ENIN 5i PLAZA EASILY ACCESSIBLE Map shown easy accessibil it or Barrie Shopping Plaza at Vclllngton and Anne Sis In addition therea currently Luminous Plant Draws Tourists BOMBAY CPlThe village at Balichupori In Main state in northeast lndin has become his attraction for scientists and the superstitious alike They are all flocking there to see mu terlous lunllnaua plant Soon alter dusk the nineloot high pllllll issald to glow mug nilicentJY The chiei minister of team and several top state otilelaln have visited Ballchapori and confessed to feeling at aheer wonder The chiei minister took heel samples at the leaves in two bottles The National Physical Labora tory in New Delhi one tha countrys leading scientific in stitutions has started investigat ing the myalery Preliminary studies by An lama scientists juggmt the lu minosity may be due tocertain chemicals capable of emitting light at night There is also speculutlnn in was tree bus service to the Plan Draw and entertainment Add to the attractions of thin mod ern shopping centre the press that radioactive con tamination may have omething to do with the luminosity One theory advanced is that the minoua plant indicates rich oll bearing strata beneath Aaam is one of the law arch in the country where alldrilling opera tions have met with sizable auc A5 in an the villages of the region are concerned the light givlng plant in luat the work at some mysterious aplrlta At night the peasants aound trum pets and heat drums to pacify the apirita So great has heenthe rush oi visitors or Baliohaporl that the authorities have had to arrange extra buses Police guards have cordoned all the garden and the town is enjoying buainen boom Try An Exlmlner Want Ad Phone If szm 20 Mum srnvrcr with time any at noon 1100 am mo pan Except Saturday 1100 am 1200 Noon SATURDAY ONLY GET00an St Vthiereï¬slpaily Bus Service from DowntoYYnYBarrié to the New BARRIE HOPPING PLAZA From corner Dunlap and Ownn olongDunldp to Five Polnts Dunlo St St Donald St Wellington St to Bank Shop ping Plaza Returning trim Barrio 52pin Ploza along Wellington St to Dunlo St Fl rt Muieaster St Dunlap St to corner Dznlop and Gwen up on St comer MONDAY to THURSDAY Approximately 1000 am to 350 pmj 20 minuta iarvicee Wednesdays til ll30amgt FRIDAY ONLY Approximaton l000 mm to 900 p5 20minute lorvice Approximately 1000 am to 600 pm 20 minute sorYlee sHoP at BARRIEPLAZA wellington and Anne Sts 945 Iut hardware Barrie Ltd 165 WELLINGTON ST PArkway 61342 Innmmflmmmsm Youuw+rnnzn man lgGLlDDEN an PAINTS SPICIALon urlx WALL PAlNT Your Headquarters for the NEW WALDEC gownrrrnrrns qtgt5upremev ALuMINuM SAUCEPANS jg ISPREDJATIN AND truerlouse mm negz95 Featuring the newest designs by 7° MY mum many at the wérlds leading cle signers and interior decorators Priced mm 79° per roll only PERMAscREEN GARDEN RAKE provides everything you need for permanently satisfactory screening Permanent protection mm insect Pennmeut weather reltltaaca than mpmu wont ahrink numeorenm rummet new mix wont innion with In Yet PERMASCEEEN comno more than other quality acreening in feet in some eaeesilt costs less see us FOR LOW mars vmawom remove him unï¬tawn vwrrnsnrrnnuzr on was inclvinyl than ovar tho glau atrnnda elimln vldel buullr