noon Mrs Albert Anderson spenta low Aim in Tomato visiting her sister hire Mat Terry and Mr Terry Mr and Mrs Eder Robson and funny Jarrett failed Mr and Mrs Jim langman Jack Cull ol Oriliin visited Mr and Mrs Willred Johnston Mr and Mrs Wilmot Black Elmvale and Mr and Mrs Hyalop 0t Barrie visited Mr and Mrs Edward Johnson Lorna Herrington received her county honors in the 4H Homemaking Club last Satur day at Achievement Day in Guthrie Community Hall Mr and Mrs Blake Nash and iamily ol Richvale Mr and Mrs Les Robertson Mr and Mrs George Robertson oi Oril lia visited Mr and Mrs Wil llam Robertson Earl Mary and Mr and Mrs Gordon Moore Mr and Mrs Lloyd Horne and daughter at Oriiiia visited Mr Homes parents Mr and Mrs Albert Horne Mia Scott Linda Horne Jean Anderson and Ken Mcuod took part in the Music Festival in Drillla last week Rugby school baseball team came up with another win Fri day aitemoon defeating Mitoti eli Square 37 WJ MEETING The WI met at the homexob Mrs Edward Langman with good crowd Wednesday even ing President Mrs Wilired Johnson presided Mrs Man iord Home was appointed dele gntg to the district Annual at Forest Home United Church May 30 Mrs Tyson langman conven er of Historical Research intro duced the guest speaker Mrs Judo Oatway Orlllla who gaven good talk on compiling the reports of Historical Re search and showed the records kept by the district WI Mrs Albert Horne gave an address to the 4H Homemaking Club loader and girls who were presented with silk by Mrs Erie Scott on behalf of the WI Miss Margaret Langman play ed several selections on her accordion The hostess and her helpers served lunch after an enjoyable evening TOTTENHBM Mr and Mrs John Henderson oi Tomato visited Sunday with the iormera mother Mrs Henderson Mr and Mrs Creighton Wice Penetang and Mr and Mrs Marvin Dale and Debbie oi Schomberg Were with their mother Mrs Wine Sunday hiamotbuunlredsiropaoo and accompanied hertothe morningservioe at Nnity The sympathy oi thia corn muniv is extended to Mrs Irene Jennett injthe sudden death at her sister unWuley Buddlck at Baxter May to Mr and Mn Ernest secon cheon visited Miss Pearl New tonat Alliaton Sunday At the regular meeting at Manitoba lodge 2M niobium mesday evening May Mr Fletcher and Dr Hor ton were presented with the lodge kwel in honor of their 50 years at membership The special Fondly Day ser vice last Sundey conducted by Rev sanders of Trinity UnltEd Church included the baptism ot the three young dau ghters Sharon Elizabeth Bev erley Susan and Peggy Marlene of Mr and Mrs William Roush NOWLAN 1N EMPITAL UilAWA CF Revenue Minister Nowlan is in hospital for examination and observa tion his niï¬w said Wednes day The minister was not feel ing well over the weekend SIMConcoUNTY news omens sum seqwon nosmsoa Sunday visitors at Walt drewa were Mr and Mrs don Modili John and and Miss RichmondHill Weekend visitor with Mrs Leann yere Mr and Mn Dean and Michael Mrs fltomlt son and Mr and Mn James Friesen and daughter at Toron to The WMS met It the home Mn Dalton Meher Wednesday Mrs Grenville Haibert was in theehalr and opened the meet ing Reports were given of the Presbyterialin Orliiia Mrs Steers had WA business and Mrs Chantler savn the inane ioi report The worship service was taken by Mrs Don Brown and Mrs Johnson ihemeet lusciosedwithahymnandben ediction by Mrs Granville Hal bert The umal lodai hour lol lowed QUEENS scours Three Seouu from the ï¬rst Newton Robinson Scout Troop went to Gravenburst to reoeive USED TRUCKS in JON csmv Pich use 11110 anon Interna floull ssso sam 51 INTERNATIONAL non amour dent in CADILLAC neetwood in none Guounalanker with Innter nu Pqu 15 em inst nnnun Utility men use mmanuNAL Ah an excellent Ina Ihlalban ma none via an aiid $1350 m1 cnzvnom ITON can cues 1555 INTERNATION KNN nxw PICKPr usi roan it Damn $550 1941 an mama 5300 me INTERNATIDNAL xn Gin and cnmu COLLISION REPAIRS AND PAINTING International Motor Trucks lW HART nms Dr ion at Dunlap cloveriear ea asozo 11 Phone Barrie Aikway 892 Etch lrg 16 Ounceboifle serves urax mmvmmrmu uav in nu magnum Sunday nounnuairourn BONE Allah ReuteraiA plastic bomb minded outaide anapartmenthereWednuday nightkillingallyearold Nov van nigatheilaraBaynmflu ughre ibethodiea Barrie Beverage Company Division of SEVENUP Ontario Ltd Barrie Ont Mr and Mrs Walter Hurlher spent Sunday with friends in Teaswater Mrs James Henderson Mrs Crowe and Miss Rae Sloan drove to Fergus May II where Mrs Henderson gave mission talk to the WA of Melville United Eihurah ieby were later entertained at the home of Miss Barnet Mrs Freeman attended the marriage in Toronto of her granddaughter Miss Ruih Hastings daughter of Mr and Mrs Sam Hastings of Richmond Elli Mr and Mn Vincent Wilson and son oi Hamilton were Sun day visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Mailion THORNTON Mr and Mrs John Kuzylrand three children of Singhampton visited Mrs Kuzyks mother Mrs Frank Kindle recently Mr and Mrs McWaterI and daughters and Mr and Mrs Walker of Erantiord spent part of last weekend here with Mr and Mrs Cousins Lou Stewart accompanied his daughter and 329111in or wag one were renewing acquaint ances here one day last week Jim Creighton who has been confined to hospital is home and able to be out and around again The YPU of Trinity United Church is holding its annual special service next Sunday at 3130 pm with Rev Robert Rumble of Tomato as guest Speaker Mrand Mrs an Harris and son of Barriespent Mothers may mammalr31 Black Mr and Mrs Wither Pearson have annnunced the birth of baby daughter May at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Jim Simpson oi Barrie spent Weir GARLEY BOATHOUSE are HOLIDAY I961 venom if OATJSHOWS Four or MULCASTER STREET nemousmnooscro BE Alliances some ON Down AND ALL THE LATESTMODELS oN DISPLAY siMPsoNst 19 Oriiiia Midland Peneeang znnicn inuov SEARs cannonunseen 0FFiGE