Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 May 1961, p. 3

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WHEN Il COMES This Holstein boiler is glamor girl in the show ring but here she shows her care taker Hans Elze that when it comes to milking shes all business She is Glcnafton Symbol Bonheur Tenscn own ed by Glenafton Farms Allis ton who has just establisle VET 0F DDllY At Borden Sin two Canadian milk records onccf which is also world record As senior tweyear old on threetimesadny milk ing lensen produced in 105 days 22081 pounds of mint and in 365 days 25523 pounds of milk Both are Canadian records and the sosday mark Grade Students Wejak Principal is world record As show ring star Tensen was junior champion at the International Dairy Show at Chicago in 1959 nnd reserve allAAmeticon sen ior yearling that same year her sire Rosafc Signet was twice grand champion at the Royal Winter Fair Tomato cerrrrr53 Corporal Is Retiring CAMP BORDEN Black Watch Royal Highland Regi ment of Canada corporal who has seen the staff of Camp Borden headquarters change more than three times leaves early next week on retiremn from the Canadian Army Re guiar Corporal Camber lilac MacAloney 50 assistant to the camp sergeant major said re cently truly hate to leave the Army it has given my wile Edith and me much so curity pleasure in travel and the opportunity to mac hun dreds of new people orpor ral McAloney who will con tinue to reside at RR Brent wood Rd Angus has served to the maximum age limit for his rank Born and educated in Parrsl uboro NS near Springbill he enlisted in the North Nova Sco tia Highlanders on June 13 1940 Cpl MacAloney saw ac tion with his regiment in Fran ce Germany Belgium and Holland during the Second World War Mac was oneyot the first to land on the Normandy beaches on DDay was scared that morning but like everyone else very determins ed to carry out my role in the attack Many got themselves soaked up to the chest in wa rter near shore but our navi gator shoved the landing craft PAUL BUD FISHER WWW However he had become cli matized to army life and re enlisted again at Amherst NS in 1951 He was back with his CPL MacALONEY Hole To Leave right up onto the sandy beach We leaped to the ground and flew into action as dry as soda biscuit gt This Highland Regiment sol dicr was one of the many cou rageous stretcher hearers and highly trained first aid men who did so much in evacuab ing and caring for the wound ed throughout action in north west Europe Cpl MacAloney left the ar my on demobilization for em ployment in his home district Enwhnn only person Barrie Bank Manager Retires Bud Fisher Plans To Garden Paul Bud Fisher manager of the Barrie branch of the Royal Bank of Canada is retir ing from the business world His chair is to be takcli by Edward Ted Phillips Fraser who comes from managerial duties with Royal in Smiths Halts Ontario Born in London England Mr Fisher emigrated toicanada in 1908 and in 1917 started with Royal as junior at the Stanley Street branch Montreal He has served in various branches since then becoming manager in 1930 He came to Ontario in 1919 and has lived in Barrie 20 years His son James Robert Fisher is practising metal lurgist at Elliot Lake He and his wife Helen plan to garden and make good use of their Kawartha Lakes cottage MrFisher is member of Bar rie Chamber of Commerce and only raidentofthedxmrgterr Barrie branch of Canadian Red Cross and of County of Slmcoe and City of Barrie Childrens Aid Society Barrioo popuplatlon will in créasa by five when Mr Fnaser native of Strattord 0nt takes up his duties here His family comes to Barrie at schools end and includes his wife Audrey add three children Jane lSFJinrldraud Judith 11 He has so years of Royal Bank experience having served in several Ontario and Quebec branches He is member of the Rotary Club and is past president 0Ltl1e Canadian Pro gross Club Ladies For fTHETOUCH runr MEANS 50 Much lnHair styling Contact is Dunlop st ro 82381 WiokS=Beouty Solon old regiment the North Nova Scotia Highlanders for service with the Canadian Infantry Brigade Camp Valcartler PQ until 1952 Well trained by this time in regimental duties he assumed the position of assistant to camp sergeant majors first at the armys semiisolated post at Fort Churchill Man and in 1953 to date at Camp Borden headquarters He trans ferred to his present regiment The Black Watch Royal High land Regiment of Canada in loss hope to retain my ties with Service life says Mac plan to make application for position with the Civil Service at RCAF Station Camp Borden Property Briel Sparks Tension In School Talks Sparks didnt exactly fly but things were warming up last night at the collegiate boa meeting Tension started when Dr Anders started pulling apart property conunittee report es tablishing purchasing policy and outlining powers of business administrator Burton Dr Anders called 10point preamble the ten command ments and criticized the report for putting tremendous respon sibility on the business adminis trator Dr Anders member of the management committee also sharply questioned Mr Burton as to just what exactly is the meaning of the last paragraph ofthe report The paragraph would allow the administrator to revise purchase order forms presently in effect Mr Burton quietly explained the meaning The property committee re port noted That the business administrator or his assistant are the only persons in thevem ploy of the board with authority to issue instructions to supply and deliver materials orvseru vices Central Collegiate principal Bowman jumped into the fray commenting have found Mr Burton to be very fine administrator He works well with the teachers and in fact Ihavent heard one word of criticism since he took over That settled the mutton vote was taken quickly and the report passed unanimously woos AdiFoEfirmieht néneiznry iii ment wlllaplll only on proper graded woois secure the minus by patronizing vthe organization that made this possible SHIP COLLECT T0 Ourncfistered rchoulo No Westonpnmin optin sacks and twine without charge from ri In samcan Thornton THOMAS at aowmaw Strand smcon nismcr coonnna me smwrcns Home Many Central Collegiate teachers find grade nine stu dents scholastically weak lhlswna pointed out to the Barrie Distrld Collegiate Board last night by principal Bowman In his report to the board concerning report cards for Easter examinations Mr Bow man said We are watching with interest the new pmomo don policy of the new superin tendent of public schools tightening of standards at the grade eight level would help us at couegiatc Summaries of Central re ports were forwarded to the board and in general the re salts were normal Mallow man said In few instances Ellie itiarm Examimr cm AND COUNTY NEWS that seemed to be out 351 Youth 15 were investigated and rome dial action is under way We expect promotion results to be in line with school policy The schedule has been post ed for June examinations and will run from June 12 to June 20 with grade 121 continuing until near the end of line month Promotion meetings will be conducted June 21 23 and reports will be mgiled out by July 1th Canal Sale WORNWALL CPIBilly Fer guson 15 plunged into the cold waters of the Cornwall Canal Sunday and pulled out two younger children frightened but otherwise unhurt He made the rescue alter hearing the screams ot Brian and Bruce Campbell aged and 10 who had slipped down the steep canal embankment 01K START ONPOOL Continued from page one budget in transportation costs for children taken to Oro Beach during their sixsweek summer recreaan program Committee favors the pool the chairman told The Exam iner Swim program lncludu daily average participation of about 275 children DROP WADING PLANS The wading pool was elimina ted from plans mainly for in anelal reasons Mr Nesbitt said It is separate and complete mot and could be later project in Barrle He expressed pleasure at councils move to start immediately Barrie YMYWCA executive dircctor Russ Davey said WEATHER TORONTO CP Official forecasts issued at am Synopsis in the wake of disturbance that brought severe thunderstorms to Sandiern 0n tario late Monday cooler air is pushing into Southern Ontario today Northern Ontario is gen erally cloudy with snow falling in most sections northeast of Lake Superiortor cold high pressure area pushing across Northern as ehewon and Northern Manitoba is heading towards the Great Lakes prom ising clear skies for most of the province Wednesday Lake Huron Georgian Bay Haliburton regions London Cloudy with few afternoon showers today Variable cloudi ness tonight Sunny Wednesday cooler Winds west to southwest ions becoming northwest rose this morning and northerly 15 tonight Forecast temperatures new tonight High Wednesday Windsor 40 St Thomas Iondon Kitchener Wingharn Hamilton St Catharines Toronto Peterhorougli Muskoka North Bay Kapuskasing ssoeassnss ssasgsecssss LOCAL ant GENERAL SPEAKS AT CONFERENCE George Pearsall addressed the conference for Presbyterian men of tho Temisknming Presbytery at Kirkland Lake over the weekend Mr Penrsali mem ber of Essa Road Presbyterian Church represents the provin cial organization He will also be in attendance at the Tomato Kingston Synod when its holds its meeting for leaders at con ference at Glen Mohr camp at Beaverfon next June and ADD SUNDAY SCHOOL Essa Road Church is adding Sunday School to take care of the additional seating required to accommodate the youthof the church in the meantime the church will be closed until September during the addition operations From what am given to un derstand about he direction of future clty growth with the passing of years the site Bay field Street and Grove Street West will be close to the utyl geographic ceiitre 370000 TOTAL Total pool cost will be about 570000 anNeshilt told alder lldvisory Body Him For School Secondary education for the Barrie district will soon have new advisory committee on vocational educatlon Board last night authorizcd chairman toclthart to set up committee to bring in sug gested list of 12 members The vocational advisory group will contain six mem bers of industry three om ployers three employees and six board members Their job will be to offer vocational training suggestions to the districtboard Meetings will be held separate men further $0300 tbe Lions Clubs share of storm sewer installation at the pool site was to be handed to churn cil in speelal arrangement Questions and answers came closeon one another Aid Morrow asked if the pool could be enclosed at later date Mr Nesbitt answered that such enclosure is always an ex pensive proposition because of high humidity under the roof and large tree roof spans Aid Morrow was told traf fic survey was not done on Grove Street There was off street parking on grass for about 200 cars Has the cost of widening Grove Street been investigated We havent checked it EARLYIN JULY Aid Williams asked about the expected completion date if an immediate pool con struction start were to he made Mr Ncsbitt said July or 15 There were no objections rais edif the city decided to turn the pool over to Barrie YM YWCA Dry wells for precipitation runoff from the pool apron will be installed as tcmpornry measure council decide filhnjnnic DistricLCollcgiate TUESDAY MAY is in OUTGOING president Art Harris hands clubs gavel to new Sales and Ad Club head Urges Wives Back lid Club Members Al Brunner local sales mar keting director last night ad vised wives of Central Ontario Sales and Advertising Club members to give their husbands plenty of moral support He wasguestspeakerfor ladics night and the clubs in stallation of new executive New president is Bob Shrler first vicepresident Joe Long tin second vice president Frank Russell and third vice president Earle Smith Directors are Lloyd Annis Bob Duncan Bob Hodges Bob Lackle Bill Linton Walker Mothieson lion Pil Bob Pow ell Bill Shaw Bill Dymond Nuam Lem Jim Dollield Laundromat Waste Disposal Problérn Facing Sanitarians According to the latest re port received trom the Sim coo County Health Unit there were 318 cases of communica ble diseases reported in April The repo states that this shows an batemcnt Commu nical dis sea reported were measles German measles 15 mumps 17 and scarlet fever One of the most recent pro blems facing the sanltarians is the disposal of wastes from the ever increasing number of laundromatsin the tmsewered areasbthe report said The machines in theseesA tahlishments use large quans tilies of water which contain de tergents and relatively small amount of solids The solids areheld insuspension by the detergents which makes it dif ficult for them to be settled out in septic tank Due to the nature and quan tity of the waste from these establlshments it is necessary to provide alarge and well laid weeping tile bed other wise nuisance will be creat ed Special attention has been paid to the dairies in an ef MAXIMUM ENEMY EASDIIIIES give you marmum MILEAGI chicken pox 56 fort to assure satisfactory quality of milk for human con sumption The sanitarians and representative from the pro vincial Department of Health Students To Show Talents llt Borden The director of music educa tion for Ontario Brian Mo Cool will be the guest conduc tor at an instrumental music in Camp Borden at plmlWed nesday The program culminates the first year of music education in Camp Borden schools as set by the0ntarlor Department of Education Adopiece concert band and fimember stringuorchestra will entertain witha variety of soloists All participaiits will he students from the RCAF and Army Camp Borden schools Children under the age of 12 will not be admitted unless ac companied by parent or guar dlan ALSCQ ALUMfNUM chBINATloN wnvnows DOORS AWNINGS mos Panama stoma Your Community Dealer Seven Years In Barrie ALSCO Barrie LTD so Collier St Clap Library Phone am 11111 PA 85812 concort at the Garrison llieatre checked the condition of bull dings and equipment and samples of milk from all pas teurizing plants were taken Some 136 children attended the child health clinics and 218 attended the chest clinics Dnr ing the month 3349 inocula tions were given The Xray of positive reac tors in the secondary schools has been completed EXPRESSES CONCERN FRANKFURT ReuterslThe Central Council of Jews inWest today expressed deep concern at the reelec tion of former national leader of the Nazi brownshirt storm troops as deputy mayor of Gif hom small town in Lower Saxony It said Wilhelm Schep= manno7 played an active part in the Nazi persecution of Jews FRobcrt Shricr of The Barrie Examiner Examiner Photo School Board Plans To Solve $11000 Issue Barrie District Collegiate Board is going to settletho 111000 questiononcrrand forallzr After endless attempts to settle the matter of the 311000 special reserve fund raised 11 years ago by the old Barrio Board of Education the Colle giate Board decided last night obtain concrete legal opinlt on Barrie Board of Education by permission were allowed to budget in the years 1941 and 194510 the extent of one mill for the purpose of creating reserve fund for equipping proposed new addition and au ditorium to meet the needs or secondary education in Bar rie after the war In 1956 the board agreed that the bonds amounting to Sup 000 be sold and the proceeds of the salc be used for the con struction and equipping of the new collegiate building on Gro ve Street This was done to re duce the annual debenture pay ment for each of the municipal ities in the di tri KILLED BY TRAIN JONES Ont CP Made line Strong 32 was struck and killed by CM passenger train Sunday near this community 30 miles northeast of Kendra WERE MOVING May 16th to 113 DUNLOP ST Next to Brown and Co STEVENSON lNSURANCE NORTHERN ONTARIO saws Ladies or Gentn l7 JEWEL MOVEMENT WATCHES Waterproof Shockpmf specter USE DUE LAYAWAY PLAN snwnaaaas um 16 nUNIOP 81 PA win Gywfliiart CANADIAN cooranariva wooi cnowzns Liniran 211 my Street Toronto cand

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