Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 May 1961, p. 13

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THESE FASHIONS werel presented at private Mon treal show Rodolphe of Tor ontodslgned silk andchil ordress left in olive green ovcr gold with companion organza coat The diagonal draped slim skirt has blou son top sun dress of yel low orange and turquoise right was designed by Mon trcais RaoulJean Foure CF Photo CanddiétilfDesigners Vie ForvPlace In Fashion Field MONTREAL CPUThe traditional rivalry between Montreal and Toronto was ex tended lnto the fashion field when two leading Canadian couturicrs competed for plaud its at private showing here But competition was casual and friendly ihere seemed to be generalagreemcnt that the fashions by Torontos Rudolphé Were stunning and of Mont efials RaoulJean Foure trcs IcI Adding to the gay atmosphere of the show in the ballroom oi downtown hotel were the fringed parasols singing wait ers and strolling violinist GARB FOR GAMES Idodelling and music were in erspersed with rhymcdrwit ticisms from the pen of coian lat Doyle Klyn sample for hockey games at Montreal Forum fThe wise gal wears sneakers she sees the game rthrough then makes mad dash when the riot is du Raoul Jean Foure didnot however dress his model in sneakers She wore needle pointed high heeLs with sleev less dress and sweater en semble oi rayon and cotton ln tones of turquoise grey and brown Rudolphes threepiece outfit for Maple Leaf Gardens was perhaps little more practical black linen suit topped with red and white polka dotted scarf and yellow kidskin leather coat For weekends in Muskoka he designed an orange and yellow explanation for goldsllk and green chiiian dress under in sheer flowing polka dotted coat For similar occasion with Montreals Mayor Jean Drap eau there were bouquets of Parma violets against while background on decorous dress of cotton The skirt was subtly bellshaped trend repeated several times In both collec tions An applegreen pique coat tunic styled iringed top over applegreen slacks For the Laurentians Foure showed strapless twopiece cotton sun dress in yellow orange and turquoise PARTY STYLES Cocktails with os Mayor Nathan Phillip was the THE STARSSAY By ESTRELLITA non ronlopnow This day Favors the accom plisbmenr of difficult tasks also the completion oi longpending matters Do not overtax your self however and to leisure hours devote yourself to some quiet and pastime rather than in pursuit of hectic pleasures FOB uncommon it tomorrow is your birthday thecoming year should provide some excellent oppoituaities for future gain As Taurean you are endowed with lot of in genuity are also practical and perseveringfl Harnessing these fine traits you should go for especially since 1961s allover planetary influences recommend the making of practical plans ior the future and the patience to wait for longterm results MidJune and late September should show some results but you may have to wait until De cember for complete returns from your efforts You may encounter some con iusing situations in personal re lationships so ba especially tact Iul in dealings with hothiamliy and friends especially during his month and November For the single the balance of 1961 should prov =propitious for ro mance andor marriage and early July will be excellenttor travellook for some good news in property matter in mid child born until day will be endowed with qualities needed to make an excellent artist musicianer scientist find Kidney Pills Miss Lieve Mattan became the bride of Joe Truen atist Marys Church Brentwood May Father Cahill ticiated at the morning cere Designer Denies Flying Rumors and denials flew Wednesday on whether Mrs Jacqueline Ken nedy is still buying couture fashions The controverSy Paris dispatch to Womens Wear Daily New York retailers pa per which said she is Thi personal design hersnapped There is nothing wrong with any slimmer Phono ens2414 All IIIE LIME Nawndllnn is tiredout faI bothered badrhea Perhaps noth rnh urinal mar temporary dhyuriruryirrilctl or discomfort Thats the time In upon dmyPilhDod rial By to In this undidl thfllrna niienc huh Itho an in feeling Thrnyoll feel better rut better worlr better Get on It or the blue box with the red band at all drug Write You can depend on Doddmn COUPLE MARRY mony The bride is the daught NEW YORK AP Reports tarted in Not vawordoi truth it ANT Ans omenin lined in white completed the outfit Modelled for an opening night at II os new OKecfs Centre was is dramatic gown of white silk sar embroidered in ldcarat gold heblousoned top had floating tull length back panel Montrealers night out drew gown oi eggshell Radzimir silk with sleeveless scalloped lace blouson Les Cowper Photo AT BRENTWOOD er of Mr and Mrs Jerome Mattan Newmarket and the bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs Richard Gerald Truen New Lowell The cou plewiii reside in Toronto Mrs Kennedys buying Paris clothes if she wantst be said But it hardly seems lik ely that she old do it with out at least informing meher personal designer She is much too gracious lady FREE TRAVEL MONTREAL 01 pass permitting unrestricted travel on all Canadian Pacific Railway lines was presented to Caroline imurimedrmeg Cassm Fredericks of Montreal when who serves enne stenugraoher withthe company she retired after soyears aa She was the first woman em ployee to receive such pass from the CPR AITEND VIARMSTRONGS lloLloAY BARBECUE TIMEALI SATunoAIMAlrao rtxcsJRMslnou new Regional Director thanked Mrs ANNIVERSARY sugars None are intended to cover the general sodLilla at the will nld district We anniversaries brig sullen HIMIn owlll in the when and travellers In In itenn Illnuflfllll the women renders unhi page Your help in mppllllr this one will be null Ir predated Picu phone Tho HONORJARRIE WOMAN Mrs Leon McCann ot Barrie retiring Chairman of the Nor thern Region Civic Action Com mittee of the Atholic Womens league was presented with sterling silver rosary at the Spring meeting beldin St Mar garets Parish Hall Midland this week The presentation was madeby Mra Noble of Sut ton Wcst Rev Rosetta St John Vianney Parish Barrie thCBflfl for her devotion to the work at the League during her two years as dullman Among theout of city guests who attended the silver wedding celebration of Mr and Mrs Sheppard Sanford Street were Mr Sheppards brother and sisterinvlaw Mr and Mrs Hugh Sheppard and iamin of Montreal Miss Margaret Fin ley Reg former night sup ervisor of Chambers Memorial Hospl at Smiths Falls Mr Shep pard as three other brothers who were unable to attend Her old Sheppard Los Angles Cell lorola Dr Ernest Sheppard Washington DC and Clark Sheppard Snliths Falls MAYTIME TEA Members oi the Central Ull ited Church WA who participat ed in the Maytilne tea held Wed Mra Bristow was elected pre sidentoi the BarrieJaycettes Vedntsday evening The new 1y formed Zuh will hold its first executive meeting at the home of the presidentTuesday evening The executive is as follows Vicepresident Mrs Norman McIntyre Secretary Mrs Douglas Moorhouse Tre asurer Mrs Terry Connell Mrs OHalloran Elected President Mrs Bert Swan was hostess atthe May meeting oi Silver Maple Wi and it was decided that the chit Vf SWIM BARBECUEDWIENERS Mrs OHalloran opened the meeting Reports were given Mrs McFadden and Mrs Swan gave summary of the meeting regarding the swimming lessons dren oi the community should have the opportunity to attend the course The lucky draw was won by Mrs McGrath The state officers for 196 Is as follows Honorary President Mrs Johnston President Mrs ORalioran VicePresi dent Mrs Jamieson Secre taryTreasurer Mrs DooThom pson District Director Mrs Johnston Brands Director Mr White Assistant Hostesses were Mrs léchrady and MunM McFad en Knowledge or PHARMACY 1s Thegllnseerl Ingredient In Prescription Dbng hare th Geo Caldwell Film Caldwells Drug Store Car Owen Dunlop str Phone Fl NEWfiBESIDENT president nesday included MrIA can crop president end hire Feltla receiva guests Mrs Boner Mrs Brena doe Mating Mn Bishup Mrs Bcavis dining room Mrs ISitsmr serving Mm Garner kitchen lira Rowe and Mrs Partridge ticket table Mrs Pam Mrs Adams Mrs Jones Mrs McEaddcnMrs Maw workable coaveners Mrs Humphrsys nursery Presiding at the tea tahle werezhira Wil linm Lowe Airs Knapp ML Wright Mrs William Steph enson Pianistwere Mrs Wil liam Lowe and Mrs Alvin Raga insult Tea Table hostesses in cluded Mrs Simmons lira Lllarria Mrs Hoary Mrs Keast Mrs Fanning Mrs Jory Mrs Yorke Mrs Tuck Mrs McKch cher Mri Greecy Mrs Leavenr MraE Cote Mrs Beckett Mrs JPartrldge and Mrs Jackson JUNE TEA The Ladies Auxiliary and Menettes club of the Barrie YMYWCA held meeting day evening to complete plans for the June tea The ten will be held at the home of Mrs Rus seli DingmanCook Street June 21 Mrs hicMartin nee Joan Saso Sunnidele Road has rcceived word from her sis or Miss Madlyn saso present ly on the teaching staff at No1 Fighter Wing Grostcnquin France MLssSaso tells of being honor of Tommy Hunter and Gordie Tapp who are touring Europe with Con ry line down Miss Saso al met for mer Barrie schoolmates now mmbers oi the RCAF Training Command Bond who are also touring Europe and the UK FAREWELL PARTY Friends and neighbors of Mr Cowan East Ora gathered at hishome to say bon voyaga tour of Europe with the Milk Producers association memb ers He plans to telir Scotland where he will visit with iricnds and relatives The traveller from his community friends SILVER ANNIVERSARY Open house will be held Saturday evening at the Pene tang Street residence of Mr and Mrs Harry Fattcnden in honor niversary The groom and his bride formerly Mary Miller were married by Rev Mm 1nnd Airs Willilm alcohol guest at reception held In ML Cowon leaves shortly for was presented with aavallet of the couples 25th wedding an Batty an or First Baptist Church at the brides home on McDonald Street Assisting SPEAKINGTOFiPEOPLEANDPLACES their parents in the celebration will be was nose Bill Lloyd and Raymond and daughters um and Male at will rhes Mufanlitte Terry jinn ol bride aadhrides mnid at the wedding Teaullst antswill be Misha le Mil ler Emily Miller atberine McGionia Mrs Bill Pengo Mrs John Key Mia Louise Patten den Mrs Ross Pattendeo and Miss Lynda Chambers Aisoas sirttns the hostess will beirs Jack Garner Miss Reta Hamillt tan Mrs George Otmway and Mn Les Jollllie Among the guests wiIlee groomsman Charlr Robsonad Mrs Robson Mr and Mrs Wil liam McGinnis and Miss Kath cine Mwinnis Long Branch Mr and Mrs Wilmer Humpih rays Mr and Mrs Carl Kclliog ton Keswick Mrs Laura Cham bers Misses Lynda nnd Patricv ia Chambers Long Brandi Mr and Mrs Art Allen Cookatawn Mrs Graham and Miss viola Graham Toronto Mr and Mrs David Miller RR Barrie Mr and Mrs Charles Miller Ant Mills Mr and Mrs Lloyd Miller Mr and Mrs Edward Miller Mr and Mrs Tom Pat tcndcn Mr and Mrs Wallace Pnttenden Candles Mrs Bertha Service Mrs ll Ottaway Mr an Mrs George Mulholland an Mr andMrs Waller Schul tz or Stroud Mr and Mrs John Key Midhurst Iillj and Mrs Bill Perigo Colllngwood IiirAmos Miller father of the bride and Teddy Pattenden grandson of the celebrantl HOLIDAY WEEKEND Mr and Mrs Donald Dicker son and daughter Anne Sea iorth Avenue will spend the holiday weekend with Mr Dick ersons grandparents Mr and Mrs Frank Packer Hamilton The Dickerson fornin will tra vel by motor car and are leaving the city this evening WEEKEND GUESTS Mrs Helen Dixon and Master Garth Lockwood oi Strathmore Quebec arrivedat Malton this afternoon by tCA Jet Airliner to spend the holiday weekend rmcrs son CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehouslng Agents for North American Van Lines PA 66555 TheSPORTSWEAR seAso THE BAIERIE EXAMINER FRIDA Pouring tea stthe happy eve President Recalls iirganization Of First Shacer Presbyterial The afternoon WMS of the Toilenham United Churcbmct at the home of Mrs Wallace Tipping on May with to mom bars and two visitors puent Mrs Tipping took charge of the devotional which consisted ot hymn Bible reading nrayrr by Mrs Henderson and an ar ticle onStn by John Wesley This was followed by lead lng on tFraycr by Mrs lien dcrson The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted and the roll call answered by the word and Town Mr and Mrs Gra am Dixon and daugh ter Heather Edgehill Drive They will return to Strathmore Tuudiy Mrand Mrs Len Gallaugher of Orlllia were In the city to attend the silver wedding cele bration of Mr and Mrs Gar net Gallaugher Street Wednesday evening OLD HOME WEEK When the RCAF Training Command Band arrived in Mar vllle France it was old home week for certain members Sta tioned at this RCAF base with her husband and fondly is Mrs Bileskl the former Birdie Mulholland oi Stroud Mrs Eileskl entertained former classmates and Barrie Colleg late band members nowllay log with the RCAF Band at an informal reception Guests in cluded FSgt Ken Cooper FSgt Jack diseman and FSgt Jack Clark The band is on six week tour of Europe and the UK ctlrronn HAIR FASHIONS FRED GRANT ST Soft Water Shampoo Expertyllair Styling pa 65069I Cumberland liloLilet verses letter was read from the Fred Victor Mission expressing thanks In quotations from web known poems lor parcels recall ed irom the auxihary An interest resume at the Simcoe Presbyteriat which five members had attended was giv en to benefit members who had not attended Mrs Laird and hira Sloan were asked to explain the new movement inlwhlch all the wo men at the Church wilihe asked to participate In 1962 Questions were asked and discussion fol lowed The president Mrs Hender son was honoured at the Sim coe Presbyterlai in Ortilla as being one of the oiiicen in the first Slmcoe Presbyterial 15 years ago She entertained moml hers by telling of the timuend friendships formed then from various Bibl lwrll BIRTHDAY TORONTO CF One hun dred friends and relotiver watched Mrs John McEachem blow out almost all the loo candles on her 100th birthday cak FURNITURE THE BEST IN PRICES SELECTION AND SERVICE or BARRIE FURNITURE LTD 11 Mulestar at on will Visit nu Unionist Lo HAsVARRlvso AT SIMMONS gtco son wonnalmm cannmaa sm limo LOOK YOIJR van nasal in ensL can wean room amorous co BY passMammal ANb JANTZEN CASUAL wsAn communes Pantitip Chestnut Hill Juntzen canon LASSIE TAlLoososnloTs presses Jock Posluri Kaye Stone Originals ParkwnyVDrels Hosuav hyiWEdZDRESTT WHISPFBf

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