salsaconsonants jloCapital beam 01 Citizenship snows nosr PROGRESS Marilyn Ann Graham of RR Barrie graduated from the oncyear Mocdonald institute diploma course in home econ omics received the Macdons SIMCOE country News year aid institute price for show ing the most progress in food preparation during lhu pIst Miss Graham received news or STROUD The Red Cross collection for the Stroud district was $275 an increase of 24 per cent over last year The collection was direct ed by Mrs Wallncqnnd Mrs Cook who expressed their grateful thanks to those who made the collection as well as to those who contributed Mr and Mrs Charles Crobcr have announcedrthe birth of daughter May 19 Don Wallace has begun the construction of his new resid ence and motel located just south of the rouroom VMED HEAD GIRL Janet Ayarst was voted head girl in Barrie Central Collag iata This position is pchiaved because of academic standards athletic leadership school octivrtles and executive work and cooperation with and respect for the staff and other students This honor last came to student from Stroud in 1951 when Don McLean was elected head boy Mr and Mrs George Mulhol land and Mr and Mrs Walter Shultz attended the 25th wcd ding anniversary oi Mr and Mrs Wallace Pattenden Bar rie May Dick Lowry Saskatoon flew down to Ontario on business He was pleased to spend the Moth ers Day weekend with Mr and Mrs Harold Wallace parents of his good friend Ross Wal lace with whom he had worked in Western Canada Despite heavy rain many par ents and friends from this dis trict attendedythe 61st annual inspection and physical educa tion display Thursday evening at the arena Barrie it was colorful display of vitality pie clsinn and excellent training Cadet Ross Campbell Stroud was the battalion commandermt the platoon that won the Maiui Rodgers Trophy Mr and Mrs Jocelyn Guest and baby made the fourneyito Stroud from Nova Scotla in two days to attend the funeral of Mrs GuestsJather Mr Madle After 44 years in posts sar vico Harvey Reive nativeof Churchill and who has been District Director afPostal Ser ce retired May160ur local post office was included work Harvey is great uncle of Mrs Dan McNabb otDwight Nelson The front of th Community Bell has had its faceilfted due to the planting of several shrubs gift from Mr and Mrs Ronald F0 localflorists EUCHRE WINNERS The oldtimers were on hand again on May 22 to trytheir luck at cards First prises went to Mrs Hutchinson Black Second prize winners were Mrs Mniholland and Ferguson Mr and Mrs Mc Nahb captured the third prises Due to the hall being used for another purpose on May 29 there will not be euchre held The next euchre will be on June Victoria Day which was in stigated 125 years agewas en joyed in our chmmunity by the exploding of fireworks quiet time at the cottage an afternoon at baseball tournament gardlt ening and som attended the horse races Ma faraiers just stayed home and got on with the seeding The call of flatterUp once morerings out in the park as four local teams get underway with the seasons fun and rec reation The iuvoniie team coached by Rod Block will prac tice and have games Tuesday and Thursday evenings The Bantams with Stewart Fisher as coach havc the park Thurs day and Saturday Tho Pecwees under the leadership of Harold Robertson have games and practice Wednesday evening The girls team coached by Murray Amos have the park every Monday at parts crowd of 75 parents and youngsters were on hand in the local park on tho evening of Victoria Dnytu see splendid display of fireworks which were sponsored by the recreation committee of the hall board Everyone enjoyed the fun and friendliness or huge campfire gt Bert Mniholland won second prize at Tottenham Recreation Centre Amateur Night Thursday evening when beplayed Gra hams Hornpipe or his violin ANNIVERSARY Theiresbyterian Church was decorated with spring blooms and foliage for the 52nd anni versary services conducted by Rev Ross Adams Barrie as sisted at the evening service by Rev Fred Jackson and Rev Bell The choir under the lead ership of Mrs Walker of Bar rie added much to the services with their solos and anthems Former members and old friends returned to worship and to visit in the community They took away pleasant memories of the days events and friend ships renewed Mr and Mrs Rod Black spent Sunday with friends in Brace bridge Mrs Herb Wallace has re turned to her home here after spending the winter in Barrie with her sister Miss Boake Mr and Mrs George Hunter returned last week from Miami where they spent the winter Mrs Hunter is leaving shortly for twoweek visit with her mother in Scotland Mr and Mrs Ralph Banting and family ofSt Catharine spent Sunday with Rev and Mrs Jackson Last Wednesday afternoon TV viewers from here saw Kathy Fox and Doreen Hunter from Stroud give demonstra tion on Flower Arranging They were representing the 4H Club from the Stroud WI The funeral service of the late George Spearin of Toronto was held Monday in Tomato with interment in Stroud Cemet ery Mr and MrsSpearin the former Sadie Givens were for hhyer residents of this commun Mrs Wilson Hurst is in the Western Hospital Toronto suf faring from broken leg asthe result ofnfail at her3horne1en Sunday Mrs Spence and Norman Pal mer visited Toronto friends Sun day Guests at the home of Mrand Mrs Campbell at the weekend were Mrsb e1 Foster and Mrs PearleNichoi son North Bay Mrs Grace Wilson Toronto Mrs Clifford Ross Richmond Hill The guests also attended the reception held in honor of Mrs Campbeliby members of the Order of the Eastern Star COSTS LESS AT VIAU MOTORS LTD 17 GOWAN HUB PA Milli her award from Dr Graham no relationship dc puty minister of agriculture for Ontario MINESING Mr and Mrs Gian Bellby and family apant Sunday withMiss Beryl Park of Toronto Miss Helen Johnston of Toron to wealth weekend with her parents Mia Nancy Dumford of Tor onto spent the weekend at her home WILLIAM PRIEST lifelong resident of this community for all but three years William rieIt pasled away at the Royal Victoria Hos pital on Saturday May Re is survived by his wilea daught er two sons and brother John Priest to whom we extend our sincere sympathy At the Mothers Day acrylics in the United Church Sunday Rev John Robinson administer ed holy baptism to RobertMel ville son of Mr and Mrs Mel ville Priest and also to ElizaA beth Ann daughter of Mr and Mrs Donald Shelp The choir were assisted by Miss Dianne Pratt of Barrie who rendered two solos Mrs Walter Middletonand Mrs Guthrie and daughters via ited Mr and Mrs Mel Priest on Sunday We extend our sincere sym pathy to Mrs Ward and family of Edenvale in the sudden pes sing oi William Ward Sunday May interment took place in Minesing Union Cemetery Mr and Mrs Irvin Johnston attended Mothers Day service in Central United Church Bar rie when their grandson Irvin Stewart son of Mr and Mrs William Johnston was baptiied by Rev Brena rorrennhmï¬ The De La Salle Band from Toronto stopped in town Satur day morning on their way for the Colgan reunion and were ex tended hearty welcome by Reeve Belford and Councillor Anderson The band which has very high rating looked colorful in their smart uniforms and played several numbers to the delight of older folk and the childrenin particular special number was played for Jack Penn and family tak en from Exodus Friday evening May 19 the Legion Ladies Auxiliary held benefit euchre in the Legion Hall for recently bereaved family Sixteen tables played andint eresting prizes were presented as follows Lucity cupsMrs Inflammond cakes Mrs Clan enca Reid Hamid Slo Vera non Mawand William amp hell Door prizes Dorothy Jack son and Ross McClain Euchre ladies Beryl Flemming and Rhoda Thomson gents Bill Carlton and Raymond Woods consolation Mattie Freeman and Gordon Martin MrsLes James president of the ounting which the thanks Mr andMra Elmer were in Waterloo on Seturdn May to for the graduation of Mrs Thomsons brother Ronald Pegg of beaten who received the degree of Bachelor of Arts Ronald who is well known fnl Tottenham will be on the teach ing staff of the Banting Mam ial High School in Alliaton Tholiotary Club of Barrie this week board report from Grddc 12 student LIuric Bar ron of North Collegiate on his trip to Ottawa II the Barrie representative to Adventure in Citilomhi Each year It this time span sored Indiinancod by local rot elubI outstIndinghigh so cal studentI from new Can ad Visit Ottawa for founday visit to learn at first handdha of citiunsnlp in CaaI iIn dem ocraw he reseotatlves arc oi ected by fc owltudents on the basis olihelr echicvcrncnte in scholarship athletics and other school activities This year 194 students took part On arrivalln Ottawa the Itu eats Ira met bylaw Rotar ians who take them to their homes and make sure they reach their variouI anemny points as scheduled On Monday mrniag the group met at the Chateau vLaurler where they were welcomed by the president or the Rotary Club of Ottawa and nddresed by Mayor Charlotte Whitton who told them somaof tho history of Ottawa Ind how and why it waI choice as the capital of Can PM ADDRESSES GROUP The luncheon addres was given by Prime Minister Dicf enbnker who spoke on the 0p portunltice to Citizens for Pub lic Service lntha afternoon made to the House of Commons whoron debate was in progres This was followedby tourof the Parliament Buildings The evening was given over to dinner concert and dance at FiaberPerk High School ending at 1180 pm Tuesday morning found the studentset Carleton UniverIity wtihdlscusalon groups covering subjectI including tho constitu tion the Bill of Rights and Can adas whantJlollcy On Tuesday afternoon visit was paid to Rideau Roll the home of the GovernorGeneral and thetQMP Trnioing Divis ion at Rockellffa Wednesday monlng fo them back at Carleton College were are airings in arsena sion on the comparative values of Canadian and Russian educa tional systems On Wednesday aftenoon the pollcleaanri plans of the Nation prlnciplea and exam iiiication vlslt was al capital Commisinnxwaa exJ plalncd ihis ism Crown organv inatloo with 20 are repro Tha Barrio branch ttfliiti Canadian Red Cross Society is holding the second blood donor clinic of the year on Monday June 12 at Trinity Parish Hall from to 430 and from 630 to 9pm Ciinit ofï¬cials express hope that some members of the Barrie Labor Council will be among the 800 donorsexpected Donors from industries who regularly contribute to the an nual industrial Clinic are not expected at this timer but lollies trades puch Is corp enters plumbers electricians bricklayers and various un acntihg theprovincea Ind the city of OttIWI it has the ree ponribillty of leaning the lay out of the aphid including err ordination wi municipal Iuthv oritlu in dead un buildings links and driven ItI present budget of 18 million dollar cov eI maintenance and also In ouieition of led and proportiu Alter this bl to the Chatagu Laurie for meeting with vI riouI mambo of pertinent uday evening was tIken up th dinner and once It the chasm Laurie fliusday was spent rceolvlnl chitixanlhtp papers visit to the Supreme Court of Canada end lunch dinner It the an teIu where brief speedier were made on Adventure in Citirerr Ihip by visitor from each province Laurie voiced hiI Ippllcation of the privilege accorded him in tean pert inIuch an inlplring and educational visit Ind cont mooted ontho friendmipl made with other students Insist11 Mother one Some Toolar in the clIulfled notion of our paper will he found In advertisement seeking place on farm for fifteen and half year old city boy whose mother would like to have him work for farmer duringhie school holidIye in her letter she etates that he will realize he has to cIrry his abIra of tho tvork Ind being the mud boy of 15 yeIre be can use get into mischief But with firm hand and sensible boss thorn in no doubt he will be big help around fIrm The advertisement giges biscity address but if desired wo will Irrange In interview FAMILY ALLOWANCEV in letter from parent regarding four children who Ire notIttendlng Iehool the claim is made that they Ire beyond the distance required for child to walk The par ents claim they have asked the number one area board Red Cross Blood Clinic skinnedregimensBarrie become donors The remainder of tha clinic will comprise those donors who attended the clinic last June They will all he called by phone and ap pointments made for them lo fillin the gapleft by lastminute dropouts each clinic must be supplied by at least new donors These will be people who will read the publicity in the press or hear the Red Cross sound truckon the day of the clinic The RedCross points out that all thehiood given at the Royal Victoria Hospital is WINS ionain thaclty are invited to Auxiliaryr presented the recipient oXpressed One of 76 winner coast to coast jingle co est Mre Catherine Henry 21 reee ved complete dinno absolutely free INGLE CONTEST service of chinathis week Mrli Henry tecelvedhet set at the shop of Dick Steele right Harris Steele centre assisted in the presentation gene basal their applicatinna rar the paaltlon of secretory Tienaurer wisdomtime iii atlng qualifioItionIï¬ahauldbo Iddreleed PetrimauleChnirman litNewionystreet Dutch Canadians Form Credit Union In Barrie District Members of the Dutchan IdiIn commnnity in this district held their organization meeting It the First Christian Refomod Church St Vincent Street on Thursday May 25 Wlththe Iniatanooof the re preseatativu of the credit an ion of the Georgian Bay chap ter mmhera applied for charter of organisation to incor porIta the Dutch Canadian hor rio Credit Union Ltd At the routine Verlilphlk era spoke about the futgrowing crcdtt union movement in this country Ind explained the Ido vIntIgeI which web unioa would tha to RI membm diacuuion and nation per iod followed after felt the mo tion to apply for incorporation was approved temporary burg mdinctora wan iectgd pen Ippruv to charter by the provinclIi Iecch llly Following the general meet ing the officer hold their first board meetinl ITES By for transportation owing to the health of one of the children and that no action has to far been taken The mother of the children claims to have attended meats ingI of the Ichoolaroa board which she states are not can rled do in parliamentary mInncr nor are the minutes of the meetinga roId They are held in private house is this to ravent uia public from attcn ingt shel writes The room she writes of we know lafltlhat Iflairmerli used Is town on an mow rented by the beardhaa the office for their secretary The mother etntae thIt inspec tor Macklem is Iere of the Aconditlonrp hand that ho1 is Iwaro that tho diatanee iI more than is required for cbli dran to walk it can well be remembered when the board at the north and refused to provide trana portatlou for pupils on the Camp Borden road Ind for this the department withheld ngnts which meant heavy loss to the board until they arranged transportation Per hIpa the trustees of number one area would be well advised to give the matter careful con alderItloa before any further delay causes them to he aub jact to similar traItment This would appear to he an other proof of the need ior township school board to man age ail the affairs pertaining to education impartially in the meantime the four chil dren are endeavoring to study their schoolwork at home We feel that as inspector Mack lcm is reader of this column we will have the other side of the picture soon ECHO IN INNISFIL The discussions which have been aired by columnist of Tomato paper as to the duties of Jack Book as building inspector of the town of Mimi on the Ferrior Estate at value of many thousands of more than three or four thous cattle had escaped through co haI an echo in Innisfll Mr Book has sold his small hune tray but if this is the property which was Intlrnated toahave dollars we fail to agree with the statement in our opinion it is doubtful if the property would have rule value of and dollars It was likely doltyoureelf building and the land on which it was located was one of the lesser valued subdivisions of that area This is far from being lakeside cottage CATTLE NOT STOLEN Police had report that 16 head of cattle had been stolen from farmon the west side of the township However the owner found later that lhelt fence and wnnderedoff some distance BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY MAY II no Organize Tennis Brigadier Urges Banana aanson CImp Borden High Another Cadet Parade was held Wednesday especially for the girls of CBDBS II the rut pIrIdehId to be held indoors and there was no room for lpoctatoll This tints it wII held outIlde Ind Brigadier Purvea took the mute Teen Town will be held each Wednesday throughout the summer in the Buci Building Mr Toichard bII also an nounced that the name of Teen Town will be changed to The CImpul Club next year The reason for this is that our Frh dIy night dances Ire notIcfu ally Teen Towns It Iii II they are in no my connected with other Teen Townl in Ontario Tbcnlmc CImpus Club will make thin little easier to understand ORGANIZE TENNIS grludiar PurvaI wither to have organised tennlI for the students in our Ichool this Iummer it is planned that senior Itudent will bad this club set up schedules Ind make new Mrs ElliI presented bars to the girls of the champion has kethil teIma It our lut IIsembly Members of the Junior team 10 ABC Mags Sharon Hadley MIrllyn Graham Gall Dwyer PUBLIC ry arrangements Daren Palmer Leslie Stewart and Mar Mother were all presented with bus in the senior division Helen Bradey laulse LInglvln Ann Hilton Judy Cecile Simone Cote Judy Middleton Ind Di ana Munnon received hm NEW RULES The rte department hId new rul ng this you thIt each participant in tum sports mull be It 15 per cent of all games to receive bar Thil means that some of the plum did not get but becausetbey were absent for most of the gIrneI Cheerleaders lanls John son Karen Palmer Janette Fisher Sandra Marshall Dir Inc Wlluams Ind Cheryl Young received here too for their hard work This included cheering for games and being ushers at school functions plus many other Jobs For example they Icted as better for the music concert little while lit and It the Georgian Bay Track and Field meat lIIt Sat urdIy they acted as reporters and general errand runners in IaIambly Mr TolchIrd presented an award to the president of the concert hInd Diana Manson She then read letter that aha had received complimenting the work of the some All owners of flab lhlntiee on 0in property must remove them by June 5th or they will he removed and destroyed by the Department of runny works STRAUGHAN City Clerk MORTGAGE iiiLOANS DONT PAY MONTHLY PAYMENTS WHEN YOU CAN HAVE LOW COST MORTGAGE FROM $1600 AND UP FOR ANY PURPOSE AT THE LOWEST INTEREST RATES AVAILABLEJ Low Monthly Payments pk No CoSigners Necessary Completely Confidential Service Free information Why burden yourself with high iinanca rates when you can obtain alow cost mortgage loan forany worthwhile pur pose on terms to suit your budget Consolidate your present dehta and reduce your monthly payments redacoratc your home or make any otbe improvements or repairs Perhaps to pay off an existing mortgage buy new car trip overseas or summer cottage You canhnve your money without embarrassing enquiries to friends neighbors or employers can LONG DISTANCE ornnaron AND ASK FORLZENITH 76540 No Charge rijiiorlriod Enterprises Member of ONTARIO MORTGAGE BROKERS ASSOCIATION