GRADUATION TEA HELD FOR ST IOSEPHS STUDENT Graduation time is here again Friday was that spe cial day for Grade 12 stud ents at St Josephs High School Mombers of St Marys OWL entertained at an aitcrnoon tea in honor of the graduating class Shown above at the tea table are left to right Mrs Jerry Cougbiin Mrs Jack Moore Mary Anne Pet riniouir Shelia McKinnon Mary Slaughnessy Elisabeth Vnn Gaai assistant hostesses SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Notes are Intended to cover the general social life of the city and district Wedding anniversaries bridge parties blribdays comingoinge par tiesvleltore and travellers are all itenn of interest to the women readers ol this page Your help In supplying this news will be greatly ap precinted Please phone The Barrie Examiner PA H587 and ask for the Womenl Page Mrs Nell Laurie Letitia Street was recent guest at the Park Plaza Hotel while vise iting Tomato Among the guests attending INSIDE YOU AND the wedding of Miss Gayle August and David Gee in the Army Chapel Kingston Satur dya were Mrs Johnston Miss Minn Huddleston Mrs Garnet Johnston Mr andMrs Noah Cotton iiis Roy Wiles Mrs John Borysluk lilies Agnes Lavery all of barrio AUSTRALIAN GUEST Robert Starr of Adelaide Aus truiiawaa weekend guest of air and Mrs Clifton Ward Blake Street Mr and Mrs Iaitan Mir eauit and son Peter Kapuskss lng were guests at Mr and Mrs Steve Jonescu during the weekend YOURS liver DiseaSes Root 0f Problem By BURTON FERN Md WHY DO some jaundicevsuf lerers need operations while others dont Jaundiceyellowish skin and eyekbegins when extra blie coloring circulates through your system This coloring called bilirubin comes from disintelt grating red blood cells and cir culateawitb protein This lar ge couple cant fit through the kldneys tiny filters but the liv er qulckly divorces billrubln and pours it down the bile duct toward the intestine Here bill ruhin colors intestinal contents and this intestinal coloring flows back into the circulation to drain through the kidneys HAPPENS IN BABIES At any age when red blood cells disintegrate too fast tor the liver biiirubin builds up into fullblown jaundice Because the liver in newborn babies can not cope with red cell break down normal babies often turn yellow Any block in the main bile duct jams back jaundiceca lug blilrubin This divorced blii rubin readily drains through the kidneys darkening the fluid flowing to thebladder And without bilirubin intestinal con tents remain as white as dried clay The block may be stone which wandered into the main highway from the gall blad ders side road pressure from nearby tumor oi the pancreas or tense nerves clamping the in testine around the duct LIVER TROUBLE SWITCHES Liler trouble may cause both kinds of jaundice Divorced blii rubln can tiller back between wasting liver caiiawhile swollen liver may block back all bilirubinprotein Liver dis eases like hepatitis switch back and forih between differ ent kinds of jaundice No operation can help ctisinie grating blood cells or sick liv ers but surgery may be the only way to unblock the bile duct To determine why youre jaundiced the doctor will ask all sorts oi questionsincluding the color oi your bladder and intestinal contents Hell also want to make tests before be ginning treatment Who knowswhst evil lurks in the livers oi meui Your doctor doesor at least he can find outi CUBA BUYS TOYS KEY WEST Fla AHHa vana radio Monday announced the purchase oi $2000000 in toys from Red China and other Iron Curtain countries by the Cuban government HushapdSlWhes Get PepilmFeelYounger We wancu mimosrim shim Gan tin of 1mm ma IihilsBe 33 maï¬au manom Ensnmn Ladies Fer THE TOUCH THAT MEANS so MUCH In Hali Styling Contact illicits Beauty Salon 45 nuniop St rs 82930 Ladies or Gents ll JEWEL MOVEMENT warcnrs Waterproof Bhoclrprooi Mrs Frank Harmeaves Jr Mrs Irank Hargeaves Sr The tea was held at St Jo sephs Auditorium and con vened by Mrs Frank Mae donald assisted by Mrs Har greaves Sr Examiner Pho to Fashion Designer Discusses Length Of Ladies Skirts ROME APiItaiys leading fashion designer says Jacqucb ine Kennedy should wear longer skirts and Queen Elizabeth should shorten here Emilio Schuberth sayain the case of the 15 presidents wife its duesiion of lcnees As for the Queen ha tactfully made no Judgment on kneecaps but said only that she wearshar grins longer than iaslxion dic es Writing in the Italian weekly magazine Oggl Schuberth said The first lady oi America is elegantbut she should wear longer skirts The kneecap is always anti aesthetlc even whenand this is not the case with Mrs item bodyone has beautiful legs such as those at Sophia Loren or Marlene Dietrich Mrs Younngosts Essa Road WMS Mrs Young 136 Burton Av enue Ivas hostess to members oi the Essa Road Presbyterian Womens Missionary Society Mrs Rimming presided Plans were made to attend the 75th anniversary of the St Andrews Wills in Oriilla on June quilt was quilted for the bale at Mrs Vicior Churchs homo Burton Avenue The study Together we pro vide Christian literature was capany taken by Mrs Mc Fadden assisted by Mrs Campbell The June meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs Walker 10 Boys Street Mrs Conlon assisted Mrs Young with the social hour happiness it tomorrowle your birthday your chart lbows many fine as sets which rightly uaedcan help you tar along the path to and success You have ï¬ne mind and are practical and endowed with great ienacityef purpose These last two traits especially should see you through this next two months when for the sake of future gain it will be necessary to be diligent and realistic in making the best use of your lkiiia and talents This will be period in which to make plane or lob andii nanciai security even though re sults are immediately forth coming By nking advantage of opportunities now however you should see fine results irom your efforts In Octoberalong with chances to make further strides forward in Decem and early 1962 During August October and December personal matters will be in the celestial spotlight and your social anddemestic life should prove highly stimulating If you are single new romance andor marriage is indicated during the same months Avoid anxiety and extrava gance in November also next March child born on this day will be competent and resourceful and will have great literary ability Worn 11 Swap Saris Overalls For Blue BOMBAY CP One more victory has been won by the sari the picturesque but to Western eyes apparently cum bersome female costume of India Women workers in factory near here were asked to turn up in blue overalls They were told that the flowing fiveyard saris they wrap around them selvcs tended to cause acci dents especiaily when operating machines The women refused We are definitely more at home in our saristhey told the factory manager Besides let us not imitate the Chinese who have made their women sexless Earlier an attempt to per suade them to tie up their knee lengtb hair plaiis intn compact buns also mlstired Dont de humanize us they pleaded making their pluits longer with artificial hair and decking them with jasmine and rose brmches Short of exchanging their saris for Western re Indian women are prepared to go to great lengths to deserve the ad jective modern Today more Indian women use lipstick carry powderboxes and even bob their hair tbmgh this is mainly true of the big cities But then most of India is unchanging mystically time ess SWIM IN EARIS iAi the aristocratic Cricket Club of lndla in Bombay forrher maharanis and wives of wealthy lndians arrive tn saris for nightlong session niswlmmlng swimmingsuits and most preier nAFFiGS EAViEsT HARDiNGCARPET MADE wini nonrams 495 PERFECTFOR ANY nominates 1111 19 DUNDOP 51 PA 33745 biiity adds to eir COUPLE MARK soer ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Harry Patten den Penetang Street were at home to relatives and friends Saturday evening on the oc caslon of their sliver wedding have been residents of Barrio since their marriage May lug Approximately 150 guests callede otter congratulations to the coirpl Career Women AreTargeis For Critical Bystanders NEW YORK AHRemarks career woman gets tired of bearing After all shes married to her lob Sometimes dont you feel youd like to chuck it all for husband and home to plunge into theon in their saris Foreigners visiting indla are invariably intrigued by the sari Canadian or American vlsltlt lng title country never fails to take back with him one oi the exquisite gold embroidered saris ior his ledy bank home Soon their Indian friends start getting frantic letters The prob lem is how to wear them Handloom House the govern met organization which man kets fine saris on cooperative basis has printed pamphlet on the art at sari idraplng Pretty Indian girls are em ployed to give onlflespot guid ancaio visiting foreign women One Canadian woman wife of diplomat in New Delhi re cently bought seven saris at total con at some $750 But may never wear them she confided india now exports more saris to Europeand North America than ever before Said one exporter Westerners cherish saris as exotic symbols of the mysterious East Their impossi cbarm SEES FAVORTIBM STATE COLLEGE Pa AP Republican senator Sunday night accused the Kennedy ad ministration oi givlng iavored treatment to certain Washing ton correspondents The senator Hugh Scott of Pennsylvaniayad vised editors to check whether the correspondents are liked by the White House lh Scott said seems to be the criterion for the availability of some sto ries by the press children éan lamp on it Drive on made with Acriisn will name up smiling its not only thatsha knows the business inside out To hire man with half her brains ii annivc The celebranis would cost us twica us much Miss that is your third one How about taking look at th What do you do with all th money you make know Imitalklng rough and youll have to excuse my language But Ive always thought of you as one oi th boys SUFFMGE ERROR The big mistake was giving them the right to vote It isnt so much that really mind working or woman but fhrankiy Miss Grapple We think the tlilan tint makes you look bit haggard We recom mend in your case your new tint glamorlnegrcy which is speciï¬cally designed to accentu ate your mature youthfuiness and at the sometime point out that here is person of respon albiiity lm glad youve agreed to come to the offlcapicnlc Miss Grapple Youll be real force in keeping it from getting out of hand Nell you dont have to keep up front wit me Heck Im twice divorced Would you mind taking up collection in the office for Judy who joined us last mnnth7 Shes getting married For Commercial or Industrial Photos Portraits Passport Film Developing CALI SMITH STUDIO Dunlap St PA 84176t Over Hunts NEWCUMER Have you or has someone you know just moved to new home Your Welcome Wagon Boom call with gifts an friendly greetings from tho oom FluIVE PA 66302 $14500 Low As 5250 Weekly re in 11 JKiEJRNS Icwe LRY umneo BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA Wellington st atAnna st Barrie PA 51311 HARDiNG CARPETS HAPPiESTi