CAM Us WHIsrLRs Photo by Jon Hamilton AERIAL VIEW SHOWS 100 NORTHERN COLLEGIATE CADETS Alf ANNUAL INSPECTION Northern Cadets Mass For Parade By ROBERT inAcaAiN Examiner Stnif Reporter Barrie District North Colle giate Cadet Corps held iLs first annual inspection yesterday aft ernoon700 strong The inspection was by Brig adier Purves oIficer commanding Camp Borden and Capt Arnold CWAC Rd visor Central Command Head quarters Oakvillc The faliin took place on the North Collegiate Campus Varm weather and rigid discipline toppled 20 cadets in the ranks The teachers cared for the stu dents and all quickly recovered In his remarks Brig Pur ves said the cadets marched well and were an impressive body in size and department The cadeu demonstrated pro wess at gymnastics wireless operating armaments and first aid The gymnastic group worked out on the mats and trampoline Spectators were receptive to this group and one little girl said Theyre smart SIX TROPHIES In all six trophies were pre sented followed by range awards handed out by Capt Harris Steele ol the Grey and Simcoe Foresters Trophies werei Rodgers trophy for Best Officer Cadet boys went to Cdt LtCol Grant Peever Presented by SL Rodgers otiicers Mess at Edgar tro phy to Best Girl Cadet went to Sandra Fleming Presented by WCmdr Derripstef C0 of RCAF Station Edgar Barrie North Trophy to the best N00 boys was won by SgtMajor Harold Bertram Presented by Capt Barnett Barrie North trophy to best boy cadet in ranks was won by Cdt Dempster Pres ented by Capt Arnold Griffin trophy to best boys platoon went to No platoon Company received by Lt Don Hagan Presenta tion by Mr Griffin The Barrie Examiner trophy to the best girls platoon was won by No platoon comp any Lt Joan Crawford re ceived the award from Ken neth Walls Examiner publish er Following the awards CANADA RIFLE ASSOCIATION AWARDS Score out of 300 Cdt Colley 2nd class 251 Cdt LtCol Peever 2ndclass 253 Cdt Garrow 2nd class 263 Cdt Osachuk 2nd class 264 Cdt Cpl Maughan 2nd class 267 Cdt Whelan 2nd class 288 Cdt Cpl Larkin Ist class 271 Cdt Lt Chappel lst class 278 Cdt Malcomson lst class 280 Cdt Cpl Mar shall list class 230 Cdt Capt Robertson lst class 284 Cdt Sgt Robinson highest scorer in unit award287 RECREATIONAL SHOOTING AWARDS Average Cdt Whelan 1st class 88 Cdt Osachuk lst class Cdt Cpl Larkin 1st class as Cdt Garrow marksman 91 Cdt Cpl Maughan marksm 922 Cdt Cpl Marshall marks man 927 CdL Malcomson marksman 935 CdtCoiley marksman 944 Cdt Sgt Ro binson marksman 946 Cdt Capt Robertson marksman 947 Cdt Lt Chappcl Strath cona Best Shot 948 are range Entire County In Fire Scheme The 18 independent firefight ing departments of Simcoe County are planning to4set up fire prevention scheme to protect the entire county The Examiner learned today Tentative plans were dis cussed here Tuesday night at meeting of the coe County Mutual Air FirefightingAssoc iation Barrie fire chief Rolandfr win chaired the meeting vat tended by eight fire chiefs Details of the new plan will be worked out at the associa tions next meeting in Barrie May 11 Association ofï¬cials hope all 18 ï¬re departments wille represented Major aim of the new ap proach will be to set up the coudty to thoroughly integrate fire prevention Association president is Lloyd Cameron chief of the Port McNicol fire department Harold Hunter representa tive of the Ontario Fire Mar shals Office stationedrnt 0i illia attended last nights meeting Lutherans xWant school In Canada KITCHENER CPA school in Eastern Canada for prospec tive ministers and teachers might solve serious problem facing the proposed Lutheran Church nfCanada If were going to form our own church well need more pastors and more teachers well have to develop loyalty to the school that belongs to Canada said Rev RolandA Frantz of Edmonton Delegates were warnedby Dr rWOIbrecht of St Louis Mo an errdirector of Missouri Synod that thebiggest problem the new church will have to face isrecruitme iMPERIAL Nrum BEFORE Srru UH ANY SCREEN NOW snowiNG in mm usmn cocoa Auroralscorl wwu7unnma uum srarm SCHOOL Losers grVocatio Training StressedjBy Hamilton By HAMILTOtt Principal Barrio North Collegiate Canada is planning to observe Commonwealth Tech nlcal Training Weekirom May 29 to June 1931 at the same time as similar Observances are taking place in number of other commonwealth countries Originally suggested by His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh the purpose is to focus attention on the importance of technical vocational training and edu cation in the world today andooencourage young peo pie to prepare for careers with expanding opportunitI ies LIMPING BADLY At the present time the per capita income of Canada is the second highest in the world In land abundant in allthe rcquisibasof goodlife OlllTagaES of pro ductivity and economic growth are limping badly We live in world far different from that which our grand fathers knew indeed it is not the same which our fa thers knew Every day brings advances in technology which stagger the imagination The tradesmen who neglects to keep up with new methods soon finds him self behind his fellows MORE TRAINING NEEDED Advanced technology gives anew importance to the highly trained worker To the youthofcanads lt means not only that they must remain in school atlonal training In addition to all of us who have the responsibility of organizing formal education and training it means mehhods and facilities must be constantly renewed and improved We now recognize that we live in world filled with gadgets We must provide opportunities to train work ers who are fitted to operate within this framework and not waste our human resources through lack of opportunity for training The technologist is needed tO carry out the plans of the engineersand scientists and to operate and keep operating the complex machinery of our age lt BREAK RELUCTANCE In introducing vooatlonal education we must break down the reluctance of both students and parents to taking this type of training Parents too orten feel longer but more of them musttake technical and voc HAMILTON their children should pursue only the academic side of education Ihisils in part due to the fact that the public is un aware of the excellent career opportunities which now and will in future exist in technical trade and other vocational fields All must give these careers their proper place of importance among all occupations in Canada Sour FOUNDATION Too in introducing suitable tachnicai programmes we must resist the tendency to make the courses too narrow The courses as Well as providing background training for trade must be coupled with sound gen eralcducntlon based on some history economics civic and literature along with the fundamental principles ofvmnthematlcs and science students to be employ ahle must have solid foundation in the communica tion and computational skills The successful vocational graduate must learn Pro per dress behave acceptably and develop initiative He will require nknowledge of his country and the world community of which it is apart He will require skills and knowledge providing sound basis for further ed ucationand background so that he can be retraincd if the necessity arises APPRECIATE EDUCATION Young people must be convinced of the nECESity of piannlnga career and staying in school until gradu ation Parents and youth must acquire better appre ciation of the importance and value of education to gt persons future employment security Parentsmust en courage thelr children to equip themselves as weii as they possibly can with useful skills and knowledge for their lifes work Our graduates of the future must be trained to play an increasingly positive and constructive role in mak ing Canada better place in which to live They must acquire the skills and knowledge that will enable them to earn living in occupations suited to theirdevelop ed talents and interests They mustlearn also to ali preciate the contribution they are making to their community and country and demonstrate it with en ergy and enthusiasm Marching Flags And Salute At Vivid Central Ceremony Smokers Bad Risk Says Psychiatrist coupon ReutersiHnrrled smokers cs day found By ANDREA NETHWAY Caitlin Collegiate Cadet inspection May to op ened with the ceremonial form ation for inspection marching no the flags and general salute Lt Col Scotti MC CD Commandant of the Pro School Camp Borden and as sisting inspector Captain Brown Central Command Oakv IIENNEIHWALLS PRESENTS EXAMINER TROPHY Slam 3rd In Running lump By LEON VAN DYKEL Bradford High On Friday morning short as sembly was called to giveWay ne Monday chance to tell of his experience as the represen tativefrom our school to venture in Citizenship the Ho taryfsponsorcd trip to Ottawa His address wasvery interest ingand well delivered Saturday was the big day for our track stars Weareproud ofnur winnrs John Stam who came third in he halimile and Wayne Mundy who mine inthe running bro The news from Pickering was not as good as that of the boys from Camp Borden but never theless we commend all the girlsand boys whotookpart for their efforts warms LEAD Our field day was held today but some events have to be JOHN STAM completed tomorrow so the win ners will be in next weekscolv umn At present the white team is in the lead by quitea large margin The Grade 12 history students are going to Toronto with Miss Kelso tonight to see Mein Kampf So all in all it has been quite busy daygt This Friday night is the big night of the Spring Prom We hope to see good crowd Legislate Need Ilrises Says Die OTTAWA CWAny legisla tion resulting from SouthA cas departure from the Com monwealth May 81 will be dealt wth as the need arise rne HURONIA aims1N THEATRE 333 Minister Diefenbaker said Wed nesday We believe there is no nec essity of omnibus or compre hensive consideration of the various statutes that are in ex istence dealing either withSauth Africa in particular or the Com monwealth in and Captain Arnold oi the Can pdian Womens Army Corps in spected the ranks The performed march past in column of plat oons and march past in col umn of route which finished with an advance in review ord er This completed the first section of theprogrnm DISCIPLINED DRILL The platoon drill keen com petition between the five hoys platoons showed the discipline and training of the cadets as platoon on thearena floor The Major Rodgers Trophy awarded to the hast platoon was won by Platoon under Cadet Lt Ross Campbell The Morrison Tro phy awarded to the command er oi the winning girlsplatoon was won by RuthColeieader of Platoon Because the girls didnot have platoon drill as did the boys they were judged while march ing The jifdge of platoons was Captain John Howard GUN DEMONSTRATION Gun and fieldcrafts with Bren and rifle first aid and signal ling The precision driil andthe rifle calisthenicha new feature introduced by the Grade Xl boys showed precise timingand military smartness Grade 1X boys physical educatiom exer cise table showed sound phy each cadet lieutenant drilled his The boys demonstrated Brew sical condition The highlight of the boys performances was the work done by the gym team on the bars mats and box rwmmnnnss air The Twirlerettes of 1961 in red and white uniforms drew enthusiastic applause as they strutted through their skillful arrangements to the tune of June is Bursting out all over Egually popular were tfhe nge and girls ace ul si cal education rhgthmics PRAISES CADETS The entire school body parad ed into the arena for the finale and the inspectorisremarks Lt Chi Scotti praised the cadets for their precision and physical fitness He advised them to con tinue their physical program in order to aidlifelong good health The presentation of pla toon trophies the Jack Garner Trophy and Strathcona Crest for the best marlsman were made after the inspectors com ments Mr Knox led the audience and cadets in the singing of special hymn These Things ShallBe in recognition of Erit ish Commonwealth Day The bauoiwnieï¬rmded mu sic throughout the inspection closed with Canada and Godsave The Queen dance was held indie school wéiengthe cadets were dismiss OFFICERS Cadet officers Battalion Com Ijlaiidfl Cadet Lt Col Don Eoster 2ndin Command Cad etMajor Don Arnold Battalion ash Cadet RSM Larry Em rick ACoy Commander Cad etMajor Barry Finnis ACoy St Major Cadet CSM Phil Lauzou Coy Commander Sergeant Major Carol Morri son UN SEMINAR Patricia Hoara 1213 will rep resent Central at the United Na tions Seminar at Western Un iversity The trip sponsored by the ODE Barrie Branch in cludes visit to Stratford and threeday stay at the universe ity from June 2140 The junior and senior girls basketball teams have elected as their most valuable player Liz Beatty This makes Liz the winner of the Johnston Carruth era Trophy rap ATHLETE The outstanding male athlete this year is Ray Thompson Ray writ be awarded the Bill baking Memorial Trophy Brian Wiles stood first in the hop step and jump 42 ion and high jump at the GBSSA track and field meet on May 20 Bruce Henry came thud in the intermediate half mile lIerb Shannon was third in his best of the intermediate 440 yds and Earl Shannon fourth in his heat in the senior 440 yds WAS AT McG WASHINGTON vid Hackett who got lege education at McGilt Uni versity in Montreal has been appointed executive director of President Kennedys committee on juvenile delinquency teen age chum of the presidents brother AttorneyGeneral Rob ert Kennedy Hackett 34 was well known in Eastern Canada as college athlete Ann Kearsey Giris Company COM imp themselves under attack from new quarterpsychiatry London psychiatrist says they tend to drink more be worse students and to be men ried and divorced more often than nonsmokers They also tend to drink more alcohol to have more driving accidents to be more promiscu ous and to be partygoing types the psychiatrist adds Surveying the differences be tween smokers and nonsmokers in Wednesdays issue of family doctor Professor Eysencu of the Institute of Psychiatry at London University wrote Smokers tend to be mono emotional more neurotic more given to anxieties more tensc they also go to hospital more often ACTS AS CONCIJJATOR RIO de JANEIEO APtForx eign Minister Afonso Arinos said Wednesday night that Era zil is acting ass conciliator geutgveen tbeUnited States and TYPEWIIITEHS NEW REBUILT FthM 74950 lt RENTAL and snnvrcn iSlMCOE BUSINESS incomes einuniop at PA 34324 mun ENEMAï¬OPE