AROUND STMCCSEQCOUNTY icooxsrom UNITED CHURCH NEWS The United Church Sund all School Soloed with the congrega tion on Sunday to commemorate Christian Family Week with the theme of the worship service being Stewardship in the Fern lly Mrs Hindle took the service assisted by Rev Howey and several members of the Sunday School The junior dioir sang several numbers and the oiiering was taken by iour oi the young boys Five children were aceepted in Christian baptism They were Bruce Wilfred son oi Mr and Mrs Bruce Broley Deb orah Lynn daughter at Mr and Mrs Thomas Stapleton Gladys Elaine daughter at Mr and Mrs Doug Jehb Paul Edward son at Mr and Mrs Dennis Cooper and Mary Ruth dau ghter oi Mr and Mrs John Sheardown Mrs Warren iorrnerly oi Tomato became member oi the Cookstown church by letter oi transier Four generations oi Mrs Warrens family were pre sent at churchdaughter Mrs Lorne Mason granddaughter Mrs Stapleton and baby De hoth Lynn who was baptized Temperance awards were giv an out to those pupils who had qualiï¬ed for tests alter the tam pernnce course givon last fall Miss Joan Fildey received iirst prize in the County of Simeon and received provincial men tion John received iourth prize in the county The anniversary service at the United Church will be held Sunday May 21 at 1115 am and 730 pm Rov Jack Kali oi Durham will be the morning guest spenko and Rev Ired Hewitt oi Churchill will be the evening speaker it is anticipat ed that Mrs McDowell will lead the CGIT in singing at the evening service LIONS CLUB Thirteen oi the Cookstown Lions Club visited the Eimvale Club May 11 The Cookstown members took as guest speaker or the meeting Eddie DenHaan student tram Banting Memorial High School Alliston He spoke on Educa tion Youth and You Lorne Ar nold gave several violin numb ers accompanied by Barrie man ANNIVERSARY About 20 irlends oi Mr and Mrs William Riley gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs Bob Riley Saturday evening May 13 to surprise them on the oc casion oi their 35th wedding anA nlversary The evening was spent is playing euchre gilt was presented to the Rileys and refreshments served RED CROSS SWIMMING Registration is now open for children seven Years oi age and up ior the Red Cross swimming classes to be held at the Allistoo Rotary Pool The classeswill be held in July beginning July and will be held Tuesdays and Fridays at 10 am The bus will leave Cookstown at 930 am Mrs Roy Taylor may be don tacted no later than June to register children or the clas res MWANIS FESTIVAL Frances Hindle er Monkman and Ted Moukman were honor participants in the Kiwanis Music Festival in Oril la last week Misses Ruby and Helen Davis TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE musoaY MAY ma ropey and run Junior Roundup Isa Roy Rogers aoo Provincial Miairs mo Farm Market neport 24 Don Jamieson 325 News Weather Sports 700 Gunsmoii no The Rebel soo ran Borrowed ms as Wayne in Shuater can Tennessee arnio Ford Cnuntry Junction Peter Gunn CBCTV News The Weatherman Tady in Sports Community lel AligtStIr Gall FRIDAY MAY 26 loan Test Pattern 1043 Sacred Heart 1100 Romper Room 1200 Popeye and Pals ms Noonday Report News Sports Weather Farm on ort Coming Hill 1250 Movie Almost Gentleman 200 Womans Show 280 on House asu Verdict Yours 600 Popeye and his 430 Junior Roundup lt laflCannonball 600 New ï¬asditnaa 501 Daredevil non CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO THUEDAY may 25 Prorono aloeway Aliloan trol Burris News Weather analu Best or in ran LorJrvup Theatre at an Mlnu Dwn Execution The annex Hart or tin Matter New wmn opens ter Latn Acgtllï¬ Pacrlloncn ocn 31 amps ms News Woltbfl5p if 12 in Epilogus remarkMarja FIOG and Elly Encore roam Member of 07 Wbdflinl Newa Pro lorl Rid Men nto Space Mt Calla mat the weekend with their parentsMr and Mn ii Davis John Arnold at Toronto visited Ilia WM Mr and Mrs Arnold at the weekend Miss Fairleth Taylor daught or Mr and Mrs John Taylor has returned to take up her dut ies at Semis General Hospital aiter spending month and belt at her home in townrj Mr arnd 3M3 ew eye or ligand Mrs Carr and Mr and Mrs ECsrr Mr and Mrs Joel Presser or Churchill lspent Sunday with Mrs Proasers brother and term ily Mr and Mrs Wes lilodll PRESCHOOLEBS Enrolment oi pruchool child ran who will be attendms Essa TSA Union for the school year beginning Sept 1961 will beheld at the school on Monday May between the hours of initnnd 330 pm Gilldren must be six years oi ago on erbelore the lirst day at January 1562 Parents are asked to bring variilcation at their childs age ELMVALE Mr andliirs Pyburn oi Toronto were guests oi Mr and Mrs Eeardssll at the weeknd Mr and Mrs Ron Ritchie and sons oi Peterborough Mrs Ho ward Hammer oi Toronto Mr and Mrs Murray McConnell and children of Panelang spent the weekend with Mrs Ritchie Mrs George Spenrin at Bar rie spent Sunday with her moth er Mrs Fisher Misses Sally Nancy and Pat sy Campbell at Toronto were with their parents Mr and Mrs Campbell at the weekend 51 JOHNS CHURCH Sunday morning at 11 nm St Johns Church was tilled with worshippers Rev Chapman was in charge and was assisted by number of the young people Two inlants were baptized Bradley Ros Rawn son of Mr and Mrs Wil liam Rawn Catharine Joan daughter at Mr and Mrs Hob 5011 Miss Vivian and Elaine Lougheed sang duet Mrs Amos Dean was chosen to represent all mothers oi the con gregation and Patsy McMann presented her with lovely bou quet of flowers Mr Chapman spoke on our gilts and the kings reward Mr and Mrs Donald Edward Hocken nee Ruby Wood were married Saturday May 13 in Elmvaia Proshyterianflhnrch by the Rev Mr McClean Mrs Bernice Oldfield of Owen Sound Mr and Mrs ii Smith Rita and Johnny oi GilesV ley spent Mothers Day with MrsStoutenburg Dr and Mrs Harvle visited their soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Ivan Russell of Burlington The Pinagrovs Home and School Association annual meet ing was held May Holbrnok presided The election of oiilc ers was held Past presidentL Holbrook president Mrs Ty son Smith vicepresidents Jack Holmes and Jon Sutherland secretary Mrs Robert Wilkin son treasurer Mrs Jaok Hol nine swl WaltEer and Sports Outdoors VLoavn it To Beaver ThsThird Marl sariea grathors Bran an Facesw mes Executive members Mrs 610 Farm Market Ihpnrt Don Jamieson 515 News Wilther DH 100 Father Knows Eds 130 Wyatt SITE 800 Court nedavm Parry area 930 Danger Man moo Hay Gun Will TIIVII mo Tl atropa iron cm Nova 1115 The Weatherman Today III Sport Community News Movie gig Eulltighter and the 1135 aArUiLDAY MAY Test Pattern News Eriois International Scour iMexico va Euglalll Movie Skull Adventure Outside Broadcast Bugs Bunny Charlie Chan Newl Walther Sportl Andy Grimthr snow Dannia The Menace The Peoples Choice Sgt Bilko Su Hunt Great Movies The Human Comldy Juliits CBC Noll News Weather Sports earm 883 sIPPNrspryso sass 8828 Georliari China Nn Elli icomanohs Forbidden Carlo no Conn iii iill nil or iron gauivluflli iv Tobaooo 1255 Epilogue Mamas MAY man Three Mu Protassora to Boys Girl Ryan RlpnrtJ Social Credit The Channel Nine In Newswmsn our son Ennis ah nl lulu an Twsn outlan soo Naked city moo Fight arm Weak 1050 In any Elsaw Show 00 NIWI wlllhll IIJSWMIIIIIIHII 1115 Slturdly mm atra Baidwitk Runs Harris Mrs Bolton Mrs Sutherland The new executive was instal led byMurray ghe program was rs Dobson and Miss Harrington The pupils at the senior room sang several numbers Mrs Dobson showed Ilidu ot the Southern Stats Mrs Robert Wilkinson doe Sutherland and Mrs Tyson Smith attended the annual did our meeting of the Barrie and District Home and School Council held in Central United Church Earle on May The members at the Greuiei iK Homemaking Club attended Achievement Day at Guthrie May The club presented an exhibit Table centres for dif iereot occasions Miss Jean Vsenltra was commentator Mary McFadden Marilyn Hot rnes and Rita Harris received certiiicatu ior completing two projects Mrs Cliiiord liarrls Mrs Ross HarrisMlS William Wheeler and Mrs McFad den also attended Mrs Tyson Smith and Mrs Jack Holmes vuo the leaders in this pro ecz war Cub Peck has been or ganized for the boys oi the dist riot Meetings are to be held Monday evening at 815 pm at Pinegrovs School Anyboy inr crested in joining is asked to call Cubmaster Mrs Tyson Smith Rev Willis was able to be with us Sunday morning assist ed by Wood Angus During the special Mothers Day serlt CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BECKER North dealer NorthSouth vulnerable atoms guns oases aura oumoos won 32 36 QKJD 80$ AKG AQMBS 010148 The bidding North nose Sonar West 10 Pass 80 Pm OQ aqua Opening leadqueen oi spad as 1n great many hands the de clarcr has no way oi knowing at the start whether he will make his contract This is largely be cause he does not kn how the deiondars carda areidivldad In some hands he has to de pend entirely on the whims oi LadyLuck ii the cards are well placed he makes his contract or and Sports if they are not he goes down These hands are notthe kind you worry about tharels noth lng you on do about them when they occur The hands that are supposed to bother you are those where you can makothe contract even though the distribution is un iavorab Theseare the hands GRANDMA YESSRJNAT WEE PAMDCK MAS SAVED USUALLV WIH ME GETMY sues or auni was immense In wmanol gt If manlyr vice Miss Joan Smith rendered solo That Wonderful Mother oi Mine The choir also sang Dearest Mother oi Mine Glen Dohson is in Sick Child rens hospital Toronto Jerry and Edwin Donnell and Georgina Cole rooton to North Bay Sunday Saturday evening number iron the community authored at the Community Centre and pm sealed Mr and Mrs Madi son and Frank with farewell gifts Maurice Baldwick read an address and Jack and Margaret were presented with pair oi boudoir lamps smoker stand and hassock and picture Frank was presented with lamp Doug Holmes Mrs Holmes Oakley and Mrs Cole made the presentations Jack thanked everyone The Madigana are moving to Jacks former home on Highway 21 south at Littles Hill There were only eight tables at theeuehro Friday night and prize winners were high scores Ruth Harris and Cloughley lone an Mrs Trait and Frank Holmes low scores Mrs Hutchinson and Allan Suthen land Committee in charge Mr and Mrs MeGer And Donnelly Mr and Mrs Cloughloy Mr and Mrs Baldwlclr and girls and Mrs Baldwick mo tored to Toronto Sunday to visit Baldwiclr who is pa tient in Sunnybrook Hospital Mr and Mrs Cole visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs Orr Hillsdale that test your skill and the ones that are the most interesting to play For example take this hand There are on pn de heart or club losers so everythinl de pends on losing only one ida mood tr ck Obviously if the diamonds are divided 22 you can make the contract simply by leading the ace and another diamond But since this method will tall ii there is 81 division which occurs about 50 per cent of the time the question is whether anything can be done to over come 31 break if it exists The answer is that dcclarer can cope with 31 division pro vided eertain iavornble conditions exist More is how declarer takes steps to protect against an uneven distribution of the diamonds He wins the spade lead with the ace and draws two rounds of trumps Thenhe cashes the king spades discarding diamond and nuts spade He next plays the AK oi clubs and ruiis club Now he leads diamond and ducksin dummy In the actual case West wins with the queen East cannot aï¬ford to over take and must give so uth ruii and discard Note that the elimination play would likewise succeed it West had the singleton king or jack and would also succeed it East held the singleton king queen or jack Tomorrow Choosing the open ways canoe or KEV in sues nlu our MOTION cream ANV SPUR OTW MOMENT aquNGl LARRY BRANNON BLONDIE JULIET JONES DONALD oucK nu sawvsa usssanosxsersa BRAKE DRUMS 5158 Chev EITA KETI mnannm names maruar as sangrs HAP am COMEIIMN SLIP arose Bil ME NAG HIMLY mounawoemo Iwutmmyou LOWEST PRICES USER PARTS GUARANTEED near aans FUEL Puma airplanesTrans amurz sauna TnmsmsaroNa TIRES MOTORS RADIATOBB BATTERIES GENERATORS mom END STARTERS ASSEMBLIES WHEELS CENTURY AUTO PARTS NEWNEW NEW BRAKE LINING AXLE SET wheels SHOCK ABSORBERS hercnies double BUMPER JAOKS 335 TOPPER PORT WA hint on se tour REG NARROW P0310 WALLS white 350 set oi iour FENDER MIRRORS 295 and Ill 180 each 850 eacla 239 and up 265 each gt 350 and up 415 and up mans onums Ford UNIVERSAL JOINTS RADIO AERIALS section mom ALL THAT surren cauNcH 1c FERNDAIE ROAD BARBIE sonaAYau KNOW HOW WINGEVAND ALL THE nays LOVE ICECREAM underarm TALKTEO QUICKLY WWW Aotï¬ï¬‚ill an POW Pm QAWH assumoeglzg gme HULK answers use Mr um No BARRlE CREAMERYV fwiTH ricursmo MEAT runcnasa IITTER49cIi=4 MESA 23 COLLIER sr HOUSE WARNED mu NOT TO BEAT HER Aealm STEAM must now in one our this use were Mmr TllM Thisï¬iï¬t vs NY mmwmwur vars igrzlgurï¬ggueu