ran ennui menu can an STOCK MARKET Iriduéirials Up Mining Heavy NRONTO CPI The stock market was up during moderate morningtradlng today On the exchange index indus trIals gained 19 at 58613 golds 32 at 0211 and base motels 04 at room Western oils tell 45 at 9992 The 11 am volume was 953 000 shares compared with 880 000 at the some time Monday Alberta Gus was up at 32 while Algoma Steel Canada Co ment Canadian Bank oi Com merce Moison all rose V4 0n the minus side industrial Acceptance Corporation dropped it at 61 Moore Corporation and Dominion Foundries and Steel as at 58 and 55V and Dominion Bridge Va At 13 Mining trading was heavy Hudson Bay hilning and Smelt iog was ahead point to 55 Ventures and Dcnlson it at 44V and 10 and Norsnda it at 48 Gold trading was ligthlth Holllogcr and Kerr Addison up Iri at 23 and 10 In strong western all trading Royailte and Pacliic Petroleum both iell do at 10 and mi while Bailey Selburn rose iive cents to $305 The market iiniahed strongly MandaTreding was moderate 0n the exchange index indus trlais rose 200 at 58594 golds at 9289 and base metals 31 It 19543 The iinal volume was 3529 000 shares compared with 100000 Friday Great Lakes Power gained NOON DOLLAR MONTREAL CFThe US dollar was at discount oi 582 per cent In terms oi Cano dlan iunds the Bank oi Mont real reported near noon today Yesterday the noon rate was 06 meld Pound sterling 3270 un changed NEW YORK CWCanadian dollar 364 lower at 01 that in terms of US iunds Pound sterling 1H2 higher at $100 1316 Stock Exchange Is Investigated WASHINGTON AP Th US government Monday or dered broad secret investiga tion oi the American Stock Ex change rocked recently by aile gations that two ent members engaged to wholesale pricevrigging and other viola tions The two members Jerry and Gerard Re were ordered ex pelled from the exchange May by the Securities and Ex change Commission which an nounced the new inquiry gt SEC officials said they Will try to determine whether new laws or regulations are needed to protect investors against the type at market chlcanery attrib uied to the Res They were ex change specialism conducting daily auctions in about 10 stodts Federal Bond Iss ue Announced OTiAWA CWFinance Min ister Fleming gave advance no line Monday oi new $200000 000 shortterm bond issue 01 which $110000000 wlli go on sale to the public Details of the issue will nesday His announcement said $50 000000 of the new Issue has been sold to the Bank at Carin ada in exchange for an equal Gatineuu Power and be announced Wed point to 36 while Bell Tele phone and CPR each rose at 53V and 26 Mlnlng trade was heavy and produced mixed market Falconbrldge rose point to 55 Ventures and Consolidated Mining and Smelting at and no Noranda ii at 47 and Gunner iive cents to $020 Hudson Bay Mining Ind Smelt lng lost oi at and Labrador It ï¬ts Gold trading was gemr quiet Dome rose at 22 McIntyre Porcupine iell at 33 Mortgage Assets May Now Be Sold OTTAWA CPIAil the mort gage Islets oi the Crwnowned Central Mortgagerid Housing Corporation on be said Work Minister Walker said Monday in written Commons reply These mortgage assets total 31380981660 but mortgages va lued It 016001 are being withheld tor the time being Thus mortgages worth $905 18 are available ior sale under the government plan an nounced April 17 to develop secondary market for mort legee insured under the Nag tioaai Housing Act Proceeds oi the sales would be used by CMHC to make new loans or retire the corporations indebtedness to the government said the reply As iar as the corporation was concerned it ielt it was author ized to units mortgages to any Pam TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn Bunion at Borne momma Album Abiubi Paper Allan EtIII Aluminium Lid Ainem on Atlu Etna ax ollhlontroll bang at NS Boll iel Co Hell uranium ilA Oil 80 Power Can Bk of Cam all Cdn Breweries CPR Canada Coinm Cln Chemile Cl Curtw Can lan oil can Min Sm Dem nom Tar Gt Lllll GIL Pow Home Ull Imamor ocsu Labia HM lelit 11 Camp Chib Con Dli Rio can Dlnilan IDI Con Ball SIIIIIII lllcohhridge an Icon Niall 11 Hamill Lemou Maritime Normm oer nisks Con Paper consumers Gu nil El Dom stem Famous Flu Hurdle Illml Iub Hen Powell Riv MINING Gunnu KerDAddilnn mi lulu m1 Nonnda max Ont no as llloore cm lgmaemrm em QIII NIL all on Royal am 8L Co If iu ea Hudlnn BI Illa imp Tobacco oi Clix stainsr Tor Dom Bk has Can Pipl Tnnl Ml PIP Iildon Flu Texaco JD II Pipe PM Union In Wilker DQW 3°13 Li In 530 Gunmen Sher Bordon stup Rook Unitlfl Oil Waite Amuilt Willley hï¬Ã©tisa AL FIVE Moes limvn flocks BA Jockey Club Belch North Coldlirelm irldlrl Finance BiVIDtNIJ DECLARATION Famous PII era can Co Idend tiny so nowqoivsa new common amc May 17 Ho lingr Conn dated common Kenya June ii ex dividend plyhie Junl as ax div Yoim AVERAGE Industrilil OJ Roll 15 Utuitlel up 01 wnuNno ern ii itxuriANul mull indusfllll up 19 Gold up hintls up 34 Oill down Ol 0A8 CEOOSEB SITE WASHINGTON AP Mon tevideo Uniguny was picked as the site or an InterAmerl can Economic Cnnieraoca to hs gin July 15 special iocountry committee of the council the Organization of States OAS voted unanimously ior Montevideo and ior the July is beginning dat MOVING May 16th to 113 DUNLOP ST Next to Brown and Co STEVENSON INSURANCE noun Throw Heavy Artillery Into Byelection Battle THE CANADIAN PRESS No way contests are as cured ior three at tho iour eon stituenclel at stake in federal byelcctioos Monday May as in the fourth there will be live men light With the close oi numblotions Monday only the Progressive Conservatives and Liberals had entered candidates In three Eastern ridings Leeds In On tsrio Reetlgouohe Madawarka in New Brunswick and Kings to Prince Edward island in the Vancouver island rid ing oi Esquimalt Saaninb however New Party and Social Credit candidates plus one from the Socialist party oi Canada Soloed representatives at the two major parties to make iive man ballot The byeiectlons will provide the ilrst ballot box test oi polt lltlcal trends in seven months All iour seats were held by Pro gressive Conservatives Though the outcome which ever way it goes could have little silent on relative party strengths in the Commons some heavy artillery is being thrown Into the iour contests MINISTERS ATTEND Groups oi ministers from the Progressive Conservative cab lnet are belitg sent into each constituency Prime Minister Dieienbnker is follow ing the tradition the prime ministers dont take part per sonally in byeiectlon tights Liberal Leader Lester Pearson plans iourday swing through the three eastern rid ings hurting Frldny night It Brockville in Mods CCF Leader Essen Argue will speak in Esquirnalt Seanich May 24 Walter Pitmhn who won Peterbomugh byelectioo last Oct to become the iirat New Party member of the Com mons campaigns in the riding this week in Kings constituency an MPs widow and veteran pel itician will contest the seat va cated by the death at John Macdooaid last Jun till widow Mrs Margaret Mocdon eld will carry the Conservative colors against liberal Thomas chlthlm 00 who held the seat or eight years bciore his 1057 deient by Mr Macdonaid in Restigouchc iliadawaska lte Conservative Edgar Four nier 52 against Liberal Dube Mr Fournicr iormerly set In the provincial cabinet as chairman oi the New Bruns wick Pawer Commission Mr Duhe la lawyer iieorgo Davies CONSTRUCTION LTD Bards PA Hm ail PUPULAR genuine limit ma The New Brunswick out be came vacant In January with the resignation at Van Horne LIBERAL PC COMPETE in Leeds the cladidltu are Liberal John Mathews year old lawyer and Conser votive Elwood Stewart year old businessman Both live in Brockville The vacancy was caused by the death in Decem her at linden Stanton Compared with those three oonltitucncies the Held in crowded in quulmait Scan lch vacated last October by the appointment oi iormer deieaca minister Pearkel to become British Columbias lieutenant governor The candidates Conservative George Chatterton rceve oi Sannich Liberal Davld Groos t3 retired naval oiiicer New Party representative Glen Ham ilton 41 year old iarmer and social worker Social Credit candidate George Hahn 49 ier MAXIMUM ENERGY SUIIlls give you maximun PERFORMANCE itliill INVITIHE HIIITERIORS he the ï¬nelymppoinierpaw Pontiac interiors this in beauiy lhlt Is as practical 9t iisdistinctivel mn MP for New Westminster and an entry or the Socialist Put at Canada Don Poirler lumen Present part ltlndings In the see out House with iour vacancies are Progressive Conservatives Liberal 50 CC New Party savmos FIND WOMAN DEAD MAXWELL CF Hrs Neal MacDonald oi taver Mn 13W car Ioit thegrood Ind embankment three miles west oihnrmAnInauutwiflbebcid May at Maxwell is about in miles southeast of Owen Sound paid on DEPOSITS onminimum unorterly balance THE Stroll in Bay St Toronto 1490mm NG TRUSTS WRPCRATIDN GASGUNSCIUIIS Poniiade V8 and StrumSis my give you combina Ninn oi ihriilineelae and power region to gen Welcome your Census Taker In line Ce us Takers will ask questions of you and all other residents of Candda Your answers combined with those of others will produce facts vitally important in guiding the development of Canadas futurein planning schools hospitals public utilities farm and industrial production The Census is an enormous task undertnircn once every ten years Only with the caroperation of every Canadian can it be done quickly and accurately HLE THINGS MAKE WTIIETIG DIFFERENCE ire convenience Tying is unmistakany nui in iront ihoughriui are tirigyour combat in all arouhd youl flINRWALLEI WOWNER ENTHUSIASM éhflnull discover why harman inn vnun ievably smooth and many thousands ofdez flortleas Pontinoa responwvrw lightni owners already asivo performance is you Know Pontiac value really Qipen invitation to yearn A0 paysoï¬ at resale time ouiid driying pleasure he ï¬jwiiirwmr firearms QUALITY VéfMflllél CRUISE Famine shaman outsiand Alltiiaiorniaéltiln you give ls kept In mgr mmmmywim no can once aweve ersbnrnustanswer ea Census questiozlrs bu merilfswers can be used only €3333 in no ï¬eldqn wt zillions one styled to sun in oizilirivgihern re ontiuo bythe Dam in Bureau ofStatistics for the prep xi aration of statistics Information about individuals AiivE Excmmi afPEiiFURMANCE par value of threeper cant bonds maturing next Dec Another $40000000 had boon sold in exchange for the banks holdings of an equal amount of onevyear treasury bills matur log June oi the $110000000 puhllc sale part would be used to retire the remaining $10000000 oi the spe elal oneyear treasury bill issue due June The remaining $100000000 of proceeds would provide new money to replenish the governments cashhalances Need Preparation in Economic Sh ck MONTREAL CmCanadian business ought to start prepar ing for the cocoa csbock that will accompany world disarma ment KurtSwinton national chairman at he Canadian Con ference to Education said to new flux1 Sooner ryiater peace will break out he said andour armament expense will hereduced if no the ish negligible yourhudgaaI $751 dwntyinr Ponliac the sclosodtoanyothergovernmentdepart dealersindsy mentor gencyprivatc organizationorindividuail us all when the Gen usToker cailsnt yourhome please welcome Anemia hiinohdnanrcsnsnaooUNTi TEMPEST CanadasOninrnntEngine nearlransmlssinn car All Enntiaos edition In branddeuitrlmmershed tool cauldron nwagons sQ DOM e1 MA is sari1v noun CHECK YOUR on cuter your DRIVING mavenr socioems M01635