nonran aalmz mum ulnar KAY an The GREAT ournooas REAL PLEASURE real honour has beiallen us during our stay in the greatest little hospital inlhe world we have had as constant compan Ionaona other than Mr Barrie himseli Psed Grant We hope that our memory Is half as good at 60 as his Is at Being also native Barnelte wehave listened to him with lot more than passing interest tn the days at our glorious and colourful past Barrie has surely produced In share 01 worldrenowned athletes and prominent men in many Helm such as this same Mr Fred Grant who was one at the best lauoue players at not only Barrie but the whole world When weiwerenulte young Oriilia was the tough nut to crack in lacrosse Our grand old friend tells us that lt was the same In his day While we are on the subject oi greats why do we not take page out at the Penetang arenns book and place some good big iramed pictures at the old Harrlegrents in sport so all who go there may feel proud of Barries contribution to the grand sports PARDDN US Pardon us or digressing ram the great outdoors but since we have been indoors tor spell we thought this would be slight change for our readers Geltlnghack to the outdoors how Is the ï¬shing From all accountsrit has been most productive or most people There Is really good run oi Perch going right n0wesnacialiy at the fNar rows up at Atherley where the Indians In days gone by placed what were called weirs nndtropped their lish much the same as the Western tribes loaded up on salmon We have said it betore and we will say it again we owe lot to the muehIookeddowaupon perch it has provided many tens of thousands oi little boys and older men who cannot get away in an auto with some grand sport Properly iiiletted and cooked they come high on our list or favourite ï¬sh to eat We are among the rare fishermen who actually like to eat what they catch Many Wt know just catch them ior the sport We release low ourselves that have not been barbed or injured but you have to know how to do this Never throw them back or handle them roughly In many cases it helps to have your hands wet heiore handling them We were glad to seethat our good friend and olteotimcs ï¬shing partner Don hiogg had good cntch of rainbow and speekles with party recently it seems that every time that Don went out with us we would get skunkcd and when we go separately we would each do well One or these days Don and yours trulywill break this jinx We have had many visits irorn outdoors types especially and many more good friends Our nephew Mike Smith oi Stra bane Avenue and up and comingyoung outdoors type was welcome visitor the other day He has the right ideas about eon seevatlon and becomes really concerned when he sees breach ï¬fkgul game and fishery lawstoo bad there are not more like it we may we will tell cute little story that he brought us it seemed that there wasquite an over exuberant cracker jack aalesmnn who didnt miss bet to sellhis line at potato chips He ever went up to monastery and rang the bell monk came out and listened ever so patiently to his lengthy pitch and then very quietly said You want Alvin downstairs he is our head chip monk We thought that this was little eutey and actual Iy belongs in an outdoors column because we have always ad mired those speedy cheeky cheerlul little denizens of the heli ï¬ows and fence railings chipmunksin case you did not get GETTIrN sacs Life has been very good to us In the RVH not only do you get the best attention anywhere but we have been blessed with some really colouriul men another being that grand old hunter Pop Hines father of that great ball player who we thought would never give up the game Pop has grandson Gary who is doing very well in local ball circles keeping tho family name in there From the sounds or some of Pops huntcamp pals who have dropped In his cheery manner and quick Irish wit is not con iined to our ward in the RVH We will bet that he has lead that camp merry chase over the years including Wib Laking Chip Hunter sandy Demp ster Earl Marshall Jack Merrett Jim Webb and the others some of the names escape us for moment By the way Bill Dempster from out Utopia way is also one of our ward guests we can see where his boys get their sense of humour and good nature In tact we wonder if there are more Anglicans oi Utopian in thisward Its tossup Bill Miller lrom Utopia just left the other day and We still have Jim Feltis with us When you stop to think about It it is really small world Every time we are in hospital we always run into old friends or relatives of friends or some such connection To all ot our outdoors lriends everywhere take time to enjoy more of the invigorating great outdoors and you will see less of the great indoors not that it isnt the best place to come it youareillr wmrrs 43am mm ALAddsbd dtiesvgt To The Record Back By ED WILKS Associated Press Stall writer From the very start this has been strange season in the American league newly ex panded to in teams These new oddities went Into the record Thursday Reliever Ryne Duran tied major league record and he cnme the first American League pitcher In 45 years to strike out our batters In one inninghut because of It be was charged with his third detest as Chicago White Sox beat Los Angeles Angels 64 The slugging Detroit Tigers alter practically ripping apart sprawling Memorial Sta dium in Baltimore managed Park at Boston and sutiered their first shutout ol the sea son to Leltltanded hitter Marv Throncherry dropped to eighth in the batting order against southpaw starter Jim Knat drove in all of Kansas Citys runs three with hnmer In 43 victory over Minnesota Wins Golf Course Here Golf Course There Goll Everywhere Barrie has Its Country Club lnnisiil or near Innistll has Anandnle Golf Course Sandy Cove Golf Course Big Bay Point Golt Course and Alcona Beach Golf Course Enroute to Camp Borden where both Army and Air Force have courses is Elchbrook Golf Course Just ï¬ve miles hp Highway 11 south Is course that start cd coming into being last summer Yesterday The Examiner learned of yet another course In the construction stages Its in Edenvale just few minutes ride lrorn Barrie oil Highways 2627 Charles Wilson at Toronto former hardware store owner is the boss of the latest course to supply the latest crate Mr Wilson has 175 acres at In This year hes working feverishly to complete anlne hole layout He has the pie tItItresque land to add another no What does it all mean It means more people have faith in people wanting to play the game Just from gossip there is no reason to doubt that this will be the last eluh built in the area just four hits in cozy Fanway mesa were the only game in the major Thursday at they ohltted the standings bit The Tigers loss shaved their lead over the idle New York Yonkeeo to games Andlltansao City moved intojthe first division at 500 while drop ping the Wins into third Ince tie with Cleveland Wash atVBaltlmore was post poned because of wld weather No glmeswere scheduled in the National League Dunn the errYankee lire baller hit the record book and look the loss in the seventh in ning at Los Angeles when the Sex broke tie and scored pair or unearned runs The loss was the Angels seventh In row Duren struck out Minnie Ml noao leading oil the seventh than tanned Roy Sievers who Soccer Bantams Start Saturday Barrie Minor Soccer Club han tams open their season tomor row alteraoon at the Fair Grounds Opposition will come from To ronto Iridean Barrie Mayor Willard Kinzie will be on hand to perform the opening kickoff at two oclock Ron Pldrarda charges win her of theNational League crown the last three years will not Ind things as easy this sum mer at the start at least Due to many at his originals bowing out to age Pickard has had to hold winter workouts to drill some of the newcomers lie feels that tow tastes of still competition will help his boys With little outside help in the past Pickard police can stable has taken teams to the United States as well as on many Northern Ontario jour neys Again this surruncr the club selfsupporting meaning the kids parents Aside irom playing In the NL bantams may go west to Winni peg In August The Winnipeg Soccer Association which sent team east in 1960 has extended the invitatlpn May 28 bantams play their second scheduled game at Stsni ley Park Tomato against Ukrnlnla The schedule to July includes Barrievs White Eagl es Fair Grounds June Bar rie va Ukrainia Fair Grounds June 17 East York Kiwanis vs Barrie Dieppe Park June 19 and White Eagles vs Barrie Streaky Park June 25 SALES TRAINEES Are you interested in soles career Have you Senior Matriculation Do you wont to learn orour expense If VB is the answer to these questions con reef Personnel manager at DeVilbiss Con odol Ltd Barrie for anlintorview SUMMER COTTAGE SPECIALS reached ï¬rst when the third strike got past catcher Del Rice or assed hall Jim Landis triple rolre the tie and alter Martin strudt out Landis Loliar hetero Daren whitied Sammy Esposiio Four National league pitch ers had struck out tour men In one Inning previously but Du In the AL Waiter Johmon oi tall and Guy Morton or Cleve land in His RICE PEPPERS FENCE Rico had given the Angels 22lie in the second with two run homer nit Sox starter Billy Pierce And he came close to belting second homer oil win ning reliever Frank Baumann Rices sixthInning drive hit the top rail of the fence and dropped back or double The Tigers alter walloplng 42 hits or 29 runs in three games at Baltimore managed nothing but singles oil long Gene Con ley The exPhilllcs righthnnder who had lost three in row walked just two and struck out six in his ï¬rst complete game in the American League Boston scored in the filth oil Jim Banning on single by Pete Runnels and double by Don Buddin Youths Watch For Team Lists It all goes well players and schedules of the Barrie Athletic Association hall clubs will be printedyon these pages Satur day Youngsters who registered to play are asked by the ball com mIttee to keep their eyes on The Ehraminor FOR EXPERT REPAIR WORK lllEllCll MflTflllS YOUR canvsnm ponds SIMCA RENAULT VALIANT DEALER 75 Bradlord St PHONE PA 55911 came in on single by Sherm ren was only the third to do it Washington Senators did itin Ticket Sales Up In West EDMONTON CP Four oi the ï¬ve clubs which make up the Footballugonterence repo msdny sewn ticket sales are running ahead at ï¬gures tor the same period last year Calgary Stam rs the only club to hold the line on ticket sales for the new season said Sales are down from 1960 and 1959 other clubs increased prim because extra ex RICHARDSON snsmc SERVICE Nib8971460 VESPRA Si lETS BE FRANK mm pulses involved in the new in He teriocklng schedule with the Big Four Jim Pinks general manager oi the Stampeders said the Reporting improyem nt in lower sale this year is one ol sales were mnip those things that will pick up hers Bri someihrn in do with the late irodaey season and income tax rare BUILD YOUR DWN PATIO THE EASY DOIT YOURSELFWAY Different Permanent Colours to lost lifetime In Sizes 12 l2 35c 12 25 73c for further information on design and instruction Brock co Your Local nearer For rANrs DUNBRIK co LTD Cooksvllle Ont PA 86544 Aura RACES PINECREST SPEEDWAY Sanctioned NO HIGHWAY TOMORROW 83° 1th are EVENTS LADIES JALOPIES NEW PAVEDTRACK OlelDREN FREE ADULTS $125 UNDER 12 YRS the situation may have orrr AND SHALLOW LIFTS ¢ey° VCERTICALV TANK SYSTEtA Ap¢y 5ysrem now ELIMINATE ODOURS ND vrsmrao sawncrz TANK szzr Arrnbx smrrmo GLASSth wcmrr TAKE ONLY MINUTES ro canvass To FLUSH Tom SYSTEM smear move voun ramr sown swan wmr ll LBS IMPORTANT Please Specify Correct Model Number when Ordering All above price quotes are shippingeharges extra non noMns mans norms arc FOR as Foams Morons Em CONVERSION UNIT MODEL 1300 Comes Complete will all ltems Illnetrated Above Lela The Septic 1le Ready To lnlhll CONVERTIBLE Including 16 no Plywood wash DEEP ANDSHALLGW WELL JET PUMP COMPETE WITH SEPTIC 1an AND msrnanarron rm SeagmeUaiity Before introducing Seagrama Star Seagram tested this great new brand of rye whisky from coast to coast against the three leading brandsinjm price class and in test after test Canadians liked the taste of Seagrams Star bestNexl tirnetry Seagrarns great new brand with the Five Stars on the bottle For all lifts up to 70 feet designed to provide life tirne oi troublefree quiet operation Complet with sgauontanii and 13 motor and auto matlecontrols deepwoll conversionlrit foot valve pressurutggugh full instale PLUMBINGQAND HEATING pm zNorLoda surrttrs sine cfleVWuag JOSEPH E$EAGRAM SONS uMulEn wmstoo VNYARID cmAna qALLdNJANK ONLY