loading contr cacao TO JOIN oas JFK Asks Can 1ch Increase Foreign Aid aaaous monsoon Canadian Press sum Writer UllAWA CF President Kennedy has openly pleaded with Canada to increase Iorcign aid and expand military com mitments ar part at an overall North Atlantic plan to counter communism lIIloIrnaats said Prime Minia ter Dieienbalrer listened with in terest Wednesday to the in oi the visiting American order but made no commitments While ewhuiring need to Increase Amr conventional military forces and stressing Canadas responsIhiiltlas in the Western Hemisphere the 05 president also held out the band at peace to Soviet Premier Khrushchev Observing that all nations are part of the human family he underlined in minute speech to joint session oi Parliament that the United States will lose no chance to move iorward toward attain ment of world of peace Mr Kennedy and Mr Khnisb chev may hold their first ln formal summit meeting at VI enna early next month Mr Kennedy is reported to boys discussed this possibility with Mr Dieleubaker shortly alter his arrival here niesday eva nioa CASE WELL PUT Ending two day state visit the president came away with the satisfaction at having pleaded his case in manner described by Canadian dlpio mat as the most torceiul aver out iorward by an American eador in an appearance before Canadian MPs and senators In his speech to Parliament acknowledged by standing ova tions Mr Kennedy urged that Canada iota the 21country 0o ganiratlon otArnerican States and called on this country to pain bigger role In Latin at Canadas entry into OAS would Canadian olllclall said mean Canadian commltrnent to provide economic aid or Latin countries informantssug gested Canada cannot aiiord any slgniilcgtu contribution Mr Kennedy urged Canada and other NATO partners to in crease their conventional mili tary forces as matter of ma ior priority Realizing the split inside th qugsti of ex erxnuclear Warheadsrthe deal said that eventually tho States may consider the pass bliity of developing NATO seaborna missile lorco with truly multilateral ownership and control But that wouldnt come until the NATO powers had met their conventional arms commit menXs still tar short of their pl ed goals with POLARIS suns Meanwhile the United States wds committing live Polaris atomic missilehsubmarines to the alliancestIhiect to any agreed NATO guidelines on their conle and use More uld liecommitted later ripen spokesman said Mr ll templated no change In theAmerican law that is atthe centre at the NATO controversy This bars the as government from yield ing sole custodyand cQItrol over nuclear warheads Canada hasstated that it wouldnot allow such warheads for Bomarc antiaircraft mis siles or other weapons on Ca nadian soil untiljoint control hag been achieved Enerally the diplomatic ven turn by the write is being assessed as an outstanding success Differ encesihad not been resolved but Mr Kennedy felt that by his open approacb he hadhelped clear th the had brief view of the RCMPI president and brought into the settled where they cool he settled while respecting each others goats when they cannot be set WON OFFER MBDIAIION While Mr Dielenbaker de dined to make any pleases he appeared to have made one concession in sensitive area informants said he made clear in private talks with Mr Ken nedy that Canada would not ler to mediate the dispute be tween Cuba and the United States Emerita Aflairl Minister Grotn was reported to have stated last week to Geneva that Canada was prepared to olier Its good olIicel in mediation This made Amarch angry as they view the Castro rszime as poslnl Communist menace in Latin America The two leaders held private talks lasting two hours and 35 minutes They metin the prime ministers attics end Mr Dia lenbalrer thoughtlufly provided rocker for Mr Kennedy who iinda such seating easier on his tail ianlq frame They talked oi the need ior more loreign aid to help impov erished countries of the Berlin throat of NATO defences the future of Europes two rival trade blocs and their impact on North American exports the sticky uastloa oi whether Red China onld be admitted to the United Nations lsrm surpluses Laos and other Illuu LARGE CROWDS EOLOW All through Wednesday large crowds followed the American visitor Women seemed dazzled by his good looks He shook hands with some won new lrlends when he ogflegioaly turned or camera Jacqueline Kennedy seemed at times to even be step ahead of her husband In the popularity sweepstakes Large crowds lol lowed her as she browsed in National Art Cutlery and equestrian musical ride at run urban Rockcliiie For her evening appearance at salmo and steak dinner or to Buss at the US am bauadors residease she were long Iowa oi Pink ribbed silk Guests included Mr Dieienbe lrer Chis Justice Patrick Ker win and Opposition leader Pearson In his parliamentary speech Mr Kennedy pledged to main tain American forces in Europe andto increase their conven tional armsadding We look to allioies ass on on ity to ï¬s same essential task The NAID alliance still was the mutant bulwark oi tree dom But tharniillary balance at power was changing The West could stand still only at our peril Both conventional and nuclear strength had to be increased to show the Wests determination to respond instantly to attack The Kennedy speech was daadiy serious aside from few humorous rallies at the begin ning Few of the as Ms were missing from their seats GERMANY POST Major van ch as Duohrack AveJ Ottawa will leave for Germany in Ms to do tour oidut with Canadian Base Medical Unit Canadas NATO Briado Army Headquarer announced at 0t tawa Regular Array medlcll oliicer serving with the Can adlan Forces Medical Service Mai Vail is now stationed at canadian Forces Hospital Rock chile in Ottawa IryAnExanslnerWantAd YOUR HOLIDAY REMINDER to on stock up BEVERAGES ZELLERS MAY SALE CONTINUES Long weekendsandsuriny skies arethe or deroitheday Plan to choose your picnic camping vacation and summer cottage needs now Come see Zeliers assortment of Thriltdight prices Théyre Value Right new committee Studies Possibility OIOne Mumcipa sy sod the nine oonnnittee earn tinned its no at the Municipal Act and re statutes were the poll tax and end tithe ward system in media also tiers and touryear or ominous PG70min Mimi Cow High Pflkl III one municipal election day would be an en oourupment for peopleto out and vote because all thin rulchlnery and publicity would be cared or the cool On Vernon Singer Libero menu thirtyone percentctcamdaatobi liflcultuml production exported and 99mm is sold In the Canadien market locusts conproghh III swarms which may contain bil lion Insects and weigh mono tons dont target smokers that Ogdens Cigarette Taboo no has MW nocturn PLAN YOUR PICNICVWIITH THESE THRIFTZLPRICEDVBUYS handle Choice Picnic Says Icepal Hoipac use to Imp foods cars or hotl Easy to store reason able Two llsaato choose them 69 csIz9 l8coteh Ica lallrnunbla to lnrcoola Coley Cone 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