Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 May 1961, p. 1

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OUR TELEPHONE mmwflmm MmPAIMILIMIHQMM aumhcrtncatltorthuBunaul orwmdnomumom 97th Year No 122 TREEDOM RIDER USHERED T0 PADDY WAGON IN JACKSON MISS THURS Atthan Segregation Stepped Up In South MONTGOMERY Ala AP With some of their leaders in jail and another ambushed by rifle fire Freedom Riders stepped up their assault on so regation today both in and out of court spokesman predicted massive demonstration against bus station racial barriers in waiting rooms and restrooms when Negro college students start for home in the next few days Segregation challenging bus riders waited meanwhile for hearing on federal court suit filed here Thursday to block en forcement of racial barriers in interstate terminals The suit seeks an injunction to prohibit Montgomery police from arresting Negroes for Vio lating segregation lawsor for violation of state court order against continued freedom rides Eleven integrationists re mained in jail overnight on charges resulting from their or rest during bus station chal Iengc Thursday TO STAY IN JAIL Their lawyer said four white college professors and Negro student probably would seek re lease today under bond of $1000 each but the others may stay behind bars until court hear log set or June 16 The Negro loaders held in jail included Rev Ralph Abernathy president of the Montgomery improvement Association Rev Shuttlesworth head oi the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights in Birming ham and Rev Wyatt Tee Walker of Atlanta Ga execu tive secretary of the Southern Christian Leadership Confer ence They were among the six who chose to remain in custody rather than seek immediate re lease on bond Another Negro minister Rev Solomon Seay had bullet in his wrist He said it was fired by group of white youths who raced past his home at high speed The fiZyearold executive secv retary of the prointegration Montgomery improvement As sociation said only the fact that he was picking his teeth kept the shot from striking him in the face The military guard around the Greyhormd and Trailway bus terminals was shortened but not withdrawn altogether The suit to sweep aside racial barriers in bus stations was an nounced in Washington by the justice department although it was filed by Mr Abernathy and six Freedom Riders Justice department attorneys agreed at the request at us district judge Frank Johnsonto step into the case as friend of the court Arrest Two Young Negroes For MOst Vicious crime PLAINFIELD NJ AP The partly disrobed bodies of two sociallyprominent women were found early today with the white Cadillac in which they had been abducted One woman was strangled and the second woman was run over by the big car as she apparently tried to make break for freedom several hours later police or rested two young Negroes and held them on suspicion of mur der Detective Daniel Heanessy said both denied any part of the crime The dead were Mrs Elliot Ewell 49 of Westtieid wife of the executive vicepresident of the Mack Truck Company here and Mrs Robert Tyson 59 of Plainlieid whose husband is New York stockbroker and also an executive with Mack The suspects are Lorelle Parks 22 and Joseph Maxey 23 employees of an auto sales firm in Plainfield Hennessy said the keys to the Cadillac as well as wallet be longing to one of the women were found in Parks pocket Mrs Ewell was found under the right front wheel of the car Detectives said she must have been run down several times Mrs Tysons body was on the floor in the back of the car Articles of clothing were found in field nearby Dr Bernard Ehrenberg Un ion County physician called it the most vicious crime have ever seen IN NUTSHELL Approve Resolution Vote LEOPOLDVIILE Reuters round table conference sin of Congolese leaders has approved resolution to set up gleaibamher parliament in the projected Federal Mubltc of The Congo it was reported Thursday Hold Liquor Vote OWEN wunnlrer Voters of the only in plesbicite Saturday want government storfi for the sale of beer Ontario will decide licensed dining lounges dryl city 10 Whether they Bandits 3013 Jewelry Store WINDSOR Ont CP and pancake makeup today caped with between jewelry Two banditsvwearing sun glasses held up jewelryrstore and es 3l0000 and $15000 in cash watches and Wes McKnighiliobbed TORONTO CF The home of Toronto radio broadcaster Wes McKnight was one Eight Forest Fires Reported Toronto or Eight forest fires in Ontano today by the departmEnt of are under control of the three night with total loss estimated at broken into here Thursday $16250 were reported burriing lands and forestsAll Commission To Prepare Report rononro or Energy Resourcelelinister Macaulay announcd today that theLangiord commltt oil and natural gas resources has on Ontarios been asked to prepare report dealing with natural gas storage Control Restored To General SEOUL or South Korea Gen Carter Magruder agreed today on compromise restor last week ing to Magruder most of theoperationaloontrol ho exercised over the 525000man Korean armed forces before the coup Detectives said Mrs Ewell was nude from the waist down and her red silk dress was pulled over her head She had no shoes on Mrs Tysons clothing was torn oil and she was half un dressed police said No patrolrnen discovered the car with the bodies in small wooded lane Police were called by cab driver Wilbur Morris who witnessed the abduction shortly after am Police gave the following ac count The two women were riding in Mrs Ewells car with her son James 23 at the wheel when the engine stalled near the Plainfield water works James went to the water com pany to call cab and then walked away Police said he had had an argument earlier with his mother Morris was sent to the scene by the cab company He worked on the engine and got it started Meanwhile two young Negroes drove up in black car and stopped Barrio Ontario runy May so lost Explosion Shutters Buildings Stavrmmrra Sow Eichrnann Help In JERUSALEM AP 35 yearold Hungarian Jew pruscd into slave labor testified today that he saw Adolf Eichmann take part in the murder of Jewish boy accused of stealing cherries from the Gestapo chiefs garden thelmpact of thunderciap on the packed courtroom where in the six weeks since the trial started Eichmann has been no cused mainly of highlevel di rection of the Nazi slaughter of 0000000 Jews Abraham Gordon now guard at copper processing plant in lsracl was boy of to to 17 when he worked on tank traps and gun emplace ments in the gardens of the villa Eichmann conscripted for his Budapest headquarters in 1944 The witness said Eichmann and his bodyguard Slavek beat Jewish boy of 16 or 17 named WASHINGTON AWPresi dent Kennedy asked Congress today to overhaul drastically the foreign aid womanhood for next year and multi billion dollar loan system for future years Kennedy said the proposed longrange program is para mount importance for protec tion of the Western world againsk the Communist threat The president made his pro transmittiag the legislation he wants enacted number of influential legis lators have shown coolness to parts of the Kennedy package however and what typeot bill Congress will finally approve remains uncertain in what would be the most drastic shakeup since the aid program got under way on large scale after the Second World War Kennedy proposed establishment of single aid organization combining previ ously separate units The new master aid agency would be called AlD the Agency for international De velopment Its head would have undersecretary of state rank and would report to the seepetarypf state and the presi BI TO SEPARATE PROGRAMS Under Kennedys bill arms aid would be separated from economic aid in the future and would be treated as part of the regular US defence budget True Lion OI Judah Hailed By Ottawas Mayor Whitton OTTAWA CF David BenGurion left by air at 850 Quebec City Prime Minister Diefenhaker French Ambassador Francis costedeao of the diplomatic corps and small group of is raeli Embassy and external af fairs department olficials at Premier Ottawa am today for tended the quiet departure cere many To reporters described the philosopher In Quebec where he arrived at 956 am the 74yearold statesman will meet Premier Lesage and then spend the weekend in Montrealhefore fly ing to New York to conferwith UN Secretary General Dag Harnmarskjold and President Kennedy The Ottawa Jewish Commun ity Council presented him Thurs day with silver cigaret box cngraved with the coats of arms of Canada and the provinces eh prime min and gentle and book of signatures of 450 Jewish children He also received flowery ad dress of welcome by Mayor Charlotte Whitton who called him true Lion of Judah and Mr Dieienhhker the David who slew Paiestineo Goliath of long centuries of bondage deprivation discrim ination and persecution From Prime Minister Dieien baker he recei praise as the valiant natio builder of mod ern Israel and upholder of par liamentary democracy Mr Ben Gurioa in turn overwhelmed by the warmth of his welcome in Canada liewas hnpressed he said with Canadas willingness to do everything possible to preserve peace BELIEVE IN REDEMPTION Jews the world over belieyed in the ultimate attainment of the ancient prophets promise of the redemption of humanit Peace would be achievedamong nations and people never again would lift the sword against each other Canada he added with it En and Frenchcuitureals geliviog example of what can hieved The best lesson you can givs to humanity is that hede dared it is the most urgent thing that humanity needs know How together The eyewitnm account had Kennedy Drastic Overhaul pmvid$d750000000 in aid fund posalin letter to Congress told press conference he was Murder Shalomon to death for stealing cherries from the orchard nearby Gordons story drew the pros ccution case against Eichmann in Hungary near closethe climax point for both the state and the defencebecause it was in Hungary thatthoGL=tapo bureaucrat took personal com mand in the field of Jewish af fairs While Eichmann was there in tho summer of 1944 Hungarys 600000 Jews the last big group left in Europe were deported to the death camps Gordon said he worked in group of 15 Jews In the Eich mann garden and observed in cldtenis involving the defend an One was the murder He testi iicd that Eichmann and Slavek dragged the boy into toolshed and shut the door heard awfulscreams the sounds of to rrib beating thuds kicks it lasted about to or 15 minute Proposes for the program in the year starting July $590000000 for cconornicjid to colintrles around the world The sum includes $500000000 fora presidential contingency fund for flexible use in emer gencies such as recent develop ments in Southeast Asia twice the amount Kennedy estimated for that purpose earlier $335000000 for arms assist ance That is the amount KenI nedy mentioned in Thursdays urgent national needsf mes sags which outlined much of the program presented today $900000000 in borrowing authority for funds to make longtermy loans for overseas economic development projects $300000000 additional to come from repayments by for eign countries on previous loan aid programs and to be reused for new projects Kennedy also asked for authority to use such funds for the same purpose in future years estimating them at about $300000000 annually For the four years starting July 1962 Kennedy requested $1600000000 year in further borrowing authority for long term economic development loans fiscal 111 flarrir Examiner LOCAL WEATHER Sunny with clouds tomorrow Warmer Winrbllght Loth mammoth hillrumarympaxo three Not More Than io per 00171314 Page PAINTS JACKIE Bad FROM MOVIES TORONTO CP Three days oi sitting in New York City movie house sketching rapidlyjn the gloom have produced an oil painting Tor onto artist Frank Dchmin Va lctlus hopes will soon hang in the WhiteHouse The painting Yankee in Pa rec is Mr Valerius portrait of Jacqueline Kennedy wilc olthe president of the United States Mr ValflriuLs chose the usgalmeo oLmsddngfl preliminary sketchu because he said Thursday he lacked the diplomatic admitness necessary to get Mrs Kew nedy bash for him For three days Mr Valerius sat in the theatre during an exhibition of his work in New York sketching as Jaque lioes Image came on the screen during newsrcel weather Dull For Weekend Much Cooler TORONTO CF The weather picture across the lower lakes continues unsettled and on the average cool After Thursday nights cold outbreak ailtime records for low over night temperatures fell like ten pins this morning and tonight will again be chilly with templt eratures mostly in the 305 Fair weatherwith 60 degree or so temparatures makes Saturday look somewhat better but cloudy cold weather will return Sun day murmur or The ad vance of communism in Laos is threatening to wipe out Chris tianity in the northern provinces of this otherwise hist kingdom The Roman Catholic mission here saidthe proCommunist Pathet Lao have killed two Catholic missionaries and arrested and presumably ex ecuted five more in 10 months None of the 60 Catholic fathers of the Oblat de Marie order who were scattered over the remote mountainous coun deepiy Budd main with their flocks countryside They were forced to leave or go to towns There are féw Christian con verts in Laos The mission as timates the total at 25000 in the Communists Force Christianity Out tryside of north Laos could re Injured By Flying Glass WINNIPEG GP Firemen searching the wreckage of restaurant ripped by an uplolt sion and fire confirm that no one was killed Fire Chiri Dave Dunnctt reported today investigators still were trying to determine the cause of the blast at the Prague restaurant on Main Street in Winnipegs north end AQJBMELMELILWH if persons were injured as the ex plosion hit the restaurant about 1110 pm Thursday Others were cut by glass and debris and witnesses described some of those rescued as badly burned James Senez spokesmanyior the Greater Winnipeg Gas Com pany said inspection of mairu outside the building showed nothing to indicate gascaused the explosion However nothing definite could be established un til the interior of the restaurant was checked later today The blast which apparently originated in the cafe virtually demolished buildings on either side About other buildings in the area were damaged One witness Fred Diachun oi Winnipeg said he led two or three persons from the upstairs of the restaurant building Where several apartments were lo cated HEARD SCREAMS He said he heard other per sons upstairs screaming for help but couldnt reach them He did not know whether they escaped The cafe was near the centre of the block on the east side of Main Street between Euclid and Selkirk Avcnues Thousands of spectators flocked to the scene The shock at the explosion was felt three milcs from the source Police clearedLre word from the area as gas company crows hogan checking mains cook in thecafe identified only as Peter said he had just entered walkvin meat freezer when the explosion occurred He stepped out to find the in side of the restaurant in flames He grabbed waitress and led herrto safety The cook said that earlier in Lhc evening he had smelled what he thoth was gas and reported it to one of the cafes owners transport truck driver pass ing the cafe said the blast pushed the rear oi his truck around Several other motorists reported similar experiences Casualties were taken to Win nipeg General ospitai When emergency faci es there were overtaxed others were taken to St BonifaceHospiml The explosion ripped upward through the restaurant and the root collapsed About half an hour later the front wall fell into Main Street names spread quickly to neighboring buildings Americans Dontzanow About Canada Diet Tells Reporters OTTAWA CWPrime Minis ter Dieienbaker said Thursday Americans dont know enough about Canada and are inclined to take Canadians for granted Giving press conference to group of visiting United Na tions correspondents the prime minister ranged overa number of world issues but concentrated mainly on questions about all leged antiArnericanism in Can ada We know great deal more about you than you lmow about us Mr Diefenbaker said when one 05 reporter mentioned fears that there is growing antiAAmericanism north of the border He spoke of the friendly give and take inbis recent confer ences with President Kennedy but stressed Canada could not be arpected automatically to accept the foreign policy and economic implications of the 115 He spoke for 45 minutes with the it reporters from Britain France Japan Sweden and India besides the 15 and Can ada They are guests of the government on tourlday tour He said be welcomed the opportunity to repudiate talk of antiAmericanism am amazed to the degree that more attention is paid in the 115 to coffee plantation than to Canada be said There is no serious endeavor to understand or place before the American public the views of Canada One US reporter had com plimented the prime minister onhis speech to the United Nations General Assembly last September when Mr Diefen baker was the tirst major western leader to answer Soviet Premier Kbrushchevs charges about Western colonialism But the prime minister said ha had checked US newspapers and fodndoniy two had given comprehensive coverage to his remarks on colonialism

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