GOOD TOTHE VERY LAST BITE AT GUIDES SEVENTH ANNUAL BANQT Potato salad by candlelight highlighted the evening for Jean Corkao at the First Barrie Guido Companys sev enth annual Mother and Daughter banquet at Trinity Parish Hall last evening Guests of honor included 03 non Allan Read District Com missioner Mrs McFad den Division Commissioner SPEAKING or PEOPLE AND PLACES Notes are intended to cover tha general social life of the city and district Wedding annlvcrrarlu bridle parties birthdays comingotoge pan ties visitors and travellers are all items of interest to the women reader of this pnge Your help in supplying this news will be greatly ap preciatcd Please phone The Barrie Examiner PA H537 and ask for the Page HOLIDAY WEEKEND Mr and Mrs William Dob son and son Carl William Red vers motored to Windsor for the Victoria Day weekend They were guests of Carls grand parents Mr and Mrs Albert Hoiiefreund Along on the trip were Mrs Jean Chubb and Darce McGruther Mary Street who were guests of Mrs Chubbs parents Mr and Mrs heck of Windsor TROUSSEAU TEA At trousseau tea held in honor of brideelect Miss Bev erley McDougaii nt Mitchell last Saturday guests included Miss MacKay Barrie Mrs Lackie Painswlck Mrs Rix Mrs Robert Sinclair Mrs Eldon Atkinson Miss Linda Atlt kinson all of Crown Hill COUNTRY STYLE Familiar faces from this area were seen enjoying the square dance party at Mart Kennys Ranch Woodbridge Friday evening Mr and Mrs Murray Rupert Miss Donna Dice Edwin Scott all of Bar rie Mr and Mrs Leigh Ree vie Shanty an Mr and Mrs Ray Torrie Edgar Mr and Mrs Hickling Mr and Mrs Howard Caldwell Miss Sylva mappell Dave Chalm ers Mr and Mrs Howard Partridge Mr and Mrs SlMCOE Womens Blight Mr and Mrs William Clark Mr and Mrs Allan Quin inn and Mr and Mrs Don Rob inson all of Crown Hill VISIT THE CITY Mr and Mrs Ed Hagan Sr of Gravenhurst formerly of Bar rie have been visiting with their sons and families Ed Bert and Bill all of Barrie Mrs Hagan is recuperating foliowincher re cent confinement in the Soldiers Memorial Hospital Orillla CONFIRMATION St Johns Anglican Church Craighurst was filled to capa city Sunday morning when 18 young people were confirmed Bishop Snell Toronto per formed the laying on of hands Dr Lighthourn welcomed the bishop and presented 15 candi dates from Craighurst parish in cluding Robert Bidwcll Donald Bidwell Linda Cools Sandra Cook Terry Coward Sheila Craig Dennis Ellsmere Fern FOR TOMORROW Stars now favor routine mat ters rather than new enter prises Stick to matters wltlr which you are familiar and protect present assets instead of trying to increase them through speculation Dont try to mix business with pleasure either son THE arnranav lf tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicatesthat within weak youwill enter splendid month long financial period provided that you dont offset it through such follies as extravagance and speculation Mrs Hall Named President At FWTAO Annual Meeting The annual meeting of The Fe deration of Women Teachers Association of Ontario Sirncoe was held in the lecture roomof St Andrews Presbyterian Church Wednesday evening Mrs Frances Hesse president presided interesting accouan of the Spring Conference of FWTA0 for this district held in North Bay were given by delegates Mrs Hall Mrs Campbell and Miss Lyons Do beth of the members Mrs MacLennnn presented gifts to three retiring teachers Miss Burkitt Mra Harrison and Mrs Bush Miss Dorothy Banting was con gatuiated and presented with gift as token of the pleasure felt by local teachers on her appointment to Vicelrlndpal of Prince of Walessdrool Miss Doris Kcarns accompan ied by Mrs Ingar Aarson de lighted the meeting by singing of three solos Mrs Dorothy Thompkins in troduced the speaker Miss Ruth Carson who showed slides of her recent trip to Mexico The executive of 1WTA0 of Simcoo for the coming year is as follows Past President Mrs Hesse President Mrs Hall ï¬rst Vice President Mrs Marshall Second Vice Pre sident Mrs Harris Third Vice President Mrs Mac Do nald Secretary Mrs Camp bell Treasurer Miss Lyons CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines gt PAC6555 WHAT THE STARS SAY By ESTEELLITA It willbe important to rememé EJsmere Judy Lynn Ellsmerc Wuyne GradyJenncltc Jensen Mary Lea Wanda Malone Ro bert Tattoo Also presented were Linda fhew Wiston Partridge and Larry Srigley of lilincsing BARRIE WJ Mrs MacKenrie Bayfield Street was hostess at the May meeting of the Barrie Womens Institute Mrs Prlngie prelt sided Mrs hey gave pa per on agriculture and Mrs Reg Adams reported on current events Plans were discussed for the spring tea to be held in June Mrs Pringle Sanford Street will be hostess at the June Meeting HOME FROM WESTERN Miss Patricia Crossland daug hter of Dr and Mrs Grassland is home for the summer holiday after complet ing her second year at the Uni xrslty of Western Ontario Lon her this since except for brief periods in late August midDe cember and mid February of 1962 your chart shows no out standing gains whero monetary matters are concerned Strive then to plan ahead and balance your budget carefully to this WHY You can wind up this new year in your life in the black Where your personal life is concerned planetary influences are more interesting Home and family atlairs will be under really grand aspects and where romance is can corned look for some interest ing developments during August early September late October December and next March In cldentaliy if any of you have been married during the past two weeks your marriage should prove an exceptionally happy one since this too was amost propitious period for both romance and marriage Generous influences govern travel during July also in Oc tober Look for excellent oppor tunlties jobwise in October December and next April Achildbornonthisdaywill be so highly sensitive that even theslightestcriticismmay aausa untold heartach on as Joan scoops seconds are Janis Corrnler left and Catherine Clark right Ex aminer Photo WIS Express Rural Views EDMONTON CPD Mrs JFRoylancenfGreenwood national president of the Fc erated Womens Institutes of Canada said Wednesday na tional organiratlons and govern ment departments looked to the institutes to express the rural point of view Addressing the annual con vention of the Alberta Womens institutes She said the FWIC have hccn called upon to pre sent an opinion on radio and television evaluation for the Ca nadian Broadcasting League and on conservation for the de partment of northern affairs and national mm Skirt And Blouse Replaces Uniform 0n Trips Abroad TORONTO CP Dirndl skirts and blouses have been selected as national dress for Canadian Girl Guides when not in uniform during trips abroad standard pattern has been established but the color selec tion will he left tothe indivl dual The full skirt is appliqued with three maple leaves and is worn with plain blouse International missioner Mrs Hamilton of Toronto said the costume was approved to identify the girls at events when not in uniform Guides in many countries have adopted the practice First to wear the new dress will be guides and rangers who will visit Finland Ireland and the United States this summer Among our girls slated to go to Ireland are Alison Fitzger aid of Sarnia Audrey Chandler Elected President TORONTO CF Audrey Chandler of Windsor Wednesday was elected president of the On tario dental nurses and assist ants association holding lta an nual convention here other officers Molly Fader Ottawa and Mrs William Cook Toronto vicepresidents Jean Somers Midland corresponding secretary There MacDonald London 0nt recording secrelt tary nd Margaret Walters St Cathann Treasur If every institute member used plain of honey they would keep the apiarlst in their community and therefore the bees would beabenefittothefarmerand to the orchard grower Mrs Mc Guire gaveramplee of recipes iorailtocnioyandalsoare cipe book and ended her talk by distributing some honey pro ducts to different members She was thanked by Mrs Piilrey The meeting was held at the borne of Mrs Robert Bell with Beekeepers Chbre Topic Of Guest rpeaker for Mny Speakerx good altendance Mrs Coar lcs Sanderson war the mnvcoor Mrs Paarsallthe new score tary read the rmnatn of the previous meetrn which were approved by the new pmident Mrs Cameron Roll call was answered by the intriguing quixtion if you mild get rid of an invention what would it be and win Dc iegatu appointed to the District convention we Mrs Howard Campbell Mrs Ca meron Mrs Charles Sanderson anersJBird Itwlllbeheld at Forest Home May 30 Cards of thanks were read and discusion held on an exten sion service program Mrs Can memo gave report on the Guelph Conference which she at tended The hostesses wen Mrs Wm Campbell and Mrs Carnp bell Next meeting will be held the third Wednesday in June at Mrs Mel Jamiesons at pnr Mrs Wm Campbell mnvanur of Histo rlcal Research will be in charge of the program Host esses are Mrs Enioo and Mrs 590116 Caldweu weenmsmm sameness First Lady Is Guest At Rally MONTAGUE PEI CF She didnt speak but Mrs John Dictenbaker was stillthe un challenged centre of attention Wednesday night at Progres sive Conservative parw rally Party followers jammed the local high school auditorium to hearaddressesby Premier Walter Shaw Fisheries ter MacLean and Mrs Marga ret Macdonald the partys can didate in the May 31 federal byelection to Kings riding But the biggest applause to great each of the speakers came when they referred to the pres Full Skirts Fashion Trend LONDON ReutersiThe full skirt taken up rather cautiously by most British dressmanufac turers irle magnificen tly Wednesday in the London wholesale coiledion of the Pa ris House of Dior Some daytime skirts flared definitely hut unobtrusively in Wednesdays autumn collection but the fullest for day and ev ening had four deep folds start ing either from the waist or from hip level and giving swinging fullness to the hem These deep folds two at the back and two at the front re placed the sharp edged pleats seen in the spring collection other trademarks of the col lection wcrc little furcravats tucked into the necks of suits and day dresses and big fur col iars with hats in the same fur often for or lynx Colorsivere iirosny sombre with an occasional flash of scar let bright pink or emerald Brown and block were the most frequently repeated evening col ors once of the prime ministers wife After the speedier sum ooo persons lined up to meet Mrs Diefenhalrer Brrie Woman Elected Officer Al 84th Annual OITAWA CWThe Ontario Womans rl thin Temper ance Union wants school author itis informed of law prohib iting the use of tobacco by on It re corn mended Thursday that oopls of the law be printed and placed in tobacco outlets Some 00 wow members from all parts of Ontario in eluding their pith annual meet ing here also expressed con cern at effort to omit the word Christian from the Ontario School Act and gave its support to religious education in public schools Another rsolutlon objected to the flood of liquor advertisin ovcr radio TV and the press Members complained that CBC religious programsare in terruptcd for spam events and affirmed theiruaalterahle up position to all forms of indi vldual and social gambling They were opposed to any ef Mbwmll meanaofflnandaltupportto hospitalaAmotion called upon all in authority to uphold the PM antigambling lawn Mrs milk of Gilt was ricded Ontario pruident Mrs Adams of Barrie vicepruident FURNlTURE THE BEST IN PRICES SELECTION AND SERVICE AT CARRIE FURNITURE LTD Mulenet st PA 605 wt Iuy Miami but HAVING PARTY BANQUET WKDDIN RECEPTION OFFICE PARTY SALES MEETING OB CONVENTION THE QUEENS HOTEL 1N BARBIE HAS COMPLETE FACILITES FOR ALL OCCASIONS BUSINESS MENS LUNCBEON served daily from 12 Noon to 230 pan Moderate Prices uussns Hurst Dnnlop St urns PA 82424 now AT YOUR LOCAL COOP RCA VICTOR DElIVERS THE BEST PICTURE YOUVE EVERSEEN rmgsrv rcrrnrrprwrw nsnnlinlelvu you or 45 nor rrcrutrruume POWERBRINGS nsnnt or HARDIOGIT SIAIIUNS mt or rvm Is as mum on taï¬ ordering In Vista revolutionary bunkthrough in TV flupiicrr ulna you lnorl plduwullinfl power their any ntlllr Ivan the marital dramatically Improved reception In all Irina and difficult signal slurle wilir RCA Victor make in RCA Victor television your but hay COME AND in lilFFEll 259 jinnisï¬l Sr deliver uracil he to MEiiitin zsmsw VlSTACovnola Model mcsu 2900 Down 1200 per mth Even Len With Trade ENE FOR YOURSELF PA 66531 Barrio The Barrie Recreation Committee invites applications for the position of Summer Playground Director This position involves the planning and carrying out of the Playground ngme for six week period beginning the first week Successful applicant will be expected to work with the present Director this summer for experience Applications stating qualifications swimming not necep sary should be addressed to Mr Law SecretaryTreasurer Barrie Recreation Committee 194 Essa Road Barrie Ontario Dorriehnevcrasa Company Division on SEVENUP Ontario Ltd Baffleyall