marn wan Open Trade Fair Fr in Soviet Union May 19 Moscow tReuterslBritelns ï¬rst large trade Ielr in the so viei Unlondue tovopen here may iscenainioDeEEuo cess the Russians say Moscow is getting ready to re retro great invasion ot Brit lsh businessmen who will be showing oil their were for 17 days at the permanent exhlhl tion site ln wooded Sokolniid Perk 20vminule subway ride irern eKremiIn Frï¬n May 19 until June thing like 1000000 visitors ieh businessmen as well as ordinary Soviet citizens are ex to pass through the turo or Fleets of extra British CanLet and Soviet Til104 jet airctalt will bring the 400 British work men who are to elect the stands and the businessmen who are expected to total neelry 1500 Once the fair is opened by Reginald Handling president oi hibition which will open Earls Court in London July The Russiens have to edvertlse the air Britain under the auspices oi the Brit ish and Soviet Chambers at country the British board trade Rus eiens will be able to wander aroundthe exhibition site and its iour large buildings to look at aksleidnscopic variety oi British goods ranging from mslt ehine tools to milk bottling equipment and from aircrait to automobiles Wlth 621 British firms taking part this will he the largest ex htbltlon ever put on here by single country The declared elm oi the lair iurtlIer British trade The accent of ink will be on heavy industrial equiï¬ment although consumer goo are also to be shown Much oi the machinery will be in full work ing order and in charge of Erib lsh workmen Each stand will have its quota of Russian inter Ducks Marked To Make Study On Migration SACKVEIQE NB OP Eight ndre block ducks wintering at Montague PEI have had their wings dauhed with red or yellow dye in the continuation ai study oi their breeding habits its part of proBern eIried organized by the rivate enter prise firm of trial and Trade Fairs is to out by the Maritime branch oi the anadian Wildilio Service 300 lack ducks were Inter slast ep and the branchE aged pub lic response decided to ontlnue the study this year Drakes are denim with red dye on the underwing leathers and iemnies got yellow mark Ing Biologist Bartlett says his branch received reports oi breeding migration from many polnts in around the Gulf of St Lawrence last year Anyone spotting the painted ducks is asked to forward in formation on where they were sighted to wildlife service head quarters in Ottawa The pro gram losts until early June when spring moulting causes the due to shed their painted ledLIe Step up to LAWNBoy CANADAS MOST POPULAR PIJWER LIWII mower Déluxe 18 All luxury lawn care features one pull siartprovendapend abilityplus FULL YEARS WARRANTY only $8250 LAWNBO VDEluxelBMith IllilllliSEStillI Just wind end organan Boy springs to life Carrie FUL EA WARRANTY Newioundland and GRADEIIA TURKEvs OVENREADY To use AVERAGE T45 Frozen Food Features Funny Sliced AIP Rag pkg SEQSAVE 17o SIRAWBERRIES 3tsozpkas100 Reelmen Reg line MAVI lEMONADE 106flwlm99c 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tributed widely throughout the Ron MI ï¬oEAVE innate as at Iienhedy Enlisting Support Oi Policy HAVANA ca The dxbao newspaper Prensa Libra says In anedlloriei the current visit at President Kennedy to Ottawa is designed to enlist Prime Minis tor Dieienbekers support ior Uniled ate Won union Cube The newspaper says Deben Cenedian trade has become principle disruptive iector in re lations between Canada and the United States no for has failed in eiiorts lo inu trete this trade and create en mity between Canada and Cuba the editorial states said COOKED READY To Govt Io Publish Transport Rules TORONTO CPIThe Ontario government is ready to publish or the tlrst time regulations Ihe governing transportation oi hep erdous materials on highways Transport Minister Rmtree iuesdly ERVE SMOKED HAMS SHANK PORTION 1491 SHANK HALF Notam moonme BUTT HALF CENTRE CUTS or STEAKS No thorn Sfim Removed BUTT PORTION L47 I553 59 HERES PROOF THAT YOU SAVE CASHI MEXICAN NO GRADEHAND SELECTED QUALITY Ron IIko MVI 48IIox lines Tenular21e Reg pita AVE 40 Large Jule Fanny Grade Mexican Holman Flnh No Grade Jumbo also Florida Iweet Flue Gr Imported wulusa Irlmm Curly Lui No1 Grade Genuine semih Mild Ewet No1 Grade Jumhealu Florida and No Gnde PLUS EXTRA SAVINGS at Ann fG0J LIQUIDDETERGENT SIZE 132FLEOZ PLASTIC ea REGULAR PRIcE ado SAVEAN EXTRA do ToTALSAVlNG no and arrEAMILV aIsE Were Proud Of These Many low Fruit and Vegetable Features Compml TOMATOES mm CALIFORNIA NO GRADE lARGE LUSGIOUS SIRAWBERRIES gt Oeilfornle VeienoII Feney Grade ORANGES pirIe 5iheellohog 59¢ APPLES V°oozzzltfwtkirnrnm LEMONS ANTALOUPE PEPPERS YELIOWLORN SPINACH mlous CELERY STAIKS ESQOEEDEAL sisaesu49g L19l 35 Sweet Green Imported Large eiu No Grad 4hr 29 21Mulkhaor29fl gt ea0f225£ gt 259 each Dont Forget To Buy Extra Ered For TIII Long Weekendl ï¬rm Wuk MARVEL seem helleuro Feature BANANA NUT BenTIE lee cmm with Plenuil PINT CARTON 25c EliGALLON CARTON 89 Em Brand WEB WEDNESDAY MAY 11 OPERA swoon nrzs SAN ANTONIO Tex AP hire Mary Jordon Oresson once leading operatic end The uzmrgllles he said will require carrying dam geruu Chemicals in Oratorio to carry large marker naming materials and tellinx what to do in use accident Amounts oi some materials thetcenbeurriedinooeve concert soprano died EISH FEATURES Cooked end IreTied 49 WHOLE SMELTS gt49 viiï¬iiimï¬hss FILLETS lIADDOCK EISHSTICIts v57 allele Quality Rea ITOCAVE SOLE FILLET No33 MORE MEAT FEATURES meked WIENERS moked WIENERS swell Pickled Voe Pee COTTAGE ROLLS modem 39 buith 77¢ 549 CANNED HAM msmo Ienx Brent CANNED HAM IIunorRioht Quality All In Hamburg mu MiNCED BEEF 7c SuperRiot Melt Brown MW SAUSAGE pATTIES isms lmoked cooked Plonlo Style 9c PORK SHOULDERS hole 7t Aligned Smoked liloed Rindleee Hm 67¢ SIDE BACON lupu Rim Smoked Sliced Martino SIDE BACON CANNED Goons SALE Oholee Whole White Reg tine MA 00 ACP POTATOES mum329 CASE OF 24 TING GAVE 72o HINIW 01ml dually Flog tin lieDAV FRUIT COCKTAIL Zululand9c CASE OF TIN SE SAVE 56 651 Flog WI BioM SAUERKRAUT moose CASE OF TI SAVE Me as TumK ace tine liloSAVE IONA FEARS 2Wh35c CAI OF 24 TIN MM IAVI es ma Robin Fanny Quality PINEAPPLE suclo 6miu99¢ CASE OF TIN $339 gm Bakery Specials BAKED IN AAPI OWN BAKERVBY MAITER BAKER max row one new awn LOOK Parker um ANGEL FOOD CAKE Rog 55eSAVE 10 Juno PALkl gt RngOeEAVI 1o APPLE PIE e39 TOOK UP YOUR FREIIIR AT THIS LOW PRICE Jone Parker BREAD 609i WHOLE WHEAT Jone Parker COFFEE CAKE JulIo Parker 24oz leaves 33 I09 NoIAVE Io APPLE mam each 33c Roe nossen eu TWIN ROIL5 mot pkg 21 June Parker III nkl EEOCAVE Ge CHOCOLATE ClIIP COOKIES one 29 Jane Perim pko of 12 FRANKFURTER ROLLS sneeze in 35s snz Jer We lOOz iar $139 l2fl pt btl 39¢ pkg of l2 Buy ouIity AP INSTANT COFFEE IsaIma EIOLE SLAW DRESSING re BRILLO SOAP PADS aooINfIIooD ROYAL DELUXE cAKE MIXES Flavours 69 ran Save 9e Tuesday Mrs Crusoe ll mode her debut with the Boston Opera Company in the early 1900s hide will be limited he said She was born in Cardiil Wales