodgers the only club with lifetime edge 3115 over the Braves superb southpaw At the moment the onear old master has 643 winning dial Armored Corps School Presentation was made by Col lllilroy DSO CD atihe annual sports banquet at camp Borden teams in the league And if he caidd have replaced Iliat Dodgers iinx with something like the success hes had against the oLher clubs Spahns career rccord against the Dodgers would be 3047 not 1681 That would gin him 307 victories overall Patricksald Friday that sal The dam is Annes percentage against theollicr six Warren the Wonder Spahn is just seven shyof the charmed softyictory level today alter two were home runs Frank 43 WARREN SPAIIN In virtual tie for second place with Pittsburgh Piraics druhbed 12 by the Cardinals at St Louis San Francisco Giants padded their lead by full game with 32 victory over Chicago Cubs in 13 innings ary had never been point of contention with Harvey UPS ANTE ANYWAY But New York had decided to up the ante anyway in the hope of offsetting any worries Har vey might have about leaving his business interests here All this touched olf rampant SenatOrs Not Pigeons Now speculation about the amount involved The guesses ranged from $25000a yearali the wild way to piccc of Madison Square Garden With the Habs Doug earned reported 522500 season Part of the deal would involve player caniribulion to linol real by the Rangers By ED WILKS Alloclaied Preu Staff erier Washington Senators and Los Angeles Angels were labelled couple of pigeons when they started the season as new enA tries in the expanded American League But the Senators and the An gels are the only two clubs to beat Prank Lary the right hander who leads the majors with seven victories for first place Detroit Tigers The Angels did it Friday night making the most of three unearned runs and tiebreak ing double by Earl Averill for 54 decision over the Tigers at Los Angeies That trimmed Detroits lead But Cnnodlens spokesman said nameswould be discussed only after Harvey agrees to sign with the Rangers if he does Patrick said business and personal reasons are what has kept Harvey reticent about signing Doug has five children and he says they dont likeI the idea of leaving Mont rea Top Cash Winners cant Afford to three games over idle Cleve land and hoisted the Angels out of the cellar halfgame ahead of Chicago White Sox Washington won til only other game played in the AL Angels Cleveland Chicago New York and BostonBaltimore The Angels collected nioo hits off Lary who struck out six and twice came from behind before Ken Hunt singled and came across on Averills double in the eighth Ryne Duren relieving starter Ronnie Kline aftcr Rocky Cola vitos tworun homer had tied it in the seventh blanked the Ti gers without hit over the last innings for his first Vch tory in four decisions Dureu struck out Al Kallno and Cold vlto after putting the tying run on base with one out in the ninth Norm Cash drove in Detroits first two runs with singles in the first and third innings The Angels scored one in the first on irlple by Leon Wagner and single by Ted Kluszewski and then went ahead with the three unearned runs in the sixth The Pbiladclpia Cincinnati game was postponed because of cold liens mfli until5n Spahn 53 nailed his sixih complete game while allowing SEIBDJIII three of them bunt singles The IIIIIvalaCe Braves backing Spahn with four double plays also had seven hits but Thomas hit the mo of his career tworun jolt and the other was solo shot by flank Aaron who was saved by his plastichelmet when hit by pitch by ioser Stan Wililonis lava Ken Boyer after going is games without driving in run for the Cardinals hit pair of homers and collected six RBI against the Bucs He hit threerun shot that wrapped it up in the first Inning against Bob Friend 55 who now has last five in row as starter The Pirates had 10 hits lust one less than St fouls but gave up five unearned runs on six er rors Souihpaw Curt Simmons 24 won it pitching his first complete game on the eighth lry The Giants scored pair of unearned runs in the 13th off reliever Don Elston 54 for their sixth in row over the Orbs Harvcy uenn drove in run for 11 in the eighth inning thcn singled home the lead run The clincher scored on an error by outfielder Billy Garraway Wants Cancel Contract NEW YORK fAPiDavo Gib rowny raid Friday he is leaving NBCa early morning television show Today Gonowsy to top fV fig uro for dozen years and mu ier of ceremonies on the Today show said that now that he faces the responsibility of hringlt ing up family of three chil dren alone feel must be come belier man His wife Pamela died April 28 of an overdose of sleeping pills leaving him with his daughter Paris 17 by ore lous maniage her son by previous marriage Michael la and their son David Cunning ham Garmwcy Jr ROLLS SIMPSON 24 Hour Service Williams Sum Jones 43 won in his firstrelief job of ihe THANK YOU On behalf of the Barrie Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Teenage Safe Driving Roadcc committee would like to thank the following for their generosity during our recent Bonded PA 81659 Barrie Dangerfield Motors Ltd Imperial Oil Ltd Harris Alli Electric Lid Warago Bench Speedway Devlibiss Canada Ltd Park Motors Barrie Ltd If Kramer Motors Ltd Cooke Cartape and storage Ltd The Crowe Co Ltd Keirin of Canada Ltd Texaco Canada Ltd Savoy Motors Buy cliy Molorr Ltd Torgil Automotive Ltd CARSON Chairman To Quit TouILI or Golf Matches NEW YORK CP GIIIIS Playtr wont play in Puorlo cash rewards havc become so Rico But Palmer and Player beating the old Senators now the Minnesota Twins to Rain android weatherrknocked out the other gamesKansas City Camp Borden Run CAMP sononn Private Dean led Camp Bordens Royal Canadiar Army Service Corps School Diamond Iuiiilee team to capture the individual and team championships dur ing the Central Command lympic cross country run at Camp Borden Friday ilop sprinters In Calif Relay MODESIO Calif Some of the worlds top sprint men including Harry Jerome of Vancouver were entered in the loftyard dash of the Ca fornia relays tonight and offi cials looked for new world marks for this and other events Besides Jerome who runs for the University of Oregon the entries in the 100 included Ja maican Dennis Johnson of San JuseState College Roscoe Cook of Oregon and Charlie fidwell ex Kansas flash and 1060 champion of the United States Nat nal Collegiate Athletic As sociation All have equalled the world record of 93 seconds for the 100 Jerome tied it at Oregon week ago Johnson has tied the mark four times this season and faces his toughest compel on tonight Both the Jamaican and Slone Johnson 115 Olympian have run windaided 920 this season However the Americnn sent word Friday he would not come in Modesto for the event heceuse of pulled muscle The pole vault featured Olympic champion Don Bragg and Oklahoma States George Daviesy For scoring total points counted against each team The RCASC School tallied 405 the Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment team groin Ipper wash representing Western 0n lario Area 410 and Eastern Ontario Areas Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical En gineers team from Kingston came third with 110 points Pte Deans time was 30 minutes 55 seconds to cover the 49mile course which zig ragged through the heart of this military camp trunners to ateam the indi dual order of win was 15f Pie DeanRCASC School an Pie Me Leod ECR 8rd UCpl Bennette RCR 4th Pte Balentyne RCASC Scboo Pte Preeper DT MR oth UCp Williams EUR 70 Cpl Caplan RCASC School 8th Pie Maholt rich Pie Johnson Pte Weller and Pte Pa ris Al all from RCASC School tied The Olympic cross country run is an annual event and was great that leading moneyWln ners of the game cant afford to risk suspension from the tour ing trail to represent their coun tries in one of the worlds out standing international competi tiops Canada lost veteran Stan Leonard of Vancouver Friday when he withdrew from the Canada Cup ma clie under threat of suspension by the United States Professional Golf ers Association Arnold Palmer of the 05 and Gary Player of South Africa also dropped out Al Johnston of Montreal was named to replace Leonard and join Al Balding of Toronto as Canadas representatives at the matches to start at Doradc Beach Puerlo Rico next Thurs day= Johnston and Balding were eliminated Friday at the mid way point of the $50000 500 Festival open in Indianapolis Leonard was still in the run ning The with resulted from hassle between the In ternalional Golf Association and the PGA and sponsors of next weeks Memphis Open over which tournament had prior claim to the players WONT TURN UP Memphis won out to the ex won last year by Battalion tent that leopard Palmer and Royal Canadian Regiment BARRIEL GOVERNMENT SURPLUS STORE boss or Plan06 BEAuTirIlL 21958 RENAULT DAUPHINE SEDAN June 14 Palmer and Player said they will not turn up at Memphis Tenn Palmer is going home to Ligonier Pa for rest and Player is going fish ing Fan regulation binding on all players eligible for tourna ments on the regular tour spelt cifies that tournament winners of the past year and those in the top 25 money winners cant skip PGA cosponsored tournamentto play in an un sponsored event wiliiout permis sian Memphis officials refused to release the three for the Can ada Cup or others who wished to play in proamateur next week at Odessa Tex Under the circumstances we cannot afford to accept thepen alty of six months suspension forvpartieipating in the Canada Cup matches in Puerlo Rico said in joint statement Jimmy Demaiet was chosen to replace Palmer onthe US Canada Cup team GOLF DRIVING RANGE GUTHRIE FAIRWAYS No 11 Highway North of 51h Line outline om Parking LACK OF LEG NOT Ii HANDICAP TORONTO CF Ari Il year old boy who was told sports were out for him after cancer cost him his left leg two years ago is the most ardent sports competitor in neighbourhood Bruce LeGrow is the catcher on suburban North York peewee baseball team And in season he leaves his crutches and takes part in football soc cer hockey archery basket ball horseback riding swim min diving and boxing can do everything an other kid with two legs con do except maybe run the 100year dash he says Ready to live in Ready to live IIIl home wa ironi nunmi Complete galley dininK and sleeping or six Large euphout windows roof vents Self contained iighll water ice box eic Toilet and shower nllnble Curtnm ï¬tted to your moi Insulated for your roirnd comfort Lightest sturdiest Lumen sturdicst coach made due to waged ix craft type construction ugi built for reclslon and ecolt nomy linuan and d1 mounts in 15 minutes Ai umlnuin exterior painted to match truck ran an pick ups Including new low campm VHOOEY Sleep and Live in Roomy comfort 112 100 LIFETIME GUARANTEE for original owner Four blnchliodeil Priced to rill your holiday budget Send for Fm fact filled folderr FOR INSPECTION or out CUSTOM coacn son Cmm °F PA 60137 SUNNIDALE an mm 51 SUMMER COTTAGE SPECIALS orrr AND SllALLOW LIFTS cERTICAL TAN MODE FOR HOMES mums MOTELS ETC CONVERTIBLE DEEP AND sifiALLow WELLI APPROX SHIPPING VGImT vii LBS TANK SIZE oussungr lo GALS IMPORTANT Please Specify Correct Model Number when Orderfn All obcve price quotes are shipping charges extra non nouns FARMS lucran arc ET PUMP For all lif designed to SYSTEM RETAIL PRICE EDNSTIIIIDTION 617 L127 sndrntsiesmiefrï¬mtw Midland Penetang Elmvale Phone Zenith iiiao gr Charge BLACK nimble wrrii conmAsrrNG LIGHT TAN MERIOREQUDPED WITH WHITE WALL more AND RADIO VOUII PRICE rusr OTHER osmns rnrca time of and 173 Compiet with allon tank l1 motor andgsutp matic controls deep well kit foot valve Convert Your PailADuy TOIIOI System NOW ELINIINATE ooouns No VISIBLE SEWAGE TAIrrs ONLY nuuurrs To CONVERT To FLUSH TollET svsrrzri SIMPLY nnMOvs roux onesnm sowr naeLAcaern 933 a4 CONVERSION UNIT MoosLisoo Comes Complete with all using liliistrated Above Len The Septic Tank Ready To Install $5995 $9500 LuM INGANo HEATING DEPT zNo noon SUPPLIES sLoG Including in is Plywood COMPLETE WITH SEPTIC TANK AND INSTALLATION KIT USED cAn wr lilIIIEliIileutuonlnsnn