they have not sown Senator Davin prende at the Ilium Whig Standard took issue with lame nowapaper critieiarn DI the Senate He said tTHE am WEI WY 1K1 TODAYSSTOCKijcEs Pelitioal SErviéé Best Basis mailed LinensLin Danica at nun srocx MARKET IB Metals IWAWT gt men use magma For ppomlmenl To Senate my gym um on arm the Sonatal vaiua MES 355 335 mg mnwn Wid Seat Am mag Emma 31wa be my or ammoa Densme mhhLIï¬WM 905 mum multimill 31anme Mmhflu 33113 malame hvwulfl mm mnoNTo CPioThaxtack Volume was 2834009 shares mufï¬n 333 an pm Davie llOntario un errormar cabini in It Is mmumm nurket was down in um morn compared with 3314000 31 mm mm Mk Wednesday aw rum and becauu an 55 MM index ma 3355m2anndjnï¬ï¬a Fan on Emflum ii an aid in to Sen am he Invented Sod we mum an an lt disagree tirely wi exam man 01 to 53115 gold were unchanged Eialï¬m 37 on lii Maggi liona macgum wouldve freelywiltlhatrutapmuxarugl to am and western oils to momma made late day can Erma gwï¬ mï¬ pointed oatmerit only in clued to gym by eonatL 1133 Base rnetain rose 61 to guanqu slung ateadiiyli cmaanm Rd an haunt p1 gt the gun and Elgar tuenll at orthme nice 91 in Lay Fmanu Can =1 an ac va part tion The 11 am volume was son institutions led the my up in mmifww film 14 Ringoa itiea In working let their It yonid not be possible to 000 shares compared wind ï¬ns Bank and Canadian 3111 we Su Kw Penn IV 10 an mun puny dam plug mm mm mm 000 at thoan time We es meme rose is ma their patriotic day and m1 body at man anywhere day and 67 and industrial Accept ldrontoDuminion Rank all ance Corporation in to sass igiï¬u 13 WEEK 35 to mi Algoma Steel and Bell ml Quad puke can Deanna mzml 133 532453 Teltphigle each Iguxmxmqnx gained as to sun ti Wm kg mn miu 3g CO new we an meenaaon ana gt aw mes DAWN we mum sew Royal Bank and PowerCor Dominion 17mm md an the on paratlon each ruse to 75 and 54 Distillers Seagrams was up ï¬n and Dnminian Steelrnnd Can it in mines Consolidated Mining and Smeiting was up IS to 25 Denimn and Noraada each added in Venture dropped it to 43 in golds Kerr Addison lost Yo to 10 The market was alightil ahead on the industrial index Wednesday but felion all other segments Onlindex industrialajained 25 to 58419 golds tall 11 to 8035 base metals 197 to 19680 and western oils 34 to 991 RESIGNS IN norm SAN FRANCISCO APITlle son of the Carnation Companys board chairman nresdny re signed as vicepresident and dilt rector in protest against what he called oneman daminntinn at the big dairy products firm by his father Hadley Stuart 73 Hadley Stuart Jr 44 said he hoped his resignation would bring the situation to the atten tion Carnations Itockholders and the ï¬rms 12000 employees 55 Mining trading was heavy lnlconbridge ell to 55 In ternational Nickel and Consoli dated Mining and Smelling to 79 and ash Gold trading wan light Giant Yellowknife dropped 15 to 10 and Kerr Addison was ahead to 1015 In light western oil trading Great Plains fell to 12V and Calxary and Edmonton rose it to 17 NOON DOLLAR MONTREAL CPIThe 178 dnliar was at discount 545 per cent in terms of Cana dinn funds the Bank of Mont real reported nearnoon today Wednesday the noon rate was 1116 Pound sterling 7591 down 118 NEW YORK CWCanadian dollar 116 higher at $101 718 in terms of us funds Pound sterling 115 lower at 3279 division at the Canadian Manufacturer5 Asaociation on Wednsday at the divisions 42nd annual meeting in ldnga Ion Mr Engbolm vicepresi dent of the Manama 003198 at Canada umited of flex daia succeeded Carl Pol lodr DI Kimbaner GP Photo ANNOUNCES CONTRACTS WAWA CPITho defence production department awarded contrncLs totalling 3199979 to 174 Canadian firms during the last halt oi Anrii it was an nounced Wednesday The larg est valued at $3270 was to Canadian Pacific Airlines Lim ited of Vancouver im the op elation at repair depot NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Indutrlnl Mineral of Canada Ltd mos ended March 81 1961 $17349 1960 $30580 National Steel Car Ltd rnoa ended March 31 will 321600 three cent share 1960 00300 85 cents nquso nine mastBarfla Mumb 4mm Rails ladultrill down All Golda 09 mt No Silencing Mount wt In Trad Tu Blondl rowu Ltd mwemitdtï¬ill Emmi 13115 50 mama nuu an ax ammo 3anl DOWJONII you imam 11ch neutral nmxx immoral1 mum er hag usualh mailman Ill1211 mun um we Kohl 01ukï¬m 11 sewer MOVEMENT WATC ES val ow unmwn mu lmLLERS LTD WHAT wE are YOU AT OUR oNE STOP SERVICE LUMBER YARD PERSONALIZED SERVICE TRAINED PERSONNEL TO HELP YOU PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE MERCHANDISE RETURN PRIVILEGES LUMBER PLYWOOD GLASS CUT TO SIZE COMPLETE MILLWORK SERVICE ESTIMATE SEEVICE OUTSIDE SALESMEN FOR AT HOME ESTIMATES SATISFACTION GUARANTEED BEYOND THE SALE YOURE WELCONE TO USE OUR BUDGET PLAN IOTECENICAL ADVICE FROM QUALIFIED PEOPLE 11 PLAN SERVICE I0 HELP YOU DECIDE 12 PAIR PRICES CONSISTENT WITH THE SERVICES INCLUDED IN CANADA TREND IS STARTING TOWARDS THE NEWER METHOD on CAST AND CARRY so THAT ALL oun ousromans MAYHAVE mam cnorce or THEMANNER IN WHICH may WISH TO DO BUSI NesswnannsammeA CASH CARRY BEPIIIITMENT BY ELIMINATING THESE SERVICES WE CAN OFFER LOWER PRICES ON SOME ITEMS HANDLED IN QUANTITIES HERE ARE soME oETHENEw Low CASH lilililinPliiiiES N0 SPRUCE PER 100 ED PREMIUM GRADE $500 per me an $9300 per1000 ha soon no per mixed load minimum sheath $8800 per sheath $8500 per nunan Carry TILE Forum 10 were on none SPECIAL GARAGE DOORS Each SYLVAPLY PLYWOOD SHEATHIND nu anon on aid NDERLAY 5119 Caah and Carry BATT INSULATION mica 239 Venn CARTON Piece All Steel Overhead Door All 52v an as THICK 298 PER CARTON 95 an 74 $610 hr THICK 289 PER CARTON 3st us sun 25 CAETONS 01 MORE EcAsn AND cAnny DELIVERY FOR THOSE CUSTOMERS WHO WANT TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE LOW PRICES BUT NEED DELIVERY WE WILL ARRANGE FOR DELIVERY AI AN AD DITIONAL CHARGE CASE AND CARRY 20 saneTs on MORE MIXED mamas MAHOGANY PLYWOOD 816 $415 EACH 1319 5475 men nANDOM Glioovnn UNFINISHED 10 SHEETS OR MORE CASH CARRY Ann rmces SUBJECT TO MARKEva on nowN nor QUALITY manners four NowaeroRETHE NEW sAnEs TAX JUST3 atocxs 50111714 or THE BARRIE SHOPPING ptazn