Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 May 1961, p. 2

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nonniisonmmmm Instructorsergeants Forbes right and Parker were awarded the Can adian Forces Decoration dur ing wereme recently It NEWS By RUSS DAVEY Executive Director Work in volunteer choice in often pondarous and sew it is always demanding sometimes lilsucouraging hut nvnrlsbly up if ng The time effort bruised loel lugs and tangled nerves must be endured for varying lengths of time and frequently itsa close race between desertion of the task and accomplishment of the goal It takes long head to santhe uno goal through the surrounding forest of alternat ives and tensions Why is such pattern almost Inevitable Well most thinking individuals wheh sorting out their responsibilities must set three things chaud of commun ity endosvora three things quite simply stated his church family and breadwin nlog tasks For many their com munity work doubles as their recreational pursuits but others must establish additional prior Ities to cover these additional two areas Even when Itimeuond effort ore reserved for colnmuhl work there are the many torent areas of obvious need from which to choose All this can reduce the effectiveness of even the most dedicated groups or individuals SOME OVERWHELMED Sad to relate some people mover sort out their lives to eat ablish place for contributing to the community They are either overwhelmed by feeling of personal inadequacy and per sonal limitations or are merely members of the hu band of freeloaders of to are who feel the community owes them all theconvenieflces they can lay mind to without effort on their part have seen many good people withdraw from areas of com munity service because of two dominating reasons criticism by others especially nondoors of their sinwresl and human gt efforts and discouragement over the fact that so much is 19ft to so few No Loss NEED In fact as per cent of all coins munit work is carried by less titan ive per cent of the popula lion Lest thatdiscourage more people must strongly estab lish thatthls does not create iossneed or more striking rea sons for withdrawal but rather multiplies the need for the few to do all they can themselves and to recruit others to the chalo lenge if each cltlzen were individ unity and appropriately respon sible for the tasks of commune iiy betterment and knew fin ally and absolutely where the optimal arrangement jlay then there would be no need for the committees and bonfdshlet al on the exhaustive discus sions contradictions ments and studies which make tip community work Lat each of us strive to live our lives so our epita may justly read He has one what he could Why all the bickering advanr camenttllen retreat which is Dairy Employees Share In Profits The employees of Lakeview Dairy shared $876669 the Dairys profit sharing at turkey dinner lastwcek David Latour safety direr for and GordonSnidel fleet superintendent presented on tarlo Safety League driving awards to 17 Lakeview drivers fhe Joint Atomlc Biological and Chemical Defensive War fare School Camp Borden The awards were for is years service Ind igood conduct National Defenog Pinto BARBIE the pattern of so many pmlt lectsl We muIt remind ourinv es that we no human and re gsrdicss of personal opinions and even specialrtrolnlog are not so lniIiiabie that we can of ford the luxury of disregarding disagreeing voices Sorting out the other persons iduas objeCtively and being wil msrlt in them is time consum ing and often seems unneces sIly in light of the fact that jthere is more than one way to skin cent and the first idea may be as sure way as the second Lmifld 600D This though brings up so Im portant point In our Christian society the ends do not urtin the means We know ful well that testing good is created all stop the way and only when this appens can we be reason able assured of goodness in the end product because the Iieps along the way take on this high or meaning each small decision often takes on huge proportions Then too most people attract ed to community work develop vital interestinihe projects they choose and are very real ous for successful completion Many also are aware of their lack of eclollzed knowledge and are retore very anxious io make sure that they have all possible information as basis for their decisions It is natural but timeconsliming and for all our impatience as the man said well be long time dead This though is not plea for excessive patience be cause both the pondernus and play in community action SPECIAL SKILLS few of us in Barrie find our selves in the role of professionnl workers in some areas of this great work and as volunteers in others We often have special knowledge and skills to contrih not only feedall act ual information we canlnto the machinery of decision but also keep an intense eye on the rela tionships within thargroup and within the community Often we are quite certain that we could sit down and draft out detailed successful solu tion to many of the projects and services needed The group pro cess seems milistone to pro gressrbui we must remind ours selves that lasting progress is unalterahly related to having informed convinced and act takings andthisis the gain others These are the ingredients the balances and countenbaien cos the stimuli and the retar ing influences which con and more oftendo thande not pro duce decisions and patternsof action which lead to the long term betterment of the com to the government iced ling and anxious to find all of the expeditors have role to tile and when worldn elfect ively Ivs support behind such undu from the process lot Involving malarial rioriss incener Pigs the draathd disease rhinitis took its toll of his herd of Yorkshire pigs Victor Small was faced with the need to start dyer lle Ind his neighbor William New had bred loiutly and sent through lhlAK Miauntil their animals were plus They have new diet to cooperate again on the now disoasefreo pigs lSPF meaning specific NW free on which story ed in all recently about hard in produced at Waterford Ontario aunties enter Into the pie lurs with the EmailNow breed ers as theywsnMo preserve the records of faster production and other tops they had bred into their herck So they have cIref mated certain blood Ilosow chhsdobownthebnt 09 in AR advanced tests made by sending mos nation It Waterloo CARE 15 NEEDED the process is slow the costs IN high and continuous cm is needed However re meat for some of this is now it light They have the first flock of sev en adult pigs which have never seen their mother having been delivered by to caesareon oper ation at the experimental into in Guelph After removal from the now they are placed to mail iodlvldlt uol canisters similar to baby incubator use they are kept free of anyiebenca of cobfomln stileI fill with all dict use lrind milk After so days they are return ed to the farm where special cure by the owner is needed every few bolus Contamina tion is the greatest menace and secondly each pig needs sped inl diets to bring along at the same rate of growth as the oth Bll REWARD EHOWING The first lot in the SmallNew enterprise are now in the zoo pound class and they have got there in much shorter tima than ordinary pigs This is where the breeding port of the program shows Thescplgewillbetuedtopro duce further breeding stock The Work is only partly done as there must be many more of these beginners to make hard suitable to be offered to the general trade However they are well on the way with other sows ready to leave for Guelph The first saw is duato return shortly as the operation does not out hervut of service SOCIABLE BUT CAUTION Caution is the constant watch word of the breedemrwbo are usually sociable fellows but who do not desirently vilitdro around their barns Is anyone might be carrier of somevdleeaso As the pigs grow they be come less susceptible to disease munity Th it sometimes wastage of time effort and money is coined more often better eventual productivity is the result PROGRAM SPOTS The adults got off to small but enthusiastic start in the Tuesday evening outdoor vol leyball sessions at Queens Park We look for amucil larger crowd nextTuesday at 7Pm 1ook to this Day For it lsLfldl ifs Life the very breath liter veritles of our realities Thobliss of growth The Splendor of beauty Thaglory of action Thisday well livad makes EVERY YESTERDAY dreamof happiness And every tomorrow vision of hopcl ihs doctors It theprerimen thcfsrm Bahied By Farmers If but than too hard tooIlse not to be cautious After the Pilldevelop WED that they can he uttered Iorpuhlic sale station will adults that spari line of the flies bemoan to the pork plnntI to that tweed doo can alumna the vital or gans to be sure tint thereon no indications of disease which wolddaffcctthe SPFpigr as the new race will be called The story in the farm mole of him then pig Ire he bred does not mean thetthero is any apsclal reason for Iddod cIu on in resum breeding Dis easeshave broken outln var ious parts of Canada and these breeding mothers are to ascer tain if breeding can eliminate In chances of disease catching on the Canadian pig industry by or the special blood lines into the litroud breeders have dad to the vol be of first new bags are sure us are or op results for ihesr two young men MANAGEMENT CHANGE Ihe Bandy Hardware on the bits line formerly owned by Noel Andiode will in future be apes Ited by his son Noel Junior and Bob Spears These young menhave raised the necessary ash in make the deal satisfac tory and together with their eg has arranged for the use of standbyst for reasonable net sum whfle the repair are Lesionsa instructed the road supervisorto look into the we ism inmtwasoutof commission heavy nocolmtwal aoalmulated When local trucker left his dmhmmi it roe as old truck fennel1y used with tank in good working in one MbcDougsli Wins Gold Model 13 Bruce MIcDougIli when mothers family came from the Barrie Iran was the Canadian institute of harem gold medal in this rs IduI aim in the ldyclfli differential the university Toronto Erucs who retrieved honors standin also won the Osman Wood reserving scholarship He Is the son of Mr and Mrs Fraser MscDougsli who now live in Ottawa His mother is the former Kathleen Stone who has many relatives Irouod Phelpsion Body SuggeSls Add Shops Gym llnd Cafeteria To BantinglIigh summon Initial plans to convert Banting Memorial High School into composite school were made Tuesday night in the first meeting of the advisory vo cational committee The committee which was ap has suggested an addition to the ant high school which would elude five shops elght class7 roomsl gymnasium cafe leflndnil science room The present building would still he mod for academic courses LIBK SUDJECTB In thbllvalshapl subjects inusht electricity drafting auto me chanics machine work and wood woilr Therewouid also be two diver Iifled shops for slow learners The vocational courses to start In September toes would be four years each in grade BUY SNOW TRACTOR Bombardier sidewalk snow clearing tr has been recommended forspurcbuse by the city Public worksVcommit feelsays savings accumulated from purchase of the flusher will cover its cost ndshield washers would include applied siaso BUYS 1961 VIPONTIAC STRATOclIIEF DOOR SEDAN ilester Antilkeezapficence two speed windshield wipers directional signals 12000 mile warranty uvlngs on twelve other ompsny driven Pontiacs nine academic subjects woidd comprlu 75 per cent of the course and shop work the other 25 per cent In the final year ofesch coursehowevor academic and shop work would each comprise pointed by the high school oasis it Is bellved thatthe building and equipment would be paid for by grants from both federal and provincial governments with the federal government paying it per cent of the cost NEED GRADE Under the proposed system student who completes tech nical course and later decides that be would like to go on to university could do so by taking Grade 13 Principal Sydney Owens said however that anyone wishing to attend university is advised to complete an academic cdurse rather than technical course it was noted that some adults might wish to enroll in the new courses Mr Owens remarked that adults enroll either parttime or itimein any of the technical day courses or they may attend night school The plans made by the com mittee are subiect to mat by the sdlool board and the minister of education nnsosonn sr Van coon Soft rubber lnllBtinnl CITY COUNCIL ASK FOR sou rm resolution was adopted by council asking for soil testing from Toronto Street East to steels Street for sewer inter esptm The ten holes would cost an estimated 88500 to drill and sample FUNLIIDNB DVERLAP City dlvdcpment committee is let to meet with Barrio Parks Board and recreation commit tee for amnlgunntioo of the two bodies Their Motions are overlapping to the extent thIt such Imovs is feasible com mittee has decided PM 11mm UP city Dog Pound during March handled as dogs and five cats For April the canine figure was in the feline four annual cosr Public works committee he discovered way to reduce the cost of the city pumphouse and forcemaln from $304141 to $297 on Committee will meet with the contractor Emory Engin urln and Contractlnl Co Ltd and nlsrio Water Bummer Commission to review the bale once of extras and the winter works claim on this contract use ammo COMB Utiiity curbs on cl streets will be patched loco to schedule of til course yard for asphalt with concrete base to yardfor asphalt only so or chipping an gravel or oil to cost to square yard UNOE 1ND INSPECTOR Public Works Committee has recommended hiring ldcond bonding and plumb llllpeclol on tern rary bass hocause of the flue tn construction here CUMBERLAND BIDEWALK concrete sidewalk is to be Installed on the south side of Cumberland Street from Reid to Mllburn Street Project will be governed by the local Im provement act TRIM NESPRA TREES Five trees on Vsspra street may be trimmed and their dead wood removed Parks Superintw endent Savage has given the ok for the action if Domin ionTira stores who requested it wishes to improve appearan ces Their protected new store will also require improving titres other trees on Bradford street DISCUSS ma NEEDS Fire and traffic committee have met with Fire Chief Belay Irwin and his brigade for dis cussion of new fire fighting equipment and personnel to handle it YAYCEE FESTIVAL Barrie Joycees throw their Dominion Day festival Is sche duled on Kemponfelt Drive between Duckwonh and 5t Vincent Streak July Council has assured detour Iignl and so ceutolocnlhomes EXAMINE PARKING rise and traffic committee has examined parking in the Wordey Street area between Muicnster Ind Poyntz streets Offstreet Irklol was discus sedylith retail merchants committee of darrlrchsmber of Commerce on em reopensv An error has resulted in loca tioa of the Trovol llld Publicity Department building on fligh way too being placed partly on city roperty Council Monday adop ed finance committee npgrt that will provide for by closing small portion of John Street and selling some to Ontario Public works Depart ment for $50 DISCUSS LIBRARY PLAN Future building plans of Bar rie Public Library are to be dilcussedle councils finance committee and the facsimile library group Monday URGE No ACTION North Bays resolution to eat Ibush junior collages under boards of education and finance their ration and students tuition taxation has been downed by council Finance committee recommended to founcll that they take no not ATTEND CONVENTION Mayor Willard Kinzie togeth er with City Manager wJ Cigg will attend the Ontario Municile Association conven tion in Windsor Aug 27 to so AHEqu TO LEARN No assessment departmth personnel will go to orillln June is and id for the twoday usessars school WINNER on ANY FARM More Plug in and milk test8d endeprov contained comp etelyporteble let ownsnd eliminate hand grind the floor sanitary milking ch ch Ir ut fmachi apnealifzglln°fltlhlhrteaat 0175 musings teats stimulate faster it milk low milkers faster Transparent oil fill thallhiemilliing Enjoy all the amino es of the high milkers yet your sum nit is lowerthan most other single unit milltersl the cow Eubberdired hullMoring wheels for of Waugh between cow and pull IVaouum gauge for each pails Polls rideon machine Onl test on carried to cow Constant speed pulsntor re DOUBLE ACTION PORTABLE qnltxrn Milk In less LOWER other 3196 biggermllk chequesl for more profits liner and easier with the farm eatslohralaSoublaAction Milker sell ru gedrde endable tool no in king cw improved stripping Adjustable veering Ii cost or National WELL MAY QUIT Ald Hamlin Monday told oldenhm he may mign from council The statement came following heated debate about the citys rudymlix con crete contract tort on cur rent pouringI has indicated that quality may be down City Man ager Gin sold Serieant Co Ltd and Nixon Building Producll Lid In providing the material until checks return from Toronto The companies were equal secondlowest bid ders WILL TAKE COURSEV Public Works Department din eclor Ken Stirlin will take management dove opment coup se here beginning Juno Coun se is sponsored by Management Consultant Institute and in 11 hours long AIRS ICOLOR MAP lnduitrial Commissioner 15 If Birmnno has requested counv oil to purchase sample three color map of the city The map would be made by aerial sur vey CNURCH GET PUB Barriea Christian and Min sionary Alliance Church build ing has been given further push to realization Council has adopted bylaw permittln con Itruction of the plant Con liions imposed Barrie Planning Board so regulations attribut able to such building have been imposed PLAYGROUND APPARATUS Apetitlon to keep playground apparatus away from residenc was referred to the parks hoard Aid EWlllllinl told council the apparatus was place so in the parks by this board but is used in Barrie recreation committee program He Mid recreation committee move to amalgamate with the board was milled because of such den of function 0K RODNEY WALK sidewalk construction has been authorized on Street from Napier to Steele Streets First and second road logs were given Monday to by law met for sidewalk on Cum berland Street for distance of 876 feet to the south side Steele Street walk is tons pour ed between Duckworth Street and house number of fish for rats Demonstration on Villlll iarni insulting NOIX1ltA5 to our quires no adjustment Lowupltcepe ewmoving parts euwiium lneiuderu norm is llr mu inns on If suit II In urns our red one lsiihnfhmmoig thing to hp me or VlSSOUlilE ilor The dairy drivara hsv had less than three minorma The awards are givenvlor years of accidenttree delving since the drivar ernpluyed with the company These to receive awards were Herb human and Verle nine years Vic Ber yoa Alex Donaldso Veil yearsv David Latolrrnndmfl Wnovnoaatoutr no DUNILOP saw BARRIE ONT PArkway c6418

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