Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 May 1961, p. 4

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Hint Quebec liker Will Secede From Canada Before Centenary MONTREAblcPlThe leade ol one at Quebecs three setmelodic naivements rays Confederation may not live to Elie flame Examiner Publishedby Canadian Newspapers limited idBaylleld street Barrie Ontario PQGE FOUR TUESDAY MAY ll 1K1 EDITORIAL NOPrice Top On Adoptions Is Governments Decision Hon Louis Cecile Ontarios minist er of public welfare has lostno time in setting out the governments position on adoption fees The government is op posed to such plan The governments position is well tak en proposal was put iorward lor study at convention of the Ontario Associa tion or Childrens Aid Societies that an adoption loo or perhaps $200 be charged against adoptive parents Prospective platen of adopted chil dren do not want to be placedin the pos ition of buylng children or adoption The War may be nice phraseology but in the minds of the public it is more likely tobe construed as price tag Now that the opposition oi the govern ment is on record it would be desirable to bury the study as quietly as possible Nothing could do the child adoption pro gram greater harm than pursuit or the thought You can adopt child if you are willing to pay 2th ice Realize Incentive Is Needed From The St Catharines om Standardit The nations of the worldwhich today are enjoying the greatest rate of mater ial progress and consequent relatively full employment are not among those whichattempt to collect the highest and most steeply progressive personal incume taxes This is fact which goVErnments should keep in mind tor there is need in Canada to provide the people with the ability torchnnnel savings intonew ven tures Such new ventures are speculative but they are also medium for oppor tunity and employment hccording to the First National City Bank of New York Karl Marx in the Communist manifesto suggested the heavy progressive or graduated income tax as means or making despotic in roads on the rights of property and on the conditions of bourgeois production Marx was guilty of many errors but he pointed out correctly what this kind or narration could do toa capitalisticvcoun try Canada as notes The Financial Post editorially numbersamong the three ccuntries intne world imposing the highest personal income tax rates Our maximum is an per cent that or the united Kingdom is 88 per cent and the United states 91 per cent And by contrast the maximum person al income tax levied in Sweden Soc ialist country is as per cent The maxz imum in Japan is 10 per cont and in Germany 58 per cent Thus Canada young and still developing country linds itselt in the company or the highliving nations It has also been repeatedly pointed out that heavy taxation on business and industry has greatly reducEd the pro lits lor expansion or those necessary or ganizations soaking the rich the large middle income grouphindustry and business is not inducive to inciting the economy on to better and faster growth which then helps to swell the tax coffers Need ed are new linanolai incentives tor the talented producers in the middle income group incentives that industry and busi ness may be encouraged to expand Un less industry business and individuals can see better returns lor risk taking the numbers or our unemployed will continue to increase Paidgrdphically Speaking Although the tubed thrip is no larger than pinhead he probably enioys be ing tuned thrip And how are you enjoying being whatever you happen to be The oldfashioned pantry is making comeback says womans page col umnist It isnt among these or us who arent rich as we cant afford to buy pantrystocking quantities or tenant one time such as for example barrel of rlour People are building larger liner and more expensive homes in which to spend increasingly less time Views 01 OtherjEditors UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE The Printed Word Unemployment insurance is fine idea That is it would be good thing if it accomplished only what it was sup posed to accomplish The theory is that government employer and the employee among them put enough money into fund so that when an employee is laid off for lack of work he will receive weekly sum materially less than his regular wage for the period when he is In these times you have to been cp timlst to open your eyes when you wake in the morning Carl fiandburg Those at us who are weak onoptimisrn tirst risk opening only one eye upon awakening More needed than common world language is one through which parents and teenagers could understand each other our grandparents got along without knowing anything about vitamins says up an an oidlamiiy album and take gander at somejol them These would include girls in oliices at least the old iashioned kind bank clerks retailempioy888 It is generally conceded that these people have lower hourly or weekly rate and are content wlth the differentiaidor the reason that they are less likely to spend days or weeks or months out or work There should have been classification accord ing to the probable risks 01 unemploy ment but it was politically wiser to columnist Yes but did you ever dig here wear COULD HAVE HAPPENED MACKENZIE British Gulann ChiMore than 2000 people gathered here on land ro claimed from the jungle to wit nose the opening oi new 550000th plant by ihe Dem erara Bauxite Company Ltd subsidiary of the Aluminum Company of Canada The new marked another phase in the companys steady developmental this mining centre 65 miles up the Demerara river from Georgetown capital of British Guiana The Demerars company moved into the Guiancse jungle in rare in dcvclnpjiuge deposits of bonnie the major commer cial source ol Mechanical equip cnl uprooted jungle growth and pushed toplt soil into huge mounds to permit mining of the reddish colored bauxite The bulk ol the bauxite is shipped to the Aluminum Company of Canada smaller at Arvida Que Through the years the com pany invasted more than $200 000000 in the Mackenzie velcpment The additional $6 000000 invested in the new plant was described during the open ing ceremonies March gt28 as being more money than all the profits made by the company during its 45 yearlexistence The new plant wili refine bauxite into aluminaone stage MP Challenges Government Policy aluminum closer to the manufacture oi lightweight aluminum During the plant opening Sir llalph Grey governorgeneral cl British Guiana praised those under whom this great indus trial complex has come to life Dr Cheddi Jagan leader of the majority party in the Brit ish Guiana Legislature said he hopes soon to set the day when Guinnese will hold all adminis trativa and professional techni cal positions in the company Many of the administrative and technical posts new are filled by Canadians brought an angry blast from Peter DAguiar leader of the newly formed United Force Conservative Party Mr DAgular head of British Guianas largest brewery said ABOVE rs view or OPENING canamornns Dr Jagans statement later 7BritishCiiidndvaEGéfiede Praises Role Of Canadians How wish there were six more companies like Demba Demerara Bauxite Company Imagine what would be their impact on unemployment and under employment Just think of how they would assist in bursting this country open for the benefit of us nil BIBLE THOUGHT In the beginning and created the heaven and the Geneais 11 No one denies this but some imagine the Creator lost inter est in His creation and torgot all about it The truth is that the heirs of your head are num bered God is very much pre senl in His unitarse eitlier lead the province to in cartb fibrils its roots birthday in Andre DAllemc deal of la Resumblementprfour ce Nstinnale the National independence Rally says there is good chance that Quebec will secede lmm Canada within the next few years feel our generation will dependence or fall in its last chance to do so he acid in an interview air DAllemagne 31year eld University of Montreal grad uate was elected president of the rally at its first meeting last September Since then the movement has attracted univer sity students intellectuals and radioland television arith in Montreal Ind HullOttawa It reports paid membership of more than 500 Quebecs other two secession is movements are the right wing Alliance Laurenlienne nihicb supports the church and closer ties with France and the leftwing Action Socialism pour lludependence de Quebec which favors nationalization of foreignowned property INDEPENDENCE SOLE All The Rasscmblement considers itself nonpolitical When people join our move ment we dont care if they believe in socialism capitalism iibcrallsm or conservatism Mr DAlicmagne said All we want is that they be llrm sup porters cf the independence mnvsmenuifi WV He also emphasized that the rallys approach is nonviolent We are all well versed in the benefits ol democracy and we can easily achieve our goal through legislation improved communion have en an ce Quebecs chances of independence by bringing the people closer to gather Mr DAllemagne said but they have also made the problem more urgent by extend ng AngleSaxon influence Tliis may be our last chance to obtainf rc dom French Canadlans have reached point where they are on the verge ol Australian Officials Alarmed By City Population Explosion MELBOURNE Alarmed by continuing drill at the population from the coun iryside to the cities the Aus tralian authorities and business leaders urelntensilylng cam paigns to expand and build new decentralized industries Almost one Australian in live today lives in an urban area The iedcral government un der policy determined imme diately alter the war is en couraging Australian and over seas interests to set up their faciories away from the capi tals and has placed immiyant centres in provincial areas to boost local lsborpools It also established division of industrial development which is working with the trade de partment to look alter federal industry it has undertaken to advise states of developments desir able for defence purposes and provide financial assistance for projects at national importance where the cost would be great 77 fin its monthly sessions and has responsibilities in decentralizlng OTTAWA GP Conser vativcback bencher called Saturday for halt in the gov ernment policy in effect is mnnths of open competition among non scheduled com ANDRE dALLEMAGNE 500lnMovemenl being assimilated by this Anglo Suon element that surrounds them He thought Englishspeaking Canadians would greet Quebecs departure with mixed feelings Some at the richer provinces would oppose it because it would lncreuse their financial burdenOther provinces might be more interested in joining the United States Some may even want us to secede because they rightly feel we are handicap to their de vciopmenl ti important matters are brought before the federal government Quebec is alien in position to influence its decision against another province The rally invites the public set up committees to study variety of aubiccts Secession would not neces sarily mean isolation from the rest at Canada Mr DAlie magne said The only dillerence would be that wp would be independent of Ottawa and would negotiate on an even basis French Canadians are majority in Quebec and have their own way of life culture and language There is no reason why the rest of Canada should dictate to us on matters which we look on from different points at view relative to the states re sources In practice this has left the responsibility or decentraliza tlon lirmly on the states own resourcesa prospect which is too much for the lessdeveloped states So the wealthiest states Vic toria and New South Wales each with more than so per cent oi its population in metropolitan and urban centres have led the latest campaign for new deal ior rural areas In New South Wales em phasis now is mainly on claims for new state defined New England and covering almost 100000 square miles of north eastern New South Wales which supporters of the new state movement say could be almost sellsufficient in Vicioria the smallest yet most intensively developed of the mainland states employer interests and the stale govern ment both support decentral ization campaign but are work ing in declared independence at each other throw the construction workers in with the steadier workers In any event it certainly was not in tended that unemployment would be come as it is now holidays with pay There are cries all over the country or great distress or the unemployed There is bewilderment all over the country that workers cannot be round when there is work to bedone The reason 15 like 111033 immanent 01 303133 due to the fact that as soon as the enough personal credit in the fund to get some unemployment pay they lay themselves off Four months or there abouts seems to be the amount or work necessary to earn the rightRto be idle This automatic drawing on the an employment relief pay is not only There was an errorinvthe baslcprln threat to the fund but threat tathe ciple the law Thereare kinds of wor economic progress or the nation kers who have had to contribute to the hops the cure for the situation would fund through the years who are in beto have everyemployer who lays oil groups ieastllable to unemployment stall for lack or work certify on oath that such is the case Seemingly at pres The Barrie Examiner ent all pretence of recompenslpg only genuinely unemployedhas been aband Autnetise can null drum mm mu Everyone knows this yet no one seems mm sxgmmni32Fg¥9 to be doinganything about it Jobs at good wages are going beggin alum BhuGflghéIenenl Mungar BARRY coNNflu Muslin Miter we wanna Business Lana Work isavaiiabie iormany people Who uoasar seams Advertising Msnlgorr wanti Aseasonal uptur in morals is ceded morethan seasonal gage you fllnflw 1o 50 inossandpempioyme mm maritimbuliuaeonuno ism year cum he oth weeks man so am you merclal airlines Erik Nielsen PC Yukon said in the Commons that the policy it continued will de teriorate substantially the pre viuus high standard of services provided by charter planes in the North He recalled Althe December YOure aj grandfather ifilaniici Ziivléiri intolvlng the helicopters fused on the grounds of protec tion to existing operators or re striction of competition am not aware how the new policy is working out in therest of Canada but can assure the minister Transport Minister Balcer it is not having the de sired effect in tlieNorth the Yukon MP said Mr Nielsen speaking during House debate of transport dclt pcrtment spending estimates urged system of subsidies for Northern airlinw out work and trying to find new Job The Liberals had time limit or roughly twothirds of year The pres ent government has extended that again to 52 weeks and they have added nuthr of now classes or workers inV cludinglishermen wingers in fact self employed thersseasonai workers In the beginning was leit that it was impossible lto insure seasunalworkers because therates wanid have to be too high and theiund would be disastrously impaired il outolwork seasonal em ployees or antralwork selfemployed people Were able to dip into the princip a1 oi theviund hulltllprby the contribu tions or workersymen all women who were in ork conveys Joy in erson Its so natural to TORONTO CFTWO mung dash to the nearest phone when youve figpifltgfigemonstratcd at city wonderful news to tell the folks back biMaicfhinlg iuMcilrcieii so 11ng homeLvShare the little joys tooby ii mm LDNGDISTANCEYoucancailmorethan 500 milesfor less than $150 Demonstrators Favor Student Tanaenema of Unemployed Workers pro tested the federal governments refusal to extend supplementary iv insurance hen Rempmberratas are lowest alter MIL and elidsy Sunday pieii been charged with disturb the ce llbwing sweep The Canadian Prcis is ginormous on ma choicest news pneu of republication or pecill also reserved

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