mums nrvman Conservative MP Declines vote With Partyon Bill OTIAWA CmA young Con servative back bencher voted Izaiast the tide Wednwiay on government bill he say her aids the abolition of capital pun ishment in Canada Maurice Johnson 31yearold lawyer representing the Quebec constituency oi Charnbly Rou viile remained in his Common seat as nearly loo fellow con servatives stood in favor at bill that provides the death pen alty tor deliberate murder with life imprisonment decreed tor slayings judged to be without Premeditation Twenty Liberals Joined Mr Johnson as the bill was given second reading approval in principleby vote at 139 to 21 hir Johnson said he opposed the bill because it was in his opinion the first step toward abolition of capital punishment This was denied by Justice Min ister Fulton The young partner in Mont real law ï¬rm who spoiro in French was especially opposed to section at the hill exempt ing persons under 18 irorn ex ecution TERMS ll DANGEROUS This he said was danger nus clause in those times of serious luvcnile deliquency and of young hands oi rob hcrs who dont hesitate to com mit murder The protection of society must be oi prime considera tion at the legislators he said and the elimination of the death penalty took away societys most efficient weapon canadian society he said lacks at present the degree of maturity needed or abolition oi the death penalty The vote ending two days ol debate on the bill was sprin kled with unusual features The Liberals apparently delt cided on tree vote as for as their own party was concerned added contusion to the counting by standing in no particular se queco to record their individual decisions The votHailed or by Mr Fultonoriginally was recorded as 13 to Speaker Roland Michener announced at the end of the session that the vote had been incorrectly added and that it was 139 to It The CCF voted with the Con servntivesi Both CCF Leader Argue and Opposition Leader Pearson were absent when the vote was taken NOT ABDLITKONIST Mr Fulton said the hill is not an abolitionist measure or first step toward abolition hut ahili or the purpose at bring ing the present position with re gard to capital punishth into line with presohtday ideas ol crime and punishment What the bill does is to di vide murder into two categories namely capital murder and non capitui murder The bill retains the death pen alty for capital murder uses involvingdelibernta aiay logs or those committed during crime violence it provides mandatory lifeimprisonment sentence or noncapital mur tiers and or juveniles under 18 convicted of capital murder No change is proposed in the method oi executionhangingn and there was no mention in the debate on how long tile sentence should run Mr Ful ton said those given such sea tence would be eligible for pa role aiter careful and exhaus tive study at individual cases Mr Fulton called or the re corded votesaying the country would want to see the extent to which hiPr voted on the ques tion llo turned down avLiheral request thattha hill be passed to 1ommons committee for turther study but agreed to put all clausebyciausa considera tion until Monday MOST FAVOR IT Thirty htPsseven Libraia two CCF and 21 Conservatives apolre during the twoday de bate Oi the eight who spoke Wednesday most were in favor of the iiiiir Grant Campbell PC Stab CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agent or North American Van Lines PA 88555 name mumamruoaamv mm nu moat ma am would be oorna model or iellallturu in other oountnu Liberal with the gov eromurt incl Paul Martin Essex East it Garland NiV pissing Pickersgiii Bo oavistahvillingate Wmiam new nidickaon Kenorallainy Riv Paul Hellyer roomfiriui Judy LaMnrsh Niagara Falls hi McMillan Walland Gains Jo Godin Nickel au Liberals opposed to the leg lslatloa included Jean Rich ard Ottawa East Babel Cochrane Rodger Mitchell Sud bury Paul Tardillluuell mY hummer waxr ans than ram mm MISS You Iryour carrier has nor arrived by pita please phone PA 82433 And Copy lhill Ba Delivered To Your Home THEREIS No cuAkaEroa rHIs SERVICE APPROVH huh OHAWA CHA Nil amend lag the Farm Improvement loan Act increasing by $100000000 the amwat ot mo ney that can be loaned under act in the period ending June so 1962 was approved Wedneodny by the Senate bank ing committee Haircuts 75 Saturdays 1400 Barber CLIFFS BARBER SHOP load Aim from MIAMI ï¬ï¬‚lI VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS Velvet Cake and Pastry Flour islreSiï¬ed So throw away your flour sifber youll never need it ag Velvet Flour coones already sifted ï¬ne and light as can be Saves tome and work because you dont sift Gives wonderful hghter cakescrispy tender pastry Andof course Velvet Flour isrguaianteed faction or money back plua 10 per cent To use your present cake and with VelvetFiour Measure pastry recipes the nosift way the amount yourrecipe calls for and results perfect baking autis Siftersv areTor the bfirdS DOUBLESTRENGTH NYIONT safe mean or miles 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