It EVEN ll April giraffe born the zoo of last month maker hor PHYSICIST SAYS as GIRIIFIE GETS CLOSE debut at Whipsnnde Zoo in Bcdfordshire England this cooncns OPEN INSPECTION week under the critical eye of her mother AP Wircphotol Engineers Argument From Science Fiction By JOHN BIRD Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA CPIA prominent Canadian physicist said Thurs day night that the source of statement by Montreal engi neer sh ply critical of Can adas atomic power program was on American magazine en titled Astounding Science Flo tion Dr Laurence director of the reactor research and de velopment division of Atomic Energy of Limited made the statement to the Com mons research committee in discounting warnings by Win nett Boyd of Montreal about the safety aspects of Canadiande signed atomic power plants Mr Boyd in brief to the committee Tuesday referred to an accident in 1952 in the NRX reactor at Chalk River atomic establishment surge in the power of the re actor released radioactive con tamination throughout the reac tor building and the reactor had to be rebuilt srocx MARKET In his brief Mr Boyd said the inside of the building was badly contaminated and mess arable amounts of radiation is caped outslde which were re ported to have been detected as far away as upper New York State After the accident officiaLs of Atomic Energy of Canada said the contamination released was almost entirely confined to the reactor building TRACES T0 SOURCE Dr Laurence said the source of his information that radiation was detected in upper New York State was story in the Star Weekly April 1960 Dr Laurence said the phrases used in the Toronto weekly magazine were the same as those used in Astounding Sci ence Fiction in story in April 1954 on the NRX reactor acci dent There was no question he added that the original source of Mr Boyds statement was Astounding Science Fiction Dr Laurence said this discov ery was made by member of Indnstrials Up Market TORONTO ICEThe stock market followed its early mom ing lead and was higher during moderate tradingtoday 0n the exchange index indus trials gained 40 to 58665 base metals to 19367 and western oils 53 to 9988 Golds fell 03 to 8094 The 11 am volume was 640000 shares compared with 360000 at the some time Thurs ay lnterprovincial Pipe Line rose to 72 Abiiibi and Royalite it to 30 and IleaIIlI Bank of Montreal es to 65 Dominion Foundries and Steel dropped 12 to 56 and Great Lakes Power to 36 rng trading was light International Nickel gained tojil Consolidated Mining and Smeltiog to 26 and Gunnar 10 cents to $060 Hudson Bay Mining and Smei fell at to 54 gtGold trading was light wit fewmajortchanges In steady western oil trading Pacific Petroleum rose is to 12 The market fell sharplyin all segments Thursda Commercial 01 Industrial Photos Portraits Passport Film Developing CALL SMIIII sruolo as Dunlap st in PA 84178 Dver fluntl Industrle fell 137 to am golds 77 to 8097 and base mete als 39 to 19856 Theflnal volume was 2730 000 shares compared with at 450000 Wednesday Pbpers were off with Consol idols and Abitihi down 14 to 43 and 89 Price Brothers st to 43 and Great Lakes Va at 17 Steel Company was off 11 to 75 Dominion Foundries and Steel point tubalz and A1 goma and Atlas is to 40 and 81 Falcoubridge dropped to 57International Nickel to 7011 Hudson Bay Mining and Smeltiog as to 5412 Noranda Va to 40 and Ventures point to 48 Denison hadtha sole major gain up 5b to 10 In light gold trading McIn tyre Porcupine dropped si to 33 and Kerr Addison and Gi ant Yellowknife to 10 Try An Examiner Want Ad PEONE PA 82414 the staff of Atomic Energy of Canada who keeps sharp eye on stories written about Can adas nuclear energy program Mr Boyd contends that the Canadian approach to economic nuclear power is waste of money besides posing safety problem He advocates thet Canadastudy system be pro pesos Mr Boyd advocates that he ium gas and graphite be used in place of heavy water and the fuel be enriched uranium car bide SAYS NUSLEADING Gr ay president of Atomic Energy of Canada Lim ited said many statements by Mr Boyd were completely misleading and appeared to be an attempt to confuse the com mittee At the afternoon session it was disclosed that big American corporation playing major role in atomic power develop ment in the United States has come out strongly in support of Canadian designed ar power plants Mr Gray said this support is contained in report prepared by the Du Pont Company for the US Atomic Energy Commission NOON DOLLAR NEW YORK CHCanadian dollar unchanged at $10 932 in terms of US funds Pound ster ling 116 lower at $279 MONTREAL CWThe US dollar was at discount of per cent in terms of Canadian funds the Bank of Montreal re ported near noon today Thurs day the noon rate was as 25oz Pound sterling $235351 down 316 anemones ny rim CANADIAN panss British Columbia Telephone Company mos ended March 31 1961 $1666182 1960 $1600 643 lVijritime Telegraph and Tel epbono Company mos ended March 31 1961 $605411 1960 $535296 Maxwell 71th year ended Dec 31 19605 $170235 21 cents share 1959 106042 12 cents WEEKEND DANCE salon to sarunonv arenas Ioor 7mm Collier SI rm nan nvnruarsa and His Combo servansv noivr cnowr nndums oncnrzsrns From Orr Lnko Spotlight more Saturday Refreshment Booth and Cbcckroam N0 SLACKS OR JEANS PERMITTED ADMISSIDNVISB Committee Moves Change In Ontario Municipal Ac 3y DON BEENEY Canadian Press sun Writer 10mm cs an mega lags of municipal councils should be open to the press and public except in special circum stances Ontarios select com mittee on municipal law decided Thursday But the ninemember commit tee studying the Ontario blu nlcipal Act and related statutes wosundeclded as to the best procedure for seeing that the public interest was protected The Municipal Act calls for oil ordinary meetings of mm oils to be open but councils can move into committeeof the whole any time and exclude the press All members agreed there were times when council had to conduct some business in pri vate such as meeting to dis cuss discipline of on official or purchase or property The committee was split also on whose responsibility it was to initiate proceedings to unseat councillor Under the hiunic ipal Act ratepayer must ap ply to judge when he ques tions members rigbtto seat on council Vernon Singer IrYork Cen tre said the minister of mu nlcipal affairs should have the responsibility of starting the ac tion but Committee Chairman Hollis Beckett argued that best jury If bad deeds occurred in Jan uary said Thomas Thomas CCF Oshawa councillor would have another 11 months to continue the domage the voters atthc polls were they Earlier the ummllfee was told thatsthe draft of new Election Act will soon be pre sealed to the cabinets Roderick LeVlS chief election officer said he will recommend that the tick mark be used for marking ballotth provin rlol elections He said voting had to be made ascasy and convenient as possible for the elector and most spoiled ballots were caused by the use of check marks instead of an Under the proposed change both the check mark andtha could be used have closevlook at the possi bility of reducing the numbcr of hung on municipal voting lists extending voting hours past pm and having polls placed in all hospitals Several members suggested abolishing the title of reeve and calling the head of all munic ipalitles the mayor They said thought should be given also to abolishing the title ofcither councillor or alderman The committee will likely pre sent an interim report to the legislature this fall but lull study of the municipal statutes is expected to require nnmn The committee decided to her of years Stewardesses Demand Pay For Work Speed They Travel OTTAWA CF federal conciliation board has recom mended that TCA stewards and stewardesscs should be paid not only for the work they do but also for the specd at which they travel majority report by the board Thursday introduced the principle In an effort to settle dispute between the publicly owned TransCanada Air Lina and two flight attendants scck ing additional pay at the rate of 25 minutes extra credit on gtVanguard turbojets Two members of the three man board approved the prin ciple of speed pay and compro mised on the amount They rcc amended pay at therate of 10 mlnutesper hour extra cre Govt WillEstablish Reserves For Nomadic Indian Tribes OTTAWA CF Indian chil dren should be admitted to non Indian schools at the earliest possible age Robert Davey chief of the education division Indian in branch said Thursday He told parliamentary com mittee on Indian affairs that at tendance at nonIndian schools was the best way to fit the In dian into the social and eco nomic life of Canada Facility with Englishsome thing Indianseducated in their own schools dont achieve as readilyand social attitudes are important factors in job place ment Mr years serves owed that 75 per cent of these Indians could not read simple newspaper material or do simple arithmetic Today only nboutizoot Indians of school age are not attending school SEEK RESERVES The committee was also told that an effort is being made to find reserves for nomadic Inlt dians but it is not government policy to expand existing re serves Bethune chief of the federal governments reserves and trusts division said Indians id survey five averinsIhnilï¬Ã©wl are encouraged to take out side employment This is considered more ben eficial to reserve Indiansthan extending their land holdings to meet thetneeds of on increased population However nomadic bands in northern Alberta Saskatchewan and Manitoba who have never owned land will be granted ra serves Tommy German Buried Thursday OTTAWA CF Prominent members of the sports world were among those attending fu neral Services Thursday for Tommy German One of Canadas most success ful andeveraatile sports promot ers Mr Gorroan died of cancer Monday He would have been 75 on June Managing Frank Selke coach Too Blake and de fenceman Doug Harvey repre sented Montreal Canadians of the National Hockey League NHL president Clarence Campbell also attended Requiem high mass was cel ebrated by Mr Gormons cou sin Bishop Thomas Gorman of Dallas Tex Puerto Rico Invites Canada Establish Branch Industries BYFORBES RHUDE Canadian Press Business Editor The Caribbean commonwealth of Puerto Rico is inviting Cana dian industry to establish branches there The attractions as outlined during Toronto visit by Hector Pineiro general manager of the Puerto Rico foreign trade zone include the following taxfree period in most re spects forum years entry into theUoited States market with out duty unusually high proï¬t margins proximity to Carib bean and Latin American mar kets large and productive work force operation in the dol lar area and political stability under the double protection of the Puerto Rican flags Mr Pineiro who came toCan ads at the ggestion of the Bank of ï¬ve Scotia which maintains three branches in Puerto Rico ontlbied the story and American behind the present industrial drive Twenty yenrsago he stated Puerto Rico was an overpopu lated under developed Carib bean island Our economy was chained toone crop sugar Nearly 2000000uertoRicans were trying to earn living on less than 1000000 acres of land and population was shooting up by 60000 year There was very little industry and our net in come was 525000000 Theh with cooperation from the United States Puerto Rico devised unique economic de dit on the jet flights and five minutes on the Vanguard The report also recommended ï¬vepercent acrossthebonrd increase The attendants had asked 15 per cent MAKES PUBLIC Labor hIinislcr Starr Thurs day made public the recom mendation for mo fie in creascs in the report signed by Hon Mr Justice Andre Mont petit of Montreal and union nomineee Harry Crowe of of lawn Also released was the minor ityreport of company nominee Robert Morrow of Montreal who dissented on both major is SITES In his report Mr Morrow said the introduction of jet aircraft did not deteriorate Working con ditiorn in the light of all fac tors He said the smoother and quieter operation of the faster planes would tend to decrease fatigue The cholrmcn and Mr Crows said they could not logically cs cape the conclusion that the in creased number of trips with the faster plane must increase the proportion of total work time topaid flight hours in cluding credits when compared to the work done in the plstnlh driven aircraft CANT accarrl In Montreal ICA said it was unable to accept the jetspeed proposal The flight Attendants Association had no immediate comment The company says that if the clause were put into effect SARI mm FRIDAY MAY Racing Practices Best In linierica TORONTO CP Premier Irosr said Thursday the per sons who called him dictator at and oldfashioned because of his views on horse racing are now shouting about organized camps get rambling Mr Frost asked at press centercnce to commcnt on Go position demands for Royal commission to investigate crime and gambling in Ontario said the same persons have accused him of holding tight rein on the Ontario Racing Commission dont say our racing prac tices cant be improved but say they are tops in North Am erio he said Ilsk For Change In Veterans Pay OTTAWA CPI The Cane dian Corps Association re quested Thursday that veterans of the ï¬rst World Wnr be al lowed to qualify for the war veterans allowance under the same rules as Second World War veterans delegation hcadcd byStan leyliarphem president of the association of 10000 members presented brief to the Com mons committee on veterans affairs In the brief the association IOOF BINGO Proceeds to emu Fund Monday May 22 PM $5000 JACKPOI must Go nor nan COLLIER ST stewardess workingTrhours and 50 minutes month the maximum allowable under the recommendation would earn $511 monthly compared with $429 paid monthly by the three major United States airlines Under present agreements flight attendants work maxi4 mum of 05 hours monthlywith extra pay for any hours flown over 70 They are paid up to $430 monthly for an average of 75 hours flying time on domestic runs with an additional $40 monthly for overseas flights LEGION BINGO SATURDAY MAY no EM JACKPOT $17000 32 NWBERS CALLED LEGION HALL COLLIER 51 Famous mm Ell BEGLEV lIEK om FEATURE TIMES omens Friday 735 HEATRE Sat 330 535 735 945 pan askedzthat service requirement for First World War vetsqual ifying for veterans allowanu he changed to abolish the pmsait requirement of years service in the United Kingdom before Nov 12 19111 ssociation renewed its in Japanese prison 50 for forced la bor for eve day spent in is tcrnmcnt camp HURONIA DIM VIIIN THEATRE roNrcrrr ONLY 50th HAYWARD WOMAN OBSESSED iï¬umaovo memwirfimn 90mm arc arr vouLL user nan arm Routinesr Primes In rovmr mom Elli iHIRlSSEJp Adult Plus Cartoon Starts Saturday ROCKABYE BABY COLE YOUNGEB SATURDAY CONTINUOUS FROM l2 NOON Plus Cartoon Programme EXTRA BONUS FEATU RE Minu new 935 pm veiopment program which by the end of 1960 had attracted more than 700 company affilia tes mostly from the United States but with some from other countries including few from Canada The result has been that net income inisoofwas $1300000 000 and gross national product is rising at the rate of 10 per cent or uunm no NOW SHOWING gt an Gaynor ransom antitank55 Emsan parklers With Every Purchase of $100 or Moreat Robinsons