513111935 ill TEE BARRI EXAMINER SATURDAY MAY 21 ANNOUNCEMENTS omTus LORDAt Royal Victoria Hoist lei Rune Dn Wednudlia Mu ml to his and In no llam Lord or mains Ontario dlulhilr Carol Plinth GOOD NEWS sronv Worn Jon announce the ntrth or your shit in Tho name Examiner cflppinli ot the soil are avauahis on baby noon ti Tree Records and to mail your rienas and rshtive In those Inth pieces ro pin on nnnbuuctment alter hlflh All till rt aniherclusilod PA um nnaTns PAmtSON At the Royal Vicioiil Hospital Barrie on day May 16 lool ODver Pai lesson in on pint year huaband ill the isle hiary Cunningham and brothrr at Walter Patterson heating at tho stackiey Funeral Home in woraiey street Barrie Irom Sautrddv noon or service on Monday May as at 100 pm Interment Blrrie Union Cemetery mm At Our Lady at Mercy Hospital on Thundly clay tool am June Kemey widow or the late vurred Firth dear stepmother or Paihers Irrllicil Finn and wuirrd Pinn oi Tor onto Mia Arthur Drummoud Agnest Windsor and Mia lio brrt watt Kathleen Din Reit ins It the strcnicy Punerai Do me In iVeraicy street name flier pin Saturday Funer alara at st leyl Church nap rte an Ilondny stay 29 luau am Interment St Marys ceme tery CARDS OF THANKS BINNIHICR and Vera Rinnie wish to thank ï¬ends and relati ves Ior their kindness cards and help during his illness Sincen thanks to Dr MacPherson DI rredcrtcks Nurses and stall oi Royal Victoria llospl Lorne Wilson and Norman thoiomow ior tractor work COMING EVENTS LILAC TEA BAKE SALE CHRIST CHURCH iVY WEDNESDAY MAY 300 i000 PM children 15c Tea 35c Lucky Draw AUSPICB ALTA GUILD ltvamsany SERVICES CHUNGIncl UNITED CHUREH SUNDAY JUNE ll am 730 pm SPEAKER Rev Hewitt SPECIAL MUSIC Strourl Presbyterian Jiurch Choir EVERYONE WEIAIOME 0R0 UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY MAY 28 II am 730 pm Rev Jack Lindsay New Lowell Rev Robertiriinble oi Burton Ave United Church Barrie MORNING SERVICE EmmanuelAims Quartet or Darrle EVEN ING SERVICE Soloist hiss Gcorgc Gibson Everyone Welcome CLASSFED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Cimdensed and classified adveré tiseinents are inserted al the rate at in per word per insertion for one and two times do per word or three four or five times and mm per word or or more Insertions 10 addi tionai charge ii not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT iS 96¢ FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CrARGIoI PER SINGLE LN SERTION ERRORS CR CORRECTIONS Advertisers are reminded tnst all phone insertion orders are accept ed as convenience to you the advertiser Thererore the Classuied Advertising Department require all advertisers to kindly rDctaeck their advertisement immediately atter urst insertion in order that any error or omissions he reported nerore am in order that almtt may no rectineo tor tho toilowlng dnys insertion order We wish tumpuint out that The Barrio Exa Deru respooubie ior only on incorrectly prnted insertion on any advertisement and than ODLV lo the extent ox portion at an that involves to misprint Errors which do not lessen tho value or the advertise ment are not eligible tor corroo tions by make goods Rates and type styles in coma display classiï¬eds may be no tained through The Examiner ad verfllinfl department plin Imim tumors Inrorlnatlon regarding advertisers using jihad Letter nor Numbers for Replies is held Itrictiy danfltr SIIIL rill Itll on that day or publication Coliiing Events Sc per word lininimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for upto 25 words over 25 words it per word extra In Memorilim No tines 3150 it verso used do per word extra Ali WANT AD EDDY should ho to fllfl office by 1111 the day before publication on Saturday by noon Shanty Bay Person Has Epsom Ticket shanty Bay resident who goes by the name or nom de plume of Abbey has drawn ticket on Pontoon di Trevi In tho Jrlsh Sweepstakes for the Epsom Derby May iii The ticket number is soc VM louilt one other ticket In Show County was lirownfor iiEALEsTATs PROPERTY FOR SALE NORMAN Shelswell REAL TATI BROKER Dunlap strut East PA 89951 OR 68742 4SUNNDALE AREA Realizinny wield Min DHDTD low including Arepilst partials ï¬nished hlulnenl illI well ihndulpcd lot with Ihlde urn Cali Jim Lemon or plrflzuiln NCOME PROPERTY 00 FULL rules No troom lpiflmtnu luily separate with an ldrome oi mo er mantis am down payment ii bu this pro erty PrueDt tenants is ii re use caii itnn Lemon lor paruc iinn ST MARYS SCHOOL AREA Five rooms Ind Dim Four romm down and one up Attached hr agr Lot 60 lo Cali Jim Lemon ior particulars DVENINGS CALL Joe Lonnin PA mu Everett Shelileii 0m m9 Howard Norris PA was Jack Willaoo PA omi iiro Lemon PA 17 Norm nsheiswe PA was TAYLOR REAL STATE AND BuslNiss BROKER 15 CLAPPEBTON STREET BARBIE PA M761 $14 PER MONTH with low down payment is all that is necdnd to purchase this live bedroom cottlle on lovely treed corner lot with near hariilia Psriu Owner must tell For Iuriher iniorrnatioh evenings csii Ai Poster PA 6155 COTTAGE FOR SALE OR RENT ice 000 on ï¬imieeï¬i and good terms Three oedrooma living room and kitch en screened in veranda Lovely trccd Ioi 300 yards Iron sale nnd beach mentors all Al Foo ter PA disco ELMVALE DISTng 150 acre level clay loam arm in Al condition large harm on an and mm Good atlo New roiik house Implement shed Ce meni barnyard Deep weii cuiate bedroom home his in cry may he purchllril For up ther inlprmltioll evenings call Al Poster PA oisso MEMBER OF TORONTO AND ONTARIO REAL ESTA BOARD STOUT AGENCIES LIMITED COLLIER STREET PA 85901 CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS 30 Minutes in our Dï¬ico SAVES 30 days of house hunting See photos in our office FIND BETTER i333 And well buy iii scent home on corner lot within waiis lng distance or cast and shopping centre schools and bus No quali iying No second mortgage iusi sushi per month and $2900 down HOMES ARE LIKE SHOES Better is they nti check the restores or this home and see it they dont lit the requirements at your amt Garage and large lot Largo inmin room DO washroom in basement not so It on main floor bedrooms Pink bathroom ï¬xture and reasonably priced at with low down ayment you like to see tnddy SURE CURE FOR RRB Rent Receipt Bluest And you Elli move right in bowl Incl room or Enlllli he upper and IDWH duplex cinch to III II thu $11000 asking price SMALL BUSINESS lot on main street in Allah Store with apartments Iplt stairs also Smniiv apartment at runr SMALL BUSINESS main street or some some thyi stock iixtures Ind loadeiL Rents tor 75 month SELF CONTAINED FLAT Separate pr bath Iurnished bed sitting room and kitchen In nice residential area 560 per month TIE BARRIE AND SEER 33 more BOARD aierv GouldOra 2516 porls NuitycnmhePA ossol Edith CouldOra 2516 Harry SlessnrPA soon 5514mm Wuiiid Lars daio IMAGINE THIS Iive room brick bungalow im maculaton clean Total carrying charges including principal inter est and taxes $0413 or month In northern area books irom phone and high schools MAKE YOUR DREAMS DOME TRUE iiidhurst REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE FROGERS CONNELL REALTORS PA 85568 H3 ROGERSJA muss BAR DOREPA 187 um Woh IVER BARRIE Borriea newest suodivisinn Lotn Or sale GORD sPruN The ideal location lur that new homo Custom home buildinl by Gard spring and Doug Homer It is Inuted hot oil Blyview prlve near the Hornets Drivein GORD HOME DEVELOPMENT LTD DOUG HOMERPA 84897 ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First in Barrie Home salesForemost in Quality at Santa TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL PusanPA um CONNELIFPA was his DISTRICT pm more ocean CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRI PHONES PA 50241 PA 6472 0an in Inyuml THING iN mi mAr AFTER HOURS CALL Smith CmDDwPA 373 Joan LaosPA Hm Perkin GarveyPA was Members at tila Darri Real Litato Board SEE VIEW GPA Mow CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE PA 82419 93 Dunlop St MADE MARSHALL PA 84450 COREY PA in SHANNON ST sir room brick bungalow broad Ioom in uving and din room three large bedrooms piece bath butltilully tiniehed rec rootn with piece hath Nicei landscaped renred ard wit paved drive sumo wth substan tiai down payment BURTONAVENUE night room storey brick our bedrooms and both up living room dining room kilchcri utility room Largo iot side drtvo Ot celient condition ou turnco $2500 down HOLGATE STREET Iv storey brick living room dln ing room kitchen lnrge pant bedrooms and path up 315 with shoot down LOTS Two beluiitui lull ill Barrio over looking the bay iiï¬o each 100 165 its on 27 Highway new septic tank ipsaul ed loundlflan in wltcl $1500 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY MAY SUNDAY NIAY 28 to pm MODEL HOMES 5658 QUEEN STREET nulider Bill and McKnight namishinga Smith Home Furnishing WE WELCOME ALL TYPES OF LISTINGS RISIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL FARMS COTTAGE USINESSES REAL ESTATE snow 73 TITPIN 5mm DARRIE CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member or the Build and District Real Estate Board CANON 45A DUNLOP STOW Next door to thetimperial Theatre PA 66481 Member or Eurle sndDlsirlct Real Estate Board PDuIt ROOM stucco Bungalow on Highway 90 Low down payment It Dine tile bathroom Hardwood BOAKE REALTOR Iai BRADFORD STREET BARRIE PA 55387 OR PA 35333 suu selling arm to armor for larmlog Giaro WakemonPA ami Ralph UdakePA moi hiemoors oi Barrie and District Real Estate Board MOVE May is 1961 T0 113 DUNLOP STREET Next to Brown In COJ STEVENSONS ALL KINDS INSURANCE ROOMY BRICK BUNGALOW Largo kitchen dining room liv ing room lotu bedrnoma Fully heated basement with extra bath room Larso corner lot Ideal or active children TELEPHONE PA 53021 or appointment HENDERSON REALTOR lo comm STREET PHONE PA L267 EVENINGS CALL RITA SCANDRm PA Moss PERCY FORD PA amo plumber or Barrie and District and Ontario Real Estate Boards MOVING For Complete moving servch In and easier Clii COOKE CARTAGE GSTORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT RS Rd Dorrie PArkwuy 85515 PA sous EIGHT Iiooiti house in viiiage close to Barrio or Telephone PA ulna Sloop DOWN This lovely modern brick homo has some very ap peaiing ienturos Iuily landsca ped Iiiiicrest subdivision AIlIslt Ion For mu particulars Phone in $6010 NEW NnA ilooiiss Three bed rooms tlicd bathroom Hardwood and tue rloars on heated Good location Priced right For Inn ther intormation call Ausn PA twat PRIVATE son Two and hair year old thrcebedroorrt hunvnlow Large uvlng room Hanover cup boards in kitchen oil heating Near ubitc and separate schools and hschools NBA more 3280 Second mDflElgl may DI arranged Telephone PA H252 LOVELY TWO ACRES ï¬ve miles south of Darrin just on Highway ll Excellent room bungalow beautqu condition garage Ini mediate possession $500 down and 36500 full price Call Russell Car son Carson Real Estate allies PA 65481 evenings PA and tile finalI Thiephimtl PA 31561 English county 15 Old Stuck Poimt 13 Playing rimately op acres or land room Due 1nd DBL new home complete with bath forced ah oil heatint trout ponds led with 5mm of flesh III118 water Situated on Country road wen DE Chemo Elihupric slsm owner has purchased business in another district Any reasonable offer Wiilba consid ere Appro WHY PAY RENT About i7 mile south DI Barrie in mail quiet tDWD reveu maul TDHEkthe cumplflle withbath room and on heating large lot ext good garden Lame RM llcz Taxes only $155Totli price low blow 1513931 with 210my 24Top or milk 25Pundit 21 Needle aperture amparty receiver 30 Sing on Vailea Biliary number Terml to suitw FULLY DUPLEXED HOME Your hmilygtol1 can IN ionthe lower lino On the upper floor hull od will pay you Com pith rick dn lax close to aohnols llld unit only Aldon time Total price slum Tenor GRAYDONcKOHL REAL ESTATE mum Prism II DUNLOPST EAS lilo derby Cuticy Jon oi Pene lanitdrs ILIrR DMD Statute 37 At full Se speed 31 pair 41 Boundary 42Warblo Kitchen wel DOWN LEmpioy 2Iiidigo 8Tax DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS Firm 22 1811 LRuhust 6Eye 1mm soundly amumusly aprt sluggish Destruction cot 1118me Exnmlun 23 Bind 12 Ohm Lima 26 Sldn or one 10 Oversea tumor 13 Writer 11 Concluding 29 Game Havelock church of music cards 141313 of 165mm 30Aiilt liaazii 6616 Yesterdays Annoy 33 Rociinod at Capital 31 or Pens 321mm 3511le was 36Moistens nor 39Cup edge flflflll IIIï¬ï¬ï¬ REAL ESTATE PROPERTY POR SALE RENTALS am HOUSES TO RENT HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR so BAYFIELD 51 PA sees limiter Burl m6 Bind Real null Boud lelNOS CALL EMORY mum PA com 103 Im PA soon KARL MARSHALL PA 39917 CAMPBELL MIKE 0x0 HAROLD FORsiBD PAHAS DowPlump older style ionr beds room brink homo on Penetaug SI Forced air all htrnaeo Telephone PA Moot lor runher iniormation MODERN mPLxx tor sale two 5bedroom apartments and one bedroom Good location All sell contind Telephone PA S9104 THREE ROOM Stucno EDD or IE Located nh EJKIIWIY Elm vale Lot so It 150 col 52006 cash Rleflï¬l or lem ii luilhble guilloti ISIW Simvlie liter MODERN prick Veneer Triplex one two and ihreeroom apart mentc Separate entrances srpm ato thermostats Cood home or in come property Reasonhie Prln clpaia only ciepnone PA new THINKING or Building Then you should see tho choice lots aiinestnli various tires and iro ages Water services availb Near modern school Moderately priced Apply to Rob Magulre hitnuino poo MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT CABIN TRAILxlt sleep Iduitl In good condition Tclcphonu PA assert or can be seen It Iii hlary rue HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT FIVE ROOM House In VIIIu oI ihnmton Reasonable rent or will all with low down payment Tele honc PA null it no answer $2051 Blis OPPORTUNITIES DSAUTY SALON ior sale $2300 wiu take it Apply to Box as Elmo Dimmer Two LAROE STORES with iuil basements ownings electric iix tnrra and shelves for rent Jones Uacd hirnishings and Essa Road Ailandaie Telephone PA 66m mom summer Property store Dilly equipped Post oli icel two cottages mrnisherl lanai House beats Same owners it years Price sumo anon down Apply Peck RR Mid hurat Ontario MORTGAGES MORTGAGE IMMEDIATE LOANS WITH Low MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILORED To YOUR BUDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY oro consolidate debts ining mortgage mortgages coming due ome improvement oAny worthwhile cause Call today for appalntuieiit PA 60981 EVENINGS PA 61032 Mortgage Funding Of Canada 129 DUNLOP EAST MORTGAGE MON EY AVAI LABLE No Bonus Payments insured avatnst accident siclmesr death CRESCENT Fl NANCE 25 DUNLOP ST DARRIE PA Map 3120 FIRST MORTGAGE wanted immediately to clear up no es tate Apply to Box is Barrie Exuninu MORTGAGES1st and 2nd bought aold and arranged Commercial and residential mime leaned on existing mortgages arrio More page Broken PA pesos MONEY TO LOAN MOUNTAIN OF DEBTS Pay em on Now with LowCust LitaInsured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK or Nova SCOTIA mm maul DD Black from P0510 Sail mankind Privat tontnnte Telephone PA no mmoai Cotton or Aparb ment or ran year round Partly mrnmaed ie ephooe sun was on Beach rout noon uniqu apart ï¬nt private Canaan heat and on or was at at Dayneld street MnnattN prick Duplex Cum brriaud Street in ground near us up Apply Hours and Cam nail ullon phone PA s55 SELF CONTAINED uthmishrd heated two bedroom apartment lieivy wiring Central On our route Apply at 180 Dredlord st ONE hsniiooai heated union thed Irtmenl on round floor with vate entrance Central lo cltion Telephone PA H015 Pry ROOM House with bath lo cried in Oakley Park Square Pbsuuion June so Rent sioo per month Telephone PA oiis7 Two Dunno heated apart moot Sell contained on st vln unrstreet close to schools and atorcn 555 monthly Avali bio Juno Telephone PA 09104 57 DOWNTOWN Location Polly sell contained zbedruona apartr merit hot water heaung included Apply Ropers and Cantrell Real iors phone PA used 1st BEDROOM unrurnlsnrd hrsicn soil contained rtmrnt with orivstc enlilncc mewy Central location Telephone PA Hoot ULrItA MODERN Apartment pri vate enlmuro and grounds sol contained would suit couple Stove and rclrigeraior supplied call PA was alter pm Fulln iiuoai Apartment with bath Hut and water supplied also laundry Iaoiiiiles and priv aio millino Avnuiibia July or earlier Telephone PA gt350 UNPURNISDED three room apart lnont heated Itnliiuntor and stove luppued centrally located Immediato puncsaion Telephone PA pond or PA woe TIIREE LARGE Iurnishcd house hrping rooms stove and retris orator included Central Tele phone PA 55272 alter pm or Saturday SMALL HOUSE ior rent in stroud Reasonable rent Largo lot Close to stores Would suit couple with one child Telephunu plui strnud TITRED ROOM heated soil con talncd apartment with stove Ind refrigerator $75 monthly situa ted in the east end Available June Teicphona PA 5109 THREE Iloolil uniurnished art rncnt scparatc entrance seli con rained parking iaciiltlos Avlillt able immediately Telephone PA 17o or Iurther iJIIoImltlon TDRSD ROD hirnishod House ior rcpt noor tp Borden One chiid welcome Fenced yard Rea Snnlhie Apply between and evenings telephouo IIE N711 miss ROOM nirnlshod art ment Private entrance and Ground floor ply at 62 min Street or phono PA S7536 THREE Rooiil stuvo rind relrigvxhlor Apartment wiKt recently trauy iorntud Reasonable Telephone PA um Two BEDROOM apartment wan ied Reasonable rent Relrlgera tor and stove if possible Wanted heIore luly ist Telephone PA 514 UNTURNISIIDD ground floor apartment one bedroom living room kitchen and huthrunni Downtown Ilan and vvaier sup piied Telephone PA Host pustmsusu Apartment rooms and bath kitchnn and basement with laundry tIIhs nested Dawn town Available now Telephone PA 56437 Viii suit cuupiu decorated parking Iaciiitios new rent HOme Im movement Tiiné Sell OrfBuy WilliE xdminer det Ads RENTALS APTS HOUSE 10 RENT 31700 house Emmett school IRA linger DIan CIII Cuwd at um IM ROOM unlumlbhed uli contained an and basement enmity ioeaie Den dull Willill AVIlihblh now for month Telephone PA mu ROOM uil contained apartment but and hot water HEATED unmrriished mint and mutilate Iphrunrnt LIIlo Iivr in room two bedrooms and pa sioua kitchen Centrally located Parking emit Adults only Telephnna saint PA 01358 Pour Dwnooil Douro Ior root Ccrltnliy located in iiiltcroat School area on ntruaoe creed air hulllu Available immediate 1y Telephone PA Moo alter Phi AVAILABLE HAY 1st one tiar nished artment one unmrniair ed doth eii rootslned One child welcom On Phone 54210 Ever pings Hood Tim ROOii Apartment rivain hath levlntu entrance Silt cow lnteJluna Iacilitios neat and water Iupp ed 175 Telephone Plt H929 AntiDin In Now AND aaodern one and two oedruom apartments overlooking scenic Kempenleit Bu Beat VII tor parsine and genital aervlc tucluded Automatic waahtnl eiiities PA 329m mes Ronni Apartment with some Avenue Apply Centre Strl TImBR ROOM uniumiahed beat ed Sui cuntlined IP with private bathroom stove and rdriiciltni supphed Suitable or agree couple Telephone PA ROOMS TO LET FURNISHED hodroom in good home two blocks min downtown 3650 Weekly Telephone PA 3517 COMFORTABLE Bedroom for rent central location Suit business per SHEEP Apply 27 McDonald street COMFORTABLE Furnished Room or rent Located downtown Pre Ier gentleman Available now Telephone PA Nils alter pm Two FURNISHED Rooms or rent bedroom living room and kitchr enntte with stove and relriflunr tor Apply 5o Maple Avenue ROOM BOARD ROOM AND FDARD ovaiiihlo ior two Cclztnerim parking eiuiiea Telephone PA insurer further inrormatton Try An Examiner Want Ad BUSINESS Ask About Low Rates CAMPING EQUIPMENT TENT AND CAMPING FOUR ROOMS and bath ground Iloor washer and dryer private verandah ireo puking Also three rooms and bath samo Iaciittira PA 50m evenings PA elm NIEHED apartment central $5 rooms Qand punksultan in rlvn nu ran High waiter and parking sup plied 15 monthly PA ozzso EDROOitI upstairs artmcnt TiniTIIIHIiShed Control In llandaie Heat and hydro included AvalL able lune ist Telephone PA 53 TOUR ROOM round tiDDI apart ment unflinliï¬ieri heated base ment and garage Dayiield and Grove 575 monthly Available June PA 35619 Two ROOMS and Kitchenette completely furnished includan rctrlgerator random and Downstairs Adults 511 weekly Telephone PA 34066 MODERN three bedroom nisbed apartment private rauce use or washer and Quiet district near hue stores and schools Telephone 66777 BREE ROOM unlurnlshed apart ent heat water supplied Loca ted lilako and Duniop Available Immediately For mrther DIOD msiiou TelephonePA sense or PA 85477 unitin ent dryer iin ALLANDALE 5200 square Ieet store or warehouse will renevsto to suit tenant Apply Ailnndalc Hardware PA was APTS HOUSES T0 RENT POUR ROOMS and bath newly decorated Available June Ap Db in Mulnlner Strael RENTALS shit bathroom and sell contained PROPERTYFORRENT Laundry mums and parking space Centrally located Tele three main IDIrtmoDt phone PA silol punmsuup Apartment in oil headed home private bath sep arate entrance Avatisble lune Telephone PA 51595 on weekends or alter pan Mondny in pri day my owun one room able limo in Very WIND npirtmeiit Ivaii PA EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Tents and Tarps Camp cots and Stoves Coolers BARRI TENT AWNING CO LTD 34 BAYHELD 5mm TELEPHONE PA 66417 EXOAVATING FILL GRAVEL SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUWED Excavating and Grilling water Delivery Crushed atone mi Yard Backhoe or hire DENNIS MORAN 19 Anni Strut PA 51907 PLASTEBING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND TPLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS Archways Patches FREE ESTIMATES TERMS N0 DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOEQUIKBRIK LEFROY 60M PHONE COLLECT INSIIIATION Airtile Insulation IS happy In Immune Luadditlon In their ROCKWCOL Blowing insulation the All New Alumin um allme siding completely installed Willi Styrofoam inluilb ing banker hoard In €1th Colon We are list including aluminum Danie pucnr hour room unhunLrhed apartment utiutiar supplied Near West End Pissa Avnusbie im mediately Telephone PA oasis Palm DOOM Apartment close to schism and stores Newly decora ted and reasonable reï¬t Telephone PA mos tor narther inlormatlon YOUR BUSINES It you are sincere aboutwantin income on parttime basis we ioiiowing tarts shove It is wort IT IS SIMPLE BUSINESS no experience necessary no speallic oncirground he specialize lkilli no costly stock purchases 01 overhead IT IS NECESSITY with cuphuuds sink pad clothes closet hehvyduty range bamboo drapeillle floor Fumttule optional room Parking space Rent hatainers only Ideal tor bu hues pen is req ob or elderly dependent Ivso intitle Maples Nursing home Thurton Phone Ivy to OPPORTUNITY GOOD ONE business toprovids Ior additional your inquiry On tho ii also seconer hiring care tor 11 OFFERS BEIiERTHANAVERAGE INVESTMENT RETURN IT DOES REQUIRE Average intelligence some business ahiiity be able to work without supervision and the win to succeed through service Approximately $1000 required to carry stock and equipment We need distributors in every part or Ontario to service and keep established commercial accounts supplied with stock ur orgiuirauï¬rwmuryottrmoatihorougnlnvnatigntion Sankan other roierences available For mil deleils Arld personal Interview write Including your telephone number HAMEL £7 GIRARD ASSOCIATES 2514 GEORGE VENUE WINDSOR ONTARIO windows and awnings by ALL WORK GUARANTEE mmmnamm TERMS write Or Phone SCOIi mum2n MINESING COLLECT lament YOU BUYGIVE Us TRY WELL DIGGING WELLS DRl LLED PUMPS INSTALLED BY LICENSED DRILLERS TREE ESTIMATES Couplcmd Drilling RR N0 BARRIE PA 87646 WW Rï¬purl JOHNSO EVINRUD GALE MERCURY SCOil MOTORS so LAWNROY MOWERS AQUA LUNGMAIR STATION DELANEY BOATS nun BEDle houu noted Collegiate ml by the nth inne Apply to Box I7 Darrin mminer Ill Blle Home or Apart naent Reasonable not Waoied more Jill Darrin bromine TWO BEDROOM Huuu wanted Reasonable distance iron Camp Borden Taro adult Write to Do supplied Newly decorated mouse out Available immediately as Mr month Telephone PA amp vouNO Proloasiouai Couple no alter pm hiidran mg 13 was one or mentJu mm LAIGE print was mg eurni Located ooribzlat tapilprd moors Ian phatJaiaoln section rcrward details to one er wt or so new moppi centre Basement mm numb laundry lac tin At so henry Street Phone PA Mlle SUMMER RESORTS Point Darrin in mliu New sled beach Availbio Ilay at until TCLES All Pin WORK BOOTS ceirutszv°non bathroom private rntrsnce lep GOLDS SHOE REPAIR gnvate bathroom hot water all sizes nail idcai Ior Uning hon catod refrigerator and heavy bourr attics garzoo etc duty rtovo included Located on 915ch inauintuv DIRECTORY Telephone PA 82414 RENTALS warmth 10 RENT not central area or North rApply to Box COTTAGES T0 RENT aUMMu COTTAGE at Winn Reach Two cottages or rent one ior uis Telephonn PA 60151 Carnal rOll Rm Dig Day ern conveniences Sate bathliix August 15 human PA Hui COTTAGES WANTED COTTAGE wanted in the an Mind or PA HIM Wood Beach nu 1on to is Telephone 11A CLAPPERTON ST YOUR COMPLETE SHOE REPAIR SHOP NEWSPAPER MATS 25¢ FER DOZEN Apply The Barrio examihor Barrie Ontario VACUUM CLEANERS $5900 USED TV SETS $4900 REFRIGERATORS $95 00 McFADDENS 128 PENETANG ST PA 89288 DIVE TOP QUALITY EQUIPMENT FOR SALE FREE INSTRUCTION EDRO EQUIPMENT LTD 53 IOLLIER ST PA 84521 Ru Cowan President one DOWN iiish duality urntturc must be sold No reasonable otter reiusnd Jonu Used nirniture and ms Road Telephone PA must SERVICE By Month or Year BODY Er FENDER SPRAY PAINTING Specializing In rockerpaools LYLE YEO Jorys Garage BAYFIEJ 5mm SANITARY DISPOSAL WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE HOGS Removed promptly ior disposal Telephone Barrio PA 87751 Long distance Zenith 32800 at our expense ED PECONI AND SON LTD ORILLIA License No 89061 DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT WI have been Dcensed to remain your dead and oripplea farm sni maia under the abuvo Act FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARRE PArkwsy 33017 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE 95061 LANDSCAPING FOR LANDSCAPING Sodding Seeding and Lawn liaintenlnco CALL ARNOLD DEES PAI NSWI CK PHONE siRouD 6m FREE ESTIMATE BARBIE LANDSCAPING son SUPPLY Free estimates landscaping lawn maintenance Sodding seeding roi ling fertilizing spraying cedar Iledles and Evergreens special ity Kentucky or Marion bloo grass also iieid and delivered anywhere Reasonable rntes TELEPHONE PA 51555 CARPnï¬RY SPECIAL 14 DAY SALE SUNDAY INCLUDED so kitchen cabinet route to inches top and bottom with stainlul steel sink $999 EACH MARTINS CABINET MAKER RR No BARBIE HIGHWAY 11 soUTII CONTRACTING speciaiixing in nnshlnLBml DIEM rates ation phone Ozzie hiacwuiiams PA Miss apply2iz Dayï¬eid street Roaaonable