r1viu us rt it asvauaggth One ofthe worlds first references to fartiffcial respiration comes in the Old Testament The prophet Elijah saved of boy who hodstopped brea by repeatedly laying his weight ophim and removing it Some of the lather methods tried included throwing not pitch on the chest of victim in the JIGllef that he would give an involuntary iasp and then start breathing again Todaysmethods are not so drastic ï¬nd the basic knowledge has helped any people to save lives Prominent in this and other first sold Work is the St John Ambulance in Barrie we have both mens and Womens division of this organization with total of 80 volunteers who re ceive no remuneration Barrie Ambul ance Division No lDl is one of the Unit ed Appeal agencies in Barrie This week has been set aside as at John Ambulance Save Life Week and we can think of few better invest ments than the time it takes to learn to save life Not only during this week but throughout the summer season the Barrie volunteers are prepared to give talks and demonstrations on life saving and first aid mousse our 11 no Ellie limit Examiner IMJCDI Elijah WasA Prophet annular LifeSaver Too It is fine opportunity for em and School groups industries service clubs add other organizations to take ad vantage of this service There must be few of us who have not already benefitted from the protec tion of the people in the familiar st John uniform They appear locally at such events as hockey games motor races at wasaga Beach and Edenvole and even send people down to assist at the Canadian National Exhibition They have an ambulance available locally in the event of an emergency although it serves mainly as mobile first aid post This further service of providing first aid life saving and home nursing leo tures and demonstrations is available on request You may contact Mens sup erintendent Ralph Gongdon at PA E4280 Miss Florence Sim of the womens division at PA 82812 or Area officer Mrs Hood at PA 82316 The at John Ambulance is always on the lookout for more local members But if you are not free to become vol unteer worker learning how to save life is most valuable accomplishment and well worth the effort After all Elijah did it System Proves Its IValue The demerit point system of automo bile control in Ontario is having mark edreffect on driving habits according to Transport Minister Rowntree During the two years of operation total of 81264 drivers received advisory letters on attaining six points 8285 were Kinterviewed on reaching riinl points and 1783 were suspended for ra pasted traffic violations resulting in an accumulation of 12 points Particularly noted during the two year period was the fact that impel cent of drivers who received advisory letters had no subsequent additions and at the same time 82 per con those interviewed lived up to the agreements about future behavior ad received no additional points Thea ariuscmnich prove the ef GOLDEN EGGS TURNED Miami Herald fhevold falble about the goose that laid the golden egg might have taught bet ter moral if after the greedy execution of the goose it developed that not only would there be hom ore eggs but that those on hand had tendencym turn to brass For illustration the United Mine Wor kers once most mllitantiy protective on the matter of miners welfare have just ordered 25 per cent cut in the $100 month pensions that go to some 65000 retired miners The cut is necessary says the BMW because of financial strains onthe soft coal industry Previously the hard coal industrys retired had seen their pensions out even moreto $50 month And several months ago the medical benefits of miners who had been unï¬mployed more than year were re vo ed This brings severe hardship to men who had tolled longsnd hard toward the day they could retire in relative domfort and security To finance the pensions owners of coal mines were ob ligated to contribute growing amount per ton as well as to pay vastly increased wages and fringe benefits many of them certainly deservedth trying to remain solvently in business The retirement fund assemment even tually reached 40 cents per ton and this slong with other factors made the price of coal such that consumers sought 1nd foundcheaper sources of heat and power great number of the companies collapsed orolosed their mines Less coal fectlveness of the demerit point system one never intended to be punitive but rather to encourage the flaw bad drivers to improve their ways And motorists are these days thinking of the ion of poinin as they drive along highways rather than any possible fine they might incur for infractions of highway regula tions The demerit point system however needs to be pep constantly before the motorlsis ieSt they tend to forget its ex lstenee The system is one for the protec tion of the careful motorist one in which the bad driver the driver who ro fuses to use caution and sound judg ment when driving learns thot 12 points pults him out of circulation as licensed or ver Courtesy and common some on the highways pay dividends EIViews 5f Other Editors was sold less money accrued to the wel fare fund and last year it operated at deficit of $18 miill It is not sugges welfare of those who look to them for promised benefits but it becomes mat ter of economic necessity for income and outgo to at least approach each other There is limit to what can be done economically and remain in business the coal business or the welfare busi ness This tragic lesson arrives in the mail each month for retired miners in Ken tucky West Virginia and Pennsylvania ISSUE OF GOLD COINS Timmlns Press The federal government has been ask ed to strike gold coins indenominations of $10 $25 and $50 for 1962 to mark the 50th anniversary of Tlmmins The re quest which comes from the Prospectl ore and Developers Association should be given serious consideration Apart from the local anniversarythe striking of gold coins would have wide appeal These shiny pieces which do not lose their lustrelike unfamiliar penny would be of some heipto the gold mining industry although they would probably have little effect on the price of the yel low metal Their greatest appeal might be to tourists and to Canadians who wish to givecoiris away as presents Five ten and 20doilnr gold pieces of prowar days made ideal gifts at the time of birthdays and Christmas Iihe same would be true today PdfdgmphicdlivfSpeaking AlmgsthDYOM who doesnt mind working hard for long hours and not The Barrie Examiner Authorized as second elu no Poet craze Department oom Mr Sun lli WWWHalli MM mum WW Publisher Sll Audit Saraniv soanhoupn Chouunn mu ratd amm see any is itsnsesskife rtesows ghfuoueuo Ontario 00 rear cums ads ocean no 17an sheafrfngm xue or name of in Assadfl rm rub Candis Pegpend the entitled to tes Ihbld Inï¬ll mn denseus teams The can use for Erwin he tranqullizerfor plants It is As person growsrolder he has pend more and more money for less spending any time or money having fun can become suooem auccesa thatls from finanolnlstlndpoint chemist says he has produced nderod if he testedit by seeingif iftwould make tiger lilly purr Bleased are th meek for they shall inherit the and in hoped they will do sosoon as the unmeek are making suah mess of it fffen are afraid of intelligent wo on says psychologist The same words can be rearranged to express another Min to wl Intelligent men are afraid that the united Mine Workers are not interested in the MAKING iiiMirsi RIGHT AT HOME Appeasement Of Hitler Era Is Good Lesson ForFuture ByALANKARVEY CanadianPreuslafferier IDNDON GP Appears ment is still an unhappy word in Britain ft recalls sad meni ories of betrayal drift and unlt preparedness There are melancholy edioes of ranting speeches by Hitler the hollow sham of collective security and two catchphrase of the eraAll Souls and the ClIVEdSeL All Souls is an Oxford college some of whose senior figures were ardent appeascrs Clive den Set described those who mended weekend house parties given bylard Astor at his coun try estate postwar whisper arose that appeasement the policy of turning the other cheek to Hit lerwas nurtured lnqulet eon spiraey at the dining tables of All Souls and amid the serene LIQUOR VOTE Dear Edliori Please accept this letter and some have it printed in The Barrie Examiner so that it may poss ibly assist the eligible voters of Inolfil in respect to the corn ing plebiscite vote The dues done to be voted on on June are Are in favor of the es ioblislunent of Government stores for the sale of liquor Me you in favor of the sale of liquor under dining lounge licence for consumption with meals on licensed premi sesl In respect to combination beer and liquor outlet should the vote be yes when and where it would be located will be principally decided by the DCBO In recent discussion with Col Woodrow of the who we were informed that mey would locate as close as posSi ble to bank and that popu lation was bedeciding factor An outlet wouldzteod to give steady work tosomemeo in the township BANQUET PERMITS The main reason for asking for dining lounge licence was so that we may be ableto pur chase banquet pmoit for private funcllon The permits are issued by theLCBO and tinder its strict surveillance When banquet permit is in magnesia have In beinvited before the permit is issued and must not be given or sold spirits The personre sponslble would be in serious frouble abould minors be given spirits Most banquets are private Auctions held exclusively for adults and it is my opinion that great deal of this would come from Barrie mption of spirits tban when people bring iiieirt gt hat is going DINJNGLOUNGE Inregards to the dining lounge licence there arronly three or four businessman in the township that would qual ify for his Meals mustbe Herved et thepremises must be of higher calibre than the average Tliaowner launder threat of heavy flueltsnd forfeiture his licence should in ell to under ibanuet permit is lot less lor hooray land lawns of Clivedcn near the Ca nadian military hospital at Too low in Bucklngbamsbire WRITES BOOK Against this ballkmund Dr Rowse an historianof All Souls has written book seek ing to remove the of con spiracy And the crl or are con vlncod be has case Comments leftwing politician Richard Crosaman writing in The Guardian So far from being conspi racy appeasement was the ma ture considered and unhapy reaction to Hlller of the men who controlled policy in White hall and Westminster The function of All Souls and Cliveden was to serve as kind of intellectual weekend Nrkish bath in which these men of power could have their mental muscles massaged in congenial company LETTERS TO EDITOR sale of spirits under this lio ence The L030 grants the applicant licence only when their specifications are met Questions that we have been asked and statements that have been pimilcly made would like to answer May also say that would attend any meeting to speak on this coming plebiscite GIVES ANSWERS Question Too great temptation to Innisfil residents Answer Temptation for some thing is that wbldi you cannot get no that which is easily accessible This was proven during the war on rationing Question Teenagers will be twins Answer leenegers cannot get licence to purchase liquor so if they do wish to obtain it it is bought from the bootlegg store in Hie township will tend to put this type of person out of business and so lessen the work of the police depart ment with legally 5011180119 is direct Wben liquor is dealt iv responsible bootieggers do not care whom they sell to Questlo Drinking is evrl Answer my estimation drinkin gisevilonlywhentaken son will purcha what the access Question he be denied vote and ltcosis too much Answer Under our Democra tic government this is the only way to settle point when two or more groups aro demanding something The cost would be less than onetenth of mill rmANoiNo It hss been said that die 1030 is financing this vote The EEG has not nor will ever in any way help finance plebisci that is all it has been said that the wo men catering to banquets would be barmaids The be is opera tedsby one our more specific persona that belong in the group holding the banquet and the barnsualiy does not open until the meal is over and the worm on are usually hack in die kit Professor Max Belolf also of All Souls writes in The Daily Telegraph that the college did not even serve as setting for discussion of appeasement though Cliveden did Dr Rowso cornishmao held left wing views in the 1930 largely because of his op position lo appeasement Now be is Conservative disen chapter with the nonsense of socialist economies In his book he recalls how he tried to convince his colleagues of the folly of trying to placate Hitler Among those he sought to persuade were Geoffrey Daw son editor of The Times and one of the most powerful figures inJoumalism Sir John Iater lard Simon and the man who was to become Viscount Hall fax wartime British ambassa dor in Washington Dr Rowse recalls Dawson de fending flitlers remilitarizstiou of the Rhineland in 1935 with the words What has it got to do with us The appeasers were sincere They were convinced they were right and would not be budged How did they come to be so wrong Mexico KNOWLEDGE Dr Rowse says they were iate Vicfo ans conventional as Canadians viii Attend me To Study Private Business Role pyroasuanupn Canadiansomnibus The role of privale business in raising the living standards in newly developing ooimkies Ill be the key topic at the Congress of the international Chamber of Commerce in Copenhagen May 217 Eighty five Canadians are scheduled to attend made up of 47 delegates satin accom lng wives and relatives the argest representation Canada has sent to ICC meetings since the organization was formed titer the First World War They will bepartof gaiher ing of about 2500 to countries Commenting upon the Con gross theme Private Enterprise in Economic Development ad vance literature on the meeting lays in public discussion of om development em phasis has tended in the post war years to be on governmen Lal aid and loans and within bodevdoping nations on the tasks of government Perhaps this was unavoidable in the special circumstances of lhe time but it has led to wide spread failure io understand and appreciate the Important contribution of private enter prise DISCUSS TRADE BLOW Heading the Canadian delo gallon will be Martin Mur phy president of the Canadian people from Council of the ICC and execu five vice president Northern Electric Co Ltd Montreal economic development is he mceungs tli em discussions will range over number of other vital topim One will be Regional Groups and World Trade at which Bmce Hill president of Tools Ltd St Calharines Ont will speak Another will be Prices of Primary Products with partle ular attention to ways of avoid ing violent short term fluctua tions which hit hard of primary producing countries Williams president Pro cler and Gamble Company of Can ads Ltd Toronto will speak on Adjustment of Production to Consumption An examination of the inter national monetary system will include such topics as is There Global Shortage of Monetary Rescrves meeting on taxation and international investment ll hear report from on lCC commission which has been studying the matter for two years with the aim of formu lating practlcal recommenda iioos for realistic tax policies by countries desiring to attract foreign capital or to encourage its outward flow Maurice Samson senior partner of Sam son Belair Cote Lacroix and Associales Quebec will be speaker BANKERS T0 SPEAK At another session Shannon honorary secretary of the Canadian Council and associate general manager of the Royal Bank of Canada Montreal will take part in discussion on The Benefits of Direct Private Foreign Invest and unlmag They pushed British empirlclsm beyond all reason Above all they lacked knowledge They were ignorant of Eur ope and of European history They knew more about the Em pire They really did not know what they were dealing with They were concerned with the interests of their own socialor der and thus susceptible to any antiRed appeal Unwittingly their attitudes helped precipi late war that resulted in the two things they dreaded most Russian domination of central Europe and considerable weakening of the British Em pire vote We have re advice from them and chen or have gone home itls illegal toitosst the Queen With VIM Holly his any liquor other than table wrne may our letter help the peo pic of lanlsfillo have better understanding of the coming HHEWLRV UNTAWO LIMITED ment John Denison deputy general manager of the ToronloDom inion Bank Toronto will speak at meeting on banking tech niques Mr Murphy will be honorary chairman of meeting on marketing and Paul Bienvenu immediate past president of the Canadian Council and president Catellie Food Products Ltd Montreal will make state ment on international market ing of consumer product Keith Porter executive vicepresident Thomas Lip ton Ltd Toronto will take part in an advertising discussion Thomas Oaklel id Canadian Housewares Ltd MARTIN menu Heads Delegation Weston Ont will be the Cans dish member of the Congress resolutions committee wilh Chen presideni Crean Hats ofuConods Toronto an alien as Capt Joseph chfery presi dent of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and partner in Jeffery and Jeffery London Ont will speak on the role of Chambers of Commerce in economic development at special meeting of the 00s in ternailcnai information bureau of Chambers of Commerce Other topics will include tourism industrial property commercial arhtr ll While private enterprise in on and limped ROYALTY AT OPENING King Frederik and Queen in grld of Denmark will be present at the opening plenary session May 23 which will be addressed by Prime Minister Vigo Knmplt mono Congresses are held every two years and activities in be tween are hired at Paris headquarters iih me in be countries carrying on their work through national councils Headquarters of the Canadian Council are in Montreal where Carl Bergiilioo is general man ager Tile Congress has met once in Canada at Quebec in 1949 Last meeting was in Washington in 1959 where CorlosMantero of Portugal was elected presi dent for twoyear term Primary aim of the inter national Chamber is to smooth the path of world trade in general it favors freer trade but takes cognizance of national aspirations in the development of home industry in addition to broad aims it seeks by general agreement among world busi ness men to remove various technical complexities in world commerce Based on its conclusions it makes representations to gov ernments and to international agencies such as those of the United Nations QUARTERLY REVIVED VANCOUVER iCPiThe Uni versity of British Columbia has published its first edition of quarterly magazine that was once the official organ of the now defunct institute of Pacific Relations The institute folded last year after United States Senate com mittee hearings during which it was branded Communist The institute and Owen Laitirnnre ex editor of Pacific Affairs were later cleared of Commun ist charges BIBLE THOUGHT have livedbefore God in all good conscience until this day AuL 231 Tbat would be glorious and triumphant thing to say at the close of life DRINK IAND vou SMILE WUULNDENI BREWERS