1xngammmwammmrmm Generalillolors armour STOCK PRICES Refuses Play Coupllutbrn Flynn Dunlap at sum waifhmbfaoï¬ich edy iamoonning Canadian nnlt tionaliam next Sunday 1118M warm but they wont ace the commer gm data anally seen on the time can cum ms root taken by General Melon meta rm Pram 52 General Motorl Canada he told thech hxeaday it wont Elaine present the play The Conquest sud sa 2o oi Gobbletown ointment l7 gin life the auto ï¬rm said the satire 33 would place GM in the posi for Dam an we tioa oi Ieemingto plead case $31129 or us ownership oi Canadian nunu flu 49 companies 53806 But the play has already been Wu taped and the CBC announced it will carry the program on sustaining basis in the time spot uruplly taken by the GM play seriesr lllacKlnnnn GM adver Using manager said in atnte 1114 grent thatauwbhiiamlthe company an an an manage mflcflugwnuamcgumu Trad an ment it in part at big us ï¬rm and for this reason we 90 ONE NB YURI avman lndunrillalnp 110 run up 43 Utlliflu up consider that it would be ill ered us so mnum noun autumn Inns man as dun our name with television pro oa man up 45 down no gram that wk hmadhfl Canndlnn nationalism MKRKE gt M111 pllay by Caxton tag miwnalairtegrxdhy hula re scheduled in lower at Bob 1595 Volume Down NOON norm Hope special sponsored by General Motors Division roan geliro met Faiconhriége mad Wolff ï¬ronmmrt ngilThoé 1151 5M SpeCIaI rilirkiwadpuringmodera pointto lean 45nn te duarwnana acouno mm mm hom national Nickel and Norandi 115 per cent in term 01 3on mm nolu noinu lice ha nurx lut NJILInJwin wed mm Noon monuflialn 60 Dunlop St PA 82439 ZELLEKS LIMlTED taumoat Sher GENO Stun Rock United oil 111 Waite Amulet is Willno Oursmunmn mun nausea suns sizes 84 10 to short Regular and Tall Model mom up Adana down Lonmwmmna Imoolhsurlaced Rayon Worated Fllnnel NOTT0BEllllSED BUYilor the bud getvcoruclous man whos lookingdorflnl quality and smart tailoring Uptotheminuto mutton Coat styling with careful attmtion in allimporlant details flap pockets centre rnornlnl trading today Industrial gained 44 on index II to 711 and 48 Denison ruse dian funds the Bank Ont at 58568 and base metaio 45 to Ye to 10 Consolidated Mining real reported near today 19773 Golda ieli 0a to 8184 and and Smelting ii to 26 and hiesday the noon theta was 96 western oil 63 tonne Gunner 20 cents to $840 2732 Pound sier $276 down 7Leg Tha ll am volume Wu BOB 000 share compared with 963 000 at the same time yeaterduy Walton and role it and 7L to as and or while Dominion Foundries and Steel reached new high by rlalng paint to 58 Could Packera gained ii to im and General Melon 45 It lnterprovlnoia Line dropped to 71 and Rotlr mana to 13 Mining trading was heavy in tamationnl Nickel was ahead it in 73 Falconhridge Va to and Gunnar lo cenla to $850 Vn mm lort up Trading in gold 1709 light gig Giant Yellowknlllhii ii to In wutorn ollrtr Pelmlaum tall western olia 46 matala moo 190 to 19736 Final volumewas 3642000 sharea compared with 3519000 Manam Canada Packera bad the big eet tear down an to 67 while eaton lult Wto Why us Ford was two point to 372 ndGgernl Motors vi to 46 Mlnlngtrading was trial throughmrt the day Kudaon maylldlnlng and srnelting we up no to 55 EARNINGS HIE CANADIAN PRESS Blaolt Uranlnnarldiner Ltd mos ended March $734675 No nyaiiahle lgurea for eorreapondios wind last year Geaenl Produeta Manufac toting Corporation Ltd year ended Dec 31 mo mam em n79 pa Ltd year ended March Filst annual report Little Long Lac Gold Minn ppm year ended Deo 145694 1959 $75358 Macau Mine Ltd mod ended March all 1901 $115699 1960 5107342 North Rankin Nickel Mln¢i Ltd year ended Dec 21 1960 not loas $230670 1959 net iosa 34863581 VNova mun Light andLPowcr Company year ended Dec 31 1950 $323451 8111 Ihara 1959 32170985 3103 shawlnlgan Water and Puller Company mos ended March Golds trading was light with Door oil it to 2m McIntyre Porcupine rost it to 33 Kerr Addison V4 to it and lloiiinger to 23 If theres £oolpr00f way to save Ive yet to hear of itBnt one thing do know the Royals ZAeconnt Hanmakessairingawholeloteasier NEW YOBK CmCanadian dollar gher at $101 1584 in tor of U5 funds Pound sterling lower at $179 2164 No Down Payment 125 Weekly 204 WWW IX ï¬ï¬TE TE $599 VALUE dinner plates breadand butter plates cups sauc erl oatmeal or soup plates Discount Prined to rave you NM CUPS SAUCERS 25c VALUEl DISCOUNTPRICED SEMIPORCELAlNlWlde niee tlonall dalmuy decorated and delllht to own Speck Galvanized drain Brightly Painted Tl 3° $799 VALUESL vent rayon lining Paula all pain have double pleats zipper and her closing Easy toadjust leglengths charcoal Dark gray medium my USE ZELLERS CONVENIENT 6097 3W 3199 Vllua 9140 Value HAVING own 43 smthcflul Permanent rlnt mm with minimal Putiuuttached we run menu one and in tiny WITH flPTIflN TEMS No Down PAYMENT 100FF TRICYCLES Sturdy sun commicnvn neggm to 129w own my SALE SPECIAL lfDAN RIVER GINGHAMS Discoumrnlce savesyouazozr arzu woo rmémln th mn lo dr non mm EllInn nenï¬mmwmwmggagzdg RubherWIIeela 31 1961 33173742343 cents Varlolu size share 1960 moansn 40 cents Unlted Accumulative ï¬nd me mornended March 31 1961 $75668 iNot avallahlafig 120 to 11957 um loneorrerpondiu period last year gt nhle position to compete in world export markets in the eaten titanium uala for atomic powdiï¬indigili EHuaatonof Eldorndo Minin meaning allotted told the Canadian plihhed through th installation of $2000l10yahuugnrmaltlug iInnece at Eidoradoa Earthen refinem wup the completiannl this zequipmenl at our Fort flnery Canada will have Fe rcompletoly integrated facility to proem uranium metal ironr ore hodininhed nudéarreaotor fuel rod memhllaa hduald The of the DIE River Gmhlm WI meny nine in blue pin ohm aireggngfll mm 1notapgt nun rubber heels in white red You Savemo Rel 5M PantryWare 4pc metal canister set and ob long bread box Charming cai ico tulip pattern in yellow and red on white Special 397 DISCOUNT BUYS5 FpR VTHE NURSERY 7iiei5 nonsense Mr arm nnnna munr insauxn Intmi 51 an scary wu 1nd dalntlly macro od White nunery pu tuxn mam Mums flankingang wle BBE15 25 EDP844 gt manners upnncn dï¬Ã©ï¬‚iï¬fï¬dï¬ï¬ï¬nï¬ sflhh BALBRIGGAN TRAINING PANTlES SIZES 211106 rad wi on in margin ma fM37 gt BUYS UN JEANSANDSLACKS mans suck 233 Ellis 11 now Size nex ml Sizes Iona handsome it no ular colon 1v tannernyunl Rune iy eonatrue in choice tad tn neatfitting nounumnm Povult tiliniw