Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 May 1961, p. 24

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Spririg Is HomeIrrI provement Tisne SellOr Buy With Exdniiner Want Ads 121111 DAME EXAMINER FRIDAY MAY 28 Ill ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS nnowmnIir and In John Brownlld Del Joan Peilump are be py to announce the birth theE 1011 Illichael John slu art on May 1961 at Wculh Icy Hospital Temple Both well HAPPY OCCASIONTho as your chudl Totcll the good new to iricnds and neighbors The Darrin Examiner cluaidcd sun are as near as your telephone The day oi birth lust dial PA Hut The rate is only 50 DEATHS PATTERSON At this lie at Victoria Hospital nurse on day any in mi Oliver Pat terson in his first year husband ill the III ery Cunningham andthrolhrr oi waiter PIIIemn netting at Ihe srrckiey mineral ilome so Iorsley Street Barrie min Saturday noon lor service on Monday ilty is at 100 1111 interment nan1e UnInn Cemetery piitriiAt Our Lady or Ilerry liosplial Torooio on Thursday play 15 1051 mix ianc lienay widow or ibe laie vlllrcd Firm dtar Itepmniher oi Pathet Fran cls 11th and Father lvilired firth at Toronto ilri Arthur Drum mond Agnes or Wlltdsor and Mrs Robert Watt iKaIbleeal 01 Ban llcsilng at the sterklry hincral Home In Vonlcy street Barrie liner 200 p111 Saturday Funeral nrrangcmchts aier CARDS OF THANKS iilLLl wish to thank the Bar rie ProvInclIl Police or their lrlnd care and assistance in our recent accident also the cities stair ill The Barrie Examiner and xrlcnds or cards lowers and enquiries during my short stay in hospital 11a ivy HIIL ENGAGEMENTS smiles IiIcIAIJDEN The engagement has been announced at alias Virginia lee Ilughes daughter or air and hire Stanley IIuitth oi DrIIIIa In Mr nohert Wllllam Iicraddcn son pl Mr and liirs Joseph lvllilam McFarl ocn oi home The wedding wIII turn late on June 24 1161 at prn 5L pouis United Church orllllp COMING EVENTS RUMMAGE SALE SATURDAY MAY 27 AM PM TRINITY PARISH HALL Proceeds In aid of the Retarded Children RUMMAGE SALE SATURDAY MAY 27 1961 AT Old Bank of Nova Scofla Near Loblnws on Boyflcld st Ausplccs Iiidiiursi United WA nooris OPEN AT All DANCING 1va SATURDAY CAEARET STYLE COUPLES ONLY PINECREST $259 coltle For tilqu rosaryHons PHONE ELMVALE 757113 SENIOR CITIZENS SPRING TEA AND BAKE SALE in ctroperation with the Soroptirnist Club or Barrie WED MAY 230 pm LIB HALL 29 HIGH ST BARRLE DRAW For olL pAINIING AND LAiiip mailssloN use oIIO UNITED cliuncn Anniver nary Service Sunday liiay 2a 1931 11 am and 130 111 Morn my service Rev Jock Iodsay at New Lowell special music no manuelAircs Quartet oi DoriIo Evening servlce llcv hohrrt TrImIiIe Burton Avenue United church parrlc soloist Mrs George Gibson Everyone welcome CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classified adver tlsernents are inserted at the rate 01 do per word per Insertion or one and two times 30 per word or three four or five times and 21m per word for at more insertions 10 oddl tinned charge If not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED ADI VERTISEMENT IS 961 FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CiARGEE PER SINGLE IN SERTION melts on couubchNs Advertisers are reminded that all phonn insertion orders on accept ed as convenience to you advertiser Thorclore Ina Classiricd Advertising Department requires all advertisers to kindly recheck iheir advertisement immediately alter drst insertion In order that ony errors or onilslbnd may be reported hetero sana In order that same may on recufied ior tho rnlinwing days insertion order We wish to clot out that The Bnflln planner is rupuanble car only one Incorrectly hated IlisertInn on any adver uncut and then only to flidextobt or portion pl ad that involves to mispriot Errors which do not lusen thnVd1no ol the advertise ment not ellglblo ior dumb tions byeskn deeds listen and styles ror semi dispiay class eds may be ob tsinad through The examiner ed vertising departman BLIND 1mm minno inionnation regaeoiny advertisers Ilitng Dllnd Lettu iiox Numbm tor Replies is bald strictly condd must lie lies to Letter boxes will be hed only 10 days aster 1031on pflbucdtlon Coming Events5c per Wpld minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words lover words 50 per word extra luMemorldni No tices $150 It verse usedltc per word extra All WANT copy should Ito in our omce by p111 the day before puhllcatlon 0n saturdliy REAL ESTATE mopth pols saLIi CORBY Troops REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE PA 82419 p35 Eiunnnlifivsfil COREY FA ulna WE WELCOME ALL TYPES OF LISTINGS RISLDENTIAL Amts oITAGz ROSE REAL ESTATE boom 13 TIPPIN STREET imam CALL DAY 0R EVENING PA 82379 Member of the films And Dhlflfl Roll Blots Board CARSON REALTOR 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial Theatre PA 6648 Nemhtr ol HAITI and District REIT Er Bond HENDERSON REALTOR iii COLLIER 5mm PHONE PA 82573 ABSOLUTELY SPOILESS $15100 ior ibis attractive room brick bungalow with ailaciied gar age shaped living and dlniol room good size bedrooms close to schools and transportation sure to see this now exclusive ll ing on NHA 1cm phone RI Scondrctt COLLIER STREET Th1 spacious older home has eight rooms gas heating Iarer lot Full pricn moon phone per cy Ford NAPIER STREET BUNGALOW Four rooms and bath Upstairs unnnlshed Well landscaped lei priced to sell 32000 down phone percy Ford WINGS CALL RITA scANDltm PA ldB65 PERCY FORD PA 87930 Member at Dari1e and District nno antarie Real Erhto Board OSCAR BATES REAL ESTATE THORNTON PHONE IVY 291711 BARBIE Fish and chip business One oi the best locations in the city business and equipment Allandalc area Roaming house to industrial part or clty $6000 wIII handle Terms THORNTON CLOVER LEAF Three room home breeccwny and garage large lot upcn tor oiicr FOR RENT Near Thornton Large brick farm house Garden $40 monthly Stock and Rain arms ill to 250 acres Oscar Dntes Mrs Eleanor liiaw STOTJTT AGENCIES LIMITED COLLIER STREET PA $5901 CENTRAL DNTARI LARGEST REALTORS SPRING HAS SPRUNG THE GRASS HAS RIZ AND WE HNOW WHERE THE HOUS$ IS ONLY 0E LAST YEARS PRICE Nearly new cottage on 100 lake frontage bedrooms con vgnlencel Int tortzfully mullah WE KNOW THINGS ABOUT THIS THIRTYONE ACRES that we will be glad to tell you Look tth one over and get lull summers pleasure in country living peel log cabin with large bedrooms iIvIog room with stone havepiace convenient kitch an Spring water ntbaclr door ioc drinking and lovely spring led pond lot swimming at iront door About miles fromBarrlo and only 510000 SELF CONTAINED FLAT Separate pe bath iurnlshed bed sitting rtmm end kitchen in nice residential are 160 per month MILK OR HONEY BEEF AND MONEY ABUNDANILY YOUR57 on this 5215 acres close to the and also new hard Its only miles tom BunIa and only $16000 with terms WlIISPEEING PINES 115 Acres in Christmas trees and mixed hardwood House and burn need repairs Good well TERMS 011 SAY CAN YOU SAW And Use Hammer Tooi If so trite look atthia bedroom brick home on acre land at Crown Hill Priced at $0200 SMALLBUSINESS Imys stock fixtures androchn Rents tor we month MEMBERS OF THE DA AND Merv could use said DorId NIIIchoIilbePA solos VEdltIa Gould0m 251 harry BIenohPAW13 PRIVATE in old flu btdniombnlilalow rg Hanovor lip Neu ubllc 11nd Ind 511 lflhoou 70 Ly noon gaze second iIIort aa ma arranged upon SA In REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL REALTORS GA ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST Home SalesForemost In Quauty Servleo PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL MOOREPA $5151 noGnsFA 54581 menus BAImIz ds uisrnlcr mm cuts 11 CONNELIIPA 39755 Rn STATE BOARD coltIla an two years old large living room kitchen $4300 with low low down payment Must be sold CLIFF BROWN REAlIUR 32 HIGH STREET BARRE PHONES PA 60241 PA 60241 BUNGALOW AT SHANTY BAY It is our privilege to alter or the Arm time this neantiml Ilorcy and All bungalow with large living room with ilrtpiace dining room kit chen bedroom and place both Pill basement oII lumue Nlre lot 70 150 with lover shade trees rad ahntbs Listed pHcc only $10000 with low down payment Call this alike in turther lniormauoh COTTAGES ON LAKE SIMCOE ice lot 60 250 with apple trees behind cottage Just lrar view oi the lake lust 110 1ch irons water bedrooms Ilsa luvahed Enod buy It ako us an otter One Unflnhhed collage on north shore of Lake slmcoc about It mnes rrom barrio ob beauuiui lot averloaklnz theLaka room kitchen bedrooms Listed at only 52300 with 5600 down health intcu the owner to sell SEE THIS $800 DOWN Wintcrlaed Min bungalow close in Barrie Ilu large living III III largo IllIn room kitchen bedroom bathroom basement Kluge crushed house Acl quickly on Ibis or you will be late This 100 acre land In ilaicd $3000 less Ihlii value country Good clay loam soil so here working hill price $4M FARM BARGAIN Owner has lcit the excellent room house with uni basement pressure system bathroom Good hip roolcd barn with steel real and steel stapling and water bowls LIch price $15000 About 11 miles irons Utrrin We have oldencall us anytime EVERYTHING IN REAL ESTATE lLau tor sale AFTER HOURS CALI Smith CampbellPA Mm Joan Lang H161 Fergus GarveyPA 51951 Mcmhcrl In 110 flea It Bond SEE IBARRIE VIEW Blmul ncwest aulHIIvIsIon The ideal location ior that new home uslnm homo buIIdInE by Don SDIInt Ind Dal11 Homer It located Just Bvakw Drlvr near the Huron debln GORD HOME DEVELOPMENT LTD GOllD SPRINGFA m1 DOUG HOLIERPA 34397 TAYLOR lake very ilvoable brick home 1121mm TORONTO ONTARIO REAL ESTATE BOARDS TO 113 DUNLOP STREET REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS nnom 15 CLAPPERTON STREET BARBIE PA 64761 MOVE AND May 1c 1961 Next to Brown as co STEVENSONS ALL KINDS INSURANCE BOAKE REALTOR 261 nnAnFonD sum bAluili PA 85387 OR PA 05833 suli selling terms to intmesa or 11111112 ciaro wakcmonPA 01451 Ralph DentPA M503 iicmbarn l1 narrio and District ileei Estate board IIIODEILN mipbnx ioi anlc two ibcdroom apartments and one bedroom Good location Au scli contained Telephone PA 30201 LOVELY TWO ACRES ilve miles south of barrio lust oti Highway ll Excellent room bungalow boautliul condition garage im mediate possession $500 down and Shelswell NORMAN REAL ESTATE tilwm Duolop street Eat PA 89961 OR 68742 EVENINGS CALL laclr active $6500 son otiice 28 28 30 mill street or harrle $0000 DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD SALE Two Indfhlll Ina Loam111 Everett sbclswcu Howard Norris IIm Lemon Narmm Shelswu wlllson children heated basement with extra bath room Large corner loLldeal tor TELEPHONE PA 64303 tor appointmeut PA 50745 Ora 2919 PA was PA H631 PA H115 FA Mail PO liig way on bow down payment piece tiin bathroom Hardwood and tile iloors Telephone pA wool 11311110011 Bungalow for sale across from school Concession mm stucco Bungalow on sldcroad lonisiil acre lot Qpply Mr Como 1m Le ray THREE ROOM Stucco House tor sale Located on Highway 92 Elm vale Lot on 150 feet $2000 cash preferred or terms It suitable Telephone 51w Elmvalo After p111 MODERN Drink veneer Triplex one two and thrcemm apart ments Separate entrances scpar ate thermostats Good home or In come property Reasonable Prin elpsls only Telephone PA 665612 THINKING 0F nullding lhcn ROOMY BRICK you should see the choice chs at BUNGALOW Illneslng Various sizes and horn Lm when mm mm up ages Woocr sonilces available Lug mm gnu oomph Fully Near modcrn school Moderately priced Apply to Bob hingulre iiilhcslng 900 FOR SALEOR RENT Pflcc 559 CH 1011 CABIN TRAILER for sale NPR fggl gimmlgg mahogany Interior sleeps three adults Needs minor Enlshlng 66151 Lowpmcnmoldnr style roar bed room brick house on penetong st Forced air oil iuroacc PA Moot tor turthcr inrormaiion DAILY GBOSSWORD room Bay wIndow stallmy pm Mr Irani mars1401i Mans USNEGNU IENIIENII IIHNSHIEN UNIUNI UNIENI Telephone with new licence Telephone PA 60550 PHONE PA 82414 MOBILE HOTMES Tly An Examiner Want Ad REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR sans HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 98 BAYFIELD ST PA 66453 TODAYS BUY TOMORROWS SECURITY Be your own landlordwitn Ibo nine nsoniblyI paymenu Thu room home is miles irons bar rie Cut be carried ior 168 per month Inleflu PflflcIPIL all and heating included wont nsorn could you ask or ya block trons public school Lois oi yard tor the kiddies to play in iiidc up 01 two lplflmtnu Clu Jne PRI nscr Ior iurther particulars PA om DRURY LANE Four bedroom homo close to downiown well landscaped nicely decorated inside Price $13000 Cali loe Primer PA been WI LLOWDALE AVE Close to schools storey and hell ram home living room kit cben piece bath utility room bedrooms large lot on 100 only $10500 10101 small down payinan call Karl Marsh 11 pA 19911 $50 DOWN With down and $50 Per month you can buy our room home in Angus real bargain Pull price $3200 You can go wrong only by waiting too long phone now to Inspect mory liiller PA com FULL PRICE $600 With 3100 down payment you can become the purchaser or an extra large in oi shade adiosr turn ur Glcnwnod beach Call now and ask ior Em ory Mlllcr PA 60176 SERVICED LOT 100 not rantgo last vacant on sireoi only $2000 or no ck salmocall now mory MillerPA W7 $500 DOWN Close to school In Village or Ellis dalr Low roanth payments on this two storey sturca home and it Is priced to sell Call Dnory MIIIu bicinbcr oi liarrio and District Real disqu Iloard EVENINGS CALI with pic ted on EMORY lilime pA own 102 Fltme PA was KARL MARSHALL PA b1911 CAMPBELL RAIKFS Orn um HAROLD FORSm PA 84485 FARMS FOR SALE 50 Aorta FArtlil real rood produc ing ml level Largo ten recasto house pressure system hydro plea hath hard so so out in good condition steel root hydro and water in barnprcssure bowls in tieups llcn house and broad ci housc miles iroin nsrric School bus by door For dunner particulars call you primer PA woos PROPERTY WANTED WANTED 10 DOT Bungalow in Barrie or vicinity Principals only Apply Box on Barrlo Exnmlncr or call Toronto DA 15063 CLIENT WITH $10001 cash wants brick bungalow In west and Iiust be near bus route Call IIIolE shown11 Carson Real Estate oflIce PA Milli evenings PA 87585 GMT WIT 51000 to pay down looking or house around 55000 or 56000 SOUTH OF BARRIE willing to make repairs Can make good monthly payments Cali Itusscll Carson II Carson Real Estate ciiicc PA 56481 evenings PA 66161 HOUSES FOR SALE on RENT REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES MORTGAGE IMMEDIATE ADDED To YOUD BUDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY ogo 531210114 dabun as existing me as car morIxuaa cumin In Homl Im moment voy no ebu cause C1111 today or appoIiltmenL PA 60931 EVENINGS PA 61032 Mortgage Funding OfCGnada 129 DUNLOP EAST FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY T0 LOAN ON Resldent Properties Buslness Propertles Impmvcd WEUIDCIIlEd farms VICTORIA GREY TRUST OWEN SOUND ONT HHRWIATIVE FOR BAIqu AND DISTRICT HENRY ELRICK MICHIE 15 OWEN 51 PA 356 NO ARRANGING pins on BONUS $1200 FIR81 IIIOIITGAGE wanted Immediately to clear up no es tatc Apply Io has al Blrrh Ex 21 MoltTaAGEs and 2nd Dough sold and arranoed Comments Ind msldenlgl manlygang uxImng me ea Ill EroluzrfP mm RENTALS ms Houses To RENT AVAILABLDE JULY THE GARDEN TERRACE Currier Queen and puctworih sts Modorn home bedrooms lugs living room tiled kitchen with dining area modern bath with linen cupboard n11 heat with air bndlllonlnla laundry tubs contin uous hot water serviced lano scaped grounds bamboo illDu 395 month PHONE PA 32740 FOUR Rooms and bath newly decorated Available June Ap ply 101 liiulcuicr 51rch muGUT tour room unlurnLrhcd apartment Utilities supplied Near west End Plaaa Available Im mcdlalely Telephone PA 641815 Nth DUNGAmw sor rent bedrooms Located on too align way inIIu south or nunit phona rAylor was Fault 1100M rtmcut close to schools and store Ncwa decor and YEESDDIDIB rent TEICFDODI PA moo or lurtber iuiormatloo SMALL tarnished apartment share bathroom Suitable for cou Close to factorlos Ind bus Telephone pA 51440 THREE ROOM uniurnishcd apart meat tor rent sclt contained on heated heavy duty wiring Apply at 199 Collier street IIIODEILNnrlck Duplex Cum bcrlnnd Street 310 ground tioor upper Apply Rogers and Con ncu lie ltorsI phone PA 35558 SELF CONTAINED unturnlsbcd heated two bedroom apartment Heavy wiring Central On bus route Apply at 150 Dradierd st ONE mammal heated unfurn Isbed artment on ground floor with pr vale entrance Central lo cation Telephone PA 50015 nvn 30011 House with hath lo catcd In Oakley Park Square Possession June 10 Rent $100 per month Tclcpbohc PA 51131 FIVE 111mm House In Vluadss or Thornton Reasonable rent or will sell with low down payment Iclc THREE 11311110011 House avail able July Located miles irom Blrrle on Highway 93 Stave mo IT WILL PAY YOU TO GET ALL THE FACTS AND THEN SEE SEABOARD wanna YOU RECEIVE LOW COST RATES CLEARLY sum FLEXIBLE TERMS UP 10 so MONTHS PERSONAL SERVICE ALWAYS PROMPT Special Finns ror Homeowners Loans Mayne Lira insured Seaboard Discount 14 DUNLOP ST 2ND FLOOR phone PA Hm it no answer dcra conveniences Ictrlgeratnl pA Muss opiinnal Telephone PA 58 FINANCIAL ONE AND Two Bedroom Apart menfs Stovs rffrlgaegtor 3mm ervc an and es FOR THE BEST DEAL JsIenugz mm monthly Teln ON LOANS phone Lcec PA mo art To $5000 rwo penitoolvi heated up meni seu contained on st Vin cent Sheet close to schools and stores $65 monthly Available June Telephone pA lyEZM s15 DOWNTOWN Location Fully aclr contained thedrooln apart ment hot water heating Included Apply Rogers and Council Heal totas phone PA 35565 TWO IIEDROOIII unfurnished heated self contained apartment with private entrance driveway Central location Telephone PA 68534 ULTRA MODERN Apartment prl vatc entrance and grounds sell contained Would suit couple stove and reirigerator supplied Cali PA 84194 after pm domes 21Flbe at 2111am CANADIAN Hm LFIBhIngIIm Belgian icaJ I12 IoEsio PHONE PA pom 131wa 3Gaul fruit 51 may rc way Boking 231st UL LR Irmns production chamber 248mm $338 LE AD IN 1253332 égfim 2513 333 THE BARRIE IoGrcclc 6Type ot fesuvgIy EXAMINER letter perfection ring uficts 1431 7Ablazo 275mm BUS OPPORTUNITIES 15 mam BEAUTY SALON 50300 thing uaaian rial Yutcrdlyallne 53 °4 uproar city 29Plece out asJurtly L¥xlnw 18 Frighten Ia Withered Owing open nudged Ivar 34Avcr 39Eye 3W0 LARGE fiTgnPSIng £15 mm In gamma am asemen man cor 19Seeuro Observe ssxtnd ed st 511 ELLEN SWEET 22Fellow 1911111 apple am none Alinodsic Telephone pA along 20CODstelel 31 CIrcIe ad more 25 $Harem lotion light 44Regmt LAKEmONT Summer Property VA RV IIIIIINIIIIIEE IIIISVIIIHSNII store tuuy equippedpost 0t Iie two cottages mmuhod noat House boats Sumo owners 11 years price $11000 $5110 FOUR ROOM Apartment with bath Heat and water supplied also laundry Incluties and priv ate entranccAvaliablo July or cdrller Telephone PA 56350 llNIIIENISEED ground near apartment one bedroom living room kitchen and bathroom Downtown Heat and water sup plicd Telephone pith2056 FURNISHED Apartment rooms and bath kitchen and basement with laundry tubs Heated nowb town Available now Telephone PA 56411 muslin Apartment two bedrooms living room kitchen piece blth Self cantalned heated Near Dominion Store Available now Telisphone PA 61100 Form Doom and bath ground floor washer and dryer private vmndah free put us Also three down Apply Peck RR MM bu Ontario rooms and bath sama loctutica PA 80581 evenings PA 61032 following dull no experience necessary on skills llo costly stock purchases or IT 15 NECESSITY IT OFFERS BETTERTHANAV IT DOES REQUIRE Average intelligence some business ability be able to work without supervision and the win to succeed $1000 required to carry stock and equipment We need distributors in every part ol Ontario to service and keep established commercial accounts supplied with stock mos Our organization wlu bear other retercncea available For iuil details and persona number to HAMEL GIRARD ASSOCIATES YOUR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY AGOOD ONE If you are sincere about wanting business to provide Ior additional Income on parbtiinn basis wovhcllavn ii is worth your inquiry on IT ISKA SIMPLE BUSINESS IntervIewwrite includina your telephone LII specidc background no specialized overhead ERAGE INVESTMENT RE through service Approximater thorough investigation Danknaiid BELIEVE IT OR NOT By Ripley mm II 1mm sum loo Wow moltr mammals gAiiTio 1mm IN MAKING magson toulslam ti Wm EY acts 10 ms HEAD SEE IEFoflIeMABIDU TrlbgAlnca 9y A5 GARLAND AROUND HIS HEAD RENTALS RENTALS arms Houses 10 1mm nooms TO LET FURNISHED Apartment one block irom post oill Sell contained mash entrant Telephone PA TWO EKDEOOM Colllld or Alam ment or ten ye round Plnly tarnished cI phone 12m Wan aga Scar1 FOUR noolil uniuralshd art menl prIlee entrance neat and hot water supplied Apply at hayoeld Slur UNFUHNISIIRD three room apart meat heated Refrigerator and stove Iupplled Centrally located Immedlatti posse Telephone PA H828 or pA woo THREE LARGE tarnished house kepiiig rooms stove and reirig rraior Included CeninL relc phone PA um alter Dm or Sltludly FURNISHED Bedroom In good home iwo blocks irom downtown $650 weekly Tcicpbono PA 35276 COMFORTABLE Erdmom or rent central location Suit business per aoo Apply McDonald street Ell119 coMroitrAnuI Pumlshld Room for rent Located downtown Pre inr genUe Available now Telephone PA 7115 alter 1111 Two FURNISHED Rooms or not bedroom living room and kltch enette with stove and rcmgcre tor Apply 58 Maple Avenue FURNISHED Housekeeping Room on John sircel suit one or two girls Telephone PA 0333 ior iurtber loiormailon ROOM It BOARD SMALL HOUSE Stroud Ilcasouable rcht Large lot CIqu to stores would suit can 1e with one child Telephone 9112 Slrnud LEFIIOY Four room apartment Water on PMISIHU Close to store end school Paved road Heavy wiring Va mile from lake xiii monthly Telephone 1351212 Lelroy Timon 110011 heated eels con taiued apartmentwith stove and reirigcrator $15 monthly Sltusr told in the east end Available limo Telephone pA 51091 Tunisia noolil uoiurnisned apart meal separate entrance soil con tained parking inclillics Avail able Immcdlntoly Telephone pA 31110 for inrihcr inlermatian more DOOM niroished House ior rent heat no Borden0ne child welcome Fenced ylrd lita sonablc Apply between and evenings telephone 112 105111 Tm Danni Furnished art mcnt Private entrance and atb Ground floor Will suit couple AXpIy st oz mun street or phone 015 or not In mill noolil Apartment with stove and refrigerator recently decorated parking Iaclllties Can irally located Reasnnablo rent Telephone PA 111111 TWO ROOMS and Kitchenette completely iurolshcd includlnil rcirlgcrator rsngette and sink Downstairs Adults $11 weekly Telephone pA atnsfl PENBTANG STREET Large bright two bedroom upper dup icx healed aelt contained pri vate entrance parking utilities greenchlid welcome Telephone PA MODERN three bedroom uniur nlsbcd apartment private ent rance use of washer and dryer Quiet district near bus line lbtgres and schools Telephone PA isIUGIIT three room apartment on third rloor mimicked Private bathroom and self contained Laundry bellman and parklniz space Centrally located Tele phone PA H74 FURNISHED Apartment In on heated homo private bath sep arate entrance Available June Telephone PA 52595 on weekends 3r nitcr pm Monday to Fri ny 111111111 nnolil unfurnished self contained apartment Garage and basement Centrally located Hea noolil AND BOARD ior one gen tleman Close to General Electric drag LTIuno PA 68255 or timber NICE lime Bedroom Contnl location Lunches packed do sired For turthtr Inlarmation telephone PA 151 RE HGUSBKUGFING Rooms an garage available per month or ream and board TdIdv phone PA 55205 immil AND BOARD enable ior two Central Also pa king in cuiiles Telephone PA 13205 for timber Iniormation knoll or room and board available in new private home in East End gentleman preremd Availabi nnw Telephone PA 63310 alter p111 WANTED TO RENT Two 0R T111152 Dcdrooha Home in Dorrie or vlelaiiy Reasonable rant Telephone PA r61201 irom 810 am tiii 500 pm mo hephooii Enlist or Apart ment Reasonable rant Wanted bciora July Apply to Box 54 Home Examiner TWO Damion House wanted Reasonable distance from Camp Burden Two adults write to Box 151 Angus Ont rwo 10 THREE Bedroom Apart meat wahtcd East or NorthEast preferred Requlnd for June or July Three adults Telephone PA 17 evenings YOUNG Proicssiooal couple no children require bedroom home or arunentyuly Steve irlg essenial Located northeast sectlon Forward deiaus In pox e1 Barrlo Examlncr SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES T0 RENT SUMMER coIIAGEs at Wanda lIcacb Two cottages for rent one or sale Telephone PA 50751 LAKE SIMCOE north or BanI 12 bedroom housekflplng mu fies sand beach hydro reldger tor water boats motors Lak trout fishing Phone Ora 91 COTTAGE Fort DENT 111g Ilay Point narric 10 miles New Mo era conveniences Silko bath beach Available May 24 an August 15 Telephone PA Heal go dilly VIIIISE Vlnllible mpg ee one pm ARTICLES for SALE man ROOM seir contained worm boars apartment heat and not water FROM $795 supplied Newly decorated through out Available immediately $15 pzr month Telephone PA b2120 alter man LAnGe hrlgh sell on talned rooms and private bath in upper duplex 1er block train new shopping centre Basement laundry facultles At all Henry street Phone PA 116 HEATED unfurnished blIxhl Inil Immaculate apartment Large liv lng room two bedrooms ead spa clous kltieheri Centrally located Parking lacliitles Adults only Telephone evenings PA 37156 FOUR BEDROOM House or rent Centrally located In iIlllcrest School area 011 runlace torced oi heating Available immediate 13 Telephone PA 37062 afier Fun GOLDSISHOE REPAIR 11A CLAPPERTON ST YOUR Clum SHOE REPAIR SHOP JONES USED FURNISHINGS Dealers in antiques and good used lags We always have good selection CLEARANCE SALE EVERYTHING TO BE SOLD AND ESSA ROAD PHONE PA 66761 AVAILAan MAY 1st one use nisned apartment one unIuInlsh co Both aelt contained one ehuo welcome Days phone 33210 eve oioga in Hana THREE linolvi Apartment private Inth separate entrance suit couv pic or two business girls Near shopping plaza Reasonable rent Available now Telephone pA 84569 liter 13111 MODERN out bedroom Ipllt meat 11th room Mikhail Ind bathroom Fflvltb entrance xep ante lailnd llcllltlls Heist Ind water SHED Eli S75 Telephon PA H521 Available now NEW AND Modem one and two bedroom Ipirunenu overlooklnt scenln Kempcnfclt Ely Heat wa ter parking and Ihnltill service Included Automatic washing Ia cmu $2902 THEE 300M Apartment with rivet bathroom hot water oil sated rnrrigmalor and heavy duty stova Included Located on Earth Avenue Apply Centre to men 1100M uniurniahcd heat 2514 GEORGE AVENUE WINDSOR ONTARIO ed selr contained apartment wItIi private bathroom stove and reirlgernior supplied Suiiabln tor EWSPAPER sizes szin ideal houses attics parlch Innuator 25 PER DOZEN The parrle examiner my Barrie Ontario BARRIE GOVERNMENT SURPLUS STORE sUMhlnn IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER WE HOPE so WHY NOT SEE us Now FOR YOUR SLEEPING QAGS TENTS sloves CAMP STOVES AND LANTnlth ALSO TARPS ALI leIsl INCLUDING BOAT TARPS To FIT YDUR BOAT itoss STREET PA 60622 USED TELEVIEXDNE $1450 eaxcg No money down aasy credII Icr business coulo Tole hone PA oiled Adamo Furniture 10 till Dunin street West telephone pA 6025

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