AROUND smcoe COUNTY MOUNT ST LOUIS The Mount st Louis swim ming class group held meet ing at Mrs Ronalds home re cently This may has mem bers from Vasey Coulson Eatiy Mooiutone Dalston Hillsdale Meidup Cralgharst and Mount St Louis The group decided to make donation oi $15 to each of the following groups Orillis Retarded Childrens Association Barrio Retarded Childrens As BiminiIUD dland Retard ed Childrens Association and Hills dale ywYilca An area meeting was held last Wednesday evening in Hills daie There was good attend once and plans are made for Iwinuning lessons at Dro Lake again this summer If anyone is interested contact Mrs Praw ey The party in St Louis hall Friday evening was success The winners in the ticket draw resulted as follows First prize Joe Sullivan Orr Lake second 815 Paulette Friglet of Scarborough third 10 Mrs King Mount St Louis The St Innis Council of the CWL wish to thank all who help ed with this project Mr and Mrs Klbble Bulialo NY spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Theo King STEELES CORNERS Among the guests Sunday with Mr and Mrs Matt Kneeshaw and boys were Mrs Art Grifa tiths and Mrs Jack Gordon of British Columbia Mr and Mrs Earl Dales were guests of Mr and Mrs Gregg Davis Sunday and attended the baptism of their niece Ronnie Elizabeth Davis In the United Church at Churchill Mr and Mrs Allan Brown and boys Dalston spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ernest Knee shaw Sunday visitors with Mrsand Mrs Oscar Sutherland were Mr and Mrs Clifford Geddls at Toronto and Mr and MrsJack Taylor St Pauls Saturday guests with Mr and Mrs Linwood Sturgeon were Mr and Mrs Doug Fryer and Pan Toronto Paul remained with his grandparents or few days John Dales Toronto spent Sunday at his home here With Mr and Mrs William Sturgeon on Sunday were Mr and Mrs Grant Britton Tore to Mr and Mrs Ken Blanch ard Richard Ind Anne Allist on and Mr and Mrs Robert Sturgeon and girls Bradlord Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs ErnestDaiu were Mr and Mrs Elmer Dales Mr and Mrs Hamid Data John Ron nie and Heather main Mr and Mrs William Hunter and Robin Mount Dennis Mr and Mrs Archie Adams and Carol AnnWutm DIiLSTON Mr and Mrs Al Grady and boys spent the weekend visitinl Mr Gradys inlher In Windsor Edward Handy had an acei dent with his tractor Friday evening The will meet attha home of Mrs Waiter Forbes on Thaw day at pm MrsDora Hart spent few days visiting her daughler Mrs Wesley Harper at Aurora Misses Della and Myrtle Emms Barrie spent the week endwith their parents Mr and Mrs Dr Em Mr andMrs Mcl Hillmnn and daughter of Port Credit spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Allan Bouncy Miss Marilyn Moore and Miss Key Penncr of Morrisburg spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Harold Moore Mr and Mrs Gale Moore and family at Scarborough were guests of Mr and Mrs Harold Moore Mr and Mrs Al Moore and family and Miss Marguerite Fresh of Sault Ste Marie were weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Bob Handy wonora varian Mr and Mrs Salisbury and children visited the form ers parents at Dalston on Sun day Mr and Mrs Craig and family at Craighurst visited on Sunday at Handys Oakland Hill hall team played at Clowes on Friday and were beaten The mpiorcr Groups girls formed the chair on Sunday at the Mothers Day service Their group leaders Mrs iackman and Mrs lermoy took part In the service Mrs Iuck organ ist and leader of the group wlll take the girls on hike Satur day and entertain them at her home for refreshments Emil Budvil proprietor of the Wonder Valley Motel is under the doctors care TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVit CHANNEL mm TMUEIBAY MAY 11 400 Popeye mu Pall 010 Junior Roundup 510 Roy Rogers aon News Headlines 601 Three Stealer 620 Form Ilrkel Report 62 Don sinleson us News Weather Sport 700 Gunman 130 The Rebol 500 Live narrowed Lilo aso Checkmatn 910 Tennessee Ernie Ford 1000 country Junction 1040 Peter Gunn onchv News To Weatherman Today in Sport community News 1186 Decoy may MAY xi 1010 resr emun 1045 Sacred Burt iioo Romper Room 1200 Fobeyo norm 1225 Noondly Report News Sport Weather Earn1 on nmnl on 1250 Movie Adventures or Rookel 200 onensrsnow 230 Open anon 310 The Verdict coa Popeye mo Polo and Junior nounoup 530 Cannonball coo News Headlines 1100 1115 Youru sol Daredevil Dun un Farm Market itrpori 124 Dan Iamleson 625 News Whither Snort 100 rather Knows East uu Vyltt Ehrn Country Hoedown Perry Moron Dlnler Nan Have Gun Will Travel Tiantro CBCT News The Weatherman Today in sports Community News Movie Cloak and Dagger SATURDAY 1m zo 140 Test Pattern News Brion Football Assoc Cup mu Movio Ihlnu Happen At Night Road to th Midnight Sun The Freshness Rosella ran Andy minim Show 700 Dennis the Menace 70 The PeoEIea chain and an an no sea Hunt 100 Great Movies Ninotchkl 1030 Juliette 1100 can News 1110 News Weather Sports 1115Movtes Dance With Me Henry Thercruei Sea 1100 030 930 10110 1030 1100 1115 115 cho CHANNEL roa0N1Q5 anunsnar MAY is 400 Professors aloeway can Atria Patrol 600 EarrlnEeat ssn News Weather Spam out or the Fort Lock1111 Theatre At Eight 1n aeaei am or the Matter News Weather Sport amer Lats Anatar Performance News Wanthu5prmo cpuorno FRED MAY rm and Easy Encore Theatre ES am esso IIWI Men Into Spin on Guile ows er IndEports Outdoorl Leave It To Bll The Third Mu Eerie Meet Meal1w Two Faeu Welt Country Style sssssss aromaï¬rm 29 hah no 1030 ILW 1200 News Weathl Ind Spam Better Late News 1205 Friday in I155 EDIIUllID SATURDAY MAY 20 1050 Three Musketeers Professors Fl New Girll our Ryan Reports Special Credit Peonam Channel Nine Theatre Indian Uprising Int League Baseball Wrestling Hobby House 111 Time News Wanther spam Palladium King Gunm snow Twenty Questions Naked City lI or the Week Io n11y Esaw Show pgespsnsr cssgeas News Weather Sport Manhunt Saturday Night Theatrr Cnribbaln Epilogu cnn2 minim your carrier has not arrivedby 13111 please 1824337 phone in oéryivm BerDeIIvEred To mining THERE lNolcriaaos ror THIS SERVICE IVVALLEYIIIAXI The Midhunt Home and Sdoool Association for $5 No amassuou acid tho on nual meeting on luesdayMay at MldhursL Mrs Bil11le of the Cedar View Home and saw Association outdated at the Installation at oifloers or the inmming executive Elected to cities were Past president Mrs Goodhnod president Mrs Mary Fey vice president Mrs Alex Cameron secretary Mrs Malcolm Stlb bard treasurer Mrs Sutton program convene Mrs Galbraith and Mrs I45 Bert ram and social convener Mr Miller The program highlights were discussed for the past year Mrs Bouldry stated that the talk given by Mr Duckworth of An gtts on forest fire ï¬ghting moth ods had been most educational Ralph Congdon oi the Barrie Brigade at the St Johns Am bulance gave very informative tall onfirrt aid and artiï¬cial respiration in March Mrs Lloyd Spence teacher for the senior room announced that the annual bus trip would be held May to The trip will in clude sightseeing in the Coiling wood area with visits to the Georgian Bay china plant the Blue Mountain pottery works and to Kaufman Furniture Mrs Frankcom teacher for the im ior room announced that arran gements had been made with Mr JHalpenny superintendent oi the Depmmcnt of lands and Forests tor the inter students to visit the forestry It Midhurst The annual Fidd Day for the liner Township schools will be held Friday atteronon June at the Barrie fair grounds Visitors at the Rethink home during the weekend were Mrs Leland of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Orland Robin and dau ghter of Niagara Falls Mrs Geargo Peacock is out again alter her recent illness Robert Whitley patient in Alliston hospital Special baptism and sacra mental services were held in the Everett United Church last Sunday morning wllh 15 new members loinins the diurch Special Mothers Day services were held in all the local chur ches Sunday May 11 There will be Victoria Day celebration in Everett May 22 $100 is being offered for prizes in ball games Plan now to spend the day in Everett Some anglers are having luck with fishing In thestreams around Everett COOKSTOWN Mrs Eifio Glass who has been recu crating from abrok en hip sited her home in gookstown for short time Sun 2y CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BECKER North denlcr Both sides vulnerable Noam oars VAB oxen no we KJVM Jo 65 Q93 aoEn AAKQIOIGD iv 14 gas Final contractsix spades Opening lendtwo oi hearts Here is an interesting hand vows 910354 54 played in 1958 in match be tween France and Italy The bidding at the two tables is now shown Italian pair held the North South cards they bid our spadlt es and made iive against the opening load of heart scoring 650 points When the French pair held the NorthSouth cards they bid live spades at one point in an eiiort to reach slam but East West hid six hearts which got doubled and wasdeieated 1100 points France thusgained 450 points on the exchange of pants The French might have done even better it they had hid six spades At ï¬rst glance it seems impossible to make tw tricks with heart lead by West but there is good chance HENRY but when the that South would hnvo found the way to make the slam The only chance deciaror ap pears to have is to play for 33 break in diamonds in which case he can dispose oi loser on dummys diamond This play if attempted would fail but declarer can by not ural lay make twelve tricks if he judges the hand correctly It costs South nothing after winning theheart lead to cash all his trumps After he leads six rounds of spades this he comes the position arms 41510 Enos minimum south 07 A32 14 West amass 41m Sollth leads his last trump West cannot afford to part with diamond so he discards club It should not he diiiicillt Ior declarer to read from Wests discards of three hearts and the lack of clubs that West is hanging on to our diamonds and that it Is Iutile to hope for 33 division of that suit Declarer thereiore discards diamond from I1 and loads club towards the king West wins with the ace but must concede the rest of the tricks to South Tomorrow Bidding over take out double ETTA KEIT ironms JULIET JONES massardmmxmvasnarmrnm women in Tova some ï¬r gggm YESTERMY FIGUKED MID HE MW Lars EKIWEILI LARRY ORAN NON but as nrsxesraa CENTURY AUTO PARTS NEWNEWIIEW BRAKE LINING AXLE SET wheels 350 and up SHOCK ABSORBERS hercules double not 475 and up BUMPER JACKS 335 TOPPER PORT WALLS black and white 695 setJJI i0 REG NARROW PORT WALLS white 350 set of tour FENDER MIRRORS 295 and Illl BRAKE DRUMS 5158 Chev 780 each BRAKE DRUMS Ford 350 each UNIVERSAL JOINTS 89 and up RADIO AERIALS section 265 each 1mmF our wmaav DIDNT sway HIMSELF LOWEST PRICES ilSEli PARTS GUARANTEED REAR AXLES FUEL PUMPS DIFFERENTIALS BRAKE SIIOES TIRES TRANSMISSIONS you RADIAIORS urnrerun GENERATORS FRONT also STARTERS ASSEMBLIES waEeLs BODY PARTS FEIIIIIIIILE noon llliiilllE How come mom HE Luce THE PICTURE WHEN 1m BACK we again amaze For ME To 0505 warm Encouioei PIEEOHRAGE amcgs ON our FGEEION 701157 Tax 0N For Pencil URANDMAJ wElGit POUND LESS THAN DID VESTERDAKJ lt BUZ SAWYER No BARRIE CREAMERY WITH EACH $500 MEAT PURCHASE Burran 496 HAMMONDS runs2 23 common 51 sonar DONALD DUCK THE cHAMPl KILLER KARI mum our no 115 luv Mtltliltsliwvm till lRiNli YW Till WHAT iliiimfa Sire swarm one nowvan won me agar was om gm unanrs Ln09 Ali71mth nu minimisationl Ali 50 as lit Kliswe mus our MM luvs must win Moat no MONKEV STUFF YOII Pay Minn on visa Muses ANDLSKEETVER AT POL Wages