spring Is HomcImprovemeniTIme Sell br WEDNESDAY MAY 11 nu REAL ESTATE nTBEBARRIIS ANNOUNCEMENTS bums nunl aim MESid on ry ieust mill1 loyallie he on In Sign coo tornlri William NAIIS All PORTANT Chm In nun tor your child Ihonld In roll plum Ind othlfl IIIII want to know your chutei Nrmr your amid gluing pomnir and till the In min in Blrfll Ermine Birth lnrni Jim all our chumd hï¬tment IIIl the nails includinl nun will publish Birth Noticr in In only Telephonl ml Victoria next edition or rrrllioo scrvI PA mu tor DBATKS TflOIlPlONAi the Royl Vio tnrir liorplirl Dorm on Thin day Illy II I96I Jeni Smith lornierly oz Thornton beloved wile oi ihn ilil Nomin nomoeon In her 701 yur enter oi alubeih tun Hhiion All llld ihl lltl Willi Smith our lllni DI Ethel Minnow of Toronto Reitlnl It lilo Siaclley Filnerli Ki wofléoy Suï¬lei Dani in on dry ry termrnt lThornton union armc tory CARDS OF THANKS ABEOur lintrd think to our fiend Ind neighbor ior th lovely lower rpd ch ot lrlnd nur rt tbr time at our mothers dehlh elpecllllv thnhinl Rev Vllter Dyel nd hirl Archer or her lovlnl can durtnx hu lily It the nurlinl home Iir bin Stan suit and Elwin BARRIE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY SPRING FLOWER SHOW AND PLANT SALE POSTPONED WILLBEHELD MAY 24 1961 AT TRINITY PARISH HALL Damians AND PLANT SAL MATERIAL RECEIVED To bun P1d For delllil Dhon Mn Mill PA 140 Nearly New Sale PARISH IIALL BASEMENT MAY 18 19 20 REGULAR STORE HOURS aood urcd clothing ond mlledll hneolll rrtlclor Sponsored by Trinit Guild 81582 CoConvennn Hcrp PA R1010 Mn PA 58539 MIXEDDANCING IVY ORANGE HALL FRIDAY MAY 19 930 PM TO AM Lunch counter PAXTONS oncnrsrnn Admission ltic rr IIIgoo CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classiï¬ed adveb tlsements are inserted at the rate of in per word per insertion tor one and two times do per word or three tour or five times and Win per word for more insertions 10 addi tional charge if not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 96 FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CFARGEL PER SINGLE iN SERTION minors on connechNs Advertisers rr reminded that oil phonr Inrcrtlon ordcn are me ed cnnvonisncr to you rdvcruscr Thcrcrorr tho ClluiLied Advorttsln Dcmcni requires nil Advert are kindly when their rdvcrtlsemrnt Immedirtoly cricr drit Iprortlon In order tort my more or ornlulonr may he reported hotorr up in order tint come my hr rocunco tor tho ldilowinl drys Lnsertlon order We Ivth to plot out thlt Tho norm er Is rerponnblo tor only our incorrestlv noted inrortlan on rny advert omcnt rod than on to the extent or portion or tint Involch tht mlsprlot Errors which do not IeJren tile vrlun or an rovcrurc ment Ira not eliflihlo or Como tlonl by mlkb load lute Ind UPS Ityled or non displry olrssinudn my he on tallied through The minor rd Vnttliinl department BLEND mm mm InIoriortiop rcsrrdlnr rdvorilrern ust nnnd Letter aor Numbm lar cpites Ir held strictly contin ohm inconcstto latter Borcs wnr be neldonw11l dlyd not last dry publicrtion Coming Events 5e per word minimum charge $150 Birth and DEBHI Notices or up to 25 words over 25 words per word cum in Meuiuriam No the $150 iii verse used it per word extra All WANT Abreopy should be in our billed by pm tho any nature pubiicntlgn On Saturday by noon DEliT by THE CANADIAN PRESS TorontoMrs Minnie CanIp bell Soott wile of former moderator of the United of Canada TorontoAlfred Edward Zeal ley 82 founder oi the Royal Canhdioh Navy bands Berlin Lt Gen Vincent Mueller former East Galan chief oi staff and deputy lIllil ister of the interior by suicide MET WITH KENNEDY VASHINGTQNXAPh Earl Attlee tormergnritisli prime miillstnr called on President Kennedy Tuesdayond said they discussedwolld atlnlrs He da clined to elaborate Today Lord Attlee will go to Gettysburg Pa in seeoiormerpresidcnt Else hower Church REAL ESTATE PROPERr iron em NORMAN Shelswell DIAL ETA 61mm Dunlap Start In PAS9961 OR68742 it Eileru Ehlllwltl Bowen North olle Wuhan Jim innIon CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE PA 82419 93 Dunlo St MARIE MARS PA M450 cl COREY um WE WELCOME ALL TYPES OF LISTINGS IFARMS COTTAGE REAL ESTATE BROKER 7G TIFFIN STREET BARBIE BLOCKS TO POST OFFICE moon lull price Ior thin two bed room mulllow located Ihollt blocks rpm tho Dlnil Ill Our ice Lile room with flrnpihce kiuhnn rho den piece both toil bucmnnt hot wltor Dentin lt icchcd nr iiikn rn cppoino inch to ct thin home now CGE AREA IV storey In bedroom home kitchen incited on lrrgo lot 11 toned air oil tinl down plment only $1000 BLAKE STREET COMMERCIAL LOT Commercial lot incted on Hillt stroct on which is located Convener Mn Woi epoch PA brick dwelling 165 DOWNSVIEW DRIVE bedroom brick Mini dethched brick hunnlnw only About you oidi Kitchen With dininl ml livlnl room with dian lrel brth lull butment tamed nlr an outing rquipcd with Aluminum rtornu rp screens Pilii price $12900 DUNLOP ST No rterey brick home lorr idell rpcruncnt house meter inrtllled Pull priod only BEDROOMS Its rtorcy homo locrtcd on high wry nbout 1A mild rputh or rlc This In Irrpc Irmily hom nnlyyhhaut ynlrl old hrvlno lrrge kitchen rod dilian room plur living room on bedroom rnd brthroom on ground hour bcdro mr on tho roccnd Iloor Pull emrnt oll herttpï¬ not Lmum $1 1900 ALUXNDALE About one year old bedroom brick bungalow lune livinl room kitchen Tour piece both with hunt In vrnlty Aluminum ltnrms and screen lull Duns ment Inrccd rir hehtlnl lulu lot 50 Fnir down prymppt required 27 HIGHWAY SOUTH Bedroom bunlhlow only yerro old living room chop And piece brth lull ent lorood air all huung lot 15 2011 cnrrlcr or 55905 per oinan allilnotues Down Doyment lbellt CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member the Barrie and Diltlltt Bell Eltltl Enlrd HENDERSON REALTOR In COLLIER STRm PHONE PA Hell 51 DAVIDSON sumo very Pretty three llch room brick bungalow All rooms are topic runny rue szdoo down with NHA terms Crli Ritr sonn drett 101 RODNEY 115100 rRed prior bungalow excellent location Stone Bflpilcn in mm room no dinin roo rhrcc bedroom sis morl hly Chain tlxui Fianna Iiitl SCAD re 105 STRABANE Lovcly otcns rnd brick Drhrpcd hunglow rtIrchcd porno thre bcdropmo In roonu our well rp rrpgcd Pinlshrd rec room ind plryroom NIIA Icrnir ror rp pointlnent Clil lilt Sclndrelt ESTATE SALE Thin older type doublo holldo is locrtcd in downtown Dorris Two broom units soprm porting ror appointment to lnepcct phone Percy Ford NAPIER STREET BUNGALOW Four room nnd bath UPdtIlrJ unï¬nished Won ilndinped lot Priced EH $10M down Phone EVDNINGS CALI RITA SCANDRm PA was PERCY roRn PA 31m Member oilsmo Ind Dirtrtct rnd ontrrio hcrl Eltlta aorrdr who jBOAKE REALTOR 291 nnADronn sriiner BARRB PA 115387 OR PA C5833 Still lelllnl Irma tollrnierl Dl ï¬rming Chm WlknquPA 57451 Rllnh IL BanksPA W80 Mnmherl Barrie Ind Diltrict Ileli Mite Board mDBLDTs lor maxim 121 feet will sell lnrnrltdy Elsi end onilkflroht toy turthcr iniomntlon mumlersha ephon DA um ROGERS monitor can SAL CONNELL REALTORS DNEDIINmDmmwT mtmmmsmrwmhqunwamiu PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL III II DOREPA GLEOGnSPAMSU manSunni CLIFF hbmï¬m mun BOARI7 ROWN REALTOR 31 HIGH STREET BARBIE PHONES PA WI PA hm oihrrrarh nr rnyunrr GIN REA ISIAH mm AFTER HOURS CALL Smith CondomPA L73 Joni PA WEI lllllll GINPPA IM Member cl tho 3111 Bell But loud STOUTT AGENCIES LIMITED COLLIER STREET PA 35901 CENTRAL ONTAMOS LARGEST REALTORS HOME AND INCOME Three bedroom brick bupulow with mil roomcd hurmco rprrtlnont or wall Livr or nearly nothinl whllr rentinx your rprrtincai Only 11200 down $1000 DOWN Win It you Into cute in level with hunched once on will rrrilrr th pricc lo leu ihrp tod hulldinl certs FRUIT AND VEGETABLE BUSINESS on ibrro rcrer or lrnd cnNo it Riflhiuy north pt hrrrtc Good on din with llvl quarters loin concorp In moon MEMBERS or TEE DAME AND DISTRICT REAL STATE BOARD Merv Gould0m 251d Dortr NnthcumhoPA WI Edith GouldOm 251D Kerry siennaPA 5061 TAYLOR Rm ISTATE AND BUSINlSS Bilbm 15 CLAPPERTON STREET BARRIE PA 61761 WiNTERIZED COiiAGE hill price 8900 with 5700 down Livia room 25 mdderll kit inieo lone toiiecc EVENTNGS PHONE AL FOSTERPA 61555 GENE MOORE PA om WEEK OF TORONN AND ONTARIO Rm STATE BOARDS HAROLD RD CARSON REALTOR 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the llnperlhl Theatre PA 6648l Member of Birth and Diltrict Illl Elito Baud MOVED May 16 moi To us DUNLOP stEr Next to Drown Ch STEVENSONS ALL KINDS INSURANCE HANDYMANS SPECIAL Privlto room homn Ind Run II non hhly rind Minotl Point into me clapbonr PA allied THREE BEDROOM Brink Bungl low with rtirebed crepe Luge lotchcn Combined vlnl dlnlnl rrer Nerr North Colldlinte nu Ionbio down tumult NRA mnlilnl Telnphone PA Ache ompooxma nry £16m down 11mm mil price Veiy two storey Irrmc houio excellent condition room horttnr Call Russell Comp rt cmon Tirol nirtc PA 56181 PROPERTY WANTED LAKSlRONT ootlrocs in vicinity Of Birth and Hewkeslone Tele ghnno Stowlrt McPherson PA 1135 Dlvld Davies Realtor litm ber at Toronto rnd DntrrIo neri ktltn Baud CLIENT wmi umno wrntr road bungalow with hrscmsnt can my $75 pnr month Must be outside city limits preferlblv south or Blrrln CIII Elllsell 0111011 11 Carson lie11mm oulor PA mi rvcnipu PA 56161 REAL ESTATE FINANCIAL FOR THE BEST DEAL ON LOANS TO $5000 ll WILL PAY You To GET ALI THE rAtrls AND THEN SEE SEABOARD want You mew LOW COST RATE CLRARLY sTAm FLEXIBLE TERMS UP To an MONTHS PERSONAL SERVICE ALWAYs PnoldPT Emil Finn or Homnonon In MI Lin lnlnrd Seaboard Discount ifl DUNLOP ST IND MOE CANADIAN 11mm PHONE PA pom MORTGAGES FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY 10 LOAN ON Resident Properties Business Properties improved well located fnmi VICTORIA Gr GREY TRUST OWEN SOUND ONT humanitle FOR um AND DISTRICT HENRY ELRICK MICHlE is OWEN ST PA was NO ARRANCING FEES Dii BONUS MORTGAGE IMMEDIATE LOANS WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILORD To YOUR BUDGET lF YOU NEED MONEY OTo compudrtc debt Poy on existins mongr es nor mortnlel Comlnl no shame im rnvomont Any while churn Cull today or appalnunent PA 60981 EVENINGS PA 61033 MprtgcgeFunding Of Canada 129 DUNLOP EAST 1110 Pmsr MORTGAGE wanted edirtciy th clcrr an en tnth Apply to Box Dorrie Blink MORTGAGES nd 1nd bought laid Ind mended Commercll rnd rolldenthl mono loaned on existint morln es Irrie Mort Illa Broken 6650 RENTALS APTS HOUSES T0 RENT TWO BEDROOM course or man tar rent year round nunllhed Tcicphopb no1 All Bench 15 Two annoDlIl Aprrtincpl hot wrter boating Downtown loco flan Adults only Apply Donors at Council telephon PA Misc rt FORSTER REALTOR Ba BAYFIELD ST PA W53 TREE PLANTATION $50000 DOWN We luv for Halo 50 ACTH oi lend with npprpiiiinrteiy 1000 Scotch Pine treel to out till ycrr Tbt hhiInCo you drop run other Vlriotlel of hlrdwnods Frohtxlo on two raid rnd ioutcd hour 100 1Ughwhy Priced or quick Jlle Contct mory Miller PA com 35 ACRES Lo ted nenr Snow Vltley hid hill Pl ty trees flower Ind small strerms An idell rpot to build tint drelm homo away from it all Low oxillnl price Just onll nin ory Minor now Jor detlill Member or arm nd District Roll mote Bond EVENINGS CALL EMORY MINEll PA 00416 101 PALMER PA KARL MARSHALL PA 59911 CAMan RAUOS are no HAROLD F0351 PAT65 PRIVATE sALn Two and bolt yen old three bedroom hunlllnw Lula Livinl mom Klnnvor our boards kitchen nil heltinl Ndhr bite Ind senorto schools Ind hlh schnolr NBA mort llle Second mortxd may be gen Telephone 682 DAILY CBOSSWOBD Shupenl Together uWIngcd vote 4And or Shine at junction Shipn brakes tneholdép Goid 9Noihing nWonder nhout Idly 16 Mung konu nilip 17 Strange 180mm 19iereo MJACdievni helmet aolï¬plllel drum water wheel to Ponyr had Jaw 18 Ancient 11 Nebrulu city 19 Grit 223nttm 2me Eye inflexib motion Amid 29 Titlllicil all 30 Like 3136 member mom Claimed by Nam 38 Lethargy Shunt EB Rubbilil HI Negative meme BUS OPPORTUNITIES RELIABLE GENTLEMAN wanted to invert Inininillni $2000 or netlve pnrtielpltion in pram lhio enterprise Enslly kindled short hours Experience not cc Ilntili immedinte weekly turn and promo BOX 58 BARRIE EXAMINER CITuJi sBvaCs Rest rrnt rail service strtion miles from Barr 11 on Wrorzr Drrch Rood Mod am living quarters Pull price $275 Ind low down payment will he Iceeptorl Cell Iiusrell Car ron ll Camp Ilenl Estlo onlco PA tel evenings PA In FINANCIAL 10 INTEREST GUARANTEED on locus or taco to $1000 renew oble every year with established Acceptance Corporntion Money Erick It any time on 30 dlyl not new BOX 51 BARRIE EXAMINER COPY for Want Ad Section accepted until In mun nooMzD uprtrirs unlun nihhed Iplrtment Kitchen livlnl room rodbedroom privrtn bath room Apply no Cumberllnd st NEW BUNGALOW or rcpt on 410 Highway mile south of Drrric Telephone Taylor H133 Cirrksop OptrrIo man Ronni unlurplshco hcrt ed Iplrtmerll to rcpt Located on Dunlap St Availbin Iune Tele phone PA b2579 DD NICELY Furnished Honin kpcpinz room orch dccorrtcd Central Adultsi Phone PA H172 alter pm or Soturdry FOUR Room Aprrtmcnt close to schools hnd rtorcri Newly occurs ted rnd rcnronrbic rcpt Telephone PA mos tor turtber Inlomationi BRIGHT iurnished two room rprrtntent Bedslttin room and kitchen Suit coup Avrtlthc Immodlrtcly APPU to 121 Burton Ave Telephone PA wood erUansnsD Apartment and mom nno noon Downtown Privrte cntrnnccr and hrtbs Heat cd Avrllrnio lmmcdirtciy Apply nnyncld Street sod PER Mum Furnished three room rpnrtmcnt with prlvlto blthrooin Ncwiy decorated rrrk Ing sprcc Apply at Ill Dunlap Street but RENTALS AYES HOUSES TO RENT 300 titer icon Illa mninhed rrtncnir us no we Dig in 553nm 13mph Street CM ONI AND oraleon And all store Hi manor an KW In phon unifornuia Wflmfivm room Art mni with kitchenette and gun rwin Priyrtc rntnneo Heat hr dro In nlrflnl Iplu included Adult relene in Apply in mop mm hooal Ie rprrimrnt heat on botwile when decanted olxsnuut AVRiinthlimh eat1 er mun um er pop MODERN our room mm with privth brimcoin lion upon stove mailertor ruth lnntlc wuher Ind dryer ruppilrd Avrilrhlr Jn mm no Telephone PA IIIRBI I100 Apllilnent with rival bathroom hot VIIAX oil cried rcnlrerrtor cod hmy duty nova included Muted on Burton Avenue Apply crntrr Street BAIT XND hue two bedroom hplnment on huh rontl Now Ind modem Sell contrlned rtoyr Ind rctruerrior laundry nellitlen Good plrflnl Avolllhll Juno Telephone PA 5551 NEW AND Modern one And two bedroom rprrtrncnto overlooka Icenln Kempenlelt my Belt lu neioictimiutiï¬trhlii eludes PA 32802 Two Roollsn IuInuhrd sport inan Heat hydro rpd enter in cluded in rent Nrnt Ind elnn nnd ciosr to downtown Rcuon rbio rlsrlt suitbio or Iupie PA Hols MODERN our bedroom rprrb ment tivlnz room kitth Ind bathroom Drillto entnncn rep virterr Inupdfl helliltéel Deathpd ii PA 34319 Avllllbll DAN szu CONTAINED modern two bedroom untnmlrhod lower dup lex Ptlvolc trout cnirrpco our lcco hnlh move and rem en or rtorhuo spree pnrlilhl ery ccntrrl x90 pcr month Telephone PA 54497 WANTED TO RENT Tnnnn nsnnoom Home required by high school tcrchcr by July or 92mm ï¬rcrxciuul tcnont rickercrï¬ mop ncccrcc Box as Dorrie nxrmlnci pp EXECUTIVE TYPE Ihrus or tour bedroom home wanted or chilly or ï¬ve Youngest 11 your Murt no rultrbic toi cntcrtriplng Will ing to sign ycrr Iensc Apply to Box 51 Berlin Exnmincr rnnns DBDROOM Doors wrnted to rent for tccohcr at North Coli crIrto wllh three rchoolrxo thild ren Orkloy Prrir souorc proton rcd ncnsonrble rcpt Apply nor do nrrlo Ethtner COUPLE WITH two it dcslrs bedroom house or rputmnnt close to public cphpoL chtrl or 10 monthly Required May 15 or do Reply no 22 nonIr rhi onillned Iminer ROOMS TO LET FURNISHED Bedroom hop1e Nelr bus route in liiet in End rcicphonc PA M137 Emlsnnn BEDROOM at to Iiipie Avrrnlc Linen ourpllco so wcckly DRIGHT Sunny Bedroom with twin beds Suitoblc or onuplc Prrkinp spore Also gangs to rent or June Apply 69 hlrple Avrnuo or tclcpbonn PA Mon FURNISHED Room also earn pieter tarnished room And kit chon with rtch and trip raps rtc entrance Porkipe yprcc Telephone PA on FURNISHED nooms Ior rent Also rmpii cottage suitable or com nilnotion workers Very ccntrrL Lots or parking Rcosonnblc rent gficphone PA 34111 or 72 with ree ROOM BOARD ROOM and hoard In PIIVItI home Gentlemen prcIcrrcd Near Cnnndlln General Electric Tele Dhonc PA Mus RooM AND noARD for two or three men Closo to chcrrl Elev tric Tclc hono PA 68115 or Inn ther detl is iflflflflï¬ï¬ï¬ COTTAGES FOR SALE UNFUILNIBBED Apartment threo rooms Jud hethroomrlell contrln ed suilrble or business pen $10 per month Telephone 35158 gt THREE Roohi modern hcrtcd Ipnrtment lumishcd or unrurn ished privlte brib Also bachelor rrtmept in new building Tele one PA 87120 FIVE ROOM Brick House on heated Itthth ruse newly decorted Five nies Irnm Brr r1o on Highway Telephone PA oosoe tor Iurth particulars tne wigrinx and on he pg Telephone an loom tor cr iniorlnur on II ï¬llï¬ifllflflll Hll Iflilï¬ï¬‚ll lan ï¬lVAVA flflfl III 1mm Room ished Apart ment Private en anCo rnd both Ground floor ll suit couple ply rt 52 Turin treat or phono 31536 THREE LARGE cocciml room apartment private bath scparstc coilonce heated Avnnnblc now monthly Telcphonc PA 86158 rum him till Em TWO LARGE llooan furnished rs kitchen and bedroom Refriger tor and reunite included Cen tral Adults 312 wecki Avail able naw Telephone EA 34058 SELF CONTAINED umlshcd apartment living room site bedroom rnd thrcn loco blthroom sos per month ell pnohe PA 82485 or PA 131111 man Ronni unfurntrhed Apart ment rcpnrrto cntnrncc sci contined Parkins utilities Avon rblc Immediately Telephone PA 710 for timber inlormrtlop VERY CENTRAL Three room mmisbed npnrtment ecu cpntrln ed with entrance Cleln end nub suitable ioi two rdulls Rcrsoprbin rcpti Avoilnhle now Telephone PA H101 FARM noUsE rnd sump pump or root Shanty my Iipnd mile rrom Blrlie hlodcrn insidn con venlencek bedrooms 565 month ly Tclcphons PA 55195 AVAILABLE MAY Ilt one Kilt nimed Ipartlnont one unturnirb cd aoth lei Contained one child welcome Dnys Phone 8327 Eva him no woo UNFURNTSIIED thrcc room IPnrti Insnl hentcd Refrigerator and stove ruppllrd Centrally located Immclllrtn posrcriion Telephone PAgt Bsou orPA Mood kitchelI COTTAGE for rcpt rt Lconrrolr Bench miles from Brrrlc Teielt phono PA 34491 nhiPmBLT DAY tillcc bed room lakefront cottage rvriiabio June rhd August Tolcpnono PA 114491 or PA 112142 COTTAGES WANTED WANTED TO RENT SUMMER COTTAGE Summer cotllge on water within 10 miles of Barrie sleep at lent people lurnlslled llld convenlem ï¬qukeflWm camel2r mer month snllsihcbory APPLY BOX 53 BARRIE EXAMINER WANTED To RENT iron July 11 to August Two brtiroom cottage with conveniences Blue Wnter Ecrch or vicinity Tcicphonr PA 85754 liter pm ARTICLES for SALE worn noors FROM $795 GOLDS SHOE REPAI 11A CLAPPERTON ST YOUR COMPLETE SHOE mm SHOP JONES USED FURNISHINGS Dealers In antiques rndoood used furnishings We riwoyo brvc good rclccuon CLEARANCE SALE EVERYTHlNG lOBE SOLD AND ESSA ROAD PHONE PA 66151 CHESTERFIELD sUITB two place or srlc led browngncc versihin ionm nu ions 35 Thic phonh PA 4740 swninurNG poops szpoo Iuit prlcc nnd tin month flux lntcrcst will ut you in ovnly llrethnc rc nlcrccd Conv crete pool sin 10 our Complete with Inter system diving board and chrome Inililnr Nathan extrn to tally lioroy Io swim In For ruriher Inrormntion crn Cryrtri Pools rt PA Mini THREE Prncr hedrlonm Suite for ASPHALT PAVING Telephone PA SLIGHTLY USED Singtr Vacuum EPQSMKNDOEMIELODG Wm th xaminer Want Ads BELIEVE ii on now By Ripley HAS MW SillW OFA SINGIE MY TO WIN BET 5R JOHN CLERK OF PDIICUIK PUTTD WK EVERY WHOED PERSON IN THE AREA ommmnruemmnn ARTICLES for SALE RETREADS FOR SUMMER DRIVING AT DOMJNION TIRE STORE illiARYST NEWSPAPER MATS rim um Ideu Ior unln hon boom perfect lnlulltor rtuer ourrot etc 25c PER DomN Apply The arm homor Erma Ontario BARR GOVERNMENT SURPLUS STORE SUMMER 15 JUST AROUND THE CORNER HOPEI so WHY NOT SEE Us Now FOR YOUR SLEEPING BAGS TENTS STOVE CAMP STOVE AND LANTERNS A150 TARPS ALL Sill5 INCLUDING BOAT TARPS To FIT YOUR BOAT ROSS srnnm PA 60622 ADAMS FURNITURE PRICED TO SELL BARGAI NS MAXWELL ill BLADE Rotor Lawn Mowers cycle REGULAR $5900 PRICED TO SELL $5900 MARcom 17 TV rnblc Model REGULAR $19900 PRICED TO SELL $12995 RANGEiIES FOR iiE COTlAGE 4995 UP STILL AVAILABLE aROOM GROUPS FROM $39900 AND UP TERMSTO SUIT YOUR POCKET BOOK No Money DownUp to years to payNo outside Financing at Adams BUY AT ADAMS PAY Ai ADAMS ADAMS 98 DUNLOP ST WEST IN BARRIE PA 60251 role in and on Armor liter soTM DisherrFulnnri Limited EVERDammit Strawberry Pirntr or sale Telephone 301 Orov can mr NOE Aluminum Pipe end Sprinklers Ior ï¬le only tried once HRH price Telephone ivy 21ml cuer pm USED TELEVISIONE $4450 No money down snsy crcdlt term Adam mimiturc Co 93 Dunlof Street went tclcphnne PA 5025 PoivBR LAWN Mowers repaired Hlmfltoni Illdihtor and Lawn mover service 14 Frederick ï¬gs Blrrle or Telephone PA Br RADIO RECORD player Philip AM tit EM stereophonic Six months old like new Full with floor model Paid $50000 sis Tor moon TelephonePA moo NEW FORCED Air GI Furnaces repuinr $235 now to rold tor spa using cpcclol $150 discount Installation extra Telephone PA Malior PA sign2o Clelner tori trio with cclrl 11¢ cleaning equipment in gunrrn tccd Must In deep to more elated Tolnphonc PA um VBIGHWAY 11 SOUTH ARTICLES forSALE TEOII HPIN DRY Wuher link unit up or converted to dish wrrhcr Auo Grrviiy not Air ND nncr Best otter Apply to 1111 Peel strut or telephone PA Hui or pm Imus sliloln 3110 to ti Avenue llrrrio PA um open druy9 up to 11 pm Eundlyl 12 noon to 11 Solo ert rup Diiel NellmIIl In Crelm newt piper lndnllnt editions null Rinel and undricl ovzpnzAD some noon rny Iixo nu Stove port rod notor good Ior shin 11m number of runs draw out in wood cun dlo elm wrn Ciock new kit cn let Telephone Pll ham or Apply lhrlillry street ARTICLES WANTED WANTED REFRIGERATORS FOR SUMMER COTTAGES HIGHEST TRADEl VALUE Call McFaddens FOB PRICES PA 89288 DmaCULARs in dead condition wlrlted rlro Tcnt to riccp tour peropp TelephonelPA Mass WANTED TO BUY ml or mctrl crrtop Bolt Cnrricrr rultrblq tor itgztggn walnn Tclepnnhr PA BOATS or Morons DONT PASS UP THAT BOAT BARGAIN Buy it Now With LowCast loiterimured SCOTTA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SONIA sAanoAT lzloat planing nan rcow Mrinsall and jib on sq lent Telephone PA5M50 BOAT IImTolt rnd Trrucr wont ed hilly equipped not 15 mt 25 horsepowcr or up Prercr grammes moo Telephone PA SEA PLBE boat or iris Iydlr1 old Equipped with 1955 Mercury In hp motor also included on water skis lilo locket $175 Tcie phono PA M469 is PACE 5111 15 hp Johnson electric cnntrols light wind dhleld back well padded rents tanks trrp Ind Ten Nee trailer Apply BB Collier Street in RP scorrr BalieMnllc Wltt 14foot Marine Plastics wlidgoprn runrbouti New 1957 Complete with lilel thnk paddles and life prcrcrvers $350 Phono Murdock at PA 66555 CEDAR STRIP BOAT rpd irliler complete 10 hp Johnson motor riro 1d hp blcrcury Motor with controls Also not bottom punt load or summer cottngs Rerson rbic Telephone PA H889 15 F001 Moulded Plywood 15 hp electric Tee Nee trailer two 5ltsnliontnnks n11 controls wind sbicid electric horn dcclr hud wmbnttery and extra pump $195 cash Telephone PA 61135 or contnct Jock Weotmrns Marin Barrie FRUIT 8t VEGETABLES rAPPLES THE APPLE BARN molNTosn WINTER vnnurrus Bring your own container IIEIIMAN Airmail PA 59201 KATABDIN POTATOES or rain Would make good reed Reason rhiy priced Morrow Thornton Lot Con IlnnlsflL Phone Ivy 71m gt GOOD QUALITY flavored Scbrgo Potntnor lor nle ï¬eld Inspected and clean nisc cocksbutt lilanucn Spreader drive chnip good canal tioh Allan Eonnuy Phone PA 53665 aflmwuwwi LIVESTOCK YORKSHIRE DOG Ior saic Sci vlchnble roe Apply Mr George Brown RR Eradford Ont Tele phone Prospect 53321 noLsrmN cows for lnlo six vsccinntcd nnrl Tn tested rdup anytime Must sell Phonn Elm vrle 10am FARM MACHINERY silo down nDD sacs continentI englor urcd Ioc months in xoierr car Cnnba used in port 5115 new best ouch Srcrttlcc Telephone PA H110 Turnwnxmns Portables law Is yarnsl yenr purrnntcc TornIs so down $3 prr week stu dent rontnin roprlrt Stu wrltcr co zi Rrrdtold UBBD TENTE scvcrht slros chin coir cnlnp stoves Ind comp cpolt en New tents alccpine bone 5115 Bhrrlo Tent and Awninl co nrrries Camping Suppl Centre It Blyileln 5th Phone 54437 MILL MESLEY MCKEE HARVESTERS drnss surge Zero Grazing Iilny Conditiohlhl IHoyHnrvesLtng Grhin Threshiur IStruw Isrrvcmng CCorn slim 34421 co KSTOWN Appiscnhpmzlta nnlcr nlid Pm wer Mower hcorcot llommor Mill Mosrcy Hunls nlnder Alnnure Sprcnder asmon Impic rncnie Maple Syrup cqulpmcnt Inck nycr Bimvrlc phone72lIR6 and Mldhllnl