also tieid sod delivered mywhern Reasonable rates rates Telephone mounting and Grading Water GRADING AND EXCAVATING rows removed hull bl ARTICLES on SALE ARTICLEstoi on YOUR FIREWORKS AT ROBINSONS HARDWARE FREE SPARKLERS With Every Purchase of $100 or lion 31 DUNLOP SI ADAMS TURNITURE PRICED TO SELL BARGAINS MAXWELL ia BLADE Rotor Lawn Mowers cycle REGULAR $6900 PRICED TO SELL $5900 MARCONI 17 TV Table Model REGULAR $19900 PRICED TO SELL $12995 RANGEIIES FOR THE COIIAGE 4995 UP STILL AVAILABLE 3800M GROUPS FROM $39900 AND UP TERMS TO SUIT YOUR POCKET BOOK No Money DownUp to years to payNo outside Financing at Adams BUY AT ADAMS PAY AI ADAMS ADAMS 98 DUNLOP ST WEST IN BARRIE PA 6025i Powan LAWN Mowers repaired Hamiltonl Radiator and Lawn mover Service ii Frederick sirsot asrrio or Telephonl PA NEW Pelican Air an Purlaces regular sue now to sold in 05 tiling lpenial S150 durouot lnsiaiiatino extra Telephona Hall or PA 33223 amth 0531 Singer Vacuum Cleaner lnr sale with Ecoli niii cleaning equipment murals teed oiusi he won to ba appre elated Telephone PA H487 UPHOLSTERY £33031 lifrs Jamaal run ATPALNRYTO YOU PRICE GAIL HAIRPA bill ALL TIME SPECIALS piece dust set upholstered 100 Nylon Mat Included only aim SLIPCOVERS Material zippers extra arm covers elm all Included Only $8495 GENUINE ITRILANI CARPET NG Only $695 sq yd Wall to wall carpeting spedalw NEW CHEST SETS FROM $14900 Foam rubber rudders extra arm caps loam padding all round etc Modems french Provincial contemporary do rlgns Your choice at materials Liietlme construction warranty CALL MAYFAIRAT PA 61612 BARRIE The largest and most reason ably priced upholsteryand rug shop It Central Ontario for up holsterrd furniture of all types mailulactured right here QUICK EFFICIENT SERVICE NO OBLIGATION FREE ESTIMATES Residents of Central Ontario or further Information estim ates or enquiries CALL MAYFAIR CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY and RUG CO PA 61612 COLLECT or next time In Barrle drop Into our showroom and actory AT 64 BAYFIELD Twowtnal Car Trailer Plywood box Apply in Peel Strut humankind strawberry Plants or rain Telephone so are KNGINE LATHE 151nm awinl net oetween centres For Iilrlrir detour contact Ludwig Melon Emvaie Ontlrio roilcnn Ant ou nimaca wlin zoo gallon tank as new 55000 aru Aiao lumber every descrip tion plumolnu pipinu oaraoa Apply 160 Maple Ave Barrie LLovn BABY Carri2r oood con diuon years old Paid 60 Sell lag nail price Apply Mn niay den Mary Street Barrie Tele phone PA 00501 Trimt sPlN DRY Washer rink unit cln no converted to dish washer Allo Gravity Hot Air run oaee Bert olier Apply In no Peel street or telephone PA 51m arter pm GlLl anion error to Maple Avenue aarrie PA BIllu open dauv Lin to it pin Sundays noon to is 1111 Smolen sup purl Nellsonl lee enrol new pnperl and night editions nun lines and sundries ovnitneAn Garage Tudors any lire Gas Stove nnat Ind Motor good tor arhinp also number of ruiu dresser cull to had run dinng alro Wail enck new kit enan let Telephiglfe apply is Mary ot BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year TaIEDhone PA 82414 CAMPING EQUIPMENT SANITARY DISPOSAL TENT AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR Rm Tani and Tarps Camp Cots and Stoves Cholera BARRIE TENT AWNING CO LTD si BAYPIELD 5mm TELEPHONE PA 17 LANDSCAPING WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE HOGS Removed promptly for disposal Telephone Barrie PAMISI Long distance Zenith 34800 at our expense ED PECONI AND SON LTD GRILLIA License No 60651 FOR LAN DSCAPI NG Sodding sneaing and Lawn Maintenance CALL ARNOLD DEES PAINSWICK PHONE STROUD 63m FREE FsTlMATEs BARRIE LANDSCAPING SOD SUPPLY Pres natlmotes Iandseapinn inwhr maintenance Sodding seeding rul ung lertlllzlnz iprulnz Cedar Hedges and avorproona rpseiai ity Kentuuin or Marion hlna grass TELEPHONE PA 61555 noTo TLLING Lawn Mowing and nardan work done Reasonable Jonkmln Stroud mm or urther lnlnrm Itlon EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL 5011 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Denvery Criuhed none Ear Yard aaekhoo tor hire DENNIS MORAN Anna street PA mm DOZER worm Blrrll Fish ohds hnskuoted fence earlu LEE HART PHONE PA 83075 VENINGS PA 83139 BARRIE BOATS MOTORS JOENSSNP EVIENRUDE mar LAWNJSOYDMOWEBS AQUA STATION DELANEY BOATS BAYEIELD ST BARRIE PA 03461 PAINTERS SPRING PAINTING nave yonrplinunr done now at renaonlblerrntel Por experienced painters phone LLOYD CONRAD 0R0 3723 FREE ESTIMATES VI DEAD ANIMAT DISPOSAL ACT We have been licensed to remove your dead and crippled Karin ani tnala under the above Adi FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARRIE PArkwuy 08617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE 95061 INSULATION Airtité Insulatiori 1r hnppy to announce in addition to their ROCKWDDL mimicrd sldlnx Lv urns ID compete Illltd with Styrofoam milk lug hlï¬lfl board in eight COIDIS We It H150 including aluminum doors windows Indlwml DY WINTm SEAL ALL WORK GUARANTEED mTlMAm TERMS Write or phone scornMm2u MINESING COLLECT Ble YOU BUYGIVE Us my CON CRETE ICONCRETE cerium woes on smswALxs DRIVEWAYS CLIRBS EASE Mm FLOORS STOOPS PATIDS BLOCK WORK zxmlhn sruo C0 APPLICATIONS FREE ESTIMATES PHONE PA 58497 REFRIGERATION STAN aRYSON haraiounarloitsmvlca aa flannelton Si PHONE PA 04562 PLASTERING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING cumulus ROOMS Archways Patches PREE ESTIMATES NO DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRIK LEFROY 60M PA user or overhead In murmur uni at mainsa chateau tartar sunr wat woes PA our mocan In good wanted mo WANT TO BUY pals metal ï¬lmy loll Carlin rumbl lot atanii ulna Talova PA BOATS MOTORS IllBOAT moot ianlnr nun Mainsll and no In no not Telephone PA Moan human is him fltll higher elarPtrie start his is an in m2 53 mo Teinp aha PA mic is PACE Iliu as uh Johnea electric wilth II ulnar ahleidfhltk veil added Int links 113 Ind en Lrlllhr Apply 09 Collier Emu BOAT P31333030 Cedlr Strip uri ear to Canvas covered non ioon Inï¬ll on limo IBVI Belt Trailer claeo No around one refund Phone PA will harm ll ILP rem HandelIII Illh 14foot Marthe Piullu WIldnoou Hidbout New 1057 Complete with luel lull paddlll and Ill prerervels mo Phoha uurdodt at PA noose canal amr near and Trailer complete In hp Johnna motor airo in lap Mereilry alotor with controls aim mt bottom punt lnod lor summer eottur lump ahil Telephone PA seam 15 FOOT Moulded Plywood 15 hveie¢trlc TM Nee trailer two Hailed Ianlu all controls wind shield electric horn deck hlrd ware like Ind extra Dump Bull Telephone PA $173 or comic llck Wextmmr Mlflnl Barrie FRUIT VEGETABLES coon QUALITY navoreii Sebatn Potatoes or rule ï¬eld In ected and clean Ilse Cookshutt allure Spreader drive cnaln good condi lion Allah nouney uiahunt Phone PA 57665 FLOWERS PLANTS ROOTS BOX PLANTS Complete assortment EOR $100 GLADIOLI BULBS All Colors 500 DOZEN DUTCH BULB FARM RR Thornton Ont PHONE IVY 20 On Hlliivvay at Thornton Clover Led SFARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK HOLSTEIN eoivs tor nil LIX tinted and as tested dun June luurt sell Phnna Elm 708113 FARM MACHINERY BILL MESLEY McKEE HARVESIERS STROUD PHONE 73321 Manufacturers of 0111 Conveyen Palllhll Dock IJpnlnt hltoh tractor Elrrlm BUY DIRECT AND SAVE crlAriLris Home FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE Que New Holland David Brown neatly Farm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA 09378 IUSED HAVING EQUIPMENT IEOUND AND SQUARE BALEns hchEE lMAN HARme ICASE FORAGE mvrslarls CASHTRADETEHIMS mam oasani Sephrltonlnd Milken Sales and parts crou hnnt Ont Po Box at or tain phone PA 50410 ALUEvCEALIIIBRE haier and Po wer Mower Beurcat Hammer aiiil Massey Harris hinder and Mmure Spreader smnu Implelt moiits hinpie Syrup equipment iaek Dyer mmvuie phone mun FEED SEED GRAIN QUANTITY or Sweet clover Seull for late Telephone stayner mwr evenings RODNEY SEED Oats cleaned and treated Apply Wuhur Dobson telephone PA 87857 TABLE POTATOES sebuns or rate also registered Seed Oats cleaned Maurice Ebertt RE Barrie Telephone PA salsa WANTED naied straw rol seeding purposes on Elzhwhy 03 from Crown Hill to Cralghunt Apply navlsdn Eros telephone 1w Grand Valley Ontario Poona OEICKS DEKALB CHICKS Place your order now or deliv ery whendulred WI quert anaih for good livability celient egg unity htxher re dis Also nook and ed smex crossbredl Prieaa and lervlce on request HUNTERS POULTRY FARM STROUD PHONE 77 PASTURE WTD T0 BENT NM wmun lo aura wnriraola farm land with heavy loll Brahma Barrio urea Telephone iorv pmlcullrl AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE 1951 PONTIAC two to choose reom automatic or standard trans mission and down per mnnth vn Kramer Melon phonn PA Irma 1953 Mail hiua andwhite re Cflgldlufléllnfl modoi Nelw tilles and ea nan up no For 23 inrormatIon teiopholra PA mszronn ï¬ï¬‚mlig $212 en on am 175 Ford rood mnner radio 3110 1954 Ford real rha new pal good ilres and runn rig on Sprnuls Supertest one mile PHONE COLLECT louth of Thornton away 37 Phnnl lvy 411111 HHS met ARTICLES SALE AUTOMOTIVE MMOB caaaroa Sara roll 0N ovmn USED CARS Inn DON YOUNG KRAMER llamas LTD BRADFORD 81 BAN PA an WVIAU RAMBLER= HILLMAN AND LANDVROVER 10 DOWN 717 GOWANSIREET PA mu LTD WHO Elan WANTS NEW CAR Buy it Now With LowChit Lilo1mm scorn PLAN LOAN rat BANK 0P NOVA SOOTIA us roan shlrp no down and is per nlnotin Call Bruce Idc he PA 66590 use cuzv aaDAN nlre two Innryrldlo are down on per month Phone PA sour mo ZNVOY SEDAN 6900 miles Prira 31650 Apply at Hurt Moo on Duniop Street clover Leu ciln be onuant lol umenia ol sill per month To ephona PA 001m 1m with salmon tin and white unuo ainranted $100 down per month Kramer Motori phone PA 1551 BUICK Convertible nutonia tie two lOIIo blue radio in air condition Telephone PA tom Aiter also pm 1555 Folio Palrllne automatic and run equipped Carries lor Altman month Telephone PA 50 n51 VOLKSWAGEN innlu run like now Must be lold Ap ply Bimle Barrie Om thrlo Telephone PA Hoes nu Auam IHII blast with red top excellent condition 3350 Radio and new will Telephone Streiid no 18 FORD Renata Wagon lor in new molor brakes etc Lovely condition Pilohc Lenny soil or lurtIiel particulars 1251 BUICK tour door Sedan for Jule pflvately owned A1nin rilng order Owner wishes in purchase slatlon wiron Thie phone PA new CARS wm TO uni cAari WAN $000 at an ear month Telephone PA W03 Crelv aaat Finland on Dunlop at PERSONALS Part nasmas rim to Top onto Prlduy alternoon at LEIJock Telephone PA mu oerora pm and WOMENS COLUMN Em FASHIONS and coloring permanent wives Eventi appoint ments For pmlelsiaiu service call PA 68774 nun anon coldwvu etc by certiï¬ed hairdresser in our own home Phone PA 5i7 or PA H507 to HELP WANTED VMALEIIELP JUNE 12 To For further information Please tell MR sDAVIS 91 TELEPHONE PA 021 mnnmuoao Gardener or runP mer home Crescent Huihour Lake Simone Concession 12 ll Hui sixdud rm Telephone 65111 strand sanwcn STATION unit have previous experience Steady employment or the right man Please state experience and rumpus replies conï¬dential SALZSMKN lorvmans nnii hnya wear Must neexperieneed trpa men Apply Mostynl Street West Barrie EXPERIENCED Married Herdsmln for absentee Snail flmlly Preferred New mod em bedroom flat on paved road nelr school Good pay with incen tive arrangement pnarlhlo in lut ure Reply in writing orvlsit on weekend Lewlr Route Hawkestone 0nt FEMALE HELP WOIIMN nunior to can ror elderly lady llght hnuseworx Iin In pilnno PA unis one Try drummer Want Ad Phone Pa 82414 rrsv NICE TO Know OUR GAS Is THERE WHEN DAILY MEALS YOUR HANDS PREPARE Momch 13 FORD two door with radio attendant APPlY BOX HILBIrrlI Exuntneru in Private holds in name and do 10 lieu wmrep ii LEGAL NOTICES mm mm mm Wm PUBLIC NOTICE W335 my mm 330mg FORT WILLIAM IONMore SALESLADY AND Assomm than no member of Junior FOR mm earlyin eh onus ar CIGARVCOUNTER planhlnl Emmilull runyen shill work and enzlneen notice In Mr BRDDIGAN AII Usual Employee Benefits gynghlonlntslmplnnd In any way Dated at Toronto this 11th day UNITE CIGAR smut 20 DlTNLOP 5mm to slay not ï¬x SALES BELPE AGENTS Rx HAVENl Chamber at an DGctod to attend the annual ms Llrio convention in Fort Wil my AND moors AND Aswanrm Command Ontario or their aollcllorl herein Ilam this weekend stemr Kayo mamaon caps land suite no as ilienrnood Our LSZrticed strut Wm Tomato Ontario l3 AUCTION SALES BARRIE Interest at on savings Accounts com ute on AUCTION ROOMS minimum quarterly balance and cradlth gall 50 DUNLOP smear wasr yearly chequinz Privilezei AUCTION SALE INVESTMENTS Friday Moy19 1961 Interest at on three to live year Guaranteed 730 pm Investment Certificates Time Deposits Partial list at goods offered for sale Used furniture used stoves and on residents Properties 01 implOVed lama reirigerutors antiques scatter We 1°53 b05159 DYDDBrtIEa °° SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULT cies garden tools summer salety Deposit Boxes at modest cost or Becuritien cottage lurniture QUANTITY OI NEW and valuable documents ESTATES BANKRUPT FURNITURE STOCK WILL ALSO BE Executor or Administrator otestates bringing to estates the knowledge and experience necessary OFFERED Many small nrliclns too num Ior eriiclent administration Booklet Your Will will he sent on request erous to mention TRUSTS Terms Trustees or those too busy or unable to look after their own lnvatlnents AGENCIES Agenhsfor the management or Real Estate Mort gages and Investments torindlvlduals also admin Istel estates its agents for private Executora and trustees RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN Participation in by individuals will save on lncolne tax and provide pensions ici retirement Booklet with intormatlon will be sent on reoueat TRUSTEED PENSION PLANS Trustee for Trusted Pension Plans for employers and employees Booklet describing the main factors which any employer should consider when develaplt ing or amending pension plan will be sent on re quest AII members or our services Enquiries may he made through Henry Elrlok Minnie opportunity VICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY OWEN SOUND rsraausrmn 1000 $500 STARTING INCOME DEPENDING 0N QUALIFICAN ONS Ages39 yelrI resident In Barrie Mattie uhllon running or uivaient hum owner at an au omohUe BONUS INCDHXVI pill opportunity to Drorreu MUST Bo preleritly employed but Keel your ability Is not being recog nir or nilemployed APPLICANTS Will in selected on but ill ca bully and solitude Sales train or rivan Iiii replies trolled inroo adneo BOX 46 BARRIE EXAMINER wmiin Man for nearly trvrl anion Consume1 In Barrio Per manent connection with large maulElmer Only reliable hlial lettomidud Write todii inw leilhl Dept 512813 106 Rich elieu Mnntrell BMPLOYMENT WANTED wru LOOK AFTER children In my own home WIII clli Tele phone PA 61535 DAY CARE or children or babiel at farm hours on Barrie to Cam 53 highway Telephone Cash Jerry CoughIin AumONEElt AUCTION SALE Auction me rurniture will hcifl1t th homa oi ihc LATE MRS III SCUII Halvkeslooe VIuago Oro Township on SATURDAY MAY 201 PM Electric whlhlnl mlcnine luent aim Hedi lpflnll tress dressers wuh stand Idrawen nqu antique odd chllrl Ironing board rungette Quuhrc healer electrii in Electric kettle electric not In lawn mower lollpiece re of dishes urdeu tools and dishes ruler and cracks white plill garden until hibr table knlek knam aavarll matter rugs roll away bed now wardrobe dining tabla cblifl bullet cupboard chuterfleld Ilvinl room llbla ruckera 0o refrigerator k1t linen cabin our eilalra our stall will be glad to have the iIiAiiiueo MA with three child ï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬‚nï¬ 153° phone news sonarqu Accountant re tired on union amr so you aervtee wlh local am seeking 931 llsfll 53 lm PA new as up one II LEGAL NOTICES racTtNroN NOTICE loo NEYAlyAcSIIIONSTERDRILLIA TO PROPERTYOWNERS +1 TOWNSHIP OF ESSA AUCTIONEERS DESTROY WEEDS mflkgggmfiogmu AND Native Il hereh given to all Person In posses on or land In PHONESBARRIE PA M5 accordance wtin The Wood coo VICTORIA HAN30 5°53 50130 10510 Sectioh1l and Eggssï¬nalmgeggzzwm In llnlu noxous weeds aerv rig you and exp 11 any III III 1m lh 313 01g iï¬ajlslkaigweg Satlslied customers as nos on Illlroï¬fylloutntoe talso tileh milrili AUCTION SALE cpl eher on land and hava tuapwreds Iles iflII3lrr° troyed charging the costs Against on lAanthn taxes or retout In lid The enooerahon oi au eitimla RAWN 21 Highway Killer south or sin vaie Sala at p111 sharp Sale consists at can trucks nature is earnestly solicited gt reacocx WEED INSPECTOR SOUIK SIMCOE lardl machinery ports Irallen toils elscrlp rams equipment pony and saddle and hundreds or other articles too ouolsrom to mention Ml TRACE AUCTIONEER TRY ANvEXAMINER WANT AD Phone Pa 82414 Issue Tour $200000000 GOVERNMENT orciuipi BONTDSV Bank of Canada is authorized by the Minister of Finance to receive subsetRodeos for to beissuedasfoilows 1IYEAR Iii MONTH NONCALLABLE BONDS DUE DEOEMBER 15 1962 ISSUE Pniczi 9315 YIELDING ABOUT 435 TOOMATURITY Interest payable tune is andme 15v Onevhalf moniha Interest payable June 15 1961 Denominatiommpoo $5000 525000 3100000 and 31000000 0f the totalvof 32 000000 an amouiifdi $50000000 0f no sold to Bank of Canada in excigjnge for an equal par value of Foods maturing DecemberI 19610nda further $40000000 inexchaiige for Treasury Bills of the apeciai12nionth issue maturing on June2 1961 The proceeds of the issue will be used to retire the remaining $10000000 the special 12amonth issue of Treasury Bills due on June and to proud $100000000 of new money for general purposes of the Government or Called IIheBonds will be dated June 1961 and will bear interest from that date Principal and interest are payable in lawful money of Canada Pï¬ncipal is payable at any Agency ot Bank of Canada Interest is payable any branch in Canada of any chartered Without chat Bonds may be registered as to principal orras to principal and interest Deï¬nitive bends villi available novel about Juno 1961 and thereaftemn two form bearer form with upona attached this form may be registered as to riiicipal and fullyregistered form With interest payable bYCheqtla Bonds of both forms wi be in the some denominations and fully inter changeable as to ammoniumor form without chargelsubject to Government transfer requirementswlierenpplicaliiel enaw Bonds are an ad hop to $175000000 of 393 Bands diié Debemberis 1902M onMnrch15I9tiLl This loan is authorizednod authority of an Act of Parliament oï¬Canada andlioth ptinapd andinterest area charge ontlio Consolidated Revenue Fund of Calla Sulleerl to saihhetio allotment may bomade flank of Canada throuslnn IIIth dealer ollglllle to act as primary distributional any bankIii Canada friie nodular union1min Moreno attain vimI Want ALLISTON WESTON HE5bl43 CHISZBO