lOTllBBY THEY MAY Not too certain of Tabbys intentions Harold ltiinnilten owner ot the advancing foot keeps an eye on few young raccoons topping around on chair at 178 Anne Street South Barrie The coons were found in barn by Mrs Wilbert Men Cnilum Conkatown They had ixra sum men LOOK LIKE cooostzso MICE been dtrcrted by their mother after slaughtering spree of farm chickens lNNlSEIL NOTES Conservatidn Club Surveys Wet Areas Barrie couple who have iust returned from their winter home in Sun Ilay near Frost Prooi Florida found the lint thing they needed was to hunt out the electric blanket woollen under wear and winter still they thought they were through us ing alter staying in the south unï¬t the middle of May ANNIVERSARY suwnny Stroud Presbyterian Church will hold anniversary services this coming Sunday Rev Ross ian Church speak COMMITTEE BUSY The local Barrie District cont servation Club is making gen in Toronto will eral survey throughoutjthe Not Jtawasaga cmcrvntion area to establish at swamp andwet areas that might become arm ponds oi reservation areas which will boa source oLwatcr supply All possibilitiesfatcibe ing investigated in order that the holding of the water table in the area may be assured Also they are cndnavqringlo persuade owners ofthesc swamp lands to avoid rdraining them They hope to convince ihc owners of the advantage of add ing trees and lemming creeks so that the run oil of water will be delayed gt Another oi their projects ist to alter special badges toboy Scouts who will take their cours es in conservation hoping to en list these boys in the knowledge of water and tree preservation benefth to the coming genera tioos The lowering of the water table throughout the area has become serious handicap and unless efforts are made to check this many who depend on wells for their water may find the supply deficient The water short of the Notin wasaga River is now being sur veyed and as this proceeds plans that will change much of the waste lands into park and water conservation areas will be placed on paper Ten yearsle mflte remarkable changes gen erally SURVEY ROAD SIGNS An oflicial oi the department at transport spent day in in nistil this week He accompan led the road supervisor town ship clerk and police ehicl on tour of all roads to ascertain where road signs were placed where white lines might be nood ed and where biindcorners and crossings should get attention It is expected that soine of the donating the bricks but will deliver them to their Barrie dealers free oi charges Now all that Lsrequired are strongarmed men to come out and try their pitching skill so our local team hasa competitive chance in the world contest to come up this July GOVERNMENT DOCK The government dock at the loot ot the eighth linettas been closed to the publicand most vofi to la kshav been re Adams of Chalmers Presbytor moved barrier of these planks has been erected to pre vent lhe use of the structure which is in dangerous eondt tion now From reports iris be lieved that work on this dock is in the plans of the federal de partment of works and inten tions are to have some recon struction done this year Soundings have been taken and it likely that contract isio The oldldock which the ice pifshed around so that its safety was dangerous had been Iabeled as ankes Folly it was built originally by William Boake oi Tho Nashua Blue In Preaknessi BALTIMORE AP Nashua Blue made surprise hop into the 85th Preakness lineup Thurs day joining Carry Back and seven other colts for Marylands great thrceyearold classic at Pimlico Trainer Lloyd Murray sud denly advised Maryland Jockey Club officials that has Blue would be flown from demo to Baltimore for Saturdays Stat modded race Nashua Blue is owned by the Bonerist farm at Christopher in Wall Street broker wholives in New Jersey Carry Back the come from behind darling at the twobuck bettors iarthe top invorite or the mile and threesixteenths Preakncss Fred Heopers Crozier who looked like the Kentucky Derby winner until Carry Back charged past him for three quarter length victory is the 52 second choice Others in the expected field are Dr Miller Globemaster Sherluck Hitting Away Crim son Fury and Orleans Doge nuance ENVOY omens UNITED narrows APl rnnM News From the INFORMATION BRANCH ONT flElI AGRICULTURE GOATSABEARDS GOOD NAME IS GONE Goitsrbeard was closed as delicacy in the England of Eliz nitcth the First The roots boii ed and buttered were much pre ferred to parsnip or carrots These roots were dug as needed or stored in sand in the win ter months they provided the poorman with the taste it not the meat of oysters hence the description of the wood as oysa ter plant These plants also had spirit ual value they were dried over the tires which burned on St Johns Eve and then hung in the house and barn to protect man and beast from evil These edi ble spiritual and medicinal pro perties were pronhly attributed more to the purple or field goatsbeard than to the yellow flowered spccios which is more common in Ontario Goatsbeard grows two to five feet high and has narrow grass like lcavm points out the field crops branch Ontario depart ment of Agriculture When broken milky sup runs out The flowers are somewhat like small sunflowers and all close by noon Hence another name Setup run To Save Wolf PORT ARTHUR CPlA fund has been started here to pay for lifesaving operation on Cindy pet wolf John McGovern 22 air Ot tawa snidhawas hitehhlking West irom Ontario to display his woii at the Calgary Stampede when she Wes hit Saturday night by car that did not stop on the outskirts oi Elliot Lake Earlier hehitchhiked with the wolf and German Shepherd dog from Dawson Creek BC to Halifax McGovern said she new is in raSault Ste Marie 0nt animal shelter with broken shoulder He saldihs operation will cost $50 and it it is not performed by Sunday the animal will be exterminateti MOVIE navmw gt Travers carriage Mire Baby Unhurt mnouro cm two MAY Ir montiwldï¬bild Michele Fisher Inflated netmare than lew breaths ol smoke here Wednes day when her mother tore aw flaming blankets lifted her Mm Ber ecPollu be lieve the fire war caused by cignrette acclduitslly dropped into the carriage from the up per floors oi an apartment building OBITUABY RAYNOLD DAGBNAIS Raynold Duennis died at so after short Illness Hus band at Mile Paddison Degenais formerly of Barrie he was born to Ontario Canada 62 years ago Mr Dagennls is survived by his widow and three daughters Mrs Dawn Edwnrrh oi Acton Mrs Beverly ltfeotzer of Bolton and Mrs Marie Campbell in Wat Acton There are also eight grandchildren one brother and one sister Funeral services wrote May in the Woodlawn Chapel Acton Centre with Rev Eric Grimshnw ofï¬ciating Burial was in the family plot in Wood lawn Cemetery in Acton Pall bearers were Howard Edwards Paul Campbell George Ray mond and Francis Montrer Miss Ruth Hickiing iormerly of Barrie supplied the inform niion Documentary Film Wins Cannes Prize MONTREAL CPLThe NI tionat Film Board has received word that it has won grand prize at the international Film Festival at Cannes for its docu mentary film The Days of Whisky Gap Theriilm has not yet been seen by Canadians hut in sched uied to be shown by the CBC Juno The halfhour film deals with settlement of the Canadian west Mounted Police to Western Canada in 1814 Handles His HelmetVWell By aoasrncnnm Examiner Reporter is Johnnygotobcdabnoony Seeds are spread by para chutelike appendage in the same manner as the seedsof dandelions Nowadays with fresh and irozenvegetabies available the year round tcw people eat goatsbead roots Even fewer use it as charmagainst evil Sixteenounces acid in at least 20 gallons of water apA plied early when the plants look like oversized grasslcaves and before the blossom stems start to form will kill this untidy in habitant of roadsides and uncul tivated areas ANNE ADVANCING LONDON Reuters Pain cess Annexe member of the Buckingham Palace iBrownie pack willbecome Girl Scout soon the palace announced to day She has ssed her first and second class Brownie badges and will become scout at the end th month BENGALI YOUR FUR PROBLEMS to Barries Local Exclu sive Farrier who mail and sells tors only MRO samerial ro traces molt Wititiiiis runs aannm ronomo Green Helmet Roxyt an ex cellent study of rane track driver on the edge of retire ment is just short of magniii cent As the driver Bill Travers is tops if you recall his perform anee in Wee Gordie or the Bri dal Path you are bound to de tect that he is fast developing into first class performer This role is exacting and he handles it ellectively Travers is called upon to race on track which has claimed theme of both his father and his best friend The father was killed several years betore the race and the friend got his white practicing with Traverson the week of the race hen we first see Travels in this picture he has cracked up three es Having ed for to years his friends no feel that he should turn in his helmet But he does not look to the fult ture with anticipation dont want to leave lot of my lilo to someone in my will Then he is touched by cupid and his life takes on new mean ing This change is not sudden and the manner in which he is changedis the substance with which good movies are made liis supporting cast deserve highbraise not only fortbeir acting but because they seem to realize that this is Travers pietureand no one attempts to steal the spotlight Green Helmet is indicative of Hollywoods response to the challenge ot television and if theykeep turning out pictures like this one we will have movie goers for years to come sEthce pea setts 3133 BRADFORD ST Now ALL ouR his home It Acton MILL April west and the trek oi the North nomnnmicnno amour nuoones no trace sprnrrs Warm Mealord Wins 3School Meet Elmtiale Track Meniord High Schooll 244 peint score won the Meoford ElmvalaThombury pennant at the alloay track meet in HM vale Thursday The point system gave llve points for lirsttbrce points for second and one point for third place Only two students from each school participated in each event and each student was limited to four events The Thornbury contestants scored tea and finished second Eilttvale students tallied Hi The proposed meet for last year was called off due to the lack of adequate faciliti Some 150 students competed nthis years meet it stoned to rain at noon on fltursday but the students con tinued with their activity As an example oi the effect the weaiha or had on the meet to der the followin when the junior and interim ategiris were competing in the highjump the wind blew the rod all at nitera ate intervals One girl tried the lump three times and each me she reached the rod th ind lrustr tngl Govt Emergency Procedures 0K TORONTO CPIEnergy he sources Ministeritiacaulay said Wednesday night the natural gas pipeline break at North Bay Wednesday and subsequent repair work indicates the gov ernment has adequate emerv gency procedures to protect the public lie said there was no inlet ruptlon of service along the TransCanada Pipe Lines sys tem except toone industrial customer are result of the break and the explosion that blew out 75 feet of line Mr Macaulay saigliremen lMAY SPECI and Trans Canada personnel brought the fire at the break quickly under control until the gas remaining in the line was exhausted main supply valve was shut it my Emma wane nos til Now lN ruin EWING re Bathroom 5an WITH CHROME PLATEDFITTINGSV washes234 rStepuptoa LAWNBoy CANADAS MOST lPDPULAR rowan AWN Deluit618 All luxury lawn care features one pull startfptoven depend abilityplus FULL YEARS Intent LAWNBo Deluxe 18 with South Koreas ambassador at the United Nations Dr Chan ning Idem said Thursday night he is resigning asaresult of the military coup that deposed Premier iohn Chang in Seouln Liernwas appointed mt Sept 15 by Chang to head the ob server mission Koren maintains at UN headquarters bylaws that regulate speeds and stop roads may have to be ad justed to meet with thereeonr rundations following this inspec IDII BRICKS To renew The efforts of Bob Thompson of the innisiii police who on his day of visited the officesof the Cooksvilie Birch Company ob tained the proper sized hrlck neetjled mateh those being use in international brickv throttling contest The firm has agreed to supply too of thijse bricks which thwart harms Natlortally knowrrBariremadutacturerds intér pad weight They my viewing for marketing trainee This is treat 25 DUN ST coonï¬sm UTOTRESARE awesome GUARANTEED AGAINST Goldstornga gt gt Att road hazardsblowoute fabric breaksl except repairable punctures of months speciï¬ed Any tactstn workmanship or mate uriala inlthout ttmtt totime or mileage We guarantee honoured by any Goodyear Dealer anytime in Canada gt INCLUDES 17 it Vitreous China hnalh with eentre let faucet D90 blue chip and stopper 114 on vtom china close coupledioiiet with sent it met enlmllied recess bath with ink filler waste and overflow chain and See is for this great opportunity om cfor ills rlgbttntan with career ambii Vtirevvalue whirl SET gt compare sracran COLOUR SETS PINK anneu Venusstunner PLUMBING AND HEATING DEPT SECONDFLOOR Orï¬surrttrsgoLoG 259 INNism sr Just wind and teteaseLawm Boy springs to life Carries FULE YEARS WARRANTY Lonlysgzsd SeetheintOdayai Dumas HARDWARE St Vincent Under our ontheiob training program new men have the opportunity to become familiar with they many phases of operation taking place in our organizaticnr Man particularly interested in sales management have an excellent growth potential unmanned we by Eirperts with special Equipment wunmoymhttn DANestirIrL THINK endiÂ¥9bf Because this excellenttoppoitunity 0h YOFHK men or 211 with senior educatlon background be constdere