Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 May 1961, p. 2

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THE HARRIS EXAMINER mNESDAY MAY 17 131 vmlnism NOTES Innisiils Roads Gét cool weather streak wb ch according to ofliclal ad vice might result in frost hardly got that low in our area However we feel somewhat responsible having appeared early this week in straw hat BELLE EWART mm Founditions are being pie pared for snow Roman Cath ollc Church at Bella Ewart The new edifice which will be approximately 40 feet wide and 60 feet long will be locat ed directly north oi the present churdi The old building is scheduled to be torn down ROAD PROGRAM PROPOSAL The iith line east from High way it may be the next mad to get the rebuilding treatment if the proposal in the making materielizes Road Superin tendent Cowan stated that ho had requested preliminary esimatc from Peter Rhodes on his charge for handling the engineering costs it is under stood that each job will first have been approved by pre liminary proposal before any definite instructions are given for final report it is hoped this will eliminate any misunderstandings at the end of the season as to un ex ected costs he 10th line east of whlch parts have broken into dust this spring will likely be temporlrliy resurfaced and left for full rebuilding job another year This would avoid having two roads beside one another under construction The lolh line will eventually beone of the main cross coun try arteries and an outlet which will connect with all roads except Highway 400 un der whidi it crossed without traffic entrance Ten sideroafd mray get an ei mile su acmg Edition additional work as thils the centre northsouth road is essential All plans are still in the dis cussion stage but with subst antial amount to be expended on roads this year it is inter esting to know where the funds are to be placed especially as this is election year BELL EVENING With the Bell Telephone to take over the Stroud Telephone lines this year someof this work has already been started The new poles have been erect ed to carry the cable from Lovers Creek to Painswlck This cable was installed as far as the Bell lines extended from Barrie in anticipation of tak ing over this area when ready Other roads are being survey ed to ascertain just what cables will be required to re place the overhead lines now operated by the Strand Com pany who according to agree ment will get their old lines for salvage With an ant omatic exchange in Stroud the ew Bell system will be en er without manual control SPRING SIGNS George Htmter and Mrs Hunter who operate the re freshment business at the tenth line beach have returned irons Florida where he holds winter iob Mrs Hunter is flying to England to visit her mother who is in poor health iheir Glenwood Beach bus iness will be open for the long weekend as of course will most of all the summer bus Inesses along the resort areas The funeral at StuPauls ln nisfil thureh today of Harry Madle will lay to rest one of New Surlaces ByILGB the few remaining veterans of the South African Boer War Mrliladle was also veteran ol thefirst World War wife died lust short time ago hir birdie passed away unex pectedly He leaves ifiwyear old son to carry on the farm on which the tamiiy reside TRAFFIC OFFENCES innisfil Police have been making good use of their speed meter and the results are that already in May more than 500 has been paid out by motorists who run over the tapes too quiddy Stroud Thornton end Cooks town have been the chief points of checking it takes tcnspot to even settle the matter out of court if allow ed to go to court the costs of the hearing are added All set tlemcnts are made by mail to the office of the county msg istrate Last weekend police had some trouble aroun da dance hall where quantities of beer was seized from cars This irritated some of the patrons who looked forward with gloom to spending my week end in dry innlsfii With the long weekend coming up and the likelihood of lull cottages andhig crowds at dance hails Chief Brown will have his men out in full force but is hoping that nothing to roar the boil day will develop These dance balls will have to see that their clientel do not violate the law or it may be necessary to restrict their licenses Chief Brown has warned the owners BALL PRACTICE Tonight at Stroud those who desire to become players in team with South Simcoe Lea gue should be out with any equipment available WEATHER Synopsii High pressure over Ontario is accompanied by gen erally clear skies and light winds Ground irost acornred during the night in many dis trlcts of southwestern Ontario while over the remainder of the province below trcezing tempe ratures were reported from all regions Western Lake Erie region Windsor Partly cloudy becom ing doudy by early afternoon Showers beginning this evening Thursday cloudy with showers and tbundershowers little milder Winds easterly 1520 in greasing to 25 by early Thurs Eastern Lake Erie Lake Eu ron Niagara western Lake 0n tario southern Georgian Bay regions London Hamilton ior onto Sunny becoming cloudy this evening Showers Wednes day night Thursday cloudy with showers Scattered thundershow ers Thursday afternoon or eve ning little milder Winds northeastcrly 15 becoming east erly 20 this afternoon and in creasing to early Thursday Forecast temperatures Low tonight high Thursday Windsor 50 St Thomas 45 London 45 Kitchener Wingham Hamilton St Catharines Toronto Peterboroush Trenton Killaloe Muskoka North Bay compasses8828 His BARBIE omens EABNS semi Shown receiving the Dis tinguished Gradustca Hon our Scroll from Group Cap tain Creeper Com manding Ofllcer RCAF Sta tion Summerslde PEI is Flt Lt William Bill Smith of Barrie Bill enlisted in the RCA in 1942 and served throng out the war as an instructor He reenllsted in 1951 and has been stationed at Clares holrn Alta and Comox BC since that time He came to Maritime Operational Training Unit RCAF Sla tion Summerslde in 1961 when he earned the honor scroll for top proficiency in the pilots course for the Nep tune aircraft Flt Lt Smith is married to the former Marguerite lean Bailey of London On tario They have two chili His parents Mr and Mrs it Smith live at 51 Shanty Bay Road Barrie RCAE Photo KiWanians Reminded Values Of Being Canadian By Chaplain Barrie Klwanlans were rc minded by an immigrant from England of the values attached to being Cansdinn during the regular weekly meeting of the club Monday The Rev Biekiey sen ior chaplain Protestant at Camp Borden outlined several pointed reasons for his toplc Why value being Canad ian it was fitting address as May 18 marks Citizenship week Major Bickley told of his coming to Canada from Eng land ln 1925 He had chosen Canada as his country of adop tion and had given great dcalpf thought to why he was now Canadian Some of usnever think about our good fortune at be ing Canadian because we take it for granted said Major Bicklay He went on to say that there are four malor reasons why Canada is the chosen country of many it is land of opportunity Where else could an orphan boy from an orphanage in England come and work and become in turn Muster of Arts Doctor of Divinity and an Archdeacon of large Di ocese in Canada Where could poor farm boy rise to be come an if at Ottawa wrrnour aroonsnnn it is land of freedom freedom of choice free cites lions There are not many placesJoday where people in province could reject gov ernnient1 they had for many years and elect another gov ernment without bloodshed Canada stands for freedom She has taken her place in the world as safeguard to milk ority groups of their right to freedom nin Korea Congo Middle East not forgetting two World Wars where Cana dian blood flawed in the de fense of freedom it is die land of the open door Thousands have sought and been granted refugein this land of ours there is ample room for us all and we can and have shown thnt we have peacefully covexisted With at least two different cul tures for many years Canada is young and growing country Young as far as history goes butCana da is making her history now What she is and will he is up to every one of her sons and daughters Our children will reap the benefit of our strug gle and effort now Canadians have great fu ture but there are times when the Tocstn Bell has to be sounded Warnings have to be made and Major Bickley of feted the following warnings Beware of the doctrine of inevitable progress Progress he Said is not inevitable pro gress is determined We all have obligations we must obey the moral laws Guard our freedom Canadawa stand on guard for Thee This is our watch word Vigilance is necessary to preserve what we have We must guard the inst itutions whose features make us great country the Church and the arliament the ser vices eh preserve the status quo and guard any en croachment upon our liberty and our rights We must guard against letting justice fall We must maintain justice People must not be allowed to become slaves 5We must promote cotu passion The widows and or phans the sense of responsi bility which we have to our fellow man Look well to the training of our youth The academic achievements are fine in their place but we must have more training in patriotism and character We must instill love for Canadasbove all else We should value Canada for herself Dwell on the wis dom of the Holy Scriptures fRighteousness exhalteth na tion says the Bible Let us ever remember that we must accept our righteousness which is our responsibility to God and to our fellow man FHBM NEWS gt gt FORMATION MOE om DlJl AGRICULTURE Thc 196i lnternatloncl Plow ing Match and Farm Hachiir ery Demonstration scheduled intake place atBclloville 0c tober to also promise at this esrly date at being the largest on record Already interest among ex hibitors for space is well ahead of any previous year plans as worked ont in cooperatiodwith the Hastings County local mm miltce are well advanced Elaborate preparations are being made to scconaniodata thcthousandl visitors expect ed to attend the foundry event An area 1000 acres has been set aside by the local farmers for demonstrations puking and plowing competi tions Within this is an area of 50 acres for Tented City it will be laid out in fourstrcct plan Ind designed to accom modato well oyer 200 firms and organizations wishing to set up displays Approximately miles of frontage will even tually be occupied in cooperation with the lo cal committee chairman Dr Russell Scott Belleviiie and secretary Sidney MacDonald Stirling daily program of demonstrations ad hands and contests will be fear tilted Reservations for space and entries in plowing competitions shouldbe directed to Lashley Ontario Plowmcns Association Room 4508 East Black Parliament Buildings Toronto Ontario WALKWS Present CARE FREE HOLIDAY FASHIONS turai College at Guelph Handou soaap REPORTS Crop Project was Listed For North Simcbe dimers Each year can in aid College in Quebec andthc Dominion Expcnmen tal Farm at Ottawa along with several oth or colleges and experimental station across Canada are busy developing new crop varietia new methods of a7on for weeds pests and diseases and exploring by means of research and experuneut all avenues which may lead to improvement in agflwlture Cross breeding and aelcaion followed by several years of rig orous testing are required to produce new varieties that are an improvunent over the old varietid and hundreds of crow es are usually required toget new variety of grain or grass or clover that maybe promising When new production shows real promise tats but then made across the province on farms under normal farm condi tions andilitstandsnptothis test it may then be released for rmfltiplleatlon and general dis tribution ARRANGE LOCAL TESTS At this point our County Soil and Crop improvement Associa tions come into the plctIne and arrange local tests This year the oat and barley variety tests are being conducted on the units of George Rogers New Lowell and musel Mew Mine sing Six varieties of oats and eight varieties of barley are in cluded in each test and each variety seeded in four dilier rcmlocatioosinthcplot Eleven ensilau corn varieties In also being tested this year nnthn farms of Allen Brown Barrie MM Indiumr1 Darby Waverley The varietiesselect ed for test range from early to mikeason varieties and should give us ronae useful lnlonmtloo as to suitable hybrid varieties of corn for this area We usually have test of dozen or more ato varieties but lot of has been done along this line in recent years so the tale variety tests were all in North Simooe for HAY AND PASTURE Probably the most important work wehavc done locally durc ing the past decade has been along the line of hay and per turn developneat Hardly year goes by but new variety of grass or clover is introduced and each year we need down doz ens of tests of different mixtur es to determan what is best for the Wide range of soil and drain ageconditiona comma to Sim ooe County The important legume or clov er varieties introduced and test ed ln various combinations for variable conditions have been Vernal Rhizome and BuFuite Alfalfa Ladino and New Zea land clover Lasalie Red Clover and Empire Viking and Fas kelde Birfifoot lreloll Grasses under test have in MISSES SHORTS eluded Climax and Hedon Tim filly uncoln Santa and Ach emach Brome Gr Erode and Sin Abentwyth Grass and Perennial Rye Grass These clover and erased are seldom grown as pure stands except for seed production and as our objective in Sim cos are primnr for rovcd qualib and yield of ii and pasture at low cost most of our work has been aimed at selecting the best mixtures of grasses and clovera for variable conditions Since we have close to too farms with various haypasture seedngs under observation in anyone year and in addition many of the members of tho MSSCiA run tests on their own there lsno doubt that great mm of our farmers are gain ing first hand information re gardlng the production of hay and pastures our most valuabla crops in this siren SiMCOE COMPETITION This year for the third year in moccasins we have pasture improvement competition in North Simcoe Enrolment was completed on May with 26 members with membership in every township Most of these members have had previous ex perience in our posture project on the plot basis and are now demonstrating in very prac tical way the productive capac ity of various pasture mixtures and methods of management gt No of Walkers best selling Shorts featuring wash wear fabrics Many others to choose from Regular short of corded cotton in colours willow beige gold black Walking short in several attractive plaids Sizes 19 10 MISSES RANDOM CORD SLIMS Wash wear Slimsin this seasons high style fabric Ram dom Cord Slims are made in Canada Come with self belt belt loops pocket and side zipper closing in colours of gold willowantelope binds and pimple Sizes 10 to 20 THE STORY 0F PEAK PROFllPASTIJRE l2uizisefifsziidrstgsxsrcrm Grazin days milk yields and extra be gainfully 5633ch andlcvagatcd The reiiillzsusiiifw 132113 average cro rea assure Pro am wll $350 for every $100 invested inkfcrtilizgctr flwm 0v You get your cattle out earlier kec th cm on asture ion er with proper nitrogen fertilizatidn 13 Hire or the Three Year Amang CHUBCHMABKS 75th YEAR Celebrating its 75th anniver Ihuich Full storyof St sary at Greeroore this Sunday Luke appears on the Coon is this stately Anglican ty Page page five wires assascuce wIENcas ATFENP ARMSTRONGSI HOLIDAY BARBECUE rIMETQAtL SATURDAY MAYzo WWW Nllflotumx smutrm Lthsscs SUMMER BLouSEs $357 an 355 Pretty Sleevelms Bloom in tucir in or overblouse styles Fine feminine designs to choose from Drip dry cotton in riayon nrics intsrp ins fancy weavas Sizes 12 to an 160 up All rates Tim is plolz profit pollute your cheapest form of 241 For detailed information on how to use AeroUrca or better pastures and the am armpanrori inyaur ea wrileilechnicniserviceibepur tgtiginlnil of Canada Limited 160 Bloor Street East Torohto reunionsr PA 60231 sou EFFICIENG NITROGEN

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