As City jacked ut Truck Hitserole lPower Cut on Supper was one hour late for hundreds oi Barrie residents last night And Gordon Campbell 35 of the Campbell Movers Er lucky to get any supper at Hydro oiiiclals say he nar rowly escaped electrocuan when ireak accident knocked olllt Barries main power sup Pli Mr Campbell told The Ex aminer that he was parking the company moving truck at about 530 pm near the firms office at as Lorena Street While he was angling to park ssfoot boom protruding County Holsteins Set Record Tests In addition to the Jrld dram pionsbip record recently report ed irom Glenailon Farms Al iislou number of other Simone County Holsteins have complet ed outstanding record of per iormance tests Earlncliife Betty Sceptcr bred and owned by Brothel TotLenham is reported with 505 day twicedday milking production as iiveyearoldof 18608 pounds milk containing 710 pounds butteriat average test 414 percent butterint Continued on test for 365 days she gave total of 20074 pounds milk containing 335 pounds fat Betty is classified good plus She is daughter or the twrce allCanadian Bond Haven Seep ter Crusader BARBE OWNER The very 800d cow Meado lako Sovereign Hartog bred and owned by Atkinson of Barrie has completed 305 day twiceadny milking record as sixyearold of 19792 pounds milk containnig 707 pounds but tcrlat average test 403 per cent butterfat Glenaiton Nettie Colanlha daughter of Rosaie Centurian who was junior champion fe Burglars Get $275 From Lumber Yard City Police are investigating break and entry of the Ball Planing Mill Ltd early this morning total oi $275 is reported stolen Detective Ron Pritchard said the front door ofthc firm had been forced to gain entry Cash was taken from an open safe police reported The incident was reported at 135 am and Cpl George Win goi attended imam antagonismer city wate mainruptured beneath Hayfield Street early this morning eroding ser ies of potholes delaying trai tie and bathing tine Hayfield hill with water The break was reported at 214 Cpl George Winger of Barr 23 Cundles an East Barrie Midland Pcnetang Elmvale Phone Zenith No Toll Charge 115869 pounds milk containing 669 pounds butterfat average tom the truck struck apower pole disrupting hydro service throughout the city for an hour and 10 minutes The broken line carried 44000 volts Mr Campbell stayed right inside the nick cab flie rai est place to be in case like that he said is on rubber Hydro nfflcial said Camp bell would have been electro cuicd if he had left the truck before the power was turned off There was no damage to the vehicle Public Utilities workmen repaired damage to the circuit when they received permit from Ontario Hydro male at the Simcoe County black and white day and Royal Winter Fair in 1956 and was lab or named allCanadian senior yearling heifer has produced as senior iouryearold in 345 days on twiceavdny milking 19828 pounds milk containing 753 pounds butteriat average test 380 percent butteriat She is classified very good In the herd of her breeder Den Haan llaanview Su preme Susic produced as jun ior threeyearold in 305 days on twiceadoy milking total at test 432 percent butterfat This record has Breed Class Av erage for fat of 130 percent or in other words it is 00 percent above the average of the breed Susie is daughter of the Ex cellent sire Hoeland Heflection Sovereign Wins Set Of China In Pattern Contest DuringApril Dick Steele and Sons Engliflr China and Gift Shop conducted Cboose Your Pattern contest which has been won by Mrs Catherine Henry of 73 Mary Street Even bank managers can let their hair down And Paul Bud Fisher ï¬nds it even eas ier when surrounded by bevy of bank belles The oc casion was party in his hon or to mark his retirement as WEATHER Cold cioudy weather is ï¬rmly entrenched The customer had to select over Northern and Central On pattern from one of eight on display and write 25 words or less explaining why it was her tario Slowing down of the cold weather front will assure Southlt favorite Prize was iopiece of English bone dinner set china Mrs Henry chose the Green Asia pattern because of its cool elegance and simple artis try The hostess who uses this china will be credited with im peccable taste Presentation of the set to Mrs Henry is to be made today at pm at the store Wingham barricades were City Police Public lit ties placed aroundthe vexing Vesuvius The broken supply line is op posite 160 Bayfield Today workmen are digging on both sidesoftthe street with clam shovel trying to find source of trouble pi icon nosepomubouuneuecu western Ontario of fine day much like yesterday Friday will be cool and cloudy through out the province LakeErie Lake Huron Nia gara western Lake Ontario re gions Windsor motion Tor onto Hamilton Increasing cloudiness today followed by showers and scattered thunder storms this evening Cloudy and cooler Friday with few show ers Westerly winds near 20 coming northerly this evenin Southern Georgian Bay Hul iburton eastern Lake Ontario regions Cloudy and cooler with few showers today and Fri day Winds becoming northerly near 15 today Northern Georgian Bay Al goma Tim mi Cochrane White River regions Soo Sud bury North Bay Cloudy and cold with occasional showers or snowflurries today and Friday Northeast winds 10 to 20 Ffllflastilemperntnres Low tonight high Friday Windsor 45 it Thom ondan Kitchener Hamilton St Catharines Toronto Peterborough Trenton NEWCUMER Have you orghas someone youzkoow justmovoil to new home Yonr when Wagon Hoabm will call with gift and friendly eeeaeacee soaeeseene nounurun EMPLOYEES TREAT MANAGER manager of the Barrie branch of the Royal Bank at the Ced ar Rail last night Surround ing him from the top clock wise are Gail Langrnan Eve lyn Shaw Bonnie Martin and Pat Corner Examiner Photo Mayor Will Open New Auto centre Barrie Mayor Willard Kinzie will cut ribbon at 330 pm Friday to mark the official open ing of the new Volkswagen Sales and Service Centre at Pierce Motors Ltd at 31 Essa Road at Burton Avenue number oi events and al tractions have been lined up to celebrate the opening of the modern facilities Friday aven ing televisions Captain Smith and Salty will be present and Wendy Hicks will be presenting 100 roses to women Visitors There will be free balloons and sun hats for the kiddies and free refreshments for all Cap tain Smith and Salty will return Saturday morning Car purchasers will become eligible for participation in lucky draw Pierce Motors Ltdxwiil con tinue to maintain its used car lot at 177 Bradford Street When youre suotrmo never email All more flavor nlore sparkle moro census ran as SIX 0L HOMES PLUS EFOS Tossoroniio To Get New Garbage Firm new gating duposal coo corn is being cstaablilhadln Tos °°llmiu altars Wu Ltd will collect remove buy sell process and transport garbage and materials of every description The complay has an autharln ed capitalization of 40000 anar without par value 111 name Examiner ed Educational Topic At Fridayltleeiing Education will be one when the Emile John 30 hart5Q tied addresses BarriXe ProgresiveOonaervitlver SAVE CHILDREN TAO July TagDay tor the Save The Children Fund has been re quested of council and been re med to committee mhllltM 1514 LOADING IS EASY GETTWG OUT IS PROBLEM CITY AND COUNTY NEWS Allistod The early history oi this area will be assured of preservation next month when the South sirncoe Museum opens its doors The museum located in Al listoas Riverdale Park has long been the dream of several people in this district Chair man of the mineum board is Donald Downey Mr Downey explains that the building will serve to preserve relics from the townships of Essa Tossorontio Adjala and Tecumseth on well aa Beeton and Alliston The museum is financed through granu from the six municipalities from the county and irom the province Although the official openin is not until June 17 it is hoped that the building will be opento the public June OLD SPINNING WHEELS Among the articleson display at the museum will be mili stones train the old Fletcher mill in 19thcentury wedding dress collectioaiof dreams and an assortment of spinning wheels Alliston residents may view the old school bell which in its day called thousands of reluct ant pupils to thetAlliston pub T0 STOCK UP NOW THURSDAY MAY 15 lbsl3 History OitSouth Siméoe Asgured By New MuSeum lic school in another section iyear there will be model Es will be display of the very latest baby carriages and cra dles that adorned the elite of the 1800s On map of Simcoe County made in 1071 are names of all the area tanners showing the land they owned and where their buildings stood The map includes the township of Mul mur and Mono which were art of Sirocoe County at that me In one part of thehuildlng there Ill be adisplay of early farm irnplementa and modes of transportation and travel Ploughs saws buggies and cutters are just few of the iternsxto be shown FDR THIRSTY FOLKS throwback to the days when stage coaches travelled between Alliston and Rosemont is an old bar which came from the Rose mont Hotel The bar will be set up as it would have appeared to thirsty passenger who had just arrived from Alliston The oldest item which the museum has is Bible printed in 1520 There will he separ ate room inwiucb boolnf will be kept and the old Elble will like ly bedtsplaytgd there As special attraction this WALKERS irimo village on display in cluded in this display will be items which Mr Downey ob tained few are ago then he spent some me in the Arctic NEEDED LOG HOUSE Outside the museum two storey loghouse hasheen plac ed The house donated to the board by the SaladaSiirriif Horsey C0 came from oneroi tbe companys farms near Al liston The building was care iuliy dismantled brought to the park and reassembled The house will be furnished inside in pioneer style Mr Clare Watson it Beeton will be the curator He and the rest oftbe board extend in vitations to everyone to visit the museum any tlrne after the first of June School groups are on pecially invited to see the mu5 eum before summerholidays anss ms as lwo carlaads of young chess Wizards irom Jessie Kctcbum School in Toronto will square off against Barrie group at the YMCA in junior chess touraa ment Friday night before the tourney starts the hosts will at tempt to dazzle the guests tum mles with bean feed DiichedTruclt Inst Stubborn Baekinga truck into ditch may be the best way to load it But getting the same vehicle out of the same ditch fully loaded is no snap couplcoi tnickers ditched stake truck outside now cafeteria on Blake Street last night just for this purpose Ai ter an hour and half of much pushing and pulling with big tractor trailer and one broken chain later the stubborn little vehicle gave in It took strong clrain to convince it The men Bert Bridges of Sault Ste Marie and John Cirill man of lhessnlon were stuck with the problem of loading the stake truck with several heavy drums and bags of feed with no proper loading platform out side the building they decided to back the vehicle into the ditch and load from the side The wheels settled into the soft mud Mr Bridges said hed do It again Hes still convinced back in the truck into the ditch was best way to load her Paintings Normal Instructor States Theres nothing unusual about faintlngs at cadet inspection Gerald Dryden thief instruc tor at Barrie District North Collegiate said this morning er Dryden was expressing reassurance for concerned par ents whose children fainted dur ing the cadet corps inspection at the collegiate He pointed out that staff instructors were spread out at the inspection in anticipation of cadets fainting Among the instructors qualifi cations is the ability to render ï¬rst aid Summer Sock Values nor more case roor FORWARD no Coméllrasuz mm or socxs room womans bonny socxs swampy socks corrorv soc KS HALF sodasswmrnn socxs poor ALL KINDS or socxs son ALL SIZES on FEET AND so EEASONABLY PRICED YOULL WANT Cherub English made soda These Halt Socks are ld9al for childrens summer wear Strongly constructed of rayon and cotton With nylon added for extra strength Colours white pink sky or canary Sizesii to Ladies stretch nylon and cotton turn duff bobby sock one Vize tits on pink gt tern Colours thlteDEVYde lurquois or 39 Rugged socks for acute boys Striped socks 50 wool for comfort 50 nylon for stren Sizes Ste gthin assorted pleasing strip popular sock at popular price Bobby elasticised leg Small popcorn duign knit badctton ds Blito Lretch nylon While only One