Prolonged Voyages In Space May Have Serious Effects BOMBAY CPmel Haldane worldfamous British scientist and biologist who has acquired ludian citizenship and teaches in Calcutta betieva that Soviet spaceman Yuri Ga xarln is little more likely than before he went up to de velop certain kinds of cancer In an article published In The Times of indie Indias biggest national daily Prat Haldane said Space travel may be as dangerous as clgaret smoking from this cancer point of view He sold thot highenergy por tlcles seem Io have general aging effect and Gagnrin may have diminished expectation of life by week This in not serious matter but the effect of years voy age in space might be very re rious indeed So the medical ex amination to which he will be subjected or the rest of his lite moy be at great importance to future space travellers even it Ihe dogs which were up or longer yield more information Pmi Haldane also thinks that small blind patches may have appeared in Major Gaoarins retinae the lightescnsitive mem branes at the back of the eyes They are not likely to spread and are quite harmless as we all have large blind spots al ready which we do not nor mally notice But it he has got even few blind spots in on EMPLOYEES DISCOUNT SPECIAL GRADE FLOYEES DISCOUNT SPECIALI Copaco Wieners EMPLOYEES DISCOUNT SPECIAL Lobiaws Arrow Brand Rimlless Side Bacon EMPLOYEES DISCOUNT SPECIALI Swifts Premium Brounschweiger EMPLOYEES DISCOUNT SPECIAL Swifts Premiumx Sandwich Spreadin VEMPLOYEES DISCOUNT SPECIALI Choice Bologna Sliced rassu rasrss ossr EMPIOYEE$ DISCOUNT SPECIAL CaliforniasFines Strawberries 49° EMPLOYEES oiscoum SPECIALI pa salad or Picnics Cherry Tomatoes EMPLOYEES DISCOUNT SPEC Celery Stalks EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon Purchase Two llFL oz ans AYLMER carsur no Couponmp May rt twoext Tin Minute Maid Frozen Grapefruit Sections no Coupon Exp May 24 iieanmo rmr aox IALI FrpmFIorirIui No Grade era sums With Coupon Purchase hour in space there may hea Witth danzuottotalhliadneselnnrioue three years voyage to Juplifl or Saturn DialImus tho died of the various rays and particles above the atmosphere on the space travellerme Haldane wrote No doubt 3an wmacrltly protected as these ea which are niisnamed cosmic royal But unless discoveries of an unexpected kind have been made about them in the Soviet Union and kept secret which greatly douht the protection was not complete think that in tho next few montns ngarin is likely to de velop few patches with white hairs where rapid particle has killed pigment forming cells These have béen seen in tntee which have been for some hours at at heights have little that physicians are ex amining Gagarins skin for other possible etfects They are on ILI 35 in 23 ILl PKo 25 LARGE slza Branmm Tonaorino EXTRA STAMPS wru Coupon Furchug Two Eli TI Prof Haldane believe wmen are more titted ior space travel than noon becauu of their lesser weight and because sourus of the lazuli type is quite corn moo in women Authors Will Leit To Publish Books WAWA CPIIncome from the $10765 estate of author Harold McGlii Jackson who died Jan will be used to help publish Canadian history books According to the will filed for probate here the income following the death of his wife two children and Krandchildren wiii be used for publishing any of his manuscripts not pub lished and other Canadian works of history TO lo 195 rnssiizrnoer FISHPAN near EMPLOYEEG DlSCOUNTSPEClAllfChoira Haddock FilleIsiwliu EMPLOYEES DISCOUNT SPECIAL HICKORY ismoxso FRESH rasrss asst EMPLOYEES DISCOUNT SPECIAL Gardenlfreshi Green Onions Nowvs no rm to emu BennyReceives Emmy Award For Achievements In Humor HOLLYWOOD MlVeteran comedian Jack Benny Tuesday night won an Emmy award from the Novision Academy for his ouLstandlng achieve meats in humor The award was the first of long series of statueite presen tation at the lath annual event Benny was not present to re ceive it but Bob Ho consid cred strong iavorte lor the honor was Macbeth scoin victories for both its stars in thecategory of best single performance Mane rice EvanI won in the title role and Judith Anderson as his wife Fred Astaire continued his winning ways with Emmy scor for the best program no evement in variev LB 10 QUALITY No1 GRADE llilSli pnlisnrs unasiissonrrn suitors OUTSTANDING ssLscrioNi for VARth ua coupon roa axraa Lucxvoa on from thinlirflaurlmfin FROZEN JUICES nii coupon in May as Exriro STAMPS with coupon Two Morphin Two be rhino DRIGINAL BUNcllEi years ago his first TV special garnered nine awards double winner was Leonard Bernstein chosen in the field of music for his New York Phil harmonic hroadrnsts lie also Ivan in the childrens program ming category popular winner for best writing of dramatic program was Rod Sterling or The iwi light Zone There were cheers also for the cons of writers col lecting the best comedy nehieiie ment Emmy for their gags on The Red Skelton Show Other awards Documentary writingVictor Wolfson for Winston Churchill The Valiant Years gist dramatic programlilac Exrna saws sxrna srmns sxrna sramns exrna stems exrna STAMPS BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MAY 11 IN l1 Best public noun program Twentieth leury Best performance by an actor in series Raymond Burr Perry Mason Bat performance by an ac tress in seriesBarbara Stan wyclr Barhare Stanwyek Show ll saves MONTREAL 6P Howard Pyle pruident of the United Stales National Saiety Colmcil said Tuesday in an interview the work of the council has saved more than 50000 lives in the past is years aav em morons no MECHANICAL REPAIRS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION OUR SPECIALTY gt REBUILT ENGINES with Canon Purimu YFL OI BOTTLE STERINE ANTISEPTIC ni Cqflnonhxu May It With Coupon pornon no clear ruau IISTERINE TOOTH PASTE no Coupon nip anyx sxrna sremns With Coupon Porchno one Hs Pnehgl wm cnupon Purchase 101 AEROSOL TIN IRIDGEPGRT SlUGABUG no Coupon Exp my crime srmps Wltb Coupon dz Purchu lVrex Aunsoffln Iohnsons Pledge FURNITUREWAX no Coupon Exp any 24 with Coupon Purchm asouraa aonLri ENO FRUITSALTS no Coupon exp May EXTRA STAMPS wnu coupnu Purchaser out on no auras OOEDAR GLASS WAX NCnupbh jam With Coupon do Purchase Two 11 oz null ans any one out an Fm MIR llQUIDi DETERGENT in Coupon Exp May at sxrira Sunnis With Coupon Purchase WM am Mu ICFT ROLL lion Snap Off Paintings Coupon Exp hfoy with stamps wan Coupon Purchase era PACKADE Pet Instant Skim MilkPooner airpouppuikp any so With Coupon dx Purchase lgFL ox anrrLa WOODBURY DRYAD DEODORANT Dll Couponmi May 1A EXTRA STAMPS with Coupon Pump Any Ttlru or This ORANGE PUNCH one HlC DRINKS mi coupnnmp Idny winCoupon emuso rwo MI was HBEFORD CORNED BE rm Coupon May