as win M70 or more insertions 5munmuamn FRIDAY MAY ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS oochsmrino birth menMIlntAlJmiudnnn nine and hlilhholl no in loan the Mluiindm pm lit in only use DEATHS innowAt the Royal Vieiexih Hulnlul 311110 on ThuId NI ml label Muri Teriy no lovld will iii Geu Hlnry Gm row in hr Illt ya dear molhlr oi Terry and daunter ni lire Terry oi umvale end the lair Wliillm Terry and liner Vein NH Kent of flu aler Irxmrlin In Elwood Fruit of St Cllhlrlnu Ind Gear ierry or Ditch mt Pal ililD Reeling Ii the Sieekiry hin enl Home Wnnluy Strut Em rie ior union on seturdhy In 30 Al p111 interment Klinvnll Cometr ENGAGEMENTS VAUSHRIGLxYMr and Mn Van oi narrle anterio with to announce the annulment oi their diurntor unri Audrey to Cllrence Edward Srllily Min or Mr and inn Libya srixiey oi Min esinl Ont hind1e In take place It Sireud Prelhllzriln church stroud Onttic saturdoy une l7 ml hi inn srArTomirrsnuislilr and Mrs leold steiiord oi Blrrla wish to announce the enraieinent or their daughter Muriel Anne to hlr linnen George Peonies at T0 ranio Milrings to lake Dll on June ml at The studio Dorrie Ontario CARDS 0F THANKS Our incm think to our lien and neighbor tor the lovely now en and acts oi me at the um oi our intht Iohl north especially thiutlhe Clnoll lied Pmor Nullnieyer and in nliend illl doctor and nurse nayI Vittnrll HolpltlL liir and hiri Bob Murphy COMING EVENTS LILAC SPRING TEA BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH WED MAY 24 196 230 pm to 500 pm me oi Bnkihl enmity Arron Admininn Ssn hiltimt 15 Auspieuoi Woolits Anontier DANCING lava SATU RDAY CABARET smn COUPLES ONLY Pl NECREST 5156 couple For table rumum PHONE ELMVALE 757115 SPRDiG TEA AND BAKE SALE Wednesday May 24 pm Prince of Wales School Adrnislion 254 SPONSORED BY THE HOME AND SCEDOL ASSOOlAlloN EGG PRODUCERS OF SIMCOE COUNTY wrist Is the tutura or an Pm dimers Come to the LOYAL TRUE BLUE HALL HIGH si BARRIE ON TUESDAY MAY AT 330 PM Speakers Julioti Smith UCD Spencer Rndwny Poultry Producu institute CLASSIFlED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classified Adver tiseinents are inserted at the rate of do per word pel insertion or one and two times So per Word or three four or five times and 2m per word for 107 haili tional charge if not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED ADA VERTISEMENT IS 962 FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CPARGLE PER SINGLE EN SERTION mons OR CORRECTIONS Advurtiren are reminded that all phone Insertion order no Inch Ed convenience to yell advertise Therelum the Cllssllled Advertising Deplrrment requires Ill advertisers to kindly recheck their Advertisement lnlmedllinly after ï¬rst insertion Ln order On my errors or nullIlium nny Dn reported nature and in order that seine may reounod tor tnh Dliowlng days Insertion ordv We wish in point out the The Bnme Examiner Is responsible for only one incorremy onnted insertion on any adverflsemnm end than to the extent or Portion of the involves thi minme Errore which do not lessen the Vulutl 011i Advertise ment are not eugihlo for camo tlnnr by make goods hate and type emel rel sernh dlspily classiï¬eds nary be ob tuned through The Examiner ud verflsinlï¬cpartmenl nLlND hm mum Momuni XEKI ndvartllerl using Blind Letter Ax Numhen for neplies is held strictly enntld still Rt that 13ch it my or in any of publication Coming Events seper word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices forum was words over 25 words per word extra In Memoriam No tices $150 if verse used iii per word extra All WANT AD copy Iliould be in our oiliue by pan the do helnrn publication on Saturday by noon TROUBLE PEAKED BOGOTA Colombia NAP The justice ministry has asked the judge advocate generaliof the armed areas to Investigate rumors of azwldesprend plot uniting the VIOIOES The minth snide wotkersttldentpeahant movement is 12de plotting in overthrow the government and establish Castmtype re lREALESTATE NORMAN Sheiswmli DIAL STAT 850 Dunn treat lul PA 89961 OR 68742 SEE THIS slim Fine out one milieu nicely apï¬inttd honiu ynln Kan will proï¬t to oih inhon with in tin hot if th itll lihr mm an piece bathroom Phi home livtor roe dininl room room piece hiihroom honlo ll mount Ind nicely llndlclpcd ror Author portionin ell one normal APT HOUSE Locum in the Quelns Plrk Irel hilly renlld owner in not hld any vlunc lone due in ion Ilon Reou ru 31 down and shown turn 365 on your lnvellrnent For mom Memiion all 100 Lonliln WINGS CAIi lau ianliin PA Event Emilio Ora 20D Burlrd NorrlJ PA PA Hui PAmu STOUTT AGENCIES illMllED COLLIER STREET PA 35901 CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTO moi Pox DOG KENNEL LOCATION Benullml modern three bedroom none buntlow in Barrie Owner went to expand their dnx hull he Cali ur todly tor more in omntlnm BEAUTIFUL BIRCH mess ilillttloitht PA WM todly or Iï¬aiilnagh lit Tm and well it Eli113k ï¬rming Pï¬cedflï¬lï¬ or um um dly we now you lie FA acre Christa Ilishndel 311000 01 DH ecre near room hrirk hon Ulldnrnllllï¬ï¬‚éf SUMMER PROPERTIES sl ems new lo ealil min pool 810000 Win $1100 Threa bedroom Ammo exclusive area tale my Palm slim Acre bedrooms lio dueen mm $15009 to rinse on he tnln neutliui ireer no neicn hreplice nruovuy mu gulllet this coltua nu liva ileduud lioni sumo Ind will eon sider any Dfllr hedrohm not hid 1111 Ely Point on 100 er ironille 1er 3in tillfiorgoliagei near gl ore an ed under 000 SUMMER COiiAGE AND INCOME TOO ihue cabins end two with ex on Lot no 180 at build Olli view Bench Georgina nay Cell in todoy on this excellent oppor tunily MEMBERS OF THE ARR AND DISTRICT REAL ATE noun Merv GouldOrv we norl NuitycomooPA 85301 Edith Gould0rd 2m rimy SiessnPPA eon CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE PA 82419 93Dunlllt1EISt MABEL MARS PA M450 connif PA ester BAYFlnhD STREET AT HIGHWAY too Many phillnllhiz 1E4 lee front ne by 430 ieet Seven rnoin older house continuum Iron lNNiSFIL STREET Very lovely live bedroom ino ï¬enrn kibchnn gorge dinilnzrggni n2 roan In sun on tread int 185 lee deal OUTSDE 01 CITY Small house with lcrll of loud choice 1rd new It EVGXI room Ill with replicas LUIS In And Duhidl this city WE WELCOME ALL TYPES 0F LISTmGS FAiuAs OOHAGE onusmmsss HENDERSON REALTOR 10 COLLIER STREET PHONE PA 82578 COUNTRY BUNGALOW Pour mom and piece but Lar lot nil price arm with down Phone Pfrcy Ford SSAORES REAL ESTAT ROGERS ICONNELL REALTORS Downtimerm musmhamswrmnomï¬um PA 85568 TRUNK LINES GAIL CLIFF BROWN mm 32 HIGH STREET HARRIS PHONISi PA 6M1 PA DREAM HOUSE ON DOWNSVIsw Thil lorfloul bider horn ll jun month old LII lull roam with lini burritoer huunl Altnchlfl run nilny inilflnr lppnlnunulll thI am 10 ï¬rth Mamluofl and excllluit kitchen mil ï¬lament with ho walli Thin nl home in lplcuzuilr itlly luau9 no Clll or Willi BURTONAVENUE IntrGrou ynrly ineolne sun This hm income property no lam uvinl room then Ind mm not on inlln floor calm lloor Abodtwnu lot ll 56 Limd v11 $11000 BRICK BUNGALOW AT STROUD Four Venn old hi bedroom Lou iii end All 100 Him in laid it nillb orul none livinl room lll1l Uichln with tinlint hunk lumen with In hr nil haunt iIrll double In On huuv or rul Ir in RESTAURANT ON HWY CLOSE TO BARRIE Thu liemin rutunlit nu accommodation or to PA um nlrnishnd Ind eqlll ed Inglis ilVihl quarter con thin ll in lrnmlul ll Coin or owner ry ad Thin bluinell 11 allowing brunt wondllflll potential hlllIln It H500 llth tcrnil SUMMER WI hlvn and election runner cnlulel Prieed from $1000 in COTTAG ES $10000 Conn this omen Any Um lar Inflhcr inlorlnllinn Dr impocuon llrfl ldl CHOICE LOTS 10 21 wiih Inna nch mu all any Crclt Drive Lovely Icen View lookinl mum the boy Priced to nil one lot on Na ii HlthIYr Inulh 0850 or Barrio nu neioowhroolt only COUNTRY HOME CLOSE TO LAKE SIMCOE Modern noarooln hunlaiow with rim min hument roan wall Illd tareeuro mien nun llru Vin room And kitchen llirne Nieliy Indsnnped int 15 Price $11000 Chi thin with lor turther in iormailon or impcfllnn we have nLnIncali in anytime EVERYTHING 1N Rm STATE AFTER HOURS CALL Smith CmphcllPA Juan LongPA Hui rerrua cornyPA em Menuhin of IDnil Dill butth THINKING OF BUILDING Then you should see the olioice lets all Mlncsing OVARIOUS SIZES AND mourners OWATER SERVICES AVAlLABLE ONEAR MODERN SCHOOL monmrnhy PRICED Bob Maguire BOAKE REALTOR ei hiiADPonD 5mm DAME PA 55337 OR PA 35533 still cilia tarnu to tamer or llrminl Clare WakelnlnPA Hui Rlion noonPA mo limbre ht harri Ind Dunlet nui nitto Board HENRY ELRICK AND 15 Owen St Barrie PHONE PA 85588 MEMBER BARFi 1m STATE 78 NEISON ST Brink bIIDEIlnvL Kitchen livinr room three bedroom and our gene blth run one $11500 with 000 down Delnee private ohm ninrtngn After hours phone Paddy MilesPA eszoo Bob FieweliihgPA 85833 ROOMY BRICK BUNGALOW Litn kitchen dininzroom liv log room our bedroom Pully heated human with um bath room Luge comer loi ldnll or active children TELEPHONE PA 68024 or appointment DAILY CBOSSWOBD WU hmh Seized mm ï¬ï¬m 14 Goal ï¬brin 16 Chum Lillian Weight Iiier Ever inning mBmel lOcour 12km Sim crystal 43130111 53le mu QGrave hollth 7iqu nth 55km in immune structur Emitlab with madam livlnznecummadl Hall with IIIIBB or wnrbhd ou lieting corner at Ma in built on P10 DRY aw own and El en nil Phone Percy Ford EVENINGE CALL RITA scmnnmum HMS PERCY NED PA 8780 Member of Blrrll Ind Dlrlrict Ind Dahlia Real Ethic Baird ï¬g sh Phone 900 Minesing TAYLOR REAL STATE AND IUEiNISS BROKER CIAPPERTOXSTREEX am PA 61161 EVENINGS PHONE A1 FOSTERPA 01555 GENE MOOREPA 52160 lithium 01 Tonon AND ONTARIO DEAL STATE BOARDS MOVED May 16 1961 to lie DUNLOP smear Nut to Brown co STEVENSONS ALL KINDS INSURANCE rm nor for nail 55 let each loclied in huh Cont lately true Tela hone PA Join or mrther detziio an Holler ier llll at Phine wick three hedroonu birch cu bolrdl hardwood floor Ind 11 belied Brie corner lot Tole Phone PA 82191 TEDIE DEDDDOMBflck Dun low with Ittlchml lrlll Large kitchen combined Vin dian arel lieu North Colieril liar lonlbin lowo plym 67 mm morime Tdenhnne shine PRIVATE nun Two and hail yelr old thre hedrvonl himlllnw large living room Ennover cup heard in kitchen heltlllt Neu Ilblic Ind tell Ichnoh Ind hgh knoll NBA mort lue second matteFl nay be Irnnled Telephone moi 30 Dew hinge 28 bundled Poodle tor DB in area IntAde hon lolo 45 limp mm river ï¬stulaltd 85mm leolioq he Vlilll anlnnlna innnannnun ynlflllpi HIIII aunroon en NOII mmncl Banni Ootun oh llml lflLlLlI SUNNIDALE ROAD AREA nin helm naked nu in mu and aunt About glinm In women DOUBLE House SHANNON STREET Mmm hdnk it unwed Ind 353 In only hold roan eouinmd with rialnu nnd romeo utn urn rum hovin ample room tor your but In GI pl I10 All this it located on mil lnndluped lot on loo Lorre down Minion required Pevcd driveway PEEL ST gm iuu brico bodroonu uv room And kitchen mil lam mull new led creed lit Clo to All when mu on 55 in drama stucco hum louud In lid Living room with in lllléufldlgnlflunog OP unaturally pin to ole to PENETANG ST bedroom brick bun flaw Livia room kitchen Ind DI mil hudv unlit poured concrete alumniion lowed hit all haunt llluidl mu DAY 63 EVEde PAS2379 Km of th Durll Ind Dilhifl All Dom HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR so BAYFELD er PA 86453 ON BUS LINE CLOSE TO SHOPPING rhtr lovoiy older hon with nice 1y Ilnfllclllld 10 hll ill In NOD dinlnl room lild bedmoni when run porch Ind runner idtenen oh lmflnfl floor 5001 ule DI ghree on on mlr mil wnmuooo with hirilAilown on anyï¬ent Cali Klri limitll PA SERVICED LOT 100 not frontfl lllt Vlclnl $2000 for link flare nogymory Millr PA EXECUTIVE TYPE HOME trobm brick home Livia room dlnlnl loom kitchen In tom bedrooms notoment iiolshod is In aplrtment witl bedronm and kitchen multies Luge well kept lot so at feet nine to downtown In it ointment call you miner PA SMALL SUMMER BUSINESS rhla mack nor his and onion til ohmvet told lull mile from vniei home is only years oldhnd with riilht enon could eertaliily Ixnand uvlne quirkre Pressure tent withw room ier one All unlpnent stool tonles lnll chain eowltn bull or only $9500 Clll Joe liner PA mm to inspect Member ml In District heel with Baird EVENINGS CALL om Mnluza PA 50418 JonPALum PAW KARL MARSHALL PA Mell cmnm RAKE oro 401 mom lionsrm PA Mus THREE Kim for tlle 150 211 that will sell unmtelyElet end on llkalrdnt Tnienhonc PA ml or met loinmotion nowPlum older rlyle tourhem ronln hrlel ouse on Palletn st Forced air all mmheo Tolupnonl PA Hoot tor titrther informntimi rout mun hitrs to role on comm Road Plinswlek Above int no large enoth 0o quilin undul the VLA as one lot Tole ohooo PA ewe DUNGALOW modern ï¬lm room and run roam Kl llrsn lot newly decanted inside Ind out overlooklnl Kenyan ltrflly ply Thinks Siren 11 NAME srlarge living room with trimnu ltln Porch brdlt xoorni ifpieca bath on nonnd noor Inlmnetio laundry equip menr lovely ended inn tree on lot some Phone PA Mela NOE HOME three bedroom two unical two bathrom thermophnu windnwr hllelmlrd hotWI humor large outwit chin clbinht and vanlty him beiuiuul trim on Highway 92 Puer now or write hot at VI VIRDPEDTY WANTED en inside he LAMONT OHIO in Vlle OI Barrie and HIWKGAWIB Tale phone stowrt heromo Pa tmihlii heren er mite no monnltro min on pm aw hn bu itow With lavcont madame soorlnAdeAuï¬ on Burton NOVA scam We wonderful theway Classfied Ads get re Illlrt communal wail 1mm or retail mint Man in £351 nmlï¬ï¬hgil ii nmrcom Cl ruin tornr lot Salli down moundnu rout dooe ruin livinx qulrlln Now open Apply rim IIinhnnl anode ll VFINANOIAL rem wlNTEREl RANTEED is of It too £338 BOX BARRIE EXAMINER FOR rem BEST DEAL 0N LOANS To $5000 was PAY YOU To an ALLTHEFACIS ANDTHENSEE SEABOARD ms mm You Ow cosr RATES $336 hflhhï¬ mm no henna Room on PERSONAL SERVICE ALWAYS PROM isnt AdmitElia in och Pill to Hamm Pl IDO nd Telephone PA 04 an my in insure WTAIN Hillii seaboard Discount avxlrunent livinr roam intoneh DUNLOP 3T AND Bedroom lflfl threo iecl CANADIAN mm thread or no elk PHONE PA 65417 phone PA or PA Mill MORTGAGES MORTGAGE ï¬gï¬mï¬ï¬y gig iMMEDlATE LOANS tin In um Til en in phone Leech PA $0 PAW TAIL 10 YOUR DUDGKFw ux noowhonn in nut and iF YOUNEED MONEY lam lot clone in endpoint plu lo camelliato debt hi from eenool Avail Jun Tilhphonl PA HM Pl oil nun mart Oar mortnw hempinnede mu minim unnirnilied nil ennlllnld aphrtmont nun and impravunan Any worthwhile clnu basement to nib lacted hem wlrlnl in now no per Call today or eppoiniment PA 641981 moth roleohno PA Mm mil 200M unlurnllhed nut taunt unlrnte entrnnno vltll contained Dunn Aniline Null Evmrmqe PA oimr Mortgage Funding Of Canada 129 DUNLOP EAST FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY my cumin rhru roam nirniihetl aplrtmnt uli connin LOAN ONt Resident mpeï¬lel Id with men Business Properties lmpmvedweii located farms Renrunlhl VICTORIA GREY Telephone Phantom avnunhe MAY on tun TRUST OWEN SOUND ONT nillzed utmh one unmrnllh eexnoihnisle 31 child coin oi PA em museum Port moind stnvev kneaded HENRY ELRICK gm gnu houie mm 05 re can on MiCHIE li£f¢°°he3l floors All pie euphoer lient $1500 per month lll ham PA M471 onerous ielieontolned Ilaxt rneni onebedroom stove Ind re mnnter lunpiied Aarontn cup bnardl Ind storage Telephone PA 84294 between 63 pm mBn ROOM enmlorthbly unlim ed Iplrtmanr IIWLY decanted chitin inclion Mill 116qu Ibll rent Avalilbid now Tele phonePA um All 31731 on Satnrvhy imrlmNfllnn round floor lplflmnn Ono bedroom livlnl roam kitchcn Ind hllhrnom Celi trll Kent Ind ruler ruppllï¬d will Inï¬ll lcidphonl RENTALS MODERN unfurnished heat toilintent lhrn rnoml Ind In ante nnlrlnna Adultl ADEX Penet Street or phone oozes or eolil EAST mi eontnined uniurn hheii titre mum Innrhnnnt halt water owned 65 Der ni 11 PRIVATE MONEY nvalllhld 101 Add he lecoml moii Herv nerd Nowgalo Rand onto ill Moo mar momenta wanted Ediidly 10 nlnr Appiy to Box mi lute Ex er Donahue1st and and noun sold and arrneed Coninn mï¬fokt 1331 nrelierr mot RENTALS APTS HOUSES T0 RENT TWO annnijiim Cottage or Ailrt ment for run yelr round Philly milhe Te ephanl um Wu Belch bowel two new Iï¬lrtmenh nil huieu henvy duty Com leter redecorated On North St hone PA euro mall timer mmennn Annitalent on lock clllllel PA W1 from Pay me Sell con private stiltsincl Teluphona Pk POUR BOOM AND threl Non in 718 finished men 885 Ind FURNISHED arm ll ï¬lm tlle Slinniilnflt Tihrlwr en ar in ene in no hedgmlm and listichen lien Street Phone PA on hmhmml lslt wrunmem two room rout em moot with hitchonette Ind huh 815 TWO BEDROOM Apnrhnent room Private entrance Kali hy hot water lieting Downtown ioea dru Ind Flrflnz lplcn included lion Adults only Aggy Roger Adults orderred Apply Nlpidr Council tniephonie 85568 Street mew mew Bedroom Bungalow men ROOM nil connlned more ion room 2m end no rommont liet nhd lint water hi tenlntl only lllPPlied Newly decanted digfliephonrl throughout Avnillble hematite mun noon ly $75 per month Telephone PA ed Innrtment um mu Pm Dooley st Availbl June men more Anirtmeht with ohhno PA 579 grivntie bathroom hot water oil MOE DOOM Apnflme tgc in tea rlfrllerl hr and heavy dirty an included anlted on wheelI Ind floral to tea Ind renalle ram Allth hution Avenue only 48 Cootro PA moo tlrthdr tarotmu APARTMENT mood floor Bah Welcome Enyfleld Street norih or EP is 1c Sit on er monthmil °in eeuiemhef shire or norlo oico parking ery hydro Telephone walls goAntni goo pn month no hone IVEBDDMEnaelrnnhthn edrhoniiliv1it° rn no hitch DAmLoil aprrilriuit round in mil iu lingid ii mm Duiiwklihiieh oellugonlioiiig Ina moltenromeo nim mï¬r Plum 74W M01 latch completely inmhhetl with ranlg Ito tohlo emitr me noon lieted tel on ii 91 Tel hon PA tuned apartment with nova and 933 mllflllli $75 MOD slilillld in the not end Avlie le mn iK WANTED To IcilPlane PAM1m TWO DDDDDODI apartment wanted Bum ummw mm by At it in in the vicinity or minht Bedam room ind kitchen Suit coilinl Avuihle Kin ward School write to Box Stnyner Ontlrla immediately Apply nurton mo nnnnooM noun wulted AV TClOPhOlIB PA 50 Pm MONTH anllhiil III ll nnnln distance irom Con 33min Two iiitin Write to no room noirtment witi priv 253 Aorur ant it the Elk Cll TYPE Hill or tour 5m hrumm home worried or llmlbt of ï¬ve Younlert 11 ynln Mill Tinni or tunileggnlzlépglik Eng 57 DIirlly Ethiner COUPLE IWITE two lirl dull bedroom house or Lilian 4113 tnmtEhllï¬ mgMung men no at 33m nui anihn MODERN on bedroom 1pm merit living room kitchen end hlfllxfloin dpflvllie antune np In Iann helmIll Rut Ind water my 15 Telephone PA um AVIAlIDlI nun new Ami Modurn on and two ide hymen overlooking leenid Keninanfelt Buy Rent wn tor arflnl Ind janitor MCI lineiu ed Antoinette wilth ra Street Inn comm modern two bedroom unmrniihed lower dun iex Private iront entrance our Mel hlth rtove Ind re en HVI ROOM Prick Hollfl olii lieted atthelied garage newly decortee Five mlie 1min nu ri on Runway 93 Telephone PA 83500 or mrther IAINinn rnnn BOOM Pflmllilld ub ment Privete ntnncu Ground neon lIlIIiI Cllln Ind RENTALS APTS HOUSES WANTED TO REE HOMO DY MID IllD00 OleDI ml in HWY Box Impsmo mum Wm DY Ink 311 Lul nonh ment or non nod locllily by oxeculive all with and lb glmld 3533 Anti DO minim it home Nut bill rnula in Tolephonc PA 731 COMIOITAELI Bimini In rlnt Muted downtgnng Inf Infll VIII lliovhnne PA ai moih lag YUMEID Dunn Illa plltliy ï¬nished all Ihdwhni ehen with it cultnun lfrhlnffuomr relophone PA wot Rom heoAnn noon AND board ht lemd ne to ii Telephone IPA um noon 011MB And in new pdvete home 53 Vail gun lephona £53m one SUMMER Arson cannons 10 new ï¬fghï¬goh PM Mn Nonrfl we beeromn ooiiru gnaw mint not roirigeriior ohono PIA time or mil Fllï¬ mm Dori thru 32 mmsso it H01 01 PA 3110 man heliumrem CMTA to on the Geordln ny ini ueh three bedroom with Marshii mo helou metalu DIXbum Pull equipped RB ll Ila at the ends COTIAGES WANTED WANTED TO RENT Wk COTTAGE Summer oottue on ml in mflel or Elrri people iurnhheci llailyclfntlmsm to required wul no mar month ll musicallyor APPLY BOX 56 BARPJE mm wAmn ism tron to Auluat ho or mini eonvtingnnigeriii Will an or hone hem antRim ARTICLES for SALE WORK BOOTS FROM $795 sows SHOE REPAlR 1M CLAPPERTON 81 YOUR comm snonmm SHOP JONES USED FURNISHINGS Dealeri in untiun and good use nunllh We Ii zone 1135mm CLEARANCE SALE EVERYTHING To an SOLD 1ANDsESSAhoADl PlioNEPAhsau NEWSPAPER MATS size axle ran for lining noun attiu gurue ONE MIMI gtflï¬ï¬‚mï¬h nuiic admin omNis ommo Mal onAnnncurs ORADXOS DOMINION TiRE STORE MARY sr mm mrmammns $9500 TV snls $4900 NEW AND USED APPLIANCES McFADDENS 128 PENETANG ST PA 89288 OVERHEAD Gare DOD an aim ellirrhohoilr monitor in numb ll dioné iuo lilaii in chart at Telephone only is sin