SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES aim at slightly bewildered Don Wilson City Police clerk as he tries to figure out where all this iu oops these articles came from Everything will be auctioned by police June Examiner Photo VINNISFIL NOTES Lid Didnt Blair on Despite All Rumors N0 SERIOUS TROUBLES lonisiil Township got through the long weekend holiday with very little trouble as far as po lice report Contrary to rumors and ex pectations the lid did not blow off the powder keg although alert policing by almost full force may have been the only that prevented this Groups which were seen eon gchating were quickly dispers Quitea number of car raids resulted incases of beer being conï¬scated which did not sweet entne temper of the holiday visitors could have broken loose any time was the remark of one of the onduty constables Rumors spread that there had been police scuffle and that it had resulted in the police being manhandled However there was no truth in thisbut it may have been carryover from the previous weekend when Chief Brown mingled with the crowd near dance hall in his garden work clothes ACCIDENTS NEGLIGELE The opening of the dance balls at Wasaga Beach was credited withrelieving the crowds in the fnuistilarea Traffic accidents were negligible One ratheramusing tale is told of car containing two youths which drove into the township garbage dump last week late at night It also hap pened that twolocal men had driven in there to dump gar bags The second comers took case of beer from their car and began enjoying it when the po lice car came in andthe beer drinkers took to the bush The car was towed to the police sta tion and the beer conï¬scated The owners were picked up later at dance hall and will face charge of having BOATHOUSE ENTERED Some time during week boathouse bel og to Mr Hartman atï¬el Air Beach was broken into and the com pleto water system including tanks pump and electrical equipment was stolen No trace Your MENS CLUTHING HEADQUARTERS Why pay more when your can buy for last MACKS MENs wenw nonuniopstmmwsgr By so far has been found of the cul prits Back in the olden days this 24th of May holiday which was the Queens birthday was al ways tha time when we threw away what was left of our win ter boots and started the bare foot season Usually it was also potato planting day With the boys home from school and good opportunity to gct the work done farmers who at that time grew their own potatoes would be out in good time cutting and planting the home plot This was usually anywhere from half acre to full acre and generally on difv forent part of the farm from where they were grown the pre vious year HAD TO TOUGHEN The staple food of the year was the home grown potatoes Sometimes they had been kept in pit all winter and when this was taken in and the small ones taken out for seed this supply had to last until the new crop Bare feet had to toughen and by the time summer had ad vanced even the hard stubble could be walked over indiffer ently The washing was the worst task and the sheets often told the tale of bed used by barefoot boy with checks of tan new pair of boots to it became necessity when frost and snow covered the turnip crap as it was being gathered NOl HIS FOLLY William Boake claims that he never before heard the expres sion ankes Folly used in connection with the government dock at the foot of the 8th Line He states that the folly if any was that the plans called for an at the outer end which was never installed This had been intendedto follow up the ap proach which he constructed llad the outer end been built BU warmis KITCHEN SINK Wanna buy coonskin cont Slightly worn about 20 years but still serviceable No ukelele though But theres good set of uppers swim flippers rusty axe sun glasses elec tric drills huh caps and rubber boots Andkthats notrall gt There police auction coming up Thats auction not action The dates June behind the police station on Collier Street Under the Police Act the municipal force auctions off confiscated and unclaimed articles after they have been held three months offered for sale Saturday June at 10 arn will he items including one car be tween 25 to 30 bicycles everything from hockey pads to shotguns and rifles And of course the coon skin coat it would have been buffer to the ice pushingwhich has des troyed the construction didJ Mr Boake claims He also stat ed that hesaved sufficient from the amount allowed to construct the stone steps leading down to the dock for ch there had been no provision did not have any dead men on the pay roll either Mr Boake conclud ed The folly if any might be at tributed to the fact that though the steam boat era had been over for decade or more the dock was designed for the dock ing of such type of boats It could have been designed to harbor small craft with much more certainty of its remaining in place It is not knownyet whether the structure intended to replace this dock will still be of the same design FILM 0N ADCOHOLISM The film entitled For Those WhoDrink is to be shown in the basement of St Pauls Innis fil Church Thursday May 25 at 330 pm This educational film deals withtbe physical psychol ogical and social aspects of al cohol addiction and is based on thework of Dr Bell of the Ball Clinic which works with alcohol its brindle Rd can so Midland nationally Elmvale Phonehnitb 111so it no Toll charge would 1Progrdms Could Médn Life Oeredth nirougrgruoans To leave this world ter than we found it is the greatest challenge faced by mankind Not just the great thinkers or men of dynamic action but the common man as wall Each has contrlbutlon to make and even if his part ls limited to helping those around him to meet this challenge that vital task SPECIAL TASK very special task confronts the farmer On blm depend the very existence of future gener ations One of the things that people of every language color and creed have in common is their need to eat SAMUEL WILDERT NOEL Following coronary throm bosis on Friday April 311961 at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Samuel Wilbert Noble died Son of Mr and Mrs Samuel and Ada Noble he was born on September 28 1913 at Hearst Ontario and came to Barrie 33 years ago After serving his ap prenticeship as plumber he had been in his own business for some time and was also member of the Canadian Plumbing and Mechanical Con tractors Association coe Foresters in 1939 and then transferred to the Royal Canad ian Engineers ï¬rst Find Squadron and went overseas in 19401 serve in World War Two The funeral service Monday April 24 was from tho Jennott Funeral Home Barrie with the Rev Cecil Brena officiating Relatives and friends were pre sent from Capreol North Bay Angus Brentwood Maple and Lisle Ontario as well as Barrie Flowers were from the fam ily the officers and members of Bayview Chapter Womens Aux llary Air Cadets Ferguson and Reid Central United Church lllllcrest School and Barrie Tan ding Co Burial was in Angus Cemet ery and pallbearers were Wil MOVIEiarvmw ay noaanr MncBAlN Examiner Reporter Sanctuary Roxy is an un pleasant plcture Its main con cern is the white trash of Faul kners Deep South and at times the screen is raw with nauseous humanity This is the story of Temple Drake Lee Remlck daughter of the governor innocent tempts ress slut The part is played with conviction and is definiter Miss Remicks mostdemanding roleto date At times she appears miscast Perhaps the part should have been given to Magic Dickinson or Elizabeth Taylor Who is Templc Drake She could be any one of hundred women reading this column She is suniversal type of wom an to become Temple Drake strongly recommend that you see this lt portrays truth Truth which we refuse to admit but truth nevertheless As the Negro maid Odetta is tremendous She is rightfully Drowned Many KIRKLAND LAKE CF David Edward Cockayne 29 of Virginiatown was drowned near here Monday aftér falling from the hands of two wouldbe res cuers Cockayne native of Leeds England had been pulled from the water by two companions but fell off the boat His body was recovered by skindiv no yards vfrom shore Virginiatown is about 20 miles east of here gt reqtilring ability to flnlflvlle policy fie joined the Grey and Sim As it would be so easyfor you Skindiver Finds no one an on food to ntislytho hungertot todays world they also deter mine to great extent how those of tomorrows world will be fed Each piece of land can be wasted or it can be lmprov Cd What happens to it depends OIIJM people on that land at least to mat extent NEED coon ounms Often there are conditions be yond the control of any one man In damp regions drainage may be needed but these drains have no purpose unless good outlets are provided In dry areas man cannot irrigate un less he canlct an ample supply of water OBITUARIES Iiarn Pickering Walter Cramp tun William West William Mr Arthur flay Reahlll and Lloyd Bristow Surrivlng relatives included Hls mother Mrs Ada Noble his widow the former Laura MCKever andRon Bob Nancy Susan Ross and Sharon the children all of Barrie broth er Donald Noble three slab erslfrs Leslie Judd Pauline Mrs George Gosney Lorraine of Toronto and Mrs Vern MitA chcll Melba in Richmond EC CHARLES BANHNG Charles William Banting old est son of the late Mr and Mrs Thomas Robert Banting form erly of Ivy died in the Royal Victoria Hospital March 23 196 as the result of motor car accident at Thornton Ont arm The funeral service was held from the Jennett hrneral Chapel Barrie March 95 with burial service at Christ Chum Cemetery in lvy Surviving are his widow two daughters and two sons Mrs Kenneth lsla Toronto Mrs Charles Mills Elva Barrie and Errol and Delra both of Barrle There are three sisters Mrs Whiteside Nellie in Alliston Mrs fl Holdman Lyle and Gertrude both of Toronto Film Unpleasant But Its Must convincing Vimout her the pic ture could be dismissed as typical Hollywood distortion of truth With her it demands ac ceptance Bradford Dillman is very cf fectiva as Temple Drakes weak guiltridden husband lie is the buffer zone between the world of Faulkner and social respect ability Under the able direction of Tony Richardson the cast have succeeded in bringing Sanct uaryaiive in manner demand ig of high Praise The black and white photography reveal the sleazy grey world of thos who are not respectable This is picture worth seeing Births Marriages Rose During lipril TORONTO CP Births marriages and deaths rose dur ing April compared to the same month in 1960 the ofï¬ce of the registrarvganeral reported to Births totalled 129231ast month compared to 12515 in April 1960 marriages 3155 compared to 2864 and deaths 4243 compared to 4209 of the deaths 1659 or 391 per cent were due to heart disease Deaths from cancer totalled 542 or 151 per cent of cases re corded gt JOHANNESBURG Reuters Police said they arrested two prominent members the United English speaking South Africans patriotic society in predawnraid Monday They will be charged under the Ex plosives Act police said after discovery of explosives In raids on the societys offices and the homes of some members Tbs nnrrle Pierretinnvcommmeo Invites Iphllcatlons for the pontoon of SecretaryTreasurer Th1 is plrtdlrno tobv the Committceh business and Helm may suffer from flash floods swooping down on than from bare hillsides or 8011 may be blown from ended farm to settle in thick layers and smother crops on the land of distant nclgh mammrmmrurnwg On conservation la ellmonstrous rucir those the individual formera cannotrtond alone he must haverhelp and ation in farm as well as he our and to the mulls of his husbnn from the canle practice ofothen WIDEAECLMM Alone these lines great and authorities that have been formed Perhaps the most fa mous In tho Tenneuee Valley Authority in the United sum whose work has received Vida acclaim Not so drlmaiJC butfiust as important to Canada is the Prairie Farm Rehabllltation Ad ministration lo the West the Marshland Farm Reclamation several river valley programs in Ontario Those authorities are attempting to restore moi ture to land and than control it Less than one hundred years ago it seemed that our natural resources were inexhaustible Today we know that this Is not the case while incaluculabla harm has been done by our mis management of natural resourc eswe must look to the future and realize that it is our present duty to repair conserve and improve the natural endowment that we hold in trust for future generations GRANTS AVAILABLE release from the Ontario Department of Planning and Development lists number of grants that have been made to conservation authorities for tree planting programs extending bathing areas stream improve ment and erosion control In this county there appear to be great deal of work to be dona and an active conservation authority will be great asset These conservation authorit ies do their work quietly they are not heralded as was the great Seaway but the future of the St Lawrence Seaway and many other works as well de pends upon the success of these local authorities Much moremlght be done in lhasame time if dietVirtue of these conservation works were noised abroad to win under standing of their purposes and needs and gain more wide spread support ADVICE FOR FARMER All programs should be focus sed on an attempt to bring mod crn knowledge to the farmers aid and persuade him to make the work himself but when he needs special squipmen or ex pert advice on how to do new jobs it should be readily avail able Unless dynamic information programs are developed here along with our works some of the possibilities will be missed They may not seem important to us now but the results of such conservation programs could life and death for many thatfso nds of people FURNITURE THE BEST 1N PRICES SELECTION AND SERVICE BARRIE FURNITURE LTD rr Muleaater St no cost Visit our icolonlll In the East and in between the use of it fie would do most of mean the difference between has been done by the conservo Cool weather and clouds put slight dampér on Victoria Dhy for many weekenders For the ma part traffic was light and few aeeldentswere reported hthis area Rafflc EXCHANGE PLANNED LONDON Reutars Cuba and Bulgaria will ercliangccnl turnl educational and scientific TO FIND truncations ALL our WAY straggled north but as this picture shows it thickened up Monday afternoon as they headed south Photograph was taken Ioolrlng north toward tha Hayï¬eld cloverleaf Ex aminer Photo these fields will pay reciprocal visits under cooperation plan signed in SofiaMonday the Bulgarian news agency BTA rlnformationand persons in reported YaLLow moss wnsne YOUARE THERES NOTHING LIKE THE MAGNBIIG OOMPMS mama WHERE 10 so WRWINSS WU NIEDTMERIS Momma use me vtuo wmls mv snow on was or EUSINHSES ltl SIMPLE Idc Rim are You Know nu vauow rues All VEIY um or munrunw mun newsman mm mirqu mm or Loos mmwr munaeration rune mm am more warm oumaontsm use You win ma un on soul DENEN