monsou srrs NewSchpers Sell TOo Cheaply LONDON Reuters Roy Thomson Canadianborn news paper radio and television ma nato expressed the View Thursday that there are too many newspapers in the na tionat ï¬eld in Britain and that the tendency will be for them to grow lower At luncheon meeting of the Foreign Pms Assoctotlon he also said he was convinced newspapers in Britain are sold too cheaply Thomson prefaced his speech by telling his audience Belaro forget should give you the mcipe for making mo ney out oi newspapers own them He said the provincial oven Ing newspapers 01 Britain gen orally speaking are in pretty good shape But in the na tional Ileld competition is keen and the intolerable pressure on the weaker papers to close or arrialgamate goes on relent lessly Anywhere in Britain there is choice oi nine 10 or even 12 morning papers including loc lt seems to me there could be two or three less and no one would suitor iJie said he hoped he is wrong In hIs belief that there is not room for all the morning po pers that at present exist in Britain but they must face the issue thst the tendency will be or the number to lenen WOULD BE REGRET think what is very much to be regretted is it any at the closures take place in newspa pers which reth deï¬nite line of political thought there is thus Ielt inadequate representa tion or that particular view point He said he did not think po Iitlcal opinion is adequately rep resented ln the British press The press is predominantly Con servative and the Liberal and Labor points 01 view are inad equately represented The situation of Sundaynews papers is diiierent Most are re ally tainment medium and it some were to disappear Thomson said he did not think it would leave big gap in the newspaper world In separate contextI Thom son sald am convinced news papersln Britain are sold too cheaply to the public When it is considered that the price of national daily DEWE paper in Britain In threepenco and that in many American and Canadian cities the price is 10 cents prices in Britain should be higher He said he believes prices will increase in iuturc with the result that newspapers will be in healthier state ï¬nancially Quebec Public School System To Be Given Drastic Overhaul QUEBEC CF The Quebec Liberal government has brought down dratt legislation proposing to bring in new era in pub lic education Eight government bills de scribed by Youth Minister Paul GerinLajoie as the new charter of education in Quebec propose tolay down foundation for renovated at public schooling Aim at th basic changes is to bringall arents into active participatio and interest in public educ tion school board elections are otten routine to spur dehelppmont of secon dary education on the regional level The cornerstones of the pro posed system Parents at children less than 18 years old would be eli gibleto vote in the election or ir in which members are el acclamation and school The school boards of Quebec now are con trolled exciuslvely by landlords and property owners Definition of éliglble school board candidates would be broadened At present only pro perty owners may he candid ates Under the proposed sys tern the property owner and his or her spouse would he ell gible The change would open the way to larger number of women as members at school boards Schnol boards would he em powered to band together to arm regional siilool boards to establish high schools or as Quebec calls them secondary education schools new grant structure that would stimulate the establish ment public kindergartens classes for children with high 0s and classes for the physi cally and psychologically handl capped Decide Lutheran Separation By Referendum Ol Members KITCHENER CF More than 60000 Canadian Lutherans will have an opportunity to voice their opinion on uniting into church separated from the US Lutheran Church To permit this referendum delegates attending Thursdays session of the Lutheran Church Canada here decided to post pone the iormation oi the church for another year The tentative date had been Pentecost Sun day 17 1964 Dele tes felt there were too many details to be completed with the Lutheran Church Mis souri Synod that could not be completed fully before the 345 Canadian congregations become the LCC Also discussed during the two day session was tentative bud sibility of establishing college in Eastern Canada The only LCC school operating now is Concordia College in Edmonton Rev Frederick Schole of Le due Alta was elected to 5118 need Rev Dr Schwar mann Edmonton as president emu DIES TRENTON CPiMary Lynn Louclrs2 daughter at Mr and Mrs John Lnucks died Thurs day night alter being struck by truck as she was playing near her home Use Your International Credit Card ANGTIIEII FIRST Fittt flitttAItIAtt ilItE ItESEAItttIt and ENGINEERING NOWFor the ï¬rst me the Canadian motorist can eoloy ALL the desirable physical and doemloal char acteristics of NYLON and TYREX Combined In an GREAT NEW TIRESuper Iastic NYTEX Yes you get the BET of EOTH NYLON Ior anaesthesia mileage and greatest re ist mo to pothole and curb pocr shock darnege TYREX ftm Eilqu with new car makers because It ensures the mtllesr quiet est rlde OF BOTH in Super Lastlc NYTDPremlum quality at Canadian Tims Wholesale Discount Swings GertheBEST SIZE 52516 56015 59015 64015 65016 67015 71015 75014 76015 50014 85014 Tomasso artra most that Its the Best of Both PRICE AFTER ALLOWANCE SALE PRICE FOR LEFTOVER MILEAGE WITHOUT IRADEIN ON YOUR OLD TIRE 1095 to 1295 1145 h1345 1195 to 1395 1395 to 1595 1595 to 1795 Ma 1795 1595 1195 20 to 2295 1195 to 1995 Tire Installation50 extra WHITEWALisfl extra CANADTKN IIR gm lOW PRICE M010MASTERExtra life gum MUFFLERS IAVE GAE LONG LIFE CUSTOM ENGINEERED FOR PERFECT NEW CAR FIT International Credit Card on on condun Tire for your FREE MUFFLER SAFETY CHECK If you decide rwllclrnenl iv nouirud Ilrlllsd mech anlcr will Install your MOTO MASTER MUFF LER in minutes MoteMaster extra ï¬le Mufflers are 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Insluding impom at Discount loreomnnrelal vehiclu GUARANTEED FULLYEAR or 15090 MILEs get for the ï¬rst year the new church is in operation The min Lmum budget suggested was $871000 $12000 budget was adopted tor tne 1962 ï¬scal year by the delegates at Thursdays closing session rlheamnunts approved in clude SLSOD for the standing committee on higher education formed to study program of INSURANCE GUARANTEE The otha on com couch3 INNm mime guano Insunmee ANnmsmmh nun III to Ill all ouAuerEE 515hutsnuhillily on man hour aothtfwim for mu render bytin one Inn The Coolest Runn ver Bu NEW SuperLustre nflttBlESTRENGTH lwmrlv levels WILLAPPOINT EXPERT TV RADIO PUTBRAND NEW TIRE SAFETYON YOUR CAR Ar LOWEST cosr AUTO RADIO SERVICE THANKS To CANADIAN TIRES WHOLESALE olscoum SAVINGS CARBURETOR Trade In your old carburetorr lave so to 50 Olaranted 90 day 4000 695 mums low so Save up to 50 Original oqulp moor An expert on higher educa Tough qrlol tion Will be appointed in an all groan out attempt to 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