ch yxt CK HOWth WILL HE GO JFK Must Indicate New Party Ensures Ioblor Everyone TORONTO OP tI whllcworh protect an neededtoensnreajobior SPP°He Will WASHINGTON AP Pra ident Kennedyl while walking cautious military path acknowl edged in his talk to Congress the need for bold dosh down the social and economic road around the world He still has to show by per lormance how tar and how test he intends to go His caution on the military side shows up instances such these ilhen VicePresident Johnson returned irom Southeast Asia he said in Kennedys name he had pmmised the backward states there that the United jtates would make many sacv riiices ia the fight against communism But he said there are no plans to scndvUS troops Kennedy could have sent troops into loos to try to stop the Communist push there but he didnt If he had the Com munist Chinese undoubtedly would have moved in thus cre ating another Korea South Viet Nam ts plagued by Communist guerrillas The US will help the Vietnamtso with military supplies and training and with economic old But there has been no public prom is that us troops will be sent in In short Although Keane talked Thursday oi increasing and streamlining American nonI nuclear fighting forces be men tioned no specific place where he intended using them His whole talk was antiCom munist it also was nonbelliger ent perhaps requirement if his meeting with Premier Khrushchev in Vienna in June is to have any success But Kennedy sounded more active imaginative and deter mined whcn he spoke oi ï¬lling the needs of the masses in the backward countries in order to make communism unnecessary or unattractive There has beenas tar as this writer knowsno concen tratcd effort as policy to Educational TV Strong Weapon TORONTO iCP Canada cannot aiinrd delay in develop ing the possibilities oi educa tional television to combat pov erty ignornnce and illiteracy in various nations Guthrie hioir British television execu tive said Thursday Mr Moir assistant controller ot programs for Associated ite diiussion iold delegates to the National Educational Television Conierence that educational tel evision is one oi the strongest atomic warheads in the arsenal of democracy Now that TV is part oi our national liiecducation can no longer enjoy the luxury of be ing dull Teachers should be trained in the use at TV in the classroom as an aid both to in struction andthe creation of discrimination in viewing hav his Dr Theodore ii Conant pro gram specialist with the Ford Foundation said television is one oi the answers to the crisis in education in the gtUnlled States since its cost although great at present would soon be low enough to permit large scale use MVST RETAIN INTEREST He said the US will be short of 250000 teachers during the next five years and predicted that in the future it will be pos sible or the teacher to switch into which ever program he wants from no closed circuit ohannels dent at programming for the CBC drew attention to the cost of educational television pro duction and said the stakes in educational TV are too high to allow the interest oi teachers to flag More educational programs instead oi sponsored commerv ciai teiecasis will cost the pub licmoroand we need the ad vice oi teachers as to how much the public is willing to spend to this end he said Eugene Hallman vicepreslr compel the leaders of the back ward states receiving American help to make sine the masses receive the benetits In number at places receivlt ing such helpthere has been corruption while the gentle tween the rich and the poor was intense and deep You might read into Ken nedys words that condoning effort will be made in the lu iure to see that the needs at the masses are filled But he didnt say that in so many words AWARE 0F NEED He did express awareness of the need for such policy by saying oi the worldwide revo luiion by people seeking inde pendence and good life They seek an end to injus tice tyranny and exploitation They seek beginninga jungle road to bring doctor when child is illa school house to unlock the mysteries of knowledgeseed and fertilizer jobs and food chance to live and be morethnn just all Those are the aims of their rev olution Then the president did aro markahle thing when it is re membered the late state secre tary John Foster Dulles sought to make the expense of foreign aid palatable to Americans by saying itrwas being given in enlightened selfinterest Kennedyat least verbally cast out that philosophy by say mg The revolution oi the back ward peoples in search of iuller life is one which we would support regardless oi the cold war and regurdlm at which political or economic route they choose to freedom TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS Phone Pa $24M new moron WE WILL FINANCE IT FOR YOU You may now iinancle com plete installation at new mo tors brake jobs tuneups and all major repairs lNSTALLATlOld AND PARTS GUARANTEED MOTORS 369 BAYFIELD ST PA 84330 nIKhL Mr Knowles mid the New Party would adopt methods used by Sweden and Israel to cope with unemployment in Sweden with the Social Denoch party in power un employment hovers Imder one per cent theyjan do it there wt can certainly do it in Can Mr Knowles told the York Centre New Party Riding Aso elation the New Party would not be dominated by labor and said the Canadian Labor Con gres insists that the partys constitution prevent such dom ination Criminal Offences By Inveniles Show First Decline In Years 01TIAWA CF The ï¬rst decrease in many years in the number of juveniles involved in criminal offences is noted in the RCMP annual report for the year ended March 1960 made public Thursdpy The number involved in Crim inal Code otienoes totalled 6065 decrease of 269 or 43 per cent from the previous year Commenting on this aspect oi his reportpCommlssioner Hnrvison said While it is too early Lo re gard this decrease the ï¬rst in many years as indicating trend the fact that it oc curred despite an over oil in crease lacrime allows for some cautious optimism The RCMP investigates breaches oi the iederal Crlm Canada Presents Attractive Target For Organized Crime OTTAWA CP Canada is presenting an increasingly at tractive target for organized crime RCMP Commissioner Harvisnn said in an unnuifl report made public Thursth The commis rs report dealt with the year ended March 31 1960 and thereioro no ref erence was made to the cur rent Ontario controversy Provincial Liberal Leader iohn Wintermeyet has rte mnnded royal commission to investigate crime in the prov ince Elmer Sopha Liberal member at the legislature for Sudbury has claimed he has evidence implicating cabinet minister in organized crime in his report Commissioner Harvison said Ease and speed of transpor tation and communication are bringing about changes in crime patterns which necessitate the closest possible cooperation be gt ALLANDALEAV Limited PRESCRIPTIONS VETERINARY SUPPLIES noun ALLANDALE nexus scone PHONE PA 82823 tween police forces both na tional and international it should be mentioned too thatCannda is presenting an icreasingly attractive target or organized crime Extreme vigilance high standards at personnel good training and public support of law enforcement will be re quired it we are to keep Can ada relatively clear of powerful corrupting and vicious crim syndicates AIRMAN BROWNS GRAND BEND CPlACZ Al bert James Godden in RCAF station at nearby Clinton was drowned Thursday night while swimming in Lake Huron BE FRANK av voulrs TRULY RICHARDSON SPRINGERVICE mason no mm 51 inal Code in the provinces acts as the provincial police force in all provinces except Ontario and Quebec and has contracts to po lice more than 100 cites towns and municipalhdistricts Commissioner Iiarvison said the small increase at Ll per cent in Criminal Code cases in 195960 could not be interpreted too optimistically WAS BIG FACTOR There was big decrease in cases of perjury and false pro tencea in Alberta reflecting the aftermath oi the many cases of fraud in connection with the dis tribution of oil and gas divi dends to the provinces resi dents Discounting these the countrys Criminal Code cases would have shown an over all increase of per cent in line with the trend oi past years The number of murder cases taueased to 48 from 38 and those of impaired or intoxicated driving to 6461 from 6250 Sale cracklnp and attempts in creased by 49 in the year after decrease oi 124 the previous year FOR EXPERT REPAIR WORK vrnrncn morons noun cmivszen DODGE Slich RENAULT ALIANT Deanna 15 Bradford St PHONE PA 85971 MORE BUILTINFEHIJRFS MN IITHEH EAR REGARDLESS DF PRICE artirlype healer and delroster electric clock stamless steel bumpers bub caps and trim 4speed lully synchromcsh Iransmission padded dashboard padded sun visors arm rests laclnryapplied undelcpating exit turn indloalors and side clearance lights saler pupout windshield overlapping windshield wipers windshield washers carburettor deicing healer automatic disengaging ian Ferrari uses the Peugeot tan seats converting to bed glass brakefluid reservoir inrlltsialltflilld level ChEthlig semihucket seals adjustable 12 PDSliIDlIS with special high friction oeiï¬cient upholstery Splashplnoi ignition 1ull9l° opening doors with saier locks dual tone horns 21 cubic foot capacity trunk lighted trunk light socket in engine compartment unit body construction factorybalanced tires raceanged steering wheel overvsired brakes permanenttype nil filler engine cranks complete tool kit removable carpeting wormgear dilierenlial wmplelelyellminates Ioosepiay um EAR men FRIDAY MAY gt1 TIMBER BURNS ST WILLIAMS Ont CPI Fire destroyed 22 acres at standing timber near this com munity at Long Point Bay Lake Erie Thursday More than too lands and ioruts department workmen were joined by volun teer ï¬re departments lrom our nearby communities in tlghdag the blaze believed caused by discarded cigaret LAUNDRY TRAY gt SPECIFICATIONS Leann to ins be to it ins wt to flu Belem we ins with stand Weilht 155 lbs LESS saucers Dorms 31885 zrss ravens SINGLE 51375 PLUMBING DEPARTMENT SECOND FLOOR SUPPLIES BLDG 255 INNISFIL ST PA 8653 WHAT Dill GET WITH PEUGEOT 403 With Peugeot you get no blgcar problems In compact packages Nor do you get uperlmeniailnn at your expense Road Track Magarlno called Peugeot one at the seven bestmade cars in the world Vat this amarlnz car oasis from SLUDD to $14000 less than the other sinfllauzentdrlvas fvelvetsmnnlh onihe roughest roads room over 350 miles on tank at regular gas corners as it on rails And Peugeots styling ls classic not prenhsolaled or handmavdownl This car ls built to last and looks It HERES WHAT van on WITH proctor AT our ALLINCLUDED PRlDEl the quietest Jreyiindel made ilmovlbll mt liners oversoul drslln or less wear Disrngaginfl in run It rwr Ind stop at 167°F eliminates in noise gives man power NOD e° an um bumpers hubupr unanmnun stainless sun Full pldded dash xnrlzd tielvinl wheel large glove box dual um horns electric duel mp mileaxl recorder Semibucket 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