Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 May 1961, p. 23

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HAWIcEsroma omlWWri Mammalamour iathe promm sinsinr and albumin nr 1221 errVan Coleman and Larry of Beeton The monthly meeting of the WA was held at the home of Mrs Flynn at Shanty Bay on Wednuday May 10 with op proximately attending The president Mrs Puuicy conducted the meeting Mrs Prophet read the Scripture 15 son Mrs nigh gave an int casting talk upon the Study Book with Mrs McArthur ilrs Hart Mrs Crnuiord and Mrs Dunn assisting her Plans were made for the convention and the Delicious refreshments were served and pleasant social time spent with Rev Mn William Flynn The induction serviw for new miniatu wili be conducted by the bishop and will take place on Tuesday June in St Aid sns Church inform The Junior Farmers held their annual parenls banquet in Gilv date was also set for supper 11 Hall NEW wailing and bnuar on Wednesday Jilly 26 Allwere invited to attend the Treasure Tea at Community Holt on Saturday May at pro Shanty Bay The roll call was answered by Bible verse which contained the word Mother The July meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs Tim Jermey and Mrs May About 90 guests were present Robert Bell spoke on Farm Safety The Gifford Wo mens Institute members cat ered Recent visitors at Mr and Douglas Rnthwells and with Elmcr and Elizabeth Roth well were Mr and Mrs Fletch or Ford of Los Angeles Calif reading pndthe 70mg menu nutty Gnry Bell andEddle with Mr and Mrs Victor Reid bars presented rose toatllads Bolt Neillxintzuiuced the speaker Mrs hobert Kali who told severalstarts An added treat was tape recording of Mr Hewitts misfitrub ofBoh Neilly 5w tinsel sang Happy is the Home When God is There At theclose delicious lunch was served by tho Mlnlmnsr STN Mr and Inn 11 family of Willowdrle spent the weekend Mr and Mrs Dugon flick mannnd family of Islinglon spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Victor Reid Weekend visitors at the home Hrsand HrsJohnrAnduson andSbcrrnn Toronto spent the and innuly of Toman spurt Sunday withlhlr nod M11 Rob ert Pumek and Mrs Pat Collins Sr Mrs Homby Toronto Lodge met on Wednesday even ing at the tnwosh cekenrlwith ConduiBowdery Mr and Mrs John Rattan Mr and Mn Torn Kirk Bar rie visited Mrs Elsie Monteith Mr and Mn Gibbs Brooc ridge spent Sunday with Mr and Mn Herb Palmer Mr and Mrs Collins and amfly spent Tuesday with Mr Mr and Mrs Herb Palmer pent Wednesday with Mr and llidbura Loyal True Blue hall with lsitors from BarriuAngul and Collingwood St Pauls WA held an after noon bake solar Wednesda¥v mm BRANNON BLONDIE SAVINGS ACCOUNT THAT DIDNr ornia of Mr and Mrs DAngio for roll call to be given is ver Miss Carrie Neilly of Edmon ton Alberta is visiting her par ents Mr and Mrs Neiliy for few days WI TOUR CENTRAL SCHOOL The members of Gifford Wo IrIcns Institute met at West Gwillirnbury Central School on Tuesday evening May 16 to make tour Mrs Chute convencr of education was in charge of this program The teachers were present and they showed the members through the school The business meet ing and program was later held at Mrs William Sturgeons home The members piithe 4H homemnlringcluh puton or dis play of dresses and demonstrav tions they had given at Achieve ment Day At the close lunch was served Next meeting at Mrs Cronans Gilford Mission Band enter tained their mothers and Willis members on May 13 in the Sun day schoolroom of the church There were 24 adults and 38 childrcn present Ronnie Rus wcrc Mrs Mary Fairfax of Tot CONTRACT BY JAY BECKER The bidding has been Ono Spade on your left No No trump on yourright Three N0 trump on your left which card do you choose as your opening lead in each of the following four hands L48 7mm om mm on c1101 9795 2475 19931m1smc 031 98 OQnos on Six of hearts Opening leads are usually not cut and dried proposition Selecting the best lead is strong challenge to the or play when he has the ad vantage of dummny hand he is in abeltcr position to mnke telling decisions but at the outset the opening lead er can somcfinIos do no more than take shot in the dark May 24 in the parish hall at blidhurst BRIDGE JULIET JONES In this hand the best chance of defeating threenotrump lies in the heart suit There should be willingness to trick to dociorer in the hope that partner canftoke the food before declarer runsnine tricks andthnt he can then return heart to defeat the contract Jose the first The king of hearts lend might defense and frequently hos tremendous effect on the out come of the hand The opening leader flu but two factors to guide him in his easily prove fatal if it turned out that partnerhnd twobenrts and the opponents hearts were divided 1H it would become im possible to run the heart suit Jack of hearts Defense is CENTURY AUTO PARTS NEW ill1W NEW gt BRAKE LINING AXLE SET2 wheels SHOCK ABSORBERS hercnles double action 415 and up BUMPER JACKS gt 385 TOPPER PORT WALLS black and white 695 set of four REG NARROW PORT OVWALLwahtte 350 set of our FENDER MIRRORS 295 and up 350 and ull LOWEST PRICES USED PilliTS GUARANTEED REAR AXLES FUEL PUMPS IIFFERENTIALS DRAKE SHOES TRANSMISSIONS TIRES MOTORS mnmrons Ii GENERATORS Fagfikggn STARTERS sell welcomed the visitors Roll call wus answered by Same thing do to help mother choice the bidding that has taken place and the cards he is looking at During the lat Dandruff Cure Takes Off Scalp NEW YORK AHExcerpts from letters people would like to getbut rarely do Well dearhrotherinlaw guess vlorli have to be nor rowing from you and Sis any mOre After 15 years of unem ployment finally have found job have been selected to he the first man shot to this moon While the job may be only temporary it is our pleasure to inform you that as holder of ticket No 2464059214 you have won grand lottery prize of $142000 and we respectfully in uir whether you would like this sum in bills or by cheque Upon reconsideration we realize it was ridiculous to offer you tradein value of only $500 on your old car We are upping pnrtnclship project and not an individual effort It is not wise for the opening leader to begin always with his own long suit Many times and especial ly with weak hands he tries to find partners long suit The heart lead is an effort in that direction and is moroprom ising iehd than the fourth best diamond six of diamonds This has yeafer chance of succeeding than club load If partner has the ace or queen of diamonds the suit is well on the wayrto establishment tner would probably require two club hon 01 however for the club lead to be effective The percentage favors the diamond leud Four of clubs This is close propbsitioHSandmuch cnn be sold in favor of the queen of Generally se quence leads are very desirable coma pileup Now since they seldom cost tricks in lemma if DIV NOT II manor 0115 and of themselves but the ques Mum THE 0010000620 118 smnsctmmoa arse tion here is the matter of firm WASWGRIINVUONHWEE MfEAWilEVGféfiflANw ing mflfllfiflli MORANCEI Edited b01153 Pulls 110 can It may take while to estah WWIIWE fish the diamonds if the oppo nents have the AK of that suit whereas club lead will prob ably be effective immediately Either lcod could work out best you pays your money and you takes your choice Tomorrow weuplnyedhwd BRAKEDRUMS 5158 Chev 730 each BRAKEDRUMS Ford UNIVERSAL JOINTS RADIO AERIALS section ASSEMBLIES WHEELS BODY PARTS lEllNliilLE Milli BillilllE TlON IF l5 CARS ATTEN TONIGHTS OUR ANNIVERSARY WEVE BEEN DATING THPEE MONTHS souNDs MdRE LIKE Ioooo MILE CHECKUP By ALICE naooks LUCKY STAB Here it is medallion easy enough for beginners yet its doubleoesign is fascinating Success stareverybody who sees it admires this easy memorize hexagon scarf cloth spread Pattern 7034 directions for 10inch hex agori Send Thirtyfive cents tcoinsi for this pattern lstnmps cannot be accepted to Alice Brooks care of The Barrie Examiner Needlecraft Dept so Front St Toronto Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER JUST OUT Our 1961 Needle craft Book Over 15 designs for home furnishings for fashions knit crochet embroider weave sew quilt toys gifts bazaar items FREE six designs for popular veil cnps Quick send 25 cents TODAY the gure to $1000 and hope Onrfllaboratory tests show that the formula developed by your small son with his home chemistry set is worthless as dandruff cure because of its ten dency to destroy the scalp However we are greatly ex cited over its potential as crabgrnss remover and if you and the boy would drop in to talk over terms we are sure that Frankly this time the bank is in error and we regret any inconvenience to you or your husband Our recheck shows that instead of being overdrawn $3948 your joint account on tually has balance of $36729 if you wish we will be glad to write another letter to your husband explaining the mistake is entirely our fault and you are blameless all make fffAlfKIGil wagging mm EMA GRAIN WE POINTEO oumv allIA IDNSIZAMCGVERED raw55 we mm mffomm mggégifiézlflwbfifl TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIEgt rlthY MAY 26 donPope and Pals 030 Junior ltonnoup 630 Cannonball 600 News Headline 000 Sgt nlllm 010 so Hunt 900 Great Movies The Humn Comedy 100 Juumn nnredovll Don 1100 CBC News 20 Farm Market Repnfl owloar own an er 700 Father Knows Bong 710 Wyatt Earn Cotuatry Rundown Perry Mlsnn Danger Man Have Gun Will Travel Tlshtropc 1100 CBCATV Now 15 The Weatherman Today In Sports Community New halal will or Ind 91 lady 86 SATURDAY MAY 21 Tut PattenI Nawn Briefs International Soecer Mexico vs Enxlifl Movie Strange Adventurl Outside Broadcast Bugs Bunny Charlie Chan News Weather Sports Andy Griffith Show Dennis The Henna The PeDPlcs Choice 110 News Wenther Snort 1115 Goorzlnn Chins1wtn Bill Comanche Forbidden corsn SUNDAY MAY 1045 Test Pattern 1100 Falth For roda lljlfl This Is The Lie 1200 News and Weather 11m Popeyo and Fall 215 Light TinIo 1130 TBA 100 Good Life Tnutra 110 Country Calendar 200 Junior ungazlna Comedy Ployhouu gpnn Go entury Music by Ed News MogulIII Naked CRY Robin Hood National velvet World or Music Ed Cullivnn Show gin Pnsendll neuron Meet McGrw car 11 News News Weather wus Sport Movie The Green Scarf CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO rm MAY 26 eon Professorl Hideaway soc Menllnto Space 600 am Collegn can own Weather Ind Spam 700 Outdoor 130 Leave it To Beaver oou The Third Man Series 330 Brothers Enutgsn 900 Two Faces wm 230 Country style Better Late News Friday Night Thentrn Tobacco Road Eplfolue rumor may 21 1020 from Muskeucrs 1100rofessorr Party 1145 Boys or Girls noun 1215 Ryan Reports 1230 Social Credit Theatre 1z45 Channel Nine Theatre BAYCIIY unnotsrsnmc ANTIQUE AND MODERN Beautiful Samples Free Estimates FREE PICKUP AND quLIVERYH PHONE PA 87453 BARBIE Upholstering our BusinessNot Just isldeline 65 Bradford SC 00 News Weather and Sport 1000 1100 1115 116 Time their Lives 1m Lenxun sumo Wumlnl Hobby Hour 31 Tim News Walther Eport Palladium K1ngGnnnn1 Show Twenty Questions Naked City Fight at in Week Johnny cuw Show News Weather Sport Manhunt Saturday Night Theatre Wonnn of the rum Epilogu 200 415 515 545 530 700 000 030 050 115 SUNDAY MAY 23 1030 Youth Ind Religion Stories for sum Playhouse Desperation Around the World News Package Bravo Theatrl Grass Roots Channel Nina Thobro Th Pint Tlmn Grail Hymns of All Tim Int League Blanbill Career Nam Weothrr Spam Thu Real McCoy The Donna Reed Show Academy Performanc Wore Stronger Rainanursing Cl In ertornunc Enuun 11 News Weather Sports Fhotnzupby Fun This Things We See Sunday Night Theatre Hull Noon 110 Epilogue GRANDMA WELLTHEV SHOULD as was GRANDMA HAS BEEN FEEDIN EM ALL KINDS BAIT FOR BIG ONES so WERE anal 31 mm HERE iN GRANDMAS FAVORITE POND HAMMONDS ouz SAWYER DONALD oucx MUGGSAND skisran No BARRIE casAMslrv Burrs WHOLESALE noose WlTH EACH $500 MEAT PURCHASE 23 cannon ST BARRE Afinmgwmgmwnmls gt slonsuwmnlvscw MADRch DElSKltLED mowsnnaNFAlosruswm SoImlEAST ASIA £05110an rimszcmumsr ouarLus RE EHSOW THE MD UT nshTiomrrrcmowsofadm arequ saMEMsenwm mnemvamuhs 1106ng ls 15213 lM some 1a lWATCll FOR THE some maven1

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