like flame Exammrr new are Published by Cauldlan Newspapersumitfd 16 Boyfieid Street Barrie Ontario Pace rolls gainer my in mi macaw Barrie Central Additioni Can We Get Together In couple of weeks Barrie District Collegiate Board hopes to receive op proval or its proposal to build an addlt ion to Central Collegiate At that time architects will beappOinted andsome public examination of the proposals and possibilities will be possible We sincerely hope that this examin ation and exchange of information and opinion will come about The City of Barrie owes debt to the voluntary labors of our board members and it may well be that the board will in turn benefit from the advice and opinion of citizens and affected groups boards commissions and councils There is for instance most definite need for fullfledged and fullyequip ped municipal auditorium in Barrie Some feel new and larger auditor ium incorporated in the proposed new wing of Central would fill this purpose Others feel it is not within the province of collegiate to provide for needs be yond that of its students Here it seems to us is point for wide discussion and consultation It affects city council whose responsibility it is to ccordlnate and often initiate municipal facilitiesIt affects the various councils within the district collegiate area our planning board parks board the neigh boring public school and arena the rec reation commission We should also be aware of the needs of groups which might use auditorium facilities church groups the SIMYWCA the Community Concert Association in tdustries Womens Institutes service clubs Barrie Drama Workshop Com mittee Scouts and Girl Guides lucal bands We should be aware of the cap ability of existing facilities If the auditoriumis not capable of supplying these needs will it have been as one Community Concert member sug gested Barrles last chance for proper auditorium facilities for at least de cade Long Rovv The number of people killed in Ont orig traffic accidents in the first three months of this year would make row of graves exactlya quarter of ammo long Not pretty picture but statistically thats what it amountsto In the first quarter of 1961 215 persons were killed Each has been buried in grave at least six feet long The graves stretch for i290 feet quartermile of death In case youre still reading this story and perhaps youre lucky to be able to here are few additional facts There are many duestions in be ans wered before we can move ahead with full confidence and full public support We understand loo per cent assist once is available from the senior level of government for construction at indus trial instruction facilities and it is in tended that the additions character will be such that it will benefit from this grant structure It is an attractive pros pact and Business Administrator Burton has observed that the Depart ment is flooded with such applications If it is so attractive perhaps we might reexamine the proposal made by In dustrial Commissioner Ernest Blrmann in an interview with The branliner earlier this year Mr Blrrnann had suggested that if as seems likely Barrie will need to con sider another high school in about four years we should consider making it full technical school Then shop space at North and Central could then be con verted to academic classroom to allow for their expanding student population Barrie is certainly industrially bent and he felt that separate technical school could provide graduates suffic iently qualified to supply our industries with skilled personnel The separate id entity might produce better instruction school pride and consequently fewer dropouts We feel this is worthy of considera tion but we are not aware of all the affecting factors either It may bethat we could not support separate tech nical high school and that present shop instruction is quite capany fulfilling the purposes for which it is intended that space in the addition would be much more suitable Be that as it may it seems evident that all these possibilities deserve wide discussion and coordination before and not after decision is made Of Graves The total or 215 is made up of as drivers 55 passengers 62 pedestrians three bicyclists onemotorcycllst and one farm tractor operator Some 211 vehicles were involved 218 passenger cars or 80 per cent of the total The rest 29 trucks five buses one motorcycle 15 tractor trailers one bulldozer one farm tractor If the same death rate in this province continues there will be an even mile of graves by the end of the year and Sim coeCounty will be contributing to the footage Down Memory Lane YOUNG ATHLETE KILLED popular young Barrie athlete Wil liam Strachan 24 died on May 20 1941 in Bracebridge hosptial Employed as brakeman on the ONE since Dec 11 1940 he wasjatally injured in the rail yards at Huntsville on May 19 while on duty there He was coupling cars on freight train when one foot caught in switch frog and he was thrown beneath the train one car passing over his thigh At Bracebridge Memorial Hos pital blood transfusions were giVEn by friends but he weakened gradually until the end came next day Born in Barrie November 23 1916 he was the only son or Mr and Mrs attachan then in Barrie but now of North Bay and had attended public school and collegiate in Barrie where he was prominent ath lete Later he was in topranks of foot ball and other sports in Hamilton ANmIALS PREDICT WEATHER In The BarrieExamlneiof April 16 1936 the front page gives fine article by Major Mark Robinson called Are na blrs of animals indicative of what the weather will be and his answer was Yes It was from Algonquin Park Headquarters When wolves put on singsong during the night by sitting in circle up go their heads and out come howls that send sort of electric shiver up and down the human spine indicat ing Another mess of dirty weather com ing The movement of deer toward shelter lnswamps and evergreens is also sure sign Ruffled grouse fly into spruce copses The old male grouseif storm is coming will commence drum ming withhis wings to warn the covey to seek shelter When the cook or the woods starts calling it means storm Many other birds and animals give warning of coming storm as told by sound and by action DIONNE QUINTS BUSY The same Nuehad picture of the Dionne Quinta on busy day Annette wasengrossed in revolving clothesiine Yvonne had the iron and board Cecile had the tub Marie was trying the taste of clothespin and Emeiie favored the washboard Pclragraphjicqlly Speaking ï¬urnan being are fast losing their little toes says biclogistPardon us moment while we remove our shoes and take an inventory The Barrie Examiner Authorized second eiiu uuu Port DUE Depirtment 0th Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidm mopfol mum wsua nem anus sworn GellerJ Inhaler canny com aliases Manda Editor crimes Wuï¬EBflflnul Marian aoaearsamsn Acumen Mina OENrEOLDEBpGlICmnkfuBBSG eumm Lion rate daily byun gaze yelr sum copy7c marginal7 dnt no no you so ax months use tam month triad duals ammo not run Outloo on 1000 your 42s Unlveroit Iiv annulus gt Press in emiusivl In blicotion of new cfteam in this ï¬lpu re tell The me Pm or cute and aim aurora sin All right of ropubl ails eroin It IUD WV fore you ieap Thesun is rushing into thedense areas of the Milky Way says an astronomer It seems this neck of the universe is getting deeper in the fog all the time There isadeplorable increase in the number of people who have no qualms about being little crooked in ordeer make ends rnect Dont worry about not beingable to take it with you In one place you could nt pse andln the other you wouldnt of arriving at onclusion womanth the biggest feminin toot inthe worldNewspaper far from being In ddition to dlcap frdumibness you are on the eve morass TRANSCliNliDli RALLY our or SERIES 37 PATRICK monomers or Ryaud us for ï¬lm East is well known around his hometown of Oriliis as brile end Hndly sur geonfoimder of the Rynord Clinic as an enthusiastic farmerowner of the not known Hmuu awn herd Holstein and as dedicated matter of service clubsdie Canadian holding the di rectorgenenis award of merit from Lions interactionl but in Ottawa he is adding to his other reputationes one of the three MP5 will the but It iendanoc recordsby his new achievements in an entirely novel and muchueeded field He has become the most popular speaker on public affairs on the service club circuit His theme is what would describe as The New and Expanding Common wealth was recently priviie ed to be invited as guest in ear Dr Ryllard address an Ottawa cl let us call it Bowsnlons Infer nelinnoi lo show how compre henslve Dr Rynardsrinvliatlon list has become The dieirmaa who Introduced Dr Ryaerd told us that we were destined to the greatest thrill of our lives in the way of afterluncheon speeches and he explained that Dr Ry nard has been es cially rd looted by Prime ii for John Didenboker to acoom any him to London to the mac ng of the prime ministers of the Conunonf wealth rnxesmmmms When the prime minister makes any long iouroey over Canadians Assisting NATO Air Defence By MEINTYRB HOOD Special in Barrie Examiner BADEN SOLLINGEN Ger many 0n the fringe of the scenicBlaci Forest region of southern Germany about 10 mil es from the famous resort of Baden have spent two days at the headquarters of No Fight er Wing of the Royal Canadian Air Force division in Europe All that have seen and learned has given me deep sense of pride in the contribution Canada is making to the air defences structure of NATO The BadenSolliugen Alr Ste tion is in the beautiful Rhine Valley just across the river from France As our plans on which we had flown from England to Wies baden and then on south to this air station came in for its land ing could see little to indicate that here was major RCAF station The in any buildings from the air were completely hidden by trees The single run way did not look impressive when stepped from the Da kola in which we had been fly ing wondered where the air station buildings were until we were driven through the graves of tail pines under which most of the buildings nestle Then saw the magnitude of RCA op erations CANADIAN COMMUNITY lntbe two days have been here felt was back again in Canadian community There are over 1000 air force person nel here most of them with wives annd children Canadian voices were heard everywhere have seen Canadian schoob with clams from Grade to Grade 13 staffed by Canadian teachers and with 850 pupils 100 of them in the secondary school There were Canadian LETTERS CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS 35 Nelson St Barrie Dear Editor This yearthe Canadian Save the Children Fund is asking Bar rlearea residents to think about Christmas for some of the child reii of the world Ever since an uary we have beenreceivlng letters and pictures about the Christmas Stockings and only wish it were possiblefor us to share them with you all Such sad little snatches of humanity these children caused to be ing cold and hungry and in many cases alone and unloved that to see on their faces the happy normal reaction of any child with present makes one very awareofa lobtbst must be done ag Last Septembe Christmas Stockings 1763 of them marked with CANADA and illicdwitb toys and clothes ondcandies went across the ocsans to Italy Greece Korea Austrla and Morocco We are most anxious repeatth ortbwbiiesblpment again and could Approximatly viii fail and about 10 across the bottom ma cars everywhere on the streets And tile Canada badges on the uniforms made one feel this was truly Canadian town in for eign land Yet there was an impact of the United States in it allAmcr lean dollars are the normal cur rency The only newspapers are the Paris editions of New York newspapers The bookshop is full of American magazines American films dominate the movie theatre But in spite of all this found in the officers mess in the workshops and in the homes robustCanadlan lsm more outspoken than one finds even in Canada OPENED IN 1953 BadenSolllugen Air when was opened in August of 1953 It was carved out of the forest and laid down on fertile green fields it was built by NATO using German labor to house fighting wing of the Canadian Air Division in addition to all the buildings devoted to admin istrationvand operations and to housing the unmarried person nel brand new village con taining homes in apartment blocks for 400 families were constructed All of this lies in thickly wooded countryside which but for the noise of the jet aircraft is haven peace and quietness Here successive contingent of Canadian airman 1000 at time have lived and trained and formed an important segment of the NATO shield to protect western Europe from aggres sion TYPICAL HOME cat married quarters was threebedroom flat furnished like any Canadian home will completely modern kitchen and an Lsbaped living and dining room lt was homeof which any Canadian housewife could be proud was struck by large coiled lion of brass ornamenm glasses and other souvenirs from placa like Rome Venice Pisa and other great cities of western Europe These Mr Shaw told me they had gathered in holi day trips rnede in their car trip which have taken them all over western Europe This was one of the great thrills to them of being posted over here Other personnel live in the nearby German towns and vile lages visited the home of Flying Officer and Mrs William McPherson of Ottawa in an apartment blockin Eatsatt it was not to be compared with the married quarters of the Sbaws yet its real was higher F0 McPherson told me that new anivals usually had to live in German village for time but rlurnped at the chance of mov ing to the married quartch the moment flat there was avail able In Raised at the moment 100 secs on national business he al ways takes an aeroplane full of advisers and officialsand that international lion from Orlllia Dr Rynard Round the world in 1958 Conunonwcaiih conference in 1960 Commonwealth confer ence in 1981 perhaps others slip my memory But when tell you that Dr Eynard collects facts much as you or might take snapshots you may well imagine that Dr Rynard can bring for eign lands to threedimensional natural color life just with words His simple colorful explana tion of this latest Common wealth conference makes all the problems fit neatly into place new apartments of modern style are being built for Canadian fandlics They will be ready in August Already all of them bave been taken up On the air station there is completely integrated commun ity life lthas its own stores for groceries clothing footwear and hardware it own laundries 0n the cultural side are the mo tion picture theatre library clubs for the airmen and their families skating and curling rink and ample recreation grounch andthere is chapel with fine old stained glass win dows That in brief is BadenSoeilin gen where this happy company of Canadians is making good life for itself while in Europe on mission of defence of their country for here today is the boundary of Canadas defences against aggression DR BYNAIID even the Canadian crisis of con Iclenoe over South Africa feel that Mr Dlefenbakerr decision was one of clarity and honesty said Dr Even had Dr Verwoerd indi cated the hope of some token recognition of equality for the colored people Africa would not have had to read it self out of the Commoncalih in fact the subject of apartheid would not have been brought up But more lnlerestln than that pressing problem ound was Drumcards description of that whole emerging confluent Some backgron explanation ls needed here Dr Rynard did not actually attend the confer ence sessions of the prime min isters But willie those meetings were in progress he took the occasion is meet and chat with offlclals and others in the retin ues of prime ministers from other Commonwealth lands es pecially the Africans The result is that Dr Rynard pours forth flow of fascinating facts and detail about those new countries so unknown to us indeed so mysterious and en ihralllnB to us He points vivid picture of the sorry level of literacy and the consequent terrible shortage of 20th century skills and how edge flhe hunger the disease the lack of opportunities for reg ular paid employmentall these Dr Eynard makes real and in sistent Tba historic admixture of races and religions or lack of religion slavery the city built by freed slaves why Moslems make more converts than Chris liens among the pagans or tribal reiigionisls in the most back ward areas the reason is in part that tolerate polygamy BIBLE THOUGHT Give diligence to present thy self approved of God work man that necdeib not be ash amed handling arlghf the word of truth11 Timothy 215 Wbaleverls worth doing at all is worth doing perfectly Many imagine themselves to be suc cessfui because they have ac cumulated that which they will have to leave behind Just to see bowathe Canadian families lived was invited to one oftheir homes that of LAC Richard Show and his wife and three children from Halifax Their apartment in the perman T0 EDITOR plastic container note telling the age and sex of the child can be attached tolielp the Field Worker It is wonderful to ba ve the word CANADA dis played on the outside of the stocking tool know Christmas seems long way off but trains and ships jeeps and bicycle and yes donkeys too moveslowly to deliver to little child pre sent from Canada Please help us Completed stockings may be sent to wendy Hicks at OKVR TV or to myself before cad of August Thank you Josn Ooxall was common Dear Editor Iwasvery sorry to reel in your paper of May 11 the tie cislon of the School Board re The Salvation Army canvass in the schools for their new build lawn beck and call of every nee person and many whom others wouldnt deign to hclp are min istéredltoby them so they are surely worthyof help especial ly as behave they would not do fhlsdnschool hours Then what about the Junior Red can is it not permitted new ppea Why the difference Shaw Bm greath in one brand Years ago Adams distilled 19 great whiskiespeach Skies withiis an distincuve charactereras and eaten aged theinvin speéial oak casks Now Adarnslhas ed these 59 rare Whiskiés to create the superb flavourof Adams Private Stock This custom blend is presentfédh its crystal decanter at popular price cusrom aim Privateva BLENDED CANADIANpRYEZWlHSKY Thoma Adamo wailnumwiomn ockf