30883 wouldobs home run The blast was of the but of Chicago Cubs Bob Wills it was the first pitch of the game Felipc Alon San Francisco Giants rightiielder leaps high to snag hard hit ball lost as it goes over the fence for BASEBALL RECORD By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS American League LPctGBL Detroit 3310 397 New York ion 571 Cleveland 1614 533 PM Minnesota 1614 53 hansns City 1313 500 Baltimore 1518 484 Washington Chicago Boston ID Los Angeles 321 11 Thursdays Results Detroit Boston Washington at Baltimore ppd cold gt Kansas City Minnesota Chicago Los Angeles Only gomes scheduled Probable Pitchers Today Detroit Lary 81 at Boston Schwnb 04 New York lullcy at Cleveland Perry 22 Kansas City liokow Mi at Minnesota Kralick an Chicugo Show ad and Score L1 or Baumann 12 at Los An geles McBride 22 and Mueller 02 Washington Sturdivant 22 at Baltimore Hoeft at Games Saturday New York at Cleveland Detroit at Boston Washington at Baltimore Kansas City at Minnesota Only games scheduled Thursdays Results No gamehscheduled Probable Pitchers Today Los Angelcs Dtystiale 32 at San Francisco Marichal 21 Pittsburgh Friend 43 at Philadelphia Mahaitey 33 Milwaukee Willey 10 or Bun dette 31 at Cincinnati OToole 33 St LtlLlisi Sudecki be at Chiv cago Hobbie 14 Games Saturday StLoals at Chicago Pittsburgh BtPhtla Milwaukeerat Cincinnati hos Angeles at San Fran International League Thursdays Rosalia Toronto at Buffalo ppd rain Syracuse at Rochester ppd rain Columbus Jersey City Only games scheduled Oames Today Rochester at Toronto Syracuse at Buffalo Columbus at Richmond Jersey City at Charleston Games Saturday Rochester at Toronto Syracuse at Buffalo Columbus at Richmond American Association Thursdays Results Omaha DallasFort Worth Louisvliiea Denver Indianapolis flouslon Exhibition Baseball Cleveland AL Cincinnati NL not LEADERSi By ran AsSOClATSD races National League Unchanged American League AB icht Killebrew Minn 74 la 27 365 Brandt Baltt 60 1d 24 364 Robinson balthm 24 45 349 Runnels Boston 70 14 343 Temple Cleve 1171a so Ms RunsColativo Detroit so nuns batted iiiGentile Balti more 31 HitsS Robinson 45 Doubles7 Bxhoblnscn and frnncona and Power Cleveland Triplet wood and Kailna Detroit Home runsaeolian Sloisa bssesVersalics Min nesota it Pitching Rean and Metal Detroit so 1000 Strikeoulsa ramos oual Minnesota 41 in sales slitting Maiv Ihroneberry and Pss Citys runs three with home football clubs themselves would rJcrseyï¬ityot Charlestonle lhlwst rhubarb of the sprint As batted in an at Kansas All Area Which last year sup OHAWA cac Presi dent Alphonse Output has roamed that npmuntativu oluehciubla the Big Four Football union most him to discuss thaiutura cl Canadian football as it pertains to tile Wino jay the infirm llr Quintet he meansttrom the canoe cause the CBC outbid prim stst owned GnuTV route for tsletssttng rights to Big Four Lame for this year and out out of the eastern pro toolbsil picture until then The CBC president mods his proposal to Joe Wrightppresl dent of Toronto Argonauts in letter dated Mays if made public Thursday IdaOutput ssId neither the Big Four nor John Bandit pub ilshervof theflbrohto Telegram which om owner ship in CF10 paid be surprised if Mr Bassctts gsm bis in successfully bidding for eastern rights docs not psy of completely The CBC had put great deal of money and effort into prolt motiog public interest in ioot ball from cont to coast with the hope It would became no tionai sport like hockey Till Grey cup games present sta tus had been accomplished only because national net work was willing to spend the time money andefiort to pmlt mote such saintsrsst HAVE MST RIGHTS Now at time when the football clubs are embarking on so Iotarlockia schedule be tween cast an wsstsbd thus at time when truly national network is needed to cover foot ball more than averwe find that we have st the rights to Big Four cove CBC source said the ques tion of TV coverage of later locking games of the Big Four and the Western lotsrprovlnclsl Union remains undecided Jhe agree on coverage or aod since the CBC State Department To Iittempt Unravel Golfs Big Rhubarb wmra sunrllun aromas WIVa am1t mlytake the state department the governor of Tenncsseh and oliicials of the Memphis Open fountach golfs Three tournaments are listed for June 14 They are the In ternatlonal Cu matches at San Juan Puerto icojlnvo1vlng es countries the Professional Golf ere Association co sponsored 530000 Memphis Open and the res unapproved tlspoo Pro Amslaurat Odessa Tax The Puertoï¬lco matches are soon sored by the international Golf Associationl The conflict Involves more than so players Edwin Car ter1PGA tournsment director said Thursday Arnold Palmer US Open champion GaryJiayor Mas ters championlirom South Al rica and Stan Leonard who is to represent Canada in San Juan needed permission from both the PCA and Memphis Marlins Try and IillevrHome By THE OWNER PRESS Those wandering Marlins from Miami to San Juan to Charleston Va try again make it stick when they play game under Charleston colors against Jersey City The erstwhile San Juan team which played in Miami lstt year and was transferred Wednesday from Pueblo Rico moves into poer an American Association owns rights fortha wt and CFTOTV Toronto than for the east there would ultimately have tovbc some arrangement between tbs two TV facilities he did not wish to reflect fraying over spilt milk atti llovs lost in the longvrsnge In tomts of the public the foot haii clubs sad television broad casters that It would be most beneficial If we could srrsase to meet even informally With you Mr Wright and your coir Copies of the letter were sent to the presidents of the other three Big Four clubs John Bsssett chairman of camw said dont know what he Mr oulmst means when he says the football coo fercncs and should not be aur prlsed if what he calls my plainly fully sponsored and CFTO will get two other good not of footbsil whereas the CBC never got more than one vising of actual games hour weekly program collected from highlights made up of ad lied tapes of most dramatic mo meats In the previous weeks games tape broadcast in certain geo graphlcai areas of previous we uies wrote to Mr Jim Flnks of the Calgary team conï¬rming that as far as CFTO is concerned the CBC could pick up the in tsriocklng cast all viewers in Western Canada without according to CFTO the some privilege fused Open officials to play in the cup matches dent of the Colonial Country Club of Memphis appeared be rtore the Hill executive com mittee last Monday to Holly wood Fla and made formal protest on conflict of date He requested that the contract be tween the PGA and Memphis Open officials he lived up to the spirit and letter ers Don January Ellly Max well Bob Vï¬osburg Bo Winin ger Ernie Vossier Dave Hill and Leonard are among those who need both PGA and Mom phls permission to play either in San Juan or Odessa which Jersey City beat Co has 85 in the only nrne played Thursday night so feels it will beneï¬t financially The big gest reason given for the clubs transfer from the Caribbean was the almostprohibitive cost of tonight to flntl home and at ing their iirstlntnrnational League gh of low attendance chardson said the Cuban crisis has caused an economic squeeze on the Pucrtohican economy and that most of the people could not afford the admission prices Mr Ouimet sold to his letter THE CANADIAN PRESS The Ontario Lscros eAssocis tion Thursday oiiiciaiy opened its senior and junior season as last years Mann Cup champion Port Credit Sailors were upset by Sramptoailsmblers in other senior action St Csihsrinss Athletics edged Nia gsrs Falls Scabies 1110 in wild contest which seat two players tobospltal Bm do titan sincerely be esgues to discusa futon in statement in Toronto Whmy mm El om Csnsds champion Whitby Redwlngs flashed to 71 win over Long Branch Castroiitcs in fast cleanly contested gsme James Gladstone Canadas first fndlso senator represented the primeminister at the oilf clai season opening of Canadas national game in Port Credit The senator brought messages at good will and promised to encourage the game throughout Canada it was the first lacrosse contest he ever watched The Port Credit ame wss good display for to senator Rugged checking by the Ram blurs slowed the Sailors fast running play and gave Brsmp ton the lead through most of the cams BE Dobbie picked up four gas for Brampton ith singles going to Barry Ash ee Vuyne Thompson Bert Nsylor and Bill Csstator Keats gamblo does not pay off oom Ths football games will be programs First there would be the tale The second wouldbe half The third would be full hour game to interlocking sched Mr Bassett said mos layed in the dead tliem back to VICTOR CPIWhen Gor don Keats was six the kids on his block In North Bay Ont nicknamed him the iron Duke which was worship of the pe riod Even at that tender age Keats had earned the respect of his buddies for being able to dish out bruising bodycliecks He became more adept to the B11 as he grow older So adept in fact at Gordon tDukc Keats now so is member of hockeys flail of Fame Evan this offer was re Mark Vorderinroeggs prct neared the lronDuke wasslnk lag After winterpi suffer ing from arthritis he was sent to hospital whoa his condition Find Dope What does this mean It means said Carter that the golfers involved area subject to six months suspen sion from FDA play plus two line if they play in tourna meat other than the Memphis Open two weeks from today NEWPORT Ky amA cm cinnatl pathologist testified Thursday that he on ad ev idence ofchloral hydrate which he said is sometimes called knockout drops in the blood oi George Ratterman after the for mer pro football players arrest in vicelaid May in testimony interrupted by bomb scare Dr Frank Clove land the pathologist said his tests also indicated Ratterman had alcohol in hissystcm Rattarman Fort Thomas Ky loveshnent man drafted last Player Palmer Doug Sand game out of first place The re lemming for sheriff is on trialnn charges of breach of the peace resist ing arrest and disorderly con duct rowing out of his arrest in dial room travel and the correspond decrease in visiting clubs are oi gaia receiptsbecsuse caused an ssssseasseu The perfect fish warm the one and only IIYBRiD RED WORM CANADA RED WONMS league president Tommy Ri iAshbee Gets Goal InBramptOn Win Junior action started In For whilelostwcclrit op month has reform candidate For the losers Bob liaona playing his first Port Credit game scored hatvtrlck with George Apaskl Sill Allen and Pets Ruse sli scoring singles In Niagara Falls bitter saw baiiis developed ust before the midway mark sndI after our separate cl Athletics playing coach Norm Corcorsn required an stitches to close forehssd gash Frank Benedict diminutive Scobls suffered broken nose In the scuffle with Corcoran Bud Smith of the Scabies and Chuck litertin oi the As re ceived idminule penalties for punching bout PACER ATTACK in Whitby Gard Holildsy paced the Redwlngr attack with hattrick and John Davis added two itch Ross and Lorne Campbell each scored one Ed Hultellnd Doc Holydsy scored for the losers Whitby built up lead in the first period and matched goals with the losers in the sec ond to lead 71 with Long Branch scoring the lone goal of the final period Senior action continues Wod nesdny as Brampton meals Brookiin Hillcrosts in Whitby Junior action resumes tonight as Fergus visits Hastings in fourpoint game Fighting To Remain Alive was complicated by internal hemorrhaging Kasts condition to listed as good now bearing out his con tention that his best victories come when people thought he was down for the count Bornin Keats learned his hockey in North Bay and signed his first professional contract with To to Blue Shirts of the defunct National Hockey Assoclntlon in 1914 After army service during the First World War Keats played for Edmonton Eskimos of the WesternrCnnadn League carn iog reputation as clever and tough competitor with temper that commanded respect He moved to Boston of the National League in mo and later played with Detroit and Chicago His association with profes sinnal hockey ended in 1932 after he had returned to Edmonr ton but hecoached minor teams in Alberta and Saskatchewan before retiring from hockey and moving here shipyards worker before he entered hospital Keats is not impressed with the current Na tionalLeague talent watched the last Stanley Cup playoff You could pick out the stars on the fingers of one hand in the old days everyone in the playoff was star or he wouldnt have been there Denali Youth Ties Track Mark DETROIT tAPilienry Corr sqlsnsmld roltsdloolboy equaliedflhe war dArccord time of no second fist in the 220 yard dash Thursday on wind whi pod track re wore no wind gauges at the track but winds were estimated at miles an hour when Carr racedThe rooms of the wind probably will we vent Carr from receiving atti cisl rccogait for acts DRIVING RANGE OUTER FAIRWAY No 11 ulgbaï¬y North of all no Guthrie Ont Barking itéhé TIRES Dont take it for granted that your tires will last for ever Have them checked by the man who knows tires your Dominion Royal dealer He can quickly spot the unsafe tires and tell you why you should buy new Dominion Royals tha tires that give extra safety greater perforrdancedongcr mileage Check now Trude now Be dollop ahead DIIMINIIIN IlflYIIl TIRES Dominion Rubber Buy Dominion Tires At DOMINION TIRE STORES 21 Mary St BIG ALL STAR MATC Pct GEL 14 8636 1ol1593 Vs Twins run and other with an eighth loning single in 43 victory over ball club that went defunct when the AA became llx team issgu this season threeerrors for three unearned runs and added four more runs Jersey City look advantage of 13 10 565 Ill Pitching Gene Conley Red against loser Tom Parsons It Davidson sir Barrie raftï¬sts Mam sour LOUIS JOHNNIE 1210545 1¢12538 4118 453 915 3758 BIS 3083 Sax handed=ilrstplaoe iigers first shutout of season giving up just four singles walking two out slitfor 10 vie lus on the con oogmoncy Kit Its 5000pius capacity ball park And the fans wlu have team in supportthatJt only Richmond Buffalo Toronto gt Syracuse AUTOMATIC aruveniss vsa SH lFQUR LlMIT PAPINEAU JjLAwN MOWER 3REPAIRS torso tAslINO Khomeini mume1 IASY To APPLY mm dneneteettlnr Msamuse obssuorsuarr 4Sae gt Silliliui IIIII peritoneum SHONE PA szaga Edson Wine Prop =1s Anne at barrio n5 is canton of ENG NE IPARTg in ms FHWGIIG Llwfl Tali iï¬pliii Izmirboy sta rs Dont get caugntnke did lllt yllfil 311M rill your hlowcr today or phone for incli pickup deliw cry First in il alt See Hangmanoutflows Madameno Replacement out as marrow oo iii as numbers