He llélped Up Country But Doesnt Feel Bit Old HALIFAX it miner got into service eventually He SFARMERSIMARKET AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CABS 163 5513 lo HELP WANTED surname mum WANlnD DELAVAL WATSON MOTORS SALES SERVICE ark Honing 1551 Iranian it VACUUM PUMPUP TO UNITS TUB BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MAY 11 Ill ll phone PA on 11 LES MOTOR HAMI BIIUWN an SAKAIE tHULLYl PA 60338 CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE tau Now Hollnnd David Brown puny rrnn toulpmnl lld BURTON AVE PA 32373 SEASONALCLEANUP SLED mums CULTIVATORS DISCS AND WAGUNS CASH TRADE TERMS VIKING CREAM Slpllllull Ind Milken Slkl and pin Craig burst Ont EO Box or Illo phone PA sun FEED SEED GRAIN Ambolsmcioversud or sale Telephone Stnyncr 711m awnings wANrnD baled straw for India urpom on highway 1mm Eran Inn to Creighunt Apply stlnon nrnr triephonn 109 Grand Valley enter PAsrunner T0 RENT WANTED lo ncru workable Am ind with heavy rail rclrrreo name Iru rrlconuae sills for mrthcr pnueuIrn AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE WVIAU RAMBLER HILLMAN AND LAND ROVER 10 DOWN 17 GOWAN STREET PA 643488 HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH or 51ANDARD DEALBIS Itepclrs to All aloiru DALI and NAl rowing Sorvtrs ll BAYIIHJ ST BARRIE PA 84165 loss cuzv SEDAN tons radio 19 down month Phone PA 16612 mo nuvov aanN 8901 milu Price $1850 APPLY 11 Earl Mot ern Dunlop Strcct ciayar Le lass BUICK Convertibio uinnrr term blur radio in mr up Telephone PA Mm lllcn W0 no per condition After 1111 SJ PONTIA to choose from Iutomnttc or stlrldnrd lllns lslon $16 down can our month Kramer Motors phone PA 1321 QUALITY CARS COURIEOUB SERVICE STAYNER CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE FAIR DEALING NO GILMOKB Pnoxe Mountsm 111 AND in I959 AUSTIN CYLINDER SEDAN wellRoar accounted cu elm nnq attractive I959 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE SEDAN with Within ndiolnd llle trlmmlmon Thin lool in bad cxulllnt cl Indh slur And Pech mecblnlully I957 PONTIAC 2DOOR STATION WAGON In good ouchbl condition excellent Vllue I957 CHEVROLET CYLINDER SEDAN elun car attractively Anuhld In rose Ind Ivory Excelltnt macIlln lculy And pflcld rum I956 MONARCH 4DOOR SEDAN wub runsm transmission drplndnblc used err at rclsonlblc pricl i956 VANGUARD SEDAN unnomlcsl transportnon for Inodut outlay SEE THESE AND MANY OTHER SPLENDID VALUES IN USED CARS 0N DISPLAY AT OUR SALE LOT IT WILL PAY YOU TO DROP IN AND INSPECT OUR STOCK AL CRIPPS VInu I1ch Bum wr MAIN STREET EAST SIAYNERIEL NO rel No 21 vum ouch tIiLL FULLERTON wuu Bomb Tel No Wulll Bola 1m mun ronnou blue and Willis Ankh gunrnntzld 9100 down NZ Per month 11 Knch Motors phone PA 511 A11an A40 block with red top excellent condition $151 Radio Ind new enllnv Talophonl Strand MIMI new motor hrnkcs cto Lchly condltion Phono Leery ME for further plrtlctllln Al run wisher to True ulr privately ovrncd nlng ordrr Owner purcnrre station wagon pbano PA oreIo use VDIKBWAGEN in we condition Privntciy own an 061913 netflua rn Wm tomatlan call am good Can urdsy For stroud CARS WTD TO BUY cAsn LoANs coon at on month Tollphono FA 002 Ont cont Flunth Zl Dunlap St CASE Foil your ur Liens paid all WI trad or down Ai lmdll Mntors 21 En Ruod Bliv rII PA saw MI was ronD LTON Truck for rain with racks in reed eonoluan Ap ly Gear is spenccr 4th home on an off lirnwry ii on at Bay Point aged Pltnswlck 1551 TRAILER 101 III 35 Globdllc two bcdrooms clean can oiuon fuuy coulppre mnny trll Priced to loll owner ï¬ning Wart Apï¬ly Gilmoron natal uh way 27 01th use F0111 11inch Wagon for sale 1951 mlch four door sedan for TRUCKS 8s TRAILERS BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY PERSONALS Wm Noun ronrlmn told by cards Phone PA Him or up pointmcnt YVON DBSJAIKDINS of Street Arm will not bi rcnpon Ilhle fax any can incurred to my name from lltll dlic Lily GI PArtn 1712511133 runs to ior onto Friday afternoon It oclock Telephone PA 115 before prn WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Enrol new In this gnyarolnsnt chartered school where on are thorollilhly trained in all rancher or beauty culture lor lnlorrnatian write DERWIN 11111111711555th SCHOOL 10 COLLIER 51112 011 PHONE PA 84952 lrArlt neurons and coloring pcmoncnt VflVIll DIEM IPPDIM menu ror profusion rarylca call PA H714 nsAulY suoP Coldwnvu etc by certiï¬ed hairdresser In our own home Phone PA on or PA 84587 urn any of April AD trot BOYS SEAGRAM AND ROWE snid Writ in prominent place In II LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CAR OWNERS Undlr the many rum Aet 5min MI Ind 56 four cars will be rain undsr Sculpt 01 ran urchuurs uan Act Ina sinmom Ltcrnss No mm 1m lune srrlu No moanma dill DODOI Crusader Sula N0 oralmom No pilIu loss uoNAacs mo Licence No 0540 sortIND 00101151420447 us minds Au can will be sold for vreeuns purpolu Russel Stranoghan Moto rs BARRIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS All person having claim againI the Estate or hlARGERY lOANN WlllflON late of the Villllo of liilnvnle tn the county of Slmcoc Mnrrird Woman who died on tho 2nd dry at December loss inurt forward runs to tho underrinsed on or bclor the 12nd day or llsy ml aim which this the nu ta will be distributed Amongst the run en titled thereto Ind tho executor will not be liable to any penon o1 when claim he shalt not then have notice DATED at Dorris Ontario this OWEN srnm nARRlE oNrAnlO NOTICE GEORGE BILLS And horns 51115 tnItI notice that writ of Sum mom for Foreclosure has been tuned In the Supreme Court of Ontario against you by Ahrnhlm Kuhn and that Iuhstlntlll Isrvico Kobn And that constitution1ser ice on you has been ordmd by tho Local Judge of the supreme court by posting copy of the thn court Homo In the city of ontrfo And on tho morilllud Dn macs Furihnr take notice that thus for enterinn an up esrnnco and the Min of on lfidlvit as not out in tho snid Vrlt has been ex to 111 list div bl Ally COWAN AND COWAN oAnrusrlms Arc so coLLlEll srnahr nArtun oNrAnm PLADrrurs soucxrons l0 HELP WANTED MALE HELP FOR MAJOR OIL CO Driver rcqulrcdlls 25 to Must hlvc high school cducniion To drive tractoMrnIier during rummer months JUNE 12 10 SEPTEMBER Per runner lnronnruan please call Ito DAVIS tli rlrriN smnm TELEPHONE PA was EALESMEN for mens and new wenr must on cxpnrinncrd Iapa rnnn Apply hiostyns to Dunlap Street West Dnrrie NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS TOWNSHIP or ESSA DESTROY WEEDS Notion ll Iterch given to All persons In porsersien of land In accordance min The Weed Con II that unlcu noxious weeds growing on their land within the munici ality of Essa nre destroys by due or June Isl 1951 an throughout the season the muni clpnlly may nntcr upon tho sold innds and have the weeds dcs troycd chlrgillg the costs alllnst the land in taxes as set out In the Act The coopcrntlon of III citlxclu is earnestly solicited who came to Cloud to help open up the country and was First World War front llnc soldier in his doesnt foela bit old as John Baptiste Wmclosc 106 considers himself handyman not patient at the hospital where he lives Ills clear blue eyes sparkle as he recalls hie younger days Telling about his first smoke he said Oh my stlrtcd when was about three years old My father filled his pipe lifted me On his knee and said alto smoke of your daddys pipe And ivc smoked ever since He doesnt drink iln icee total My father drank But be lived to be no An engineer prdspector and soldier Mr Wincloso was born in Cbnrleroi Belgium In 1856 and come to Connds in 1892 in charge of detachment of mi hers We landed In Saint John NIL and went by train to Princevlllc From there we travelled by open sleigh to Brand Covo Cape Breton there Later it was called lnvor nee Mine and It gave its name to the place he raid opened tho mino lilr Wincloso soys he storied several other mines in the A1 iontic provinces including one at Glace Bay NS and big stono quarry in Newfoundland Later he went to Africa and helped open up gold mine in the then Belgian Congo He has also worked on mine in Rus sia Iran and Australia Mr Vinclost says he was or first rejected as being too old when he volunteered us Eel gium was invaded in 1914 but WORLD NEWS AIMED AT SALAZAR SAD PAULO Brazil AP Portugucsc Gen Humberto Dol gndn said Monday govern ment in exile soon will be set up in Europe or Afrlcn with the aim of toppling Premier An tonio Snlnznr Delgado who is in exile himself declined to give details view during an inter AGREEMENT SIGNED HONG Reuters Communist China will supply East Germany with minerals trnl Act WW Scorionr And ivcstock products foodstuffs textiles light industrial prod note and other goods under 1961 trade agregment signed In Peking today the New China news ngcncy reported BED WAS CROWDED WEATHERFORD AP raid hr new action in the front lines at Ponchsndaclc Cnmv brai and Arru and is still plagued by bronchitis In winter as result of being gassed WILLING HELPER Returning toCnnoda aftcr the war he went into the construc tion business and helped build many of the homes in what now in on older section of Hell fax About year ogo be moved to Camp Hill Hospital here from small both outsidcvthc city where he had tended the gar den and cut wood each day In the hospital ho looks oftcr friends in wheelchairs and helps with the dishes Last Christmas hc helped make toys for sick and was delighted when he received letter of thanks Hes most cooperative pa tient said one nurse Ho loves to help us and he doesnt like being waited on lie coi iccts the ca cups and trays after meals and hes pleasure to have By WILLIAM GASSON TOKYO Reuters increas ing pressuro is being put on the Japanese government to an nounco firm policy towards mainland Chinn Japanese business circlos wont to trade with China The opposition Socialist party wants treaty with China The Intellectual clement wont cultural ties with China lilnny Japanese conservatives believe that they should take the Initiative bcforo the opposition Socialists take it from them and malts pailtlpal gains out of it Japans close relations with the Unitcd suites have been an immediate obstacle to govern mcnt action Now more and more Japaneso reports hovo up peored suggesting that Washing ton would not mind if lopan made some move towards het tcr relations with Poking WORRY OVER VOTE Japans big worry is how to vote when tho question of Chinas membership of the United Nations come before the UN General Assembly again They have to decide whether to wait for the USI lend once more and risk losing the diplo matic and domestic initiative Members of foreign policy Hes the best private eye bodies hes found this committee of the ruling Libero Dcmocrntlc party have sug geslcd that anon should act in dcpcndentiyof the us in the ncxt Iotc They argue thot the new Japanese approach should be to submit somo kind of com promiso pinn or to abstain from voting Committee members also sug gested 11 government represen tativc be sent to Peking to test Chinas latest reactions In Poking the Chinesn con tinuc to stute lhrco principles which annn must observe be fore China would consider upon Ing diplomatic rclatinns They are That the Japanese govern ment should not adopt hostile policy towards China That it should not take pnrt in an Intrigue to create two 1s on TVthat makes 67 season That itsbouid not Interfere in efforts aimed at restoring normnl relations ATTACK US TREATY The Chinese argue that it is on hostiicact for Jupnu to maintain its treaty with the United States Support for the Formosav government that Japan is supporting the twotchinu intrigue 0n the Japanese side Zentoro Kosako the foreign minister hos put forward three conditions which China should observe be fore the Japanese government feels that diplomatic relations can be established Thcst are Nonrintcrfsronco in tho do mestic Affairs of either country Mutual respect for each cnuntrys position Promotion of trado to tho benefit of both countries rSixtysevcn studentsot South wostcm Oklahoma State Col lege stacked themselves on PEACOCK WEED INSPECTOII SOUTH SIIIICOE EXPERIENCED Gardener for sum mcr home Crescent Huihour Lnkc stmcoc Concession 12 Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year far the Chicago SunTimes rc FILL Telephone PA 82414 KEN WINTERS 12 MARIA ST BARRIE osmrc TANKS IPRFSSURE PUMPS FREE PsIlblAIES PHONE PA 50782 CAMPING EQUIPMENT TENT AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT Pon ltnNr rents sud Tarps Camp Cots and Stovcs Coolers BARRI TENT E7 AWNING CO LTD nAlenw srnnnr TELEPHONE PA slam LANDSCAPING BARRIE LANDSCAPING sop SUPPLY Fre estimates landscaping lawn maintenance Sodding needing roI llnr fertilizing spraying Ccdu Hedgcl Ind Evnrgrscns special ity Kentucky or Marlon nlue gran also field can delivered anywhero reasonable rater TELEPHONE PA 61555 LAWNMAINTENACE Hallo your lawn and flower Ich cared 01 by experienced Kurd ellsrl For lrce estimatlll CALL PA 61555 noln TLLING Lawn blowing and garden w0rii dann Rclsounbln rates Telnphone 11 Jonkman Shroud 811111 or lurtner Inrorm on SANITARY DISPOSAL WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE HOGS temoved promptly ror disposni Telephone Barrio PA 87751 Long distanct Zenith $2800 at our expense ED PECONl AND SON LTD ORILLIA License No 69cm DEAmnNIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been ltcnnlcd to remove your dead and crippled form Ant mnla under tho above lcl FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARRE PArkwny 88617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE oscsl INSULATION Airrite Insulation II happy tn Announce in addition to their ROCKWOOL Blowan Insulation the All New Alumin 11m clapboard sldlnfl completely in backer board in eight colors We are also including aluminum doors WlNInR ISEAL ALL WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES TERMS Write or phana 1800731 1111112411 MINESING councr aprons YOU BUYGIVE us EXCAVATING GEAVEL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Exclvating and Grading Water Delivery Drurnerl non nail Yarn Ehckboo for DENNIS MORAN 23 Anne street PA 1511117 DOZER WORK GRADING AND EXCAVATING Fish ponds cnstruttcd rence rows removed land clearing LEE HART PHONE PA some EVENINGS PA ssisessnnm BOATS 8s MOTORS earri EVINRUDE GALE MERCURY SCOTT AIWAIEII MOTORS also LAWNEOY MOWERS AQUA LUNGAIAIR STATION DELANEY BOATS BAYFIELD sr BARRIE STAN BRYSON REFRIGERAlioN SERVICE as CinopsrtOD St PllONnPA woo liiP sm CONCRETE CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS CURTIS BASE BLOCK wonx nxrsolbx sruo co APPLICArloNs FREE ESTIMATES PHONE PA 68497 ï¬rmware UPHOLSTERY Slipcovers Bugs Drapes FREE ESTIMATES CALL MAYFAIR PA 61612 WELL DIGGING PUMPS INSTALLED BY LICENSED DEILLERS FREE ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling RR No BARRIE PA 87646 homes and cottngcs Repairs and remodelling ltcnsnnnble lrntes Apply Clnrnncc Erection IO Box ass Aulsinn or phonnflia Mills Instilled with Styrofoam lnruillr windows and awnings or Lskovinw super Milk DunloP CEMENT WORK ON SIDEWALKS MENT FLOORSVSIOOPS PATlos WELLS DRILLED PAnvrnlts PAINTINGI Interiorpnlnting to Hill strand on ralopbnne ssnla Strnud MAN WANTED for established Route Wutklnl Produclsr No bx perlence necessary Ne uncrn loy ment Full or hurt unis Wri Gauthier 350 St Roch Sh blon trcni 111 Que FEMALE HELP SALESLADY FOR RETAIL CIGAR COUNTER Shift wnrit Ali IJsucll Employee Benefits UNITEDCIGAR STORE 20 DUNLOP STREET REGISTERED NURSES Salary range $30500 to mono Rc guired by Metropolitan Toronto or Home on the Aged In Now market antnrlo Permanent and temporary positions Fort hour wock Good employee none ts Air my SUPERINTENDENT GREENACEES HOME FOR THE AGED NEWMARKET OR PERSONAL OFFICE 387 BLOOR STREET EAST TORONTO an to take of thrnoxchiidrs ruom and board relc hone PA o6o25 for further doti axrnncucnn Waitress Intro Must be clean and depnndnbio Apply to perm in Mrs Mnteticb Street East SALES HELP8 AGENTS $500 STARTING NCOME DEPENDING 0N QUALIFICATIONS Ago 25 39 yurn resident in Burlin Mltrlc ulntion standing or uivolcnt Married Dwner ofln all oniohlle BONUS INCENTIVE plus opportunity to Progress MUST Eo presently employed but full your uhllltyil not being recog nized 01 Joltemployed APPLICANTS Will bu solcctud on but of on bility Ind aptitude Estes train nl glvnrl All rcpllol trohtod In Dolll ndcncs box 46 BARRIE EXAMINER EMPLOYMENT WANTED noormncrnrt Accountant tired on panslnn utter yearr sorvlco wur tnenl orm sooitinil full or parttlnrs employment John plug 14 High street Tcluphonu usual mention Waco of the North Hall or the 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTIONEERS ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND COLWLJ LTD Phonesnnnmn PA asoss VICTORIA nAaooua susnzz rum Rater Plus Advertising Proicsslonui service satisfied customers VERNON AYRES LICENSED AUCTIONEER PHONE 17 ISTROUD ONT Graduntc of Reich School at Auctionecring WORLDS LARGEST AUCTION SALE FRIDAY MAY 10 Auction sale of 70 held Here ford Cattle II the COOKSTOWN COMMUNITY STOCK YARDS Tho list Includes 32 Hereford Cows some with ealyra It root Spring urn Nine 2yeanoldr Yearlingv Heifers le Yearling Steers Hereford hulls ready for lonlcn one above cattlo are All out or one mans herd are tested to so into any municipality rernu Cash No reacho SALE AT 130 RM DST JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer AucrlcisTsALs FRIDAY MAY to loot Auntion Sale or LLOYD and RAWN 21 Highwy mile south of Elm vnlc Suin at anar sale conIan or cars trucks rann machinery tons olscrap purngc equipment pony Arid saddle and hundreds of other Articles too numerous to TRACE AUCTIONEEE MORTGAGE SALE Under and by Vlittln of tin power contained in certain mort zga and assignment of mort gage which will be produced at thnvtlmu of IE thorn will be sauce for sale on Tuesday the NM day of Mhy 1961 It the hour of ten oclock in the forcnaon It the 511mm omca in tho County Court BuUdIflKI Barrie 101 default In payments the allowing Drop my numnly All and Singular that ccrtotn parcel or tract of Ilnd and prone Ill situate lying 11nd helm In III Township of Sunnidole in the County allslmcoc and being 130111A on Hall of Lot No rmeen 151 in the ElshthConncssloh er the sold Township containing ritzy so Acres morn or less Terror ren per cent or the pur chase money to be old down at tho tune or the balance within thirty manta made to the vendor Per lurthnr particular And eon dltlons as sole Apply to SMITH at MeLEAN in Owen street Barrio Solicitors for tho Mortgag fWanl Ads Most Phone 2414 eye or arrange the Intimction 01 bedstocking record challenge all comers Larry Spears 18 standard dormitory single bed Monday night lts worlds and we said WON SUPPLE AWARD BUFFALO AriGeorge 11 of The Associated Press the first nnticnnl wire service reporter to specialize in religious news James award for religious news report has won the Supplo Memorial ng The Supple award is named ligion writer who was killed in plane crash near Hong Kong in 19511 while on route to Koren as wnr correspondent THREE MISSING VIENTIANE AP heli Americans copter and three were reported missing today and feared down in rugged mountain territory partly con trolled by thc proCommunist Pnthct Lao ebels Reliable sources snid to aircraft had been missing since Monday SIIIBII ALE 3111110 311 Heres Your Chance To EnIcy Distinctive StyIiIIg Distinctive Fabric with on vr EATONS MADET0 MEASURE Sport cool or Sloclts AT MUCH BELOW Order the suit of yourchat Contitlentoi erenceu THE USUAL PRICESI Including an1vy or tailored or laer 60 your personal prer