Church Offers Much But Asks Much Too By Rev IL RIDDEL church St Giles It is hard to arrive at gene rai iigure tor attendance at churdr tinny iactora entertntr the picture but taking an aver age at the people attending ti church servi throughout it your one wo rind that shot two persons per Iamlly alte church on Sunday This again not general but the result oi survey at one particular churr and represents the total atte dance at all seviees on So day The weather color can have marked significanco on diurt attendance wet Sunday spring or summer can reduce the attendance at church as much 50 per cent Likewise snowy Sunday in winter can have the same eiieci One rea lises that there are thoexcep tions but oneatao accepts the fact that regardless oi the wee thcr conditions the ialthlul will come as usual Speclnl occasions esuvall guest speakers and unusual con diticns have marked innuen co oi the attendance at church During World War it It was sound that on national Days oi prayer churches were titled with pic earnestly seeking Gods mp in the national emergency People tool they have on ohliga tion to attend at Christmas Esa tor and perhaps Whitsunday So me are more concerned with the expression at iami training andsemnkoaneorttoco me to church on Mothers Day and Fathers Day MOTIVATION Regardless ot the occasion the main reason for church al tondnnce la motivation in other words what motivates to come to church regular And another question that might be asked lswhat makes them come only occasionally What motivates people to co mo to church The answer to this would iiil many volumes but let us think on some oi the motives There are those who come to church because their up bringing Aa chlidren they we re reared in the khowladge Ind nurture oi the Lord They were brought to church by their pa rents they rat together in the ramily ow they attended lun dny no as well as church and were exposed to the Gospel in this way These people grew into knowledge til Christ in this way and had no specific moving experience but they knew that they on in Christ REV I1 RIDDEL them and new they have pan ed it on to their children course there are those who hav one through all this and now on they have children oi their own the refuse to make them go to urch or Sunday School because the were ma do to and the ore will not compo lhelr children valid argument No one was aver compelled to come into his Kingdom or God God ave to man that little piece divin ity which allows him to make his own choice either to do right or do wrong The trouble is that we uunily do wrong An other thing that is lorgottan is that in having the right to make our choice we also have the res ponsibilih oi answering to the choice we made LOVE OF 001 Then there are those who come to church because of the compelling love of God who thmtiglr His son Jesus Christ was pericct God and periect man but nevertheless was pres ent in the synagogue ovary sab bath day The example chritit was such that He needed the fellowship of the church the communty oi believers to ot ter up corporate worship praise and thanksgiving The church has something to oller these people but ilrrt than is some thing they must do themselves They niust give thentselves be fore they can receive How many people have we knowa who say of church going really got nothing out or going to church sortable holy and living seal ice Aahaabeensatdoise cuter organiuuons You only get out what you put into it GROWING IN FAITH People conic regularly to church because they have grown and are growing into thelaith oi Jesus mist or have been turned around and converted to Christ People come occasional because although grounded in elalth their Iatih and spirit ual obligations have been crowd ed out by the world the Data and the devu and occasionally they become aware or their ob ligations on great lastivai Habit Is teature We get into the habit at not go ing to church What has the chug to oilch etc are many an glimmwfpi ouree inciltlds the Chris an believer in Christ 133 the modem which cornea item the service ot mist in this which will never fail When trial and ditilculty oomea our way there is the stream and stay uphoténg all creation in the minister is the mo souls when problems can be heard and help and strength given to race the world MUCH TO OFFER thing to otter Nevertheless we have in our time been too anxious to list the comforts and benefits which are available from the church Remember that the church la the Body 01 Christ and at such there are many trials 00 he met and diffi culties to be overcome never hid His wounds to win disciple Here is the challenge to our time Here is the aharpening stone on which to sharpen our swords We tear atomic bombs Hbomba Edmonton war an all the rest Those no longer be come tears when having become Christiana and accepted the challenge oi Christ we are lit tod iorthe battle by the Holy Spirit and in the community of the church and isliowshlp of Christs people we fear no evil for Thou art with me Thy rodendsteittocomlortm The Salvation Army Citadel at Center Street Sr Captain The answer to tlllt is What have you put into the church service when you were there We must give ourselves our This constancy has stayed with aoulsandbodioatotnarca Curious Cults Strange Sects The most recent religious hook to arrive at Barrie Library is Marcus Bachs Strange Scots and Curious Guile This book deals with ancient religions such an Baalism Osirvsm Voodnoism and their attitude toward sex and life Alter presenting wailra aearched momentary on there Mr Bach deals Willi Father Divine and various other con science cults iltia done he WELL SAID Let it not be behaved that man has an anxiety complex because he still has traces of his animal otlgin indeed an lmaleldt to themselves never have anxieties They have nat ural tears which are good but they have no euiective anxrstiea Birds do notdevelop psycho air about whether theynhouid take winter trip to California or Florida An animal never becomes lgsjflrfnualttlsinhut man can us cause man is composite of both spirit and matter Fulton VJ SheenPeace of Soul at Graduates Win Scholarships TORONTO Cict Athione scholarships for portgraduate work at Cambridge Universi have been awarded to live tin versity oi Toronto atudents All five took the engineering phys ics course in the latth ol sp plied sclencefnnd eng caring The students are Roger Jones Toronto John Earn ahaw Ottawa William RIy son llaiieyhury Roberta Rm den Stoncy Creek and 101 Davison Tomato The Athlone scholarships cover travel costs subsistence allowances tuition textbooks and several other expenses for period of two years RULED BLAMELESS AliMONTE CPA coroners jury Thursday night ruled there WBS noneglrgence on the part 01 CPR employees on freight train that collided with ntruck ktiung its three occupants two miles north of thistown May to II evemro cldentr were Robert McPhail 01 his dataghterinrlaw GEOIIIE provides an outline oi the rolls ions practrces or Doukhobors Mormonns nutteritem and oth era The book appears directed to laymen and is easily understood Mr Bach possesses the lost art of making research readable In his section on Father God Divine Den of the Un iverse Mr Bach states that thDSe who have been reborn take their vows one at which is oeliba For as any eager zealot wt tell you When you grodpaiiy born agaiosox 15 CHANGE NAMES ln describing Father Divines followers further Mr Bach writa Coupled with the change to lifes direction loan other unique religious practice the angele change their names to show they have been re horn Mortal monikera like he had John and give way to MilletJoy Jorep John of Meekness and Lighl and Faith iul Mary There are others Honey Bee Love rma Light Glory Sun Pearhr later have Dove Violet Ray SmiteThe Whrie George Noah Franicness David Peace and thousands more JAMPACKED This book is lampaclted with intormation on tar select ion of cults sects an hirer re lotion to olnirtianity The au thor concludes by saying that every religion is based upon this quest each has discovered somethin each has contribut ed soni and each has lul Iiiled something in mans urge to worshi no matter how may seem to yo or to me UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP 0F BARRI 945 am School of Religion srs mm Subjeot ONE ASPECT or MENTAL HEALTH TREACIleNT Spenker Mrs MaoDONALD TO an new AT nanan strange an curious that worship and ran outlast Coral ouieere suNoAr snnvrona 11 Ian and son Sundsy School ME and welcome awaits you LUTHERAN cuuncu or THE coco SHEPHERD Steel St Oil Hwy REV MILAN RAREL PA 01681 1100 amt DIVINE WORSHIP Sunday School Mt am The Church of Ws This Is The We SOCIETY no common sr Services Sunday School amt ANCIENT AND MODERN NEC ROMANCY ALIAS MESMER ISM AND mum DENOUNOED Reading Room on premisas Wed 24 pan an are welcome putad atgl ing aréas world It otters that anchor dune has many ARE rei times to serve families wholive in the surround nmnnnnorls Quality In Altenddne Ne lOliilM TOPIC theRellgiousFonnniniuat feet at conï¬ne cm race last weekandtwoineal clerv gyrnen have written Does clean shirt prove that onthaaamaaubjectiormia thewearerlscleanrolonuru mm not the fellow in not have Ihisiorurnlswtosli nndaibathior Arcabin under nunHoar it you log ahoaa evidence that the have an ionic you would wearer scene in toenails nutty like to eiled vial trimmed and his oornroaretui adviseuandweahaubavs lyparodl Not at ailriiapcdel an article preï¬xed Layman are warned to contribute to this torum and we would like to see articlu expressing the lay point or view Sub to he treated in follow editions will be Church Attendance Christ tan Ill Bin Hell and Heaven page is open to suggestion and all come po aaco mould he address ed to the Editor SOLDIERS 10 OAIIIER TORONTO CPIMora than 3000 members and former members oi the tilth Highland era of Canada are expected to 24 Collier Street Next to the Post Office MJNIIY SUNDAY MINITVS PAIRDNAD FESTIVAL I00 am Iton mandates 010 marFAMILY SERVICE The Rev Wflllti Sunday Idlinol and Nursery rroa urtmeme maven rm one Wright rrro pan Pilgrimage to cathedral 700 pmRVINIONO he luv dlm rotor or coo stews All are Welcome gt THE BARRIE REFORMED CHURCH Cornelia Sons Minister Phone PA 01014 SUNDAY MORNING 1010 SERVICE OF WORSHIP The Minister Preaching 1000 SUNNY schoor non CHILDREN To be held in St James church at Grown Hill YOU ARE WEIEOME EIRST curlsnan EFORMED CHURCH St Vincent Street CHRISTIAN SCIENCE km Gamma mm Plrone PA Mm 157 Shank Bay Road 930 earnSunday School 1030 Itev lac usuaabroek English 100 Rev no Oeurebroei Dutch The comb or secure too flour Radio Prom nnrsnvrrmaN CHURCH SERVICE in JOHNSON sr surreal STUDENT MINISTER tan terminals may still be h5g4 ically neglected acts of church attendance con ridered in isolation irom every thing else prove nothing res peat NOTHING church titled with cantankerous rcoundrelaor nandiui or con rocrated Christians we didnt any that the churches are fiued with scoundrcls tankarvus odor Altar all cour age has its limits and ours her very definite limits But when the question is gut in that form it reminds us like the glorious whoppera that statistics can tell IMPBASLS ON NUMBERS attend the 70th anniversary re the emphasis on numbers or union ceremonies here June the sake oi numbers is deng hector It currentr mule Mr James Perrle ILA can nor monlmw Wonsrnr one arrr suanv scnoor even YONE Welcome Â¥MYWCA lot Furihcr Maturation CRIS PA WW By theaame tells the hero Whidristobepnlcrreda much less car are are no lies THE AGLICAN CRC or CANADA DIODES OF TORONTO as Cook Street The Rev Bidder Th TRINITY SUNDAY 000 am HOLY COMMUNION AM CHURCH SCHOOL AM BIBLE CLASSES Young People 1100 AM MORNING PRAYER Nursery and Kindergarten urns How colrMUNrfli 100 wuIVBNING maven new COMMUNION nu um and new to use it Iloo lngpflhiMliNicANfl oLaas Adulte Everyone Welcome THE ALLIANCEICHURCH Relay and on Streets George Ross Pastor 945 amSrrnday School 1100 munMorning worship 700 ElsiEvangelistic Service Roman Catholic 51 MARYS cannon as MASTER IT pa szsss SUNDAY MASSES agar am 1015 In treeon EVENING DEVOIIONS Sunday pm Wednesday at 100 Our Mother or Perpetual Help NOVBIIIL mar mallet MABSRB 780 and 13 sun 00 pan Corner Burton Ave alter erous thing We gloat over our NW mum We appear mesmeriaed by multiplying memberships This is an un healthy preoccupation or many reasons This preoccupation Ls the breeding ground or flabby oom £91335 flragu The Rt Rev II wllkhrson MM MA 110 LlD Lord Bishop at Toronto TRINITY CHURCH Church of St Giles sr creases mm Burton Avenue at Granville Sheet aruï¬rv ragweed elrrnrtilrlizl 000 eta Holy Communion Corporate Communion or Ll newly Conï¬rmed and received rename by breakfast In the Phil HAIL in IanYOUNG PEOPLES Brash unless mullMORNING PRAYER rr Congregndon and church School rimcry clan in th Rector Irating noon DlaIVININO PRAYER la Invite you to earn and worminin or FIRST Pastor Miss Elsie Cloughley Director of Marie 10 10 Sunday church School ii min MOURNERS pm QUITE messyrealm ESSA ROAD PRESSYTERIAN CHURCH In Allsndale oNs SERVIOEONLY IN KING EDWARD SCHOOL BURTON AVENUE Trr rum rsth DURING enoonnss CGIT on new nurnnmos II om SERVICE Behold Stand At an Door and Kindergarten tram in Bethany House snfnrinnrwls Ciillltifli ec1nseapmand0 Primary Departmmt 0d Chilidr Stth Meet Bdfllm Hence 946 am Junior senior YP King Edward School VISITORS is NEW mama pm in Bottleny Horus llzutvANNIvrnsaRv SERVICES Prolessor or Homllotice McGtII dryersity Guest Soloist Mr Wishert Campbell WHAT MAKES Guest nrmnterrrne rm Rtichie as an an Presbyterian College Montreal 29 WE NUI It Why didnt Jamcali at disc chaise lnateld of Just in Surely tile ocuiod tragedllguund another nun He really pack un in at The Last sup per in the upper room talked of celebrating it with mere handful Who knows laidgs hay anything toludo prc erence of to Quantity Worth about isnt it mltuixs allylrrhenlgvega aer us and edged ourselves that we will be satisï¬ed with nothing less than both quality and quantity in our church only then will we have the right tothmw our hate in the air and shout Praise the Lord the churches are an Try an mariner Want Ad enoNr pa cure QZollIri St Elmer Cljiliti tIIIrHII uni 11 In CENTRAL UNITED run mow cannon wrmmn one away BAPTIST CHURCH Clapperton at Worrlcy It Gordon Walker ntnssno Ann ran arc YOUNG rooms Manama ALMOSTBUT N01 itiilttoli liliiititlii UNITED CHUitc Rev it Trinohle one no Mr George Jamteron organist The Friendly Church the warm welcome 1100 an marl cost or DISOIPLESHIP suNnav SCHOOL Arno Beginners and Norcry at vrstrons wnncour eta ni=rAMrry ulnar ecnoon manner To one HUItCtt PICTURE concern roman ones 3am IAIUIDAY KAY Ill Rosary Bally is lit Midland This Sunday onanttuabcva mm Tiseannuddistrict Family Ros Paradeaadkaily wigammdtha our InlaOotinciictthe iloi umblutnrwmunmdul de year erk Midland Sunday commencing at pm Daytint Saving Time Representade lrorn the rlanea oi Panstanguimaoo Mld land Perkinslield Wsuhau item Lalontnine Purl 14ch cell Segre Hammers cxpec part his of Columbus Councils of Bar rie Orllllh dud mtenham will also be represented Rev Joseph oNuloi St Jo sephs church Seaverton will be the guest speaker SELL RUSSIA PLANT MOSCOW ReuterslA Brit iah iirrn Vichers Limited an nounced Friday it has sold to Ruaaia 20000000 $11200000 plant to produce nyinn The plant which will turn out in dustrial yarn and tire cord will have capacity of more than 6000 tone year UNITED CHURCH or CANADA Minister Rev Skelly MA 3D Organist and chairmqu 10in Mord am service Broldcast over One TRINITY SUNDAY BEWARE OF THE SHAMROCK CHURCH SCHOOL years and over 000 nun Up to at 00 In Visitors and Ncwoomers To City wame Welcomed Toronto and Ron 8mm REV CECIL BRENN BA ED MR IRELAND RMl errmm and Chemist 1100 am MR rims storm srrtaonAN CENTRAL UNITED MISSIONAR rns IN TRAINING FOR armour CHURCH SCHOOL 04 inns Years Androvar 1100 emsUp To Years 710PM WILLOWDALI VUNITED CHURCH swarms ennui seiner 1000aln memo wonsnre remnant ounsxrnnrnnon or GOD MR ATKINSON Minister armies sUrroor AT 10 aim NEW cannon snnvmo New memor svneronn welcome earr151 ll AM PRESENTATION on THE WORK