Spring Is HOrrte Improvemonllimg Sell OrBuy Tn BARBIE EXAMINER Timur MAY nu REAL ESTATE ANNOUNCEMENTS Bums we Child Ia lair at In TYludlyl chlld ll lull PIN Amï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ mom Colin had or afï¬nity child worn and to ILI And I13 Jul ll box In Us bhalh n50 unfit and me Chllgm Dunn LII no B7 Coupler0ulidn always not to know wbteb day or the amt In then one due lteap lhu Ind on tm emnt Idiomlion tor your anti lulu Barril as mine Birth Annouhtement will inelud the dune at you amid the da ol tbe it month and yen birth tbe tent and Mir tillI miormlflun Dfllllld muu tin Detail Dlrmlfltnl mo in may Book or ramlty Album se In Barrie Eunilner Blllh Notice only 50 To pi nntleo phone PA Lula DEATHS CRAWFORD At the tendon Brunt Memorial Hospital Burunt Ian Ontario on Monday May 21 103i John Henry Crlwlnrd In his nth your beloved Ilu band or iennie Duntrnore and de lather oi Thelma Mr Morr oI dull Beach Viola Mrs Ilarehantl oI nurlinzlon Dorothy Mrs Tlironl Stella Mn Colby 1nd Oernlca MIL It It ieri or Toronto and the la Gitdon Crawlord and ilrlndiotll ol Ronald Constance and Shndrl Ruling at the Stackiey lunnnl Home Wnrtiry Street Innll or service on Thursday slay at 200 prn Interment Oro Unl ted Cemetery WARD 0n Sunddy illhy 21 it at the Private Pruentr iiion Toronto General Hosplul Lottie siaa rlrher ward mother or Robert ward at Toronlo and deurnter ot tha late SImunI Juries and litr Fisher et Barrio siner or In any Lied tarea or otuwa and Dr rtaher ol Otinwn At the Fun eri Chspel or pliiee so 5t Cllir Ave Iv Service on Wednesday morning 1i oeineir Interment nmis union Cemetery 110 oclock IN ninmoitidin IIsiiBnLln lnvlnI memory ol our mother Laura my run er who passed lity 1955 Loving Ind kind In III llu lel Upfllm and lull In and Of her days slime Ind 1m 11 her heart and mind Euuimdlfl memories hJ tell on LOVlllKly rcmnmhered by Feb Cy lillly Fern and Cllloll CARDS 017 TH ANKS tIitLLeI Willi to llllp Ihll op portunity to thenir my Inends nellhbofl and the many omniza tinn lor the bundane or Iinw er ems nd Cnldl nio their virits and thinly act ol indness hown me durlnl my my in Royal Vteiaria Ionpttrn nnrrie not clnl thanks to ma Websiey Deb anay himbull and Reid nd the none nd run the hospital Idt iiI itiiiia Rrrctnn We wish to thanit our many lrtend and neidhbon tor their many not or klndnnn and expressions or sympathy Ahown us during the inner nd Genus or our denr malhOl Speniti thank to Itnv Dyer nr th tic Dr zemy nurrrs nd stall or Royal vtetorin Has itsi nr ry Cbris and Aiemet Ritchie WARDTho lamlly ol the ills William Ward wish to express their thanks to their relatives lrlandr and neighbors Ior the ex Ereulpns ot sympathy and acts or lndneu shown to them In the pusslnr or beloved husband la hor and granolather Special thanks to the Rev John Robinson and llInIhen Fun Home MURPHYOur Sincere hulk to our Irllnds nd nettbbors tor the lovely flower and ICL ol klndnesi at the tinI of our IIIIGIII lulll death edpeclllly Ihhnklnl Cnrinn IIqu Putor Nniimeyer and the DIImdinF doctors nd nurses DI RDyII clnrlh Hnspltll Mr and MIT Bob Murphy COMING EVENTS SPRING TEA AND BAKE SALE Wednesday May 24 pm Prince of WalesSchooi Admission is SPONSORED BY THE HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION DANCE FRIDAY MAY 26 930 pm 00 mm Midhursr Twp Hall PAIIDIDEN ORCHESTRA LUNCH EVERYONE WELCOME AUSPICES LOCAL III OFU CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classiï¬ed adver tisements are inserted at the rate oi do per word per insertion or one and two times 8v per word or three four or ï¬ve times and 2m per word for yorflmure insertions 10 oddi tionaijcharge ii no pain Within Ill days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 960 FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R $106 FOR 21 gtWORDS IF Lr ARGILI PER SINGLE IN SERTION Canons OR CORR CTION Adverusert are rem ndad nnll pnnb insertion order no me ed as convenience to you ta dvemner frherernru the Cimirled Advertan penartment requires ii dmtsere to kindly recheclt their ndvznisnmnnl Immediately utter brat Insertion in order that any error or omlulons be reported belere am in me that arms may no retitled tor tn tniiowlnr dhys Intertllm order We with to nlnt out that Tha Ramona er in tor only one ineor Insertion on any andtban on Eelnunslble Human to th extent at portion at that involve rbt mispnnt Error which do not lessen the vnlua 01 th bitumeni must aflnlhll tor romp tlontt bym stands Raterna ealoriram dldpln aiuYtIleotmmay be oh Iain IluDflflhTln Extmlnnl dgt valtiling department BLIND Linrm lutnrmatlon relhrdlh advertisers using Blind Letter or others tor Replies II held ttnotiy nno enliai Re lienlo Letter xe property 210 I53 prmtten WIII he 110 only 10 duyn JIIIOV id duoqu on REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOB SALE NORMAN Shelswe DEAL ISTATI 880m Dunlap GIT tut PA 8996l OR 68742 WINGS CALL PA 501 Ivarll Shauwell an alt Baud Norfll PA uul Illa lanail Nomln an or CquTS Real Estate Broker Owen Street Barrie Member or harm Itinriel Reel meta Baird PHONES OUIIO PA MN Evening PA 01592 CONSULT US ON nLow down payment houlliu plut rebanne or Properties auenai Hourlnl Loans llllnun opportunitieo Property Management CARSON 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial Thean PA 6648 Member at Barrie nd District Real Bond CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE PA 824I9 93 DunlOp St llIABEL MARSHALL PA 04450 connit PA um 09 GOIVAN STREET Seven room one storey home con Inininl two aprlments Dry hue inntil Also new root Tutu only room CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN bedroom home built Ior Inc Idnt living neautilnl mund witn tree and shrubs Scpnato dlnlnl room Hui wnlur huIInl with oil CENTRAL LOCATION storey brick borne with two seit contained hpdrtmnntn New furnace garage tide drive to BURTON AVENUE bedroom brick bondlow with deep iot Hardwood lloora throurh out Excollent condition all lur linen MlDlIURSI Lot 100 lbs leat on Highway 27 With septic Ilhk Good water uld cement loundstlon lot11 mant close to store WE WELCOME ALL TYPES OF LlSTlNGS DRESIDENTIAI OEARMS COTIAGE COMMERCIAL IBUSINLSSES HENDERSON REALTOR lt COLLIER STRELr PHONE PA azoio OVERLOOKING BAY Thin older type hams roam Ind Ihrn bathrooms Hal wnter oll holllnl Lover tread teat Phuno Parcylord 51 DAVIDSON 812000 very pretty three had morn brick bnnimnw All rooms Inmlly llzn $2200 are II NRA terms au Rit dbwn wl scandrntt 101 RODNEY $13300 Red brick bunulow In excellent location Stone ï¬replace In ilvinv room and dInInz room Three bedrooms 85 monthly in CIIldu texea re 105 STRABANE Lovely stone and brieir Lahaped bunraiow ttanhad garage three bedroom All room no well ranzed Finished rec room and playroom NHA terms For an pointment ull Rite Sunndrett EVENINGS CALL RITA SCANDRETI PA has PERCYVIORDmPA 370303 Mnmbnr or Barrte nna District and Ontario Real Estate Boards BOAKE REALTOR let BRADFORD 5mm BARRIE PA 85387 on PA 05039 sttu retnnr tnrnu to tnrmart tor taming CII Wokemln Ar L761 Ralph EOIKET 00003 Members or barn and planlet ReolEnIu Bond HAROLD VFORSTER Mnmher of Blrfll Ind Dmrlcl Roll Brute nonrd vEVENINGS CALI EMORY MILLER JOE rALllnn mt MARSHALL CAMPBELL RAIKZS HAROLD FORSTER Phnm rut scand ROGE IDorlnur For our RS CONNEL REALTORS ONE DUNLOP mm EAST Elm In Blllll Hotn Buumemtin Quilt 01 Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES SHANNON mm £15800 In Illxhbolbood ulnly kt Bonn Isl II 3bedroom unulow of Inullll nu MEX with II CD lite Div III 57 Fill lulu cludo Direct errla tram unit to basement Asphalt lrfl Fund stoma an Qultk atom an ol the be ilved privata fluid In Khulna room or can bllhmnm In Ana Lhnlbl flush Oomph Donut II DUCTd phvo now 0r melanin In Input 200 NAPIER STREET It pinnned luluIon at any Manama bungalow In Burial mobIIle Gingham with nllunl slant hell on enclosed hmuwsy connect lronl and rur one romlo landle WI In mlrh or lung 0000 Ground floor Tomlin In Illnfllvl apartment Upstnlro coulllned homo plul cull PA 055 LARGE HOUSE AND ACRE NORTH OF BARRIE 5000 tuii price with very low down payment and on to itat nrrlu lor 551 per month Thll it Let conveniences room In all and has an ciora io lehould and stores For luil partlrulan phone to the wt nll DVDulu mute he Ulehln hflnl dry pouredNIH blumlnl In loan int all add up to basicred to show It to you nowit wontrba Mpenilv Lulu 011nm PA Irma with win tin of tha hgm no homo DI chum Ind Rt BURTON AVENUE WELLirCPr APARTMENT DUPLEX bu Ill mom House is In excellent mic or To alr located on wide well Irud lot with God garre Your opportunl modlrnlxefl mm and IIhrwm INfllflly Dell to philln mmlomhlu monthly income trout apartment rental To inspect how morill hnlna W1 All mode em Mir dblale PANua ALMOST NEWI APARTMENTS SOLID BRICK 187 VANCOUVER STREET 1000 In venlent to tail and Inrpectlon MRe am he excellent residential district or ï¬nd new homes eon End lihn Plot property requirinl very into to ntenan and modern hot water healed nparlme And let the bulldlnd is limb clan Investment Consists three lplcioul When In nwnu un 11 pay lor ltulli Phone PA MS or compute de EVENINGS CALL MOOREPA Mm 531 ROGERSFA 84 MEMBERS BARRIE DISTRICT Rut FOSTERPA M20 CONNELL PA 70 STATE BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA oozli PA 60242 WI have nlnerauii ur lnytlmn ZVIRYTHING lN REAL ESTATE AFTER HOURS CALL Smith Campbell FA um lulh Land Ferlu Member at th Ethic pond PA hm Ga or PA 0705 SEE BARRI EW Elrlied nnwelI mbdlvislon The Ideal lot11ml or till new home ICuItDm horn bulldlnl by Gard Spflnl Ind Doll Homer Loln or sale It louied inn olt Blyvicw Drivr near the Huronia Drivel GORD HOME DEVELOPMENT LTD 66 HOLGATE ST BARRIE MOVING ForJ eompiet movln tater and enter COOKE CA STORAG service III RTAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT CI Es Rd Barrie PArirway 05515 PA 68125 MOVED May 15 1961 T0 113 DUNLOP SIRRET Next IO Brown CO STEVENSONS ALL KINDS INSURANCE EROSE REAL ESTATE BROKER 70 Tin1N STREET BARRIE CALL DAY OR EVENING PA 82379 Member at tho Barrie and District Real Esle GRAYDON REAL ESTATE Band KOHL BROKER PA H152 Ila DUNLOP ST EAST WINGS PA 84000 PA 03538 LOWPRICED older style our bed room brick house on Pnuetnnz SL roreed nu oil Turn9 Telephone PA ooool lorlurfll PRIVATE SALE InlDmnIlOn TWO Ind lull year old three bedroom buulnlow Lula llvln boards Near room in klIchnn Hanover cup oll heating itth and separate lchoois and hnh schools NBA inert daze Second mortgage my be Inland Talephone PA mu DAILY ACROSS Puddlllg larch 01 Much 9Drowing mm 10Disbbnco measured 12 Century plant 13Foot lover 141mm holder Hehrew letter 100dtrichllke 21700 111pm sling 23For mtnmplo with 21 Sudden 20Hiroute 25Atllrmhllvn vote 2931pm blldl 3113002 itth Itauan resort alteryo phlrl annulment n1l=artotv tob examina Hum 45 Drags 46 Queries DOWN mimosa Stories Was It ma 3Rockeeller or Brown Single unltv Accused as president Parish sailor Shobhler Yugoslavia river Vflliilfli II 24 Scottish ESTATE BALE Plvn rooms win terlzed throne Mlnets Point Mute In oller Hundymane up portunity Telephone PA 07l34 THREE LOIS or sale 150 117 leek Will sell re lately East and an llkellonl TO epbnne PA 81701 for sorter mumth RANCH ROME threa bedrooms two Ilreplbcer two bathrooms thermnpana windows baseboard hotwater heallnx Ihlza buiibln chlnn cabinet and vanity Many benutliul extras On Hllhway 02 annaï¬how or erNanx 01 Elm vale PROPERTY WANTED LAKnrnnNT Cottages In vlnlnlly or Barrie and unwirestone Telev phone Stewart McPherson PA 01705 Dlvid Davies Renitor Mtem her or Toronto and Ontario Real Errata norms BUS OPPORTUNITIES LAKEFflDNI Summon Property Slnrn Tully equipped than or tce two Cottnzu tutdished Boll Hausa bonnisome Ownzrl II yum Price 3110110 55000 down Apply reek RR Mid hnnt optrte anosswoiin 009me 11nute muddy deposit 15 Family do 10 Asian moun mind 21 Thus 22 William IV and Queen Victoria Yunnan lllfl 355pr snared 39Illrkeyo neighbor van 416rnJILB opponent Exllnct speech 25 Mull 21 Exists BotVllhllty 32 Backbone KI REAL ESTATE BUS OPPORTUNITIES LA own with lull Down INDIA lluhle AD lIlns Jud Lhnlvnl In rm Jone Vlad MMIIII and IA lord Allardla Turphona PA RELIABLE GENUWAN Iuled ID Invert Inlhlmum or plmdpluou In pmï¬ bll QuietDH 2w kindled Tnimnnmlwmï¬t up no urns and proud BOX 5e BARRIE EXAMINER FINANCIAL FOR Tm BEST DEAL ON LOANS TO $5000 WILL PAY YOU TO GET ALL THE FACTS AND THEN snn SEABOARD Wflm YOU mm LgW cogrnnnrns Lulu Am FLEXIBLE TERMS UP To to MONTHS PERSONAL SERVICE ALWAYS PROMPT lucid Piuu Iat Homeowners In my na LIII Insured Seaboard Discount Ill DUNLOP ST ND CANADIAN uullzgmo PHONE PA 60117 MORTGAGES FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY TO LOAN ON Resident Properties Business Properties Improved well located arms VICTORIA GREY TRUST OWEN SOUND ONT liEPRImTATIVE FOR OARRIE AND DISTRICT HENRY ELRICK f7 MICHIE ll OWEN ST PA M005 NO ARRANOING FEIS OR BONUS MORTGAGE IMMEDIATE LOANS WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS gt TAILORED To YOUR EUDGET IT le YOU NEED MONEY To consolidate debt orty all exnund mortzn es oar mundane earning Ilafllfl kn YOVGIIIDIII Itny wn Whllo my call today or nppomlment PA 60901 EVENINGS PA 61032 Mortgage Funding Of Canada 129 DUNLOP EAST MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE No Bonus Payments Insured nlllnst Incident llckncss denth CRESCENT VFINANCE 20 DUNLOP ST BARRIE PA 00101 MONEY AVAILABLE You are invited to dilcun your mortgage problem with us with out chuglion providing tho ro pertles are on nglllued us In or out or City Internet at prnvuiung riten Calll Coutts Co Owen St Ranla PA 51405 31200 FIRST MORTGAGE wanted lmmndlltoly IDCIEII Hg on Ilse tato Apply to Box nude Ellminer MORTGAGESll and 2nd bought oid and arranged Commernlxi Ind usidnnunl monayd loaned on ulstln mortudea lastrte Mort In Brokers PA H500 MORTGAGE MONEY available Pllrmpnls to sult your budget Bartrled Enterprises Limited mil operator and asit torzenith Mm Member of Ontario Mortgage lam ken Auoclallon RENTALS APTS HOUSES To RENT ma BEDROOM cottage or Apsrt ment to rent year round Fully turntthed Telephone szw neneh 2STOREY Dwelling centsa1 lou tlnnolI hen on 60 lot Rel erencu require YA Coutts as Co Owen St Barrie PA Mills FOUR nooM Apartment close to aehoois and stores Newly deco led Ind readnnlblz rehllllepllou PA 00 for lurthhr lntormatlon noun nuDMB nd bth ground floor wneher and dryer prime verandah tree prridnd Also three rooms and bath Hind finilltiel PA 0008 evening PA c1002 APARTMENT ground floor Baby waieomu Beyneid street north at Service Station $50 per mdnthssn In wSeptemhnr Shnre hydro TelephonnPAï¬0016 FURNISHED three room In ment hunted Retrigeretor nd stove supplied Centrally located Immediate possession Telephone PA 05022 or PA 05300 SMALL HOUSE for rent to Stroud Reasonable TenI Llrte lnt close to stores Would suit coll Irwin on Child Telephone PM Strand THREE ROOM Furnished House or rent Dzhr Borden Ono chlld welcome Fenced yard Rea runabls Apply between II and evenlnn telephone HE 05717 THREE ROOM heated seit non tnined npnrtment withi stove and relrlurntor $75 monthly sltuuten In the east and Available June Telephone PA 093 nnICnT turnlshed two room apartment Bedsittlnp room and kitchen Suit can Avnllnbin Immediately Apply norton Ave Telephone PA ram 50 Pm 110le Fflmllllld threa iroom hplflment with Pllvfln Iralthropm Niwlyy dugorahadngka ee up streotpllzlst THREE 00M Furnished nrt misnL PllvllIe entrained and nth Ground floor will suit couple APDIY IS 02 Tlffln Siret or Dhnho PA Mood PIVB ROOM nrlck Houlu oll hutsdnttnehod garage newly deqaraled Five ntllen Irom Eur rid on Runway Ielaphono PA 595m or furlhat plrtlcuhll RENTALS Am HOUSE TO RENT WINBID Apartment rooms and bath clam nan haw TIP um Adults Phaiu PA mod MI AND TWO Bourbon Alilflv menu stove retriurator Janitor union Ind inland IslllIlu 11mm Iran 80 mommy Talo my phone 17 Leech PA amount two bedroom on rd is per on tax roll coir tauted Ron lor par month Adults Available June Apply 11 Cupboll An 3811 un IND tail contained 11th isbed three roam apartment but and valor ruppued us per month namerater and stay needed Telephone PA as goofl BRICK house Print ol In School ml toddluohed all human hndwnod nlflll Am DII cupbondl Rent $7500 per month Teizpnnna PA lull THIS ROOM Monthly lumlflr ed lplnmoul newly duonteo tentsallocation Aduiu Reason Ihia rent Available now Tele phono PA In pm or Saturday FURNISHED Apartment In oil heated honII private bath sep lull entranna Avauable June Telephone PA 51505 on weekends gr alter pm Monday to Fri anLr CONTAINED lurnished Aflrflnnni Ltvtnr room kitchen eta bedroom and lore ieea btbreom cos er menttL eia Phone PA or PA Bnll Tlan um nnlurnlsited sell canwned plrtmenl lllllln Ind Duement tenuth located hoovy wiring Avllil now no per month Teloph PA 06157 AvAlLAnLR MAY llt one fur nished atlmenl one nnlurniab ed Both nll contained and ehlid welcome my Phone 3310 Evo hihn PA 34000 FURNISHED Our clean mom up per duplex private blth and bal cony Sell contained Married cou Pin No children Must be null to be on minted Apply l0 Cam heu Aveguo nAcIIBLOit apartment ground Iunr ConlIIIIM or bed alttlnr room and kitchen soil Ennloinzd Kitchen completely lumlshetl wllb Inlfllnlltor flow tabla chain Avdllnhln May II Telepho PA 30118 II MODSBN one bedroom upm ment uvinr room kitchen end bathroom privstn Ihtnnre up Ankle ienndl lung éiiathnnd our move on ona PA Hm Avaiim new NEW AND Modern one and two bedroom artntnnts overlooking scenic Kemne lait any Heat wa ter puklul Dd innilor lorvind lnnlutIed Automatle wuhin la clutIes PA 82001 ha FOUR Ron AND three morn un lurnisned artments 305 and $55 monilllg contalne with tour piece tn Slusted at 12 Pene taz Street one PA 01043 UNFURNISUED two room art ment with lilchenoIIe and ath room Private entrance Hoal hy dro and Ilklul space luciudldr Aduiil pre erred Apply lhl Nlplar Street THREE Itnoiil Apartment with Erlvllo bathroomhot watar nll ehted refrigerator Ind heavy duty stove Included Located on Burton Avenue Apply 40 Cnnlrn Street WANTED To RENT Two Bnnnonmapartment wanted by Angst lst In thnvlcinliy or Kind wnrd School Write to isox stnyuer Ontario Two BEDROOM House wanted Reusonsbie dislhncs lrom Camp Borden Two adults Write to Box 251 Angus Cian nimctmvn no thrnD or tour bedroom home wanted tor runny ol nve Youngest II years Mull be suitable Ior entertaining Win In to trnz year ienee Applyto thfl Terrie Exhininnr WANTED BY July 31 Larg apart ment or house In good locauty hy executive and wile and 10 yearold dnflflltu Anrly Box 59 Barrie Ethlnnl YOUNG Protessionhl Couple no children require 24 bedroom home or artmentJnly Store lrin essenlal Located northeast section Forwud details to Box oi nanla Examiner ROOMS TO LET FURNISHED ROOM centrally Io eated S6 weekly For tnrthcr par tleuiars telephone PA ashhl PORNIsnnn Bedroom in plot home Nenrvbus route In last nod Telephone PA H731 COMFORTABLE Furnished Room torrent Locntnd downtown Pre ler gentleman Avaunhia now Telephone PA 07815 nltnr pm FURNIsnnp Room also Com plater turnished room and ido ehen with store and irit sepn ate entrance Purine spsce Telephone PA Mm ROOM BOARD ROOM AND noun Ivollnbid tor two Central Alla pettin Ia eiilttes Telephone PA was let turtner Inlorntetion ROOM or room and board available in new private home In East End soulleman presetrod Available now Telephone PA 50370 nlter Fm SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGESTO RENT COTTAGE FDRRBNT Big Bay Point Barrie lo miles New Mod ern Conveniences Sale bathing beACh Available Mly 24 until Aunts 15 Telephone PA Marl COTTAGES WANTED WANTED To RENTtrom July 13 to August mo bedroom cottage with conveniences BIIlB Water Beach or vicinity Telephone PA vii5754 utter 1111 ARTICLES for SALE VACUUM CLEANERS $5900 USED TV SETS $4900 REFRIGERATORS $95oog McFADDENS 128 PENETANG ST PAS9288 EVERIIEAIIING Strawberry Pinnu Ior dale Telephonn 003 Ola GlLvh SMOKE 3110910 Mlpln Avenue llama PA Wind It on daily am to II pm Sun eye it no In ll pm Smokers up piies aniaolil Ice Cream pawn papers nd night editions mura slnu nd utindrles With Examiner det Ads on IT Oil Nor Tommn moo mm 10 MISSION SOCIETY smuotro ms ow HOUSE Ar THE AGE OF 90 yna ARTICLES to SALE UPHOLSTERY Ruin hr cs Su nvun and CUSTOM ll ILT EW FURNI TURE AT PAOTORY To YOU PRICE CALL MAYFAIRPA 64le ALL TIME SPECIALS piece dlest Set upholstered 100 Nylonliiat included only $11900 SLI PCOVERS Material zippers extra arm covers etc all included Only 88405 GENUINE TRI MN CARPETING only $6925 sq yd Wall to wall carpeting specialty NEW CHEST SETS FROM $14900 Foam rubber nilsllians extra arm cops loam pudding all round etc Modems French Provincial contemporary do signs Your chalets or materials Lifetime construction warranty CALL MAYFAIR AT PA 61612 BARRIE The largest nndninst reason ably priced upholstery and rug shop in Central Ontario or up holstered inmitnre oi all types mhnuiantured right here QUICK EFFICIENT SERVICE NO OBLIGATION FREE ESTIMATES Residean of Central Ontario for further information estim ntes 0r enquiries CALL MAYFAIR CUSTOM UPIIOLSTERY and RUG 00 PA 631612 COLLECT or next time in Barrie drop into our showroom and factory AT 54 BAYFIELD NO MORE TV REPAIR BILLSI Buy New Set New Wlth Lowvcuit Ulelnmred SCOIIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA EWSPAP ER MATS Size 12x13 local 01 houses ntticl BRIE purreei tnrniator 250 PER DOZEN Apply Tho Jinnlo Examiner Barrie Ontario ADAMS FURNITURE PRICED TO SELL BARGAINS MAXWELL 18 BLADE Rotor Lawn Mowers cycle REGULAR $6900 PRICED TO SELL $5900 MARCONI 17 TV Table Model REGULAR $19900 PRICED TO SELL $I2995 RANGEITFS FOR THE COTTAGE 4995 UP STILL AVAILABLE 3ROOM GROUPS FROM $39900 AND UP TERMS TO SUIT YOUR POCKET BOOK No Money DownUp in years to payNo outside Financing at Adams BUY AT ADAMS PAY AT ADAMS ADAMS 98 DUNLOP ST WEST IN BARRIE PA 60251 WORK BOOTS FROM $795 GOLDS SHOE REPAIR IIA CLAPPERTON ST YOUR COMP Eric stIoE REPAIR snap hen etc ARTICLES for SALE JONES USED FURNISHINGS Dealer in anti us and non used nunuhlna always have nod nieetion CLEARANCE SALE EVERYTHING To BE SOLD AND ESSA ROAD PHONE PA new usnn REFRIGERATORS $9500 Tv SETS $4900 NEW AND USED APPLIANCES McFADDENS 128 PENETANG ST PA 89288 DICYCLTS IGUNS IMOTORS ALL FOR SALE AT DOMINION TIRE STORE at MARY STREET BARRIE BARRIE GOVERNMENT SURPLUS STORE SUMMER Is JUST AROUND THE CORNER WI HOPE so WHY NOTSEE Us NOW FOR YOUR SLEEPING BAGS TENTS STOVE CAMP MOVES AND LANTERNS AISDTARPS ALL SIZES INCLUDING BOAT TARPS TO FIT YOUR BOAT noss STREET PA 60622 MAannTer sale Apply Helm RR New Lowe ELECTRIC RANGE rot sale 24 WIIIIIIII ll inï¬eld good condition East rotten TS phone PA 37590 RESTAURANT lilulplnznt counter Ind ulna null EleniIll XVIII OMB Items Telephone Wanna lamb BRAND NEW Filler Queen lsei model 312950 Telephdn Filter queen Shins PA 03401 ELEC Relrlzoratar Westlnxh housemrza site No unbu use for same $125 push or best otter Tnlnlzhtme PA 82717 omLS BICYCLE one our old lot sale in good oonditon Tele hone PA Lam tor further In ormutlon USEDTELEVISIDNS $4450 each No money down elsy credit terms Adams hrrnlture Cut 90 Dining Street Wank alcoholla PA 6075 POWER LAWN Mowers repaired Hamlllonl Rndlltar Inrl Lawn mnwlu It Frederick ifsest Banla or Telephone PA lew Fflslglfl AlrGr hum023 regular now sb or $05 urlnd special $150 amount Insulintiun extra Telephone FA 04511 or PA and mEWIIIlERS Portables In low In 3599 Yell guarantee Torin so down 53 per week Stu dent rnnllld repalrn Slu Tyge writer co It Eradtord St LAWN MOWER sharpener Ior hand mowers good condition 575 Also No40 Endur hot water tank With stand $1000 Telephone PA M737 ownmint Garage llzn an stove Bent hnd Motor Hood Ior ï¬shing onumber oi suiLr dresses cuntsIIn good run dIoD iso wail eldelr newitlt ehen set Telephone PA 8159 or apply In Mary Street swnvnvtma POOLS Slowdown $2500 lullpricn and $10 mulls flu interest Wm PI you In ovnly lifetime relnlomed non Cleta pDDI Illa IS 32 complain with nit syrtem diving board and chrome llflflll NOIhlnz Extr ID Duy Ready to win In further Informnllon Glll Crystal Pools IL PA 50101 Doors any For THE DEPARTMENT at Lsndsand Forests it altering or sale by tender aqufluilty ol hudwond end soltwood snwlogs end also nanuty or tour Ioot hardwood In Angus and Durterln County For ests Fpr partlculnrs contact thu zone Forester Department ol Hun all ForeAILs Angus Duk ar one nizus mine 0531 or Everett 60R21 ARTICLESTVANTED an LANTERN wanted loi camp 316 good condition Phone PA atde Morons INCOMPLETED noATIl Toot Sen Knight an inch beam hull Va Inch Marine plywood and Ilbreglused Deck and counting witn wlnd ahleid Cnn be tinlshed at OTIIIA ally designed or eonvertihie runabout Prints $55000 Tele phone PA ohm attor Try Annnniiner WauIAtf PHONE PA will