oriaémounderino7 Baltimore Orioles one of the tly case ofsuiclde runwhlha leaving sixon base vstralght defeat in an no loss to By WILKS Associated Press Staff Writer prc season favorites for the American League flag are no better than fifth seven games behind first piece Detroit at the moment And if the Birds peo nanihopcs are dyingits stric Wbat else would you call it when they can chase startlo pitcher with six hits four them doubles and two walks In four innings but score just one Thats what they did Monday night as rightltagditlrlrilaclr Fisher tchcd rfcct or iye uin lligs yetpfvound up with his third the Yankees at New York The victory left the third place Yankees 5V games by hind Detroit The Tigers wal lopedlansas City 102 protect ing their assgame lead over the second place Cleveland Indians who beat Minnesota 75 in 15 innings Boston beat Chicago White Sox and Los Angeles Angels defeated Washington 64 BASEBALL Trlbe Storm first and Boston the second Washington Senators won doubleheader tram Les Aageles Angets 52 and 71 Detroit took the ï¬rst game of double header 54 The second game was rained out Cleteh Boyer broke up the per fect game by Fisher with leadotf single in the slxtbinn lie for the Xankees and came around with an unearned run for 11 tie Boyer also hit three run hornerln the eighth wilhall the runs unearned nlf Fisher who finished with five hitter The Yankees with Jim Coatci winnlng in relief of Art Ditmar put it away in four run seventh No walks and single by Yogi Berra broke the te The clinching run came when second base inan Larry Napp la action SundaY New York ruled second baseman Marv Yankees and Baltimore Orioles split doubleheader New York 51mm Howaid when the Ori won the first 42 and Baltimore ole Ewe up in the men took the second Chicagcnnd Boston Red Sox also split bull Tony Kubek capped the doubleheader Chicago won the inning win two Iw RECORD Breeding had trapped liner by that Breeding had caught the out single TIGERS ms The Tigers came from behind on tying solo homer by Norm Clevelad Ht Insestra inn log games made it six straight on WiflieKirklsnds tiebreak Ing slngle in the isthoif iosins reliever Ted Ssdowaki undelght innings of twohit shutout re lief by Frank Funk Funk struck out seven after getting the lodlans out of buses loaded none out Jam in the eighth when he retired Leonie Gm on pop up and then got Don Mlncber on doubleplay ball pair of two nin homers by Woody Held overhauled 51 lead by the Twins WINS THIRD Bill Monbouquclte put away only his third victory in seven decisions for Boston besUng the White Sex with seven bitter He blanked Chicago alter the third inning fanning Sherm Loliar and getting Martin to bit into doubleplay with the bases lull in the sixth Frank Baumano was the loser giving up walk and singles by Carl Yastrzemski Jim Pagllaroni and Frank Mal nodes the Red Sox broke tie ina three run fourth The Angels cut down one Washinan runner at the plate in the eighth and escaped an gash Midiill fourth fishing then attene swit six runs wmmmwï¬ï¬‚m in the filth oil Norm am Rigbthader Phil Regan other score when rookie Chuck Hinton left third base too soon on Jim Kings apparent sacri By no assocurnp runes New York Cleveland Detroit Boston Washington Baltimore Kansas City Minnesota Only games scheduled Sundays Results Baltimore 23 NewsYork Chicago 61 Boston Cleveland 92 Minnesota Washington e7 Dos Aug 22 Detroit Kansas City Mondays Results Baltimore New York Chicago Boston Cleveland Minnesota Washington it Los Angeies Detroit 10 Kansas City Probable Pitchers Today Detroit Running 24 at Min nhsota Kraiick 41 Chicago Shawugn at Balti Hall 12 mggmington Hobalilï¬hmgfl at as City Bass Klillsevnlnnd Perry at Los Sundays Results Rochester 180 Tomato 24 Syracuse Buffalo 95 Columbus 75 Richmond to Jersey City 14 Charleston 80 Mondays Mu Columbus on Toronto 14 Richmond at Buffalo ppd rain Only games scheduled Games Today Richmond at Buffalo Charluton at Roch Jersey City at Syracuse ester Only games scheduled Glmcl Wednesday Richmond at Buffalo Charleston at Rochester Jersey City at Syracuse Columbus at Toronto BALL LEADERS National League AB Pct Angeles McBride 32 Moon Loa Aug 118 25 43 364 Only games scheduled Mathews Mil 122 24 42 344 man513 Clemente Pitts in 20 44 341 Gang York GonzaieZ Phiia 8a is 301341 Bow Railings M11 123 29 41 333 Chicago at Baiti Detroit at MinnesotaiN Washington at cuy Cleveland at Los Ang Le mom Eleanor San Francisco Los Angeles riushurgii Gincinnati Milwaukee St Louis Chicago Philadelphia Saturdays nesnitr Los Angeles San Fran Milwaukee Cincinnati istrlmusoChicagolA Pittsburgh Philadelphia Sundays Results ttsburgli 13 Philadelphia 1i Milwaukee o3 Cincinnati St was as Chicago iii Los Angeles San Fran Mondays Results Pittsburgh Milwaukee Ios Angeles Cincinnati San Francisco St Louis Only games scheduled mung Pncuen Today San Francisco Jones 32 at St Louis Sadacki 23 Los Angeles Drysdalo at Cincinnati OToole HUN fvouRE THE BOSS Milwaukee Burdette 32 041 Pittshurgh Friend 54 Philadelphia Sullivan 14 at Chicago Cur inorBrawec Games Wednesclay Phiia at Milwaukee Pittsburgh at Chicago Los Angeles atStLouis San Fran at Cincinnati for money Just Phone BeneficiaL Get the cash you want loot One phone and one visit to the oflioe does everything Cull up or come in teddy AT BENEFiClAL 15 ensign sr Phone PArkway 85931 panels in diam connect on loans our tisto its BENEFICIAL no to woo vaur can can be flierlasured nuance so or causes Wills Los Aug 140 as 46 329 Runs batted inCepeda San Francisco 32 BibWills and Davis Loa Angeles 46 Doubles Zimmer Chicago and Coleman Cincinnati Triples Wills Los Angeies and Virdon Pittsburgh Home ronsCepeda one brand dian Amateur Ski Association will endorse at the international level bid to hold the 1968 Winter Olympics at Banfi Alta The announcement came at the conclusion of the associa tions annual meeting Sunday night TheCASA plans to send Mrs Put Ramage of Brantford asso ciation treasurer to Ma drid May 2728 to attend the Congress of the Federation 1n ternationale Iii Ski international governing body for the sport She will present the case of the Calgary group hacking the Pauli bid for the Olympics Also approved at the annual meeting was change in the CASAs international competi tion committee setup designed to give more attention to devel oping skiers in the crosscoun try and jumping categories The intemational competition committee was divided into three subcommittees alpine crosscountry and jumping HAD 600D EFFECT Mike Guzzell of Port Arthur manager of the Canadian team in Europe last year reported to the annual meeting that the Eu ropean training plan while im proving the calibre of Canadas skiers also had good effect on their seeding in international events He said that until the Eu plan was started Ca Ycars ago Adams distilled go gredtvvhiskieseacli with its own distinctive characteristicsvand then aged them in specialoal casks Mow AdanIs has re flce fly In the Senators seventh Amman kï¬ctGBL 31331 malned unbeatenelioivlng Just Los Angeles scored the decidlt 7511 594 Rochester 15 555 11 fiva hits one pnchhomer by log run on squeeze bunt by Dileevgland 2114 500 av Jersey cm 132 520 21 Pan Larsen while Winning his winner Ell Grha in the sixth New Yofli 1315 M5 Richmond 1515 500 Mill PeieBurnsldo was the laser Minnesota is 17 3V Bulfqu 14 500 Baltimore 1818 Toronto 1311 488 hi in 1120 459 an racuse 921 300 my 53 st sum mm Iï¬ssoc ants Inter yames Kansas City Rochester Toronto 968 Chicago mo 41210 Columbus Bichmond TO He Ban L05 3135 1321 11 Syracuse Buffalo Saw mum Janey City Charmin WINNth CPTha Cana nadlans arrived at international events as unranked entries and generally were relegated to last or nearlast starting spots Rae Grinnell of Mano tick 0nt was elected president of the CASA succeeding Guueih other officers include Mrs Bamage treasurer Ontario di vision president Ted Powell Sudhury director zitlargo Pe ter Dennis FortWilliam inter national competitions comrnit tee Alpine Grant Boyd Mont real crosscountry Ellis Hazen Sudhury jumping Guzzell Dates of the 1962 major Ca nadian ski tions ac ceptedhy the CASA include the National Senior Nordic jump ing and crosscountryqat Camp Fortune Que March 941 The National Union cham pionships will he held at Port Arthur Feb 2325 Nordic events of the North American championships will be held March Hat Revelstoke gt AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Have your autorastlo trans mission rapnired by quell and mechanics You may also ï¬nance all work Ind parts here 30 If Morons sea Hayfield st PA More sues married these 29 rare whiskies to create the superbflavburuol Adams Private Stock This custom blend is crystal decanter at popular Price presented in its ran name We TUESDAYMAY 23 Stan Going Home Till Squabbha Over NEW YORK AP Officlil talked of riendly and imlt minent solution without any in dication what it might be today in the squabble over whether golf stars Arnold Palmer Gsry Player and Stan Leonard should be permitted to play in the in ternational Canada Cup matches in Sen JuanMune 14 Sponsors of the Memphis Open regular stop on the Professional Golfers Association tour scheduled at the some time insist they will not release the three from routine PGA commitments Player the Master champion from South Africa says he has no intention of riskin six month suspension an $500 tinecalled for if he defies his PGA commitment and repre sents his country in the San Juan matches Palmer defend ing 15 Open champion who won the Canada Cup title paired with Sam Snead last year and teooard one of Can adas top professionals also are caught in the middle awaiting the outcome of the fuss between PGA and the international Golf Association urator and sponsor of the Canada Cup matches Said Ed Carter PGA tourna ment director of the Memphis move All the sponsors of our tour tournaments are endorsing the move because it means the as istence of the whole tour If conunitted players are per mitted to withdraw to play in competing tournaments without full agrccment the whole tour is threatened Muss mi The system of commitments by top players in golf has been in effect for several years Agreed to by the tour members it states that ii golfer is in the top 25 money winners or has won PGAsponsored tour nament within the last year he must play in all sanctlnncd PGA tournaments or not com pete at all while each tourna ment is in progress Twoman teams from 34 coun tries are scheduled to compete in the eighth annual Canada Cup matches Snead and Pal mer have been named to de fend the uown as the US team while Player and Leonard head their countries teams Leonard said Saturday in telephone interview he will go home to Vancouver and retire until this schmozzie is over He said cant afford to play in the Canada Cup if it breaks THE gtiNSTALMEhiT PLANWY To save son AllllWiliilMiiIT Monypurehesers efnutomo es to re entl such pay on the initalmant plan You can your savings on the some instalment bdrisi5P Scotiubnnks Personal Security Program istha nstolment ploni way to save for down pay went for any proieoi needingforwprd planning and Saving This howVPSPexciusive with The woriérYov sele Ban Sco lifelnsured foritha full motion mommaW saanwiiiionigrinaé The Winningï¬ormula 2n wrists AsmiatedPress sun Writer All right hander Stan Wil iiams has to do to nail com plete gains victory these days is fire fourhitter and keep fuing until 1m Anngee Dodgers finally get around to putting it away After getting only 11 reb ord and nocomplete game out of six starts this season Wil liams hit on the fourhit estrar inning formula for 21 it inning victory over Milwaukee last Wednesday He stayed with it again Monday night once more giving up just four hits for decision at Cincinnati this one in to innings as th Dodgers remained just centers points shy of the Ne tlonal League leadywith their fifth straight success San Francisco stayed on per Aces Purchase Guy Rosseau QUEBEC CWQuebec Aces of the Amerclan Hockey League Monday night announced they have acquired leftwinger Guy Rousseau of Maple ï¬eld bouncer twoiout single by Tommy Davis finally broke up The Giants after losing three in row to the Dodgers bounced back behind Jack San ford 33 at St Louis cracklt ing shutout duel with two runs in the sixth off loser Ernie Broglio 35 mo singles by drunk Hiller and Harvey Knenn and errors by second baseman Ales Grammas and right fielder Joe Cunningham both on grounder by Willie Mays gave the Giants one run Hobie Landriths sacrifice fly produced the clincher Orlando Ccpeds closed it out with home run his nth tops in the NL in the eighth inning Pittsburgh managed just four hits off Bob Buhl but one was tlehreaking home run by Dick Groat in the eighth It was Grants first of the year Her vey Haddix 34 um the win ner giving up seven bite one homer by Frank Bolling but walking just one and striking out seven Sundays scores InsAngeles Cincinnati Pittsburgh Milwaukee San Francisco St Louis centsge points ahead with 51 victory at St Louis Third place Plttsburgh one game behind ibis iGiannts dlefeatcd Milwaukee on other Ni aros scheduled Williams fanned eight and walked three while blanking the Reds on two singles after they had tied it 11 in the first in ning That gave him total of 19 strikeouts in his last 21 his nlngs and the NL lead with 55 WON EIGHT STRAIGHT Leafs of the National Hockey League in exchange for right winger Norm Corcoran an Cash Rousseau as played the last three seasons with Rochester Americans of the AHL while Corcoran 80 spent the last two seasons with the Acre Amount of money involved was not disclosed The Dodgers winning their eighth in row on the road collected it hits but stiu barely pulled it out Loser Bob Purkey +2 gave up walk to Maury Wills opening the 10th but after sacrifice and Wilila Dav single moved him to third Wills was nailed at the plate trying to scora on Wally Moons in The Aces also announced that it flit unseen AUTUMHTIB Eastern Professional Hockey TRANSMISSION League has signed oneyear contract as colachdof the Aces REPAIR Cur who paye 10 seasons witllyltlantrcai Canadians of the by Efléfla Witht special NHL previously had agreed to qumPn coach the team DANGERFIELD morons BSCollier at on sun George novios CONSTRUCTION urn Barrie as 811 WM Enjoy the quiet excellence of wahhsflad CANADASFAVOUHITE OUTBOARD YMOTOR Warm suit cool breeze the excitingth of your Seahorse against the swish of wake and water skis this is Johnson enjoyment No other summer sport providessuch exhilarating pleasure nnd its so easy to participate The longest manufacturing experience the ï¬nest materials theworlda most dependable outboarda this is Johnson excellenchNo other outboards provide such quality quietnesseco Vomy Join the fun of skiingcruiaing and ï¬shing summer with oneof eight great new Senhorses See ur Johnson dealer aooni us in mi claim commune SElVlflilVElYWMEl SSE VDUI FHDNE reiiow noes airs res anionsnu ms couscous II 10 H6 When you ranch your goal you collect ell yaw Jsoved plus cash bonus PE is the Ideal ay in innke sure your longtrancech orareallse Ask bf it