AT MIDLAND Spring Bat ly Held Knox PresbyterianChurch John Nemqu Wu EXAMINER SATURIJAY MAY Collier Street WA LiSt ComingEvents Mrs John Neustead president of the Toronto and Kingston synodieai Nostradamus It the vms Barrie Prosbyterial Spring Bally held at Knox Pres byterian Chunk Midland May its The theme of the rally was the Light of the World Mrs John Harrington of Bracebrillge chaired the ses FINAL DAYOF NEARLY uniting TRINITY Today is the last tiny of the Nearly New Sale at Trinity Parish Hall Being Saturday Ma can leave the kids with Pa and hurry on down or the last minute bar gains wide variety oi play clothes for the young stars and rocks of better dresses for mom for those wear one time occasions Above Mrs Arthur More left arranges the shoes while Mrs Peter West makes final adjustments to the jacket of Principal Value Of Fred Collins principal of Le my Public School said that film strips are invaluable aids to effective teaching in all grades lllr Collins was speak ing tn Churchill Vomens Inst itute at the cltizenship and education meeing held May 11 The speaker pointed out that teacher may use film strip to introduce lesson or as direct teaching aid or to re view subject The film strip has many ad vantages over other visual aids Mr Collins related Pic turcsvmay be shown at any speed andtotal darkness is not necessary Class diso ssionis WINS APPEAL VANCOUVER CPLThe City of Vancouver has won an and peal against $3000 judgment for damage caused to film he ing processed by photo devel oping lirm through impurities in the water supply The dam ages were awarded in the Brit ish Columbia Supreme CourtJo Munshaw Colour Service Lim ited in respect to color lilm it said was ruined Aug 25 1956 when city employees opened fire hydrantandlhus disturbed sediment in the waiter main Talks Films easy following the showing of strip The ladies present were in terested to know that the school board had provided projector for each school in Area No One as well as yearly allowance for films Seven children from Grades and of Belle Ewart Public School pupilsof Mrs Wat son delighted those present with choral singing Mrs Dal ton Ferrier was accompanist Conveners in charge of the Interesting program were Mrs Watson andlllrs Bald win The former in the chair commented on the Character Iis made stitebby stitch The like embroidery latter voice the appreciation oi the group for an informative and enjoyable evening VieePresident Mrs Presser presided for the bus iness part of the meeting Plans were discussed for the annual outing and bus trip in July Mrs Watson and Mrs Baldwin were delegated to at tend the meeting and banquet of the international Reading Association in Barrie motto tweed walking suit im amlner Photo SLOW AND EASY WAY TO TAN The opening day of the May 24 weekend is like the starting gate at the race track City dwellers sub urbnnltes and exurbanltes alike are off and running to the nearest spot in the sun determined to get head start on that summer tan The state theyll be In at the home stretch depends largely on how judiciously they handle those first few laps in the sun Here are some hot tips on the safest course to take to finish up the weekend without coming cropper Suddenly bared backs arms and legs become targets not onlyJor the beneficial rays ofthe which help produce yt amin to be stored up for the winter but also the rays that cause uncomfort able or serious burns or dried up skin Be surc to use lotion or cream therefore before session of sunning Just remember that none of these lotions are 100 per cent elfective at screening the burning rays and let ting ia those that tan For sale sure results be gin withsbort preferably late afternoon exposures and as your tolerance builds up you can get out in the sun earlier and stay longer SPEAKING for PEOPLE liND PLACES Notes are intended tccbver line general Social life of the city and district Wedding anniversaries bridge parties birthdays nomingquage par lies vlsllors and travellers are till items of intercsl to the women readers oi this page Your help in supplying this news will bergreatly ap preclated Please phone The Barrie Examiner PA 66537 and ask for the Womens Page The engagement has been an nounced of Miss Marie Audreyr Vause daughter of Mr and Mrs Vause Barrie to Clarence Bdward Srigley son of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Srigiey Minesing Presbyterian Church will be the sitting for the June 17 wedding BRIDAL SHOWERS Many entertainments have been held in honor of Miss Mar garet McKnight prior to her marriage toGordon Hughes of Churchill June at Central United Church Barrie Mrs Ray Bishop and her daughter Betty Perry Street entertained friends oithe June brideeleet at or miscellaneous shower Mrs Samuel Steele Shanty Bay Road was hostess at per sonal shower for friends and neighbors Mrs Eldon Tuck Steel Street and members of the former Glee Club of Central United Churchlast evening Miss McKnightvis the daughter of Mrnnd Mrs Earl McKnight Shanty Bay Road HOME FEOMUNIVERSITY Misses Barbara nnd Joan Woods daughters of Mr and Mrs John Woods Shanty Bay Road have completed their year at tWestern University and ing ATTENDSCONVENTION Dr Woodstock RR Barrie Wlnnip toba this weeken where he is attending the RCAF Association convention at the Royal Alex Mr and Mrs Vernon Hook St Vincent Street has ret ed from European tour inc uding England France Austria Italy andSwitzerland Miss Hook was accompanied by Miss Evelyn Krcutaer Toronto GRADUATIQN DANCE Lakeshore Teachers College Lakeshore Boulevard Toronto was the scene of fun and frolic whenistudent teachers and es corshelrl the graduation dance Thursday evening Among the guests from Barrie attending the event were Miss Carol Quinn Miss Janet MacPherson Larry Mulligan Eigin Green Gary Fraser and Leonard Duck worth of Angus ANNIVERSARY PARTY Among guests attending the silver wedding anniversary celelt bration this evening in honor of Mr and Mrs Bert Lawrence James Street Drillia are Mr and Mrs Green Toronto St Barrie WESTERN rain Mr and Mrs Noel Stephen son Dalton Street have return ed borne from trip to Van couver and Victoria BC While in Vancouver they had the pleas ure of visiting Mrand Mrs Howard Naphtali and fasnily formerly of Barrie Mr Naphq tail former managing director of the Childrens Aid Society for Simone County has been execu tive secretary of the Vancouver United Appeal for the past six years T0 Vlsrr BARBIE er from Allandale now residing in Vancouver is leaving this weekend for monthsvisit in Eastern Canada He plans to stay in Barrie several days and will attend the annual CNR Vet erans Club reunion here on June lifetime render of The Examiner he will be calling on us while here ARMOUBY mun sans Arrangements are proceeding for the annual June Ball of the Grey and Simcne Foresters Reg imeni at Barrie Armoury The event will be held on Friday June with reception preced ingthe seven oclock formal dinner Unsers of Toronto will do the catering Music for dancing will he provided by the Foresters Regimental Orchestra from Owen Sound Tickets have been mailed to all mess mernA hers active honorary and as sociate who may wish to bring guests June Ball committee consists of Gordon McTurk Warren Wilgar Snelgrove Earle Little Jack Richdrd eon Charles Wilson and Sugg GOLF OPENING DINNER Opening dinner dance at the Barrie Golf nnd Country Club will be held on Saturday Mdy 27 president Stevenson and club directors Thiswill be in charge of the entertainment committee Hamilton and Tierney and the house committee GSRoacb Jw Simpson and Jansen an the indies sect of the club lhe Barrie Recreation Committee in applications for the position of Summer Playground Director This position involves the planning and carrying out of the Playground Programme for six week period beginning the first week of July Suceessfu pplicant ll expected present Director this stnnmerfor exneri ncs sary should belraddrmd pplicalionsstating nualifieatlons swimming not neces Law Secretaryflhcasurer yea in Committee he writes that it has been announced by sinus Morning devotions were given by Mrs armsrung of Barrlohnd Mrs Cochrane cf Ivy The minutes of the 19m rally were approved as written An interesting item of correspond ence was letter lrom Mrs Fern Burtch Jennings written from Brazil to express her gratituda for gift of money the Presbyterial had given her This money she said would be usled to buy desperately neede medical supplies BARME SPEAKER Mrs Jenkins of Barrie spoke briefly on the anniversary projects The money for these projects ris accumulating The ladies were again reminded that if each this member would give approximately 20 the sum of $33000 would be raised and the two projects completely paid for before the 1964 anniver ldlY Mrs Paul Newton of Whitby in speaking about the anniver sary pmieds reminded the lad ies that the WMS is the only lad les organization in the church that has too years oi work and service to look back on The need for constantprnyer was stresssd The special anni er ssry celebrations will be in May 1964 in Montreal Mrs McClung oi Elmysie and Miss Sadie McQueen of Col lingwood were appointed dele gates to attend the Belleville training school in July Reports of the Synodical meet ing held in Lintkay were given by Mrs Cumming Mrs Jenkins and Mrs Robertson Hymn 556 and prayer by Mrs Newton of Barrio closed the morning session AFTERNOON SESSION The afternoon session recon vened at oclock Mrs Har rington gave the call to worship meditation and prayer After singing hymn 587 Mrs Paul Newton of Whitby who is first vicepresident and recording Vscdretary for the Tomato and Kingston Synodicnl led in scrip tum reading and prayer Stroud Community Hall was filled to capacity Friday even ing when members and friends of District No or der ofthc Eastern Star gath ered to honor the District Deputy Matron Mrs Campbell Stroud at recep tion sponsored by her home chapter lnnlsfil No 182 Mrs Campbell was escorted to the stage where guard of honor composed of Sterling Matmns of the district was formed Each matron carried yellow mum the guest of honor and Mrs Beatrice Spearn PDDGM speaking on behalf of the dis trict presented Mrs Camp velling ease and bouquet of red roses presented by the honored guests grandchildren Members of each district participated in the program The lnnlsfil Chapter presented pantomime of the life of Mrs Campbell In reply Campbell JUNE BRIDEELECT MissDonnn Ernestine Cole has chosen June 24 for her special day Mr and Mrs Charles Cole Anton Mills have announced the engage men of their daughter to Ron ald Bull son of Mr nnd Mrs David Arthur Bull of Coiling wood Wilmar Heights United the setting for the altcrbnon ceremony Try An Examiner Want Ad gt Chapters OES Honor Deputy Matron At Reception bouquet was presented to bell with an oil painting Other presentations included tra Church Scarboroughwill be District No 10 and MRS CAMPBELL spoke of her joy in having the honor of serving her district and the DES and her appreci ation in her home chapter and district for the evening recep tion Among the guests present were Mrs Pearl MacDonald PGM Don Galbraith PGP Alec MacDonald AGP hlr Viola Stevenson FNKB Mrs Hazel Foster DDGM No Mrs Lillian Barden DGM members of other districts WA Awards Given At inspection The WA of 102 Son Air Cadets met at the home of the vieerretident Mrs Frank Porter Sanford Street with 12 members present Anurnber of thankyou cards were read after which ar rangements were made for the annual turkey dinner June 14 at the Green Corner Grill The tag day was reported to be quite successful lovely hand carved purs is the project for ticket selling in the fall An auction sale proved very enjoyable and proï¬table social hour was enjoyed later At the annual cadet inspec tion atjthe Armouries the WA award was presented to Ken Bridges by President Mrs Carter and the WA pin was presented to the Past Pres ident Mrs Corkanby Mr PHONE PA was Dunlop St Partridge he regular gay when it coma to taking the femilymut to dinner You can banquet on budgethere thing to home cooking MomlrJoVa lit oarus non next best PA dtlrge of special devotions basedonnplcturcofmristand the theme of tberally The light oftlte World the scrip ture text being so John chap ter Mrs Ellis of Midland was the guest soloist The group was divided into number of groups each group to hold discussion period on some particular phase of WMS work and leadership These groups were led by wellinform ed SyHodicalvolficers and the knowledge gained sbouldbe re fiected in the various auxiliaries throughout the Presbyterial When the groups reossembied an in memoriam service was held In honor the memory of Wu workers who have de parted this life in the past year Mrs floss Adams of Barrie gave the closing prayer Woman Doctor Dissects Bugs FREDERICION UP womens work is never done especlaily if shes an entomol ogistworking with aphids Dr Ellen MacGilllvray one of Canadas foremost nu thorlties on the insects that live on sap oi the plants they infest says Practically every plant known is host to at least one kind of aphid and some have several No one knows how many kinds of aphid exist he causc new ones are being dis covered all the time Most of them have different reactions to many factors and there is no end to aphld research Dr MacGillivrny who has degrees from the Universityoi New Brunswick Michigan and Leiden University in The Neth erlands has more than 10000 slides and 750 aphid specimens in her laboratory at the Fredcr icton research station of the federal department of agricul ture projected singly in color on screen She conceded that most women ï¬nd them repulsive when clustered on flowers and plants Actually the damagethey do by themselves is insigniï¬ cant beslde the secondary trouble they cause Aphids are easlly disposed of But they transmit many kinds oi plant virus and viruses are thekhard est things in the world to com bat CAMPBELL 1111 Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines PA 66555 Aphids are beautiful she says but only when they are The my meeting of the Wolt mans Assodation of Collier St United Church was held May 10 in the newly decorated ladles parlor Mrs Kearsey pre slded The worship service was con ducted by MrsA Manhnll Her theme was Personal or lndlvid uni Life The minutes of the Apru meetingwere read by Mrs Campbcfl in the absence of Mrs Evans recording secretary Mrs Kenrsey read the corre spondcnce letter requesting an inventory of the parsonage furniture for insurance purpos es Theparsonogacommittce agreed to prepare this letter from Johnson re foundation planting at the parsonage Mrs Kearsey agreed to contact the stewards about same thank you letter was received from the corresponding secrctary of Sim coe Presbytery VA The following reports were Senior Citizens Hold May Meeting An interesting report of the Senior Citizens of Barrie re ceived from SidneyG Rowe gives an idea at the club aotiv iues and what they have plan ned for the coming summer at their regular Wednesday meetings On May 17 following cards general singsong by the cholrwas enjoyed with old songs and hyrrms Mr Coward also entertained by singing some of his line songs on Mothers and Scot tish songs Bingo followed number of new members were Welcomed Rgportsof previous meetings were given by the secretary Also speak ing were the presidents Mrs Nora Bowie and Mrs Lee who gave their interpretation of the ward Snroptlrnlst and told of the fine work the Bar rie club is doing As usual at the meetings there wasnt dull moment and al lpresent enjoyed them selves CLIFFORD HAlR FASHIONS FEED GRANT ST Soft Waier Shampoos Expert Hair Styling PA 6049 given Mancini by Mrs Stevens treasurcra by Mrs0r Rowe Mrs Campbell vbitatlon ond fellowship convener report ed 35mins report on the Scottish lute dinner was given by Mrs Cook convcncr at which 23 were served Mrs Stephens social con vcner reported on the Simeoo Presbyterial WA dinner and luncheon for 213 also the May Tea convened by Mrs Win chester and Mrs Evans and bake sale movened by Mn Cook Coming events incluch the CGlTbanquet May 11 conven ed by Mrs Millward CNN retired roilwaymcns dinner June at part convenes Mrs Stephens Mrs Cook and Mrs Kearsey Senior Citizens of Swansea June 15 at pm convener Mrs Syn unit The pantry report by Mrs Edey was read by Mrs Wil ilams Most of the new dishes ordered have been received and are in use Group reports were given Mrs Cook Mrs Cooper Mrs Haslett Mrs Johnston Mrs Cook Mrs Johnston agreed to purchase new drapes and pie tura for the ladies parlor Mrs Johnston kindly donated pic ture to be framed Mrs Smith agreed to look after selling the rug and purchasing new lamp shade it was suggested by Mrs Kearsey that the June meeting be cancelled it was also agreed that no catering for wedding re ceptiorE be done during June July and August as ltis diffi cult to get help As the recreation room floor is painted each summer Mrs Kearsey agreed to purchase paint and pay Mr Barron for painting it Garden Fertilizers FlowerPlants FENDLEYS FLOWiRS 7i Blake sc PA sows hisgar ly ha of the mothers weakness or lolly The Salvation Army merely asks are they friendlessnnd in neediIn its hospitals havens and homes mother and child receive loving care god the opportunity for is happy future Tomaintain this and its other works of mereyï¬lhe Salvation Army asks your help Your contribution willlmng you the joy of helping others to build happyguseiul lives Thcunderstanding heart and the human no1 TflESALVATION Annv RED SHIELD APPEAL