Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 May 1961, p. 3

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are sum lime Barrie Trucker huertsCrash vronmrsrs monomer nonseN 10 AND anon ru nvsnay 12 was UP aprons coacnnr MASONIC TEMPLE Candidates Initiated At Spring Spring Assembly of Scottish Rite Masons Rose Croix in the Valley of Barrie was completed last evening at the Masonic Temple when candidates were initiated into the lath degree The Most Wise Sovereign Deb bert Cole oi Barrie presid ed The various degrees were presented by the teams in el flcient manner with organ mu sic and choir to accompany the ritual Dinner for members visitors and candidates was served to 150 by the Womens Association of St Andrews Church in the banquet hall The head table was introduce Presbyterian by Illustrious Brother Alfred Shepherd as follows Eldon Greer James Poppa leton Rev James Ferguson of Stratford Charles McNiven Jack Butler Illustrious Brother Mr Justice Hon frelea ven of Toronto new presiding at Supreme Court Sessions in Bar rie Bovalr Rogers Ollver Cameron MWS Cole 32 who was master of ceremonies special speaker Chittick Mitchell Howard Ielt Armstrong 11 Christie Harry Morren Ewen Shepherd and Tupling cone Most Wile Sovereign Veole the They included distinguished members of Scottish Rite Ma sonry and Supreme Council Bruce Owen of Barrie ac companied by Lloyd Tuiford at Assembly some of the various pledges Jack Butler 02 the response the piano entertained with much appreciated baritone solos tiluerious Brother Vealc Commander of the Moore Con slstory at Hamilton in his ad dress gave the members re they had taken on on their way up the 32 rungs of the ladder in Scottish RitoiMosonry He felt that any man who had followed this course was better citi zen to all he contacted through out his life Your zealfor the rights of the common man will be exem pliiied in all your thinking and the world will he better We must reellze the need to ap ply our teaching ill oundaiiy lives the speaker cautioned Toast to So reme Council was given by llustrlous Brother being by Commander Vealc in this address TOAST CANDIDATES Toast to the candidates was made by lll Bro Shep herd with response by Dr Wii liam Ives of Stsyncr Following dinner adjourn ment was made to the Masonic hall where the degree work was completed by officers of the chapter past sovereigns and Lowest Tender Not Necessarily AcceptableiorSchool Buildings School boards should not prac tise false economy because school buildings last long time This was key point in panel discussion on pittalls in building schools held recently in Peterborough and attended by four members of Barrie District Collegiate Board The occasion was the spring conference of the Ontario Ur ban and Rural School trustees Association Representing this district cal legiate board were Clifford Lockhart Hickllng Mrs Clemmens and Burton MIXED UP PICTURE The Examiner received re port this morning that the pict ure on page three Wednesday of the Barrie Kinsmens execu tiveelect was printed back wards This 3on be 15 case orlt could be that the cutlines should have read right to left instead nfajlett to right it just so happens that the report is correct the picture WAS backwards Confusing WEATHER synopsis lowpressure area was moving eastward this mom ing and causing cloud across the Great Lakes regidns Occa sional rain anda few isolated thunderstorms were forecast for the regions today Partly cloudy skies with little change in temperature in face cast for Friday for rhost of Southern Ontario Sunny wea titer will continue over north ern regions and warmer air will movei from the pra es Georgian any region North Bay Stidbury clouding over with showers today Clearing to night Mainly sunny Friday Notmuch changee in tempera tureWinds light Algoma region Cloudy with few showers ending thistaiter noon Cle artn this eve ng Mainly sunny Fridayi White River Timogamiand Cochrane regions Mainly sunny and littlewarmer today and Friday Winds light today west erly is Friday Fochast temperatures Low tonight high Friday Windsor 45 Stfithomas London Kitchener Wingham Hamilton vSt Cathorrues Toronto Peterborough Trenton Murkoku Barrie district representatives found the program informative especially the building panel Nornabell oi Petcrbor ough chaired the group and reported it had been agreed adequate land must be pur chased befare building and it was wise to have soil tests made SPECIALISTS It was good judgment to em ploy architects who have bad experience in building schools and architects should employ professional engineers for light ing heating and other vital specialties Panel members noted it is notneeessary to accept lowest tenderon new school buildings provided good rea sons can be given for such ac tion public relations panel felt newspaper coveragcoi work done by boards of education could be improved It was sug gested better public relations would be promoted if joint meeting were held between home and school associations and the boards And also it the boards were to meet yearly with city councils TEACHER AND TRUSTEE teachertrustee group felt there must be closerconperat tion between trustees and tea chers Not only regarding sal aries but also in curriculum One board reported it had lnservice training for teachers The panel agreed there was no relation between department and federation rating of teach ers Teachers should be en couraged to send representa tives to board meetings Concert Donations qurieites Dingor Campaign Barrieitcsl have dug deeper than ever before into their pock ets for cancer donations The increase is plvtut 25 per cent says campaign chairman Phil Sauve About 310000 of the local $11000 obtective is now rei cclptcd Whlle campaign territory has been reduced compared to 1960 the local objective has bee creased he says He expressed pleasure with the work ofcapI talns ward chairmen and can vassers for their results The Ontario objectIVI is the members of Supreme Council LEROY RDSSEB Elect Barrie Man Director Of RAG TORONTO CP+C Joslin of Sherbrooke Que was re elected president ofthe Rubber Association of Canada Wednes day Mr Josltn is vicepresi dent and general manager of American Biltrlte Rubber Com pany Canada Ltd Directors include Ros ser Barrie andift Yohe Kitchener Mr Rosser is president of Mansfield Robber of Barrie SEA CADETS TD IAG The Sea Cadets launched their 24foot power cruiser last Saturday and onFriday night they willlaunch their annual tug day appeal They raised more than $700 last year The Mothers Auxiliary will feed theboys Saturday and tbefath ers will provide transportation $1750000 up 201per cent on last year and increased liom 3160000 till 1953 Canvass of loci allndustry and receipt of lying donations should put Ba ricaobjectlve in good stead Mr Sauve comments InIAprll some 25 local citizens availed themselves of Cancer Society services but through the year four times this number will do Barrie unit of the society aubm itaaccount to the TorZ onto office from which come Borden Pupil Show Potential During Concert The Camp Borden Schools In strumental Concert Wednesday night was attended by300 in vited guests The orchestra was composed or 10 strings and 65 horn wood wind and percussion instru ments The strings were oc companied by lono Marches shunt es folk songs tangos and hymns gave evid ence of diligent practice on the part of the students It was no until the final on core that the orchcstraa true potential was displayed The number was latin rhythm piece and the kids really open ed up on it The balance of the program was elementary and the encore revealed that the players were capable of greater things They have had lac than four months Instructionwith the instrume at the schools Police their Pair litter Escaping Hendrie Camp No youths who broke out of Hendric Forest Camp during th nieht of April 2324 are back In custody today after their car was blocked by two policemen at Elizabeth and Second Streets in Midland Tuesday Manley LcdueI 10 of Victo ria Harbour and Edward Te dy Moreau 17 of Midland ve been charged with hr entering and theft from coffee shop and driveIn theatre at Mid land and cottage at Orr Lake where the prison uniforms were discharged Sgt Ernest Bates and Cons Ross Willett apprehended the pair on the street guns drawn as precautionary measure The pair walked away from the Department of Roiorm In stitutions minimum security camp Hendrie three weeks ago There was no violence and the youths were not armed when apprehended stated Uriel Wainmau of Midland The car they were in when apprehended had just been onour bservn are still an uncertainty as Lion list for threehours Big Truck Rolls Truck driver Percy chcer 5A Dalton Street narrowly Bk cam injury yesterday Iiter noon witch his l0ton truck rolt ed over on its side Oamh Provincial and re port Dexter was headed south near the junction of no and TI highways when car and school has stopped suddenly in front of him Police said Degeer slammed on his brakes and skidded To avoid in rearend collision he wheeled his unloaded truck onto the shoulder The truck flipped over on its side causing only 75 damage Degcer was not injured Cpl Arthur Kelley of the OPP investigated Another rollover was repor ted at am this morning on the fourth line of Esn Town ship OPP said car driven by Michael Tucker of Camp Borden went out of control and turned over nrcker wlr not injured SCHOLARSHIP AWARD Marilyn Graham of Barrie received scholarship award from Macdoonld Institute dur ing Ontario Agricultural cera rnonics Wednesday Mayor Supports Salvation Amy In statement given to lhe Examiner concerning themes ent Salvation Array Red Sldcld Appeal in Barrie Mnyor Wil lard Kinda said that he has III intimate knowledge of the wel fare and social work that the local officers and citadel of the Salvation Army have been pro viding in thiscommunity In my capacity as mayor countless cases and Incidents In brought to nry attention reg ularly It is my opinion that no other can deal with these cases as effectively as the Salvation Army srru ans meanness As an example consider the case of the man newly released from Jail His first few days are vitally important to his future The city welfare department can provide hlrn with material nsslstanca but this is not always themaln thing man requires He still has personal problems problems which probably got him into trouble in the first place Tha Salvation Army has proved capable of helping fallen men back onto their feet and enabling th at to take thel pl co in society once again forget that inost people llntrcubla require assistance at or for the night The Salvation Army officer has no set hours He has proved willing to help at any hour of the day or night any day of the weekEven on statutory holidays the Salvation Army officer is ever ready to assist those in need DIFFICULT WITHOUT The countless cases the Sub vatlon Army has dealt with mustyremain untold because of their personal nature lcan say this much Your mayors Job would be extremely difficult at times without the assistance so oftenrendered by the Salvation Army It is with full knowledge and appreciation of the work of the Salvation Army in Barrie that give my full endorsement to the Red Shield Appeal wish to assure you that the need for new citadel to be used for multitude of purposes is deiint ly matter of public oncern Ellie barrio Examiner CITY AND THURSDAY MAY 1901 Numismatics Club Hears Coin Talk bit of old home was show cased Wednesday at the Loyal True Blue Hall Barrie NumLsmatics Club heard Toronto coincollector speak on Roman coinage her prizewinning specialty Mrs Joan Whtiby won recent prize with her collection The club auction saw among other things Bank of Toronto 55 note go for $580 Many ltcnu went over the blocks says club president Ken Prophet Meetings in Julyand August vote last night failed to decide the issue It will be decided next meeting Mr Prophet rays SHIP WAS BUZZED LONDON AP Moscow radlo claimed Wednesday night US plane buzzed the Soviet merchant vessel Artemer near Formosa LOCAL AND SPEEDY TRIP An Ontario Provincial Police cruiser from Toronto rushed past Barrie Monday with an urgentlyneeded drug for pa tient in St Andrews Hospital Midland The hospital adminlt istrator said later the cruiser made it from Barrie to Midland in 22 minutes EGG MEN MEET Ameeting of district egg prn4 ducera has been scheduled for Tuesday May 23 at 830 pm in the Loyal True Blue Hall on lIiflr Street Two speakers Spencer Rodway oi Poultry Products Institute and Julian Smith of United Cooperatives oiOntarlo will describe the Ontario Egg Producers Mar keting Plan and answer ques tlons runes LOSES now Mr Justice 11 Treleaven Supreme Court Judge lost BARBER snap EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Almost completely new Barbar Shop Equipment including the following for sale atbargain price Paidar Barbers Chairs with two childrens seats Pedestal sinks complete with faucets and sprays Five Sets CabineLs Iwo Counters with red arborlta tops Book Table Chrome Armchairs 38 Barber Pole electric Wall Type Coat Racks Ven etian Blind PHONPLL BROWNING 1780 COLLINGWOOD 0R WRITE BOX 38 COLLINGWOOD homes fundsto pay top the local pro at our nhowrooml BUY unless youvars sure See the latest deligm of our Pb exurban individual Design swlajd To Suit Reot Voluo Nowlathe tine taperatoll your home to suit yourindi Our mayhem permitslb 17 many economical designs that will to cut costs and dc COUNTY news GENERAL plain gold hand ring for which he places considerable sentim ental value The ring was the one presented him on his re4 ceiving his degree in the Scot tidt Rite Masonic Lodge Some time between attending the Host Crcix Chapter in Barrie Wednesday evening and the fol lowing morning the ring slipped from his finger and was lost If found the ring should be re turned to the Simcoe County Court House ICE CREAM FOR KIDS Free fireworks display will brighten the sky rrcarJheEssa railway station on Highway 90 Monday night For the children there will be free ice cream at Phils grocery store the welfare office has closed mm canvas IoththaVes Joins Phalanx In NYCollege POTSDAMJohn Graves and of Mr and Mrs Charles Graves 32 Newton Street Bab rlc was one of to Clarkson Collegepf Technology nludentl who were tapped to member ship in Phalanxduring the mov llngsup day ceremonies on May Phalanx the colleges high est recognition society was founded at Clarkson in 1928 to recognize Etndent leadership in extracurricular netivltlu Graves Junior in business administration at Clarkson has 240 honor points in five semes ters ilevis varsity hockey player member of Deltalfp silon social fraternity and the Society for theAdvencer meat at Maringement he has secretary of tho VarsiLv Club and member of the Junior Class Council Next year he will serve as president otthe Rho Beta Sig ma buslness administration honorary cataln of the varsityf hockey team nd president of the Scouts To Present fireworks Display The first BarrioBoy Scouts will present mammoth flre wotks display at the BarrieFair Grounds at dusk on Monday Advance publicity fed the vent speaks of slwrockets all lers spinnersHound bombers aerial bombs plmxhccls ground and aerial display In case of raid the dis will be postponed May 27 JKIEJRNS ye we LR LIAITED BARRIE Hone AZA muttmi st At Anna st SPECIAL VOFFER THE FINEST SILVERPLATE 50pieceserviceior Only $8995 Regular om Stuck Value $127 In MAGNIFIDENT SYMPHONY DRAWER CHEST crust annulus oclock Teaspoon Teaspoon brsrsnSpoonr folks Sllld Fork ttnlvus Butler ltnlln 150 spoon Nows thctime to enioy Ihe beautiful CommunityS crplnte youvd always wantedand so reasonably priccdl Come rn choose your favourite pattern today Magnificentrmahoganypr walnut tintsh chest has Ziantiqued drawer pulls and cover ft Ricth lined with mtitamish which Holds more than 150 pieces

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