Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 May 1961, p. 4

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Elle metric Published by Canadian Newspapers united is Bayfieid street Barrie Ontario PAGE FOUR runsoav MAY no BOSTON Is Now Needed In Barrie The people of Barre learned with shock Saturday that three weeks of in vestigation by police into an alleged abortion ring here had culminated in arrest and scandal Whatever the outcome of these in vestigations and charges it must cer tainly give all of us pause Barrie is city but tolnost of us lt will remain sentimentally the old home town We can hardly walk down any of our pretty treelined streeLs without hearing wellknown voice seeing laminar face We are not so big that we do not share our Joys and our sor rows We love those dear hearts and gentle speple who live and love in our home town goes the popular song But we must put aside our just folks sentiment occasionally If it is true that we share our joys and sorrows we must also share actively share theresponsibillty for them This is Avoid Cuba serious matter which we must consider more than occasionally We have some questions to ask our selves Are we providing sufficient and healthy recreational facilities to at tract our teenagers to use them Are we providing sufficient and wise sex education either in the high school or in the home Are homes and churches convincing our youngsterls of the rea sonableness and attractiveness 0d moral life Ag0nizing lReqpprClisqi And more immediately important and we providing climate in When our children feel free to come to us with their problems Are we frightening them into desperately seeking help which is not help It is time in all seriousness for an agonizing reappraisal of how we are col ing with our community responsibili ties Obsession By William acesnm in flue Sunday Times London one of the first lessons that politicians have to learn is that as they are dealing with human beings theymust make ex ubcrant allowances for human Error The greater part of politics consists of jogging along with imperfection This is something which the governed should also recognize about their governors even great statesmen are always follible and sometimes foolish am always beingsharply reminded of this Whenever find myself feeling real admiration for the policyor conduct of particular statesman it seems to be the immediate prelude to some bizarre act of folly onhis part At present my admiration has swung round to Mr Mac millan who has not done anything tool fan since he left the Treasury cannot help feeling that he is becoming statis tically liable to some gross misconception and should redouble his precautions The latest example of fall from grace is undeniably President Kennedys act ion over Cubalifirstof all itmust be clear that this was one of the really mas sive blunders When democracies step across the boundaries of international lawand shipping rebels across the Caribbean is unquestionably outside those boundariesthey cannot expect to succeed and they cannot afferd to fail Yet bad as the blunder was what is needednow is the avoidance of recrim inatlon we should wishes for as pos ntaln out sible to avoid making of this mountain Inevitany the Cuban fallureTlnust al fect his prestige botb atbome and abroad At pment his international prestige has suffered much the greater damage The Conservative who observed Thank goodness we do not have young dynamic and imaginative leadership probably typified the London reaction Yet international opinion has alremy posed its worst point The Prmidents refusal to commit Amerlclm troops com bined with Russian pressure in Laos and the expected autumn crisis on Berlin is pushing the weight of opinion back to normal So for American opinion has been re markably favourable to President Ken nedy however the shockwave has still to come Already Ml Nixon is saying that the U16 troops should have been sent in In crisis any sound country rallies but some months later there comes an accounting with public opinion Those who werein the Unitedvstates when General MacArthur made his farewell oration to CongressIn war gt therer no substitute for victory will recoilect that Americans tindnationsi humiliation particularly hard to stom aob No country likes it much The President has made serious mistake perhaps the most obvious White Housennllstake since President Roose velts plan to pack the Supreme Court If heis able to oevrcome the difficulties he has created for himselfhe may well emerge as great President Itthey overcome him and lnparticularit he developsaCuban obsession and becomes second Mary with Castro written on his heart then theworld is in for bad four years ParqgrdphiiodllydU Speaking outer space is spherical and limit ed as Einstein postulated whatlies out side of space asks commentator Thats easy Nonspace lies outside of it And the difference between space and nonspace is that space will contain ob jects while honspace wiilnot Why dont you say something good albout politicians sometimes reader writes ue sorry we dont write fiction One who takes wholly objective view of the world thesedays might well con clude that the worst thing that had han planed to it is people Lane GIRLS PICNIC AT TOLLENDAL On May 19 1941 gquitea number of records were broken when the girls of Burton Avenue United Church BundayJ school taughttby Mrs E2N Micks eu joyed pleasant hourshoot rideon the cabin cruiser Marceth of Delaney Lines down Kempenlelt Bay andthen across to Lennox Wharf at Tollendal with picnic on the summer property of Irving MaoLaohlan Every one of the 19 present enjoyed the early out ing with fine weather and best of all no mosquitoes The event was in the natureof an award for winning the attendance prlze sounsrms 0N noun MARCH May 22 1941 First Battalion Grey and Simone Foresters AF made along trek on foot from Toronto to Trenton on Kings Highway to train there The Barrie Examiner Authorised second elm mall Port clues Payment mum only suneiys andStatutory Holidays erupted mourners wane PnblfIhgr emu swarm General Manager nannvcorm Evans sun1 we chances washermm Manner annular amen Advertising Manager Joan BDLDIBCircnhflon Manager ubrcrl uon me daily carrier ado weakly gage yegruglfliewp 1e Bymll magnum onth Gama Outside man your Oil el 415 Universi nutrient stru Montreal use venom Toronto on Hearth stunt 923 that summer only mechanical Canadian chool In Rhine Valley KEEPINGii WITH THE loses Conservation Survey Last Monday the Ontario de parhnent of Commerce and De velopment commenced the con servaIlon survey of the stream valleys in the Noliawssaga Val ley Commotion Authority This is under the supervision oi the chic conservation engineer of the department Richard son gt Field parties millions of students and graduates of On tarlo universities willwork un der the direction of permanent officers of the conservation branch Formation of the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority was appmvod on May 1960 This authority was formed un der The Commotion Author ities Act and ihe survey of the land drained by the Nonaws saga River will form the basis for reports describing soil wa ter forestry and wildlife condi tions When the survey is com plete findings and recommen dations regarding these renew able resources will be prepared and submitted to the authorin by the department of commerce and development lly is composed of represents lives of all the municipalities in the authority area BLUE TRUCKS The first evidence of activity is the arrival of blue trucks wilh the conservation branch and de pariment andprovinclaldnslgnla inwhils on their sides Wbentbe trucks drive out at am they will carry fieldmen eventually to all the loads on thewalen sheds The men can be identi fied by chrome badges with the department designation and will be found on foot in the wood lois fields and strearns The first part olihe survey will be wildlife survey made by the wildlife party with par ticular reference to the suitabil trensport for baggage and equipment andunder command of Major Fall of Burks Falls the unit left Toronto ex hibition park May 20 spent the first night at Westhlll then to Whitby and Bowmanvllle overnight and thence to chourg for the weekend with drum head service on Sunday On Monday May 26 it was Corborne then Trenton the objective for the weeklong march It was thought thatthe trip would be good training and also provide resld ence of the towns to be passed bet ter view of the soldeirs The current re cruiting campsgln also had some bear ing on the decision TOWN 5111 or roman no important bylaw was passed by Town Dcuncilthata police board plan be adopted to consistof major magistrate It was Monday Mayle 1941 that an andiudge to have full control taking the operation of police out of the hands of council Authority was contained in the Municipal Institutions Act R30 1937 chapter 266 sections and sub sequent amendments council enacted that 1the same be known as the Boardof Commissioners of Police of the Town of Barrie The board shall con sist of the head of the council of Ba uric judge ofthe CountyCourt oilBim eoe County such judge tobe designat ed by the meutenantGovernorvin 06 nail and such magistrate asithe said Lleuten tGovernormay designs te on TORQNTOS smearr ourllls rodtorsoiealled Yillhgsorea The Village is straggling colleclion of houses and shops lathe midtown GerrardBay Begun fly of stream for varch spec iesoffish Theolherpartsof the survey will be comple as as possible in the near fu Llfll MEMBERS Along with the City of Barrie members of the Nottawesaga Valley Conservation Authority include the towns of Alllsion HeGives Wine Collingwood and Siayller the villages of Beeiou Creenwrs shelbulne Touenham and Wes sgs Beach and the following townships Adjsls Amaranth Colllngwood Essa Fins West Gwilllmbury lonislil Medonte Melanclllon Mono Mulmur Nollawssaga 0m Osprey Sun nldalc churnseib lbrmoniio and Vespra The following men are in charge of survey parties under chief conservation engineer Richardson Murray hy draulic engineering Ls tornell soils and land use Harvle formtry and Mayell wildlife TasleéTest But Doesnt Get T0Drink NEW YORK APlDr May nard Arnerlne distinguished scholar with sherrycolored hair and Madeiracolored eyes has fan unusual academic chore Eachycsr he must taste test some 1500 different lots of wine Butin the daytime from to pml never swal low bny be said gravely The testing is one of lhe du ties that falls to Dr Amerlne as director of the University of Californias department of ellol Tllesuthor ogy or wine making The department operates its own small winery and 150 acres of vineyards stocked with more than 1000 varieties of grapes It also is pioneering in the velopment of automatic grape harvesting its 50 students come from all parts of the world including such famed wine centres as France Germany and Portugal At the end of the year Amerinewho can easily iden tify loo kinds of wine expects his senior students to be able to classify bytesle color and aroma at least 25 of the popular wines of California and abroad The sludents dont get to drink the wine They merely sit in cublcles and sniff and taste the samples then expeclorate them asrdoes professional tester course in wine making might sound like collegiate boondoggle to the uninitiated it isnt We dont bsve the problem of the smartalec student look ing for snap subject said Dr Amerine Before enrolling our students have to have 16 units of chemistry eight units of physics and nine units of math including calculus These re uiremenis are so still they el lasts all except ibe serious students those realiy interested in findings career in the wine industry To DIAfIiElllle this is more than mere academic pursuit To him the lore of wine is full of both poetry and romance good wine must have comehither quality some thing to remember he re marked and added Iesrnedly In this respectwlnsvis like an attractive women it must have something to stimulate the irnsginallon memorable woman or memorable wine must have special individual quality if el is too transparent how either be really inter esting area mecca for artists the Village mayrdissppesr in 1962 when several blocks are taken over for hospital expansion OP Photo Ha 800 uraniummam Wu M1 it in operation under the am of la Principal Perry University of Toronto graduate ml sl omel of tbo Royal York ileglste falbsKlnquydllirlethm onto Emma vii School in time for the morning opening exercises They were simple conducted by Principal Perry and relayed by public address system to every classroom Canada was sung and lbs lords Prayer re peeled sin in Bible story of one of the soles of Janus was read by one of the Grade 11 pupils and the principal gave the announcemenls for the day Then class work began UNUEUAL SCHOOL The Rhine Valley Park School apart from being CI nadisn school in distant for sign country is unusual In oth er respects ltembrscel all grades from to is under one principal It has pupils from every part at Canada In one classroom which virilcda roll call by province wsr held Every Canadian province ex cept Newfoundland was repre sented among the as pupils In that room Hers wss per fect example of Canadian unity The school is divided into sections Grades to with kindergarten are housed in convsrtsd barracks building this the air station There are 402 children in the grades Grades to is are housed in modern school building erected few years ago when the Canadians took over the station it is located in the permanent married quar lers area and has over not pupils Grades and are located in pavilions connected with the main school by cork ridors The higher grade are in twostorey school of typi cally Canadian design the classrooms being kept bright and airy by large expanse of windows ONTARIO CURRICULUM The course of education is based on the Ontario curricu lum lt is set up and taught so that the children on their return to Canada will be able tollt into the same grade in guardian school in any prov cc The teaching staff Ir recruit ed entirely In Canada Teach are come over here on two year term of duty by agree ment with their Boards of Edu cation at home Then they re lurn to their former scllools in Canada ln few cases they have stayed for three years QUEENS PARK Pupils ls munvim noon Married leathers are prole ed with homes in the officers married quarters The un married teachers have individ ual rooms in tile officere quar ten will the women teachers in the same seciion as the nut ses and womens division offi cers They have their meals in the officers mess and enjoy Ill lisprlvlleges and amenities raoll Milly PLACES metmauy of €13 leach ers on the staff Likeibe pup they come from all prov inces of Canada Miss Wheeler of Cornwall township graduate of the Ottawa Tea chtn College and former Mueller at the RCAF nation was teaching Grade class in arithmetic when visited her cissmom Also from Cornwall is Mellvler who teaches in Grade He is graduate of file University of Ottawa and before coming over here taught in the Corn wail Classical College Two teachers ball from Moose Jaw Saskatchewan Miss Chute of Wood stock Ontario in her first year here was educated in Woodstock collegiate the Uni versity of Western Ontario and the Marion Tcscbers College She taught at Thorold Ontario before coming to Germany and has Grade class Three of the teachers are Foruerls grade lead er is native of Port Arthur graduate of the Norlh Bay Teachers College and taught in the Port Arlhurschoois McKillop whoftcsches physical education health and music comes from Sudbury He was educated lnSudbury and at the North Bay Teachers College and taught in Sudbury Gallant balls from Kap from northern Ontario points missing and teaches secondaiy gt schoolFlencb and Latin So here in BadenSollingen havefound comprehensive crosssection of Canada dedica ted measuring that the child ren of Canadian airmen on duty overseas have just as good an education as young Canadians as they would have llgndthe schools of their borne Autonomy 3119 Is Geliing Bad By Don an TORONTODear 1m give us patience vTheJulonomy bug is getting really bad The John Howard Society has made an able repcriou our jsi system ltrecomm ell dis cbsoge the province would take whereb over oi the present county jails The reorganization it proposes vwould mean both Imoueygsavad and morevefflclenoy And what ir our here Hon George Wardrope says we have to be careful of muni reaction clpal Autonomy What municipality possibly could care whether it ran sill The only benefit it possibly has is little patronage for local bigwigs to pass around And he hopes get imental program underway Lpok out for the bolo punch however For an imentwlll mesa the coapera onofAitomeyGell era Roberts The prisoners to be used will need special sentence The condition lllst they be permitted to work will have to be specified by the magistrate And that means lheyrnust have the sitorneygenerals ap proval Which is aicaulion sig na For Mr Roberis has long record of not being overly ag gressive about ideas which dont originate with him liowever this is good idea and it is doubtful if personalities will hold it back Dangerous Cargo And if munll a1 illes in extending allinfplllrt 1wSt ant they bardlyfll in here to We should ask Csslro to annex them So help me we aregeiiing so afraid of the tender feelings of municipalities you would think he had unnoxed Vlhern all of the Theres better news from Mr Wardrope in another direction The reforms ministerllopes to get the glluber law system slatted here This is the system originated in Wisconsinwhereby prisoners serving minor Jail sentences are let outvdullng the day to go to their jobsdr MrWar opewo savory practical man illked the idea when he firstllaard about it And year ago he want 10 178 and looked into it Everything be learned than and that he and his officials have found out since has made the idea look good TORONTO CP Transport Minister Rowntree said Satur day commercial motor vehicles and tank trucks carrying dau gerous materials by road in On tariowill be required to carry warning slgns Signs with lettering at least three inches high will name the commodity or contain an appli cable word such as acid or flammable They will be posted on both sides and the rear of the vehicles Mr Rowniree sold the regu lations are interim ones and Will be followed by specific rules BIBLE THOUGHT lily servant an undue eluding heart Kings 3W lt takes nderstandlng heart ialmakesuch prayer it is certain to be answered

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