TillIFS IN BLOOM Get Acqua Begins Today For FKT OTTAWA CPI President Kennedy arrives today tor talks with Prime Minister Dielcnha kcr and two day get ac quainted visit in Canadas cap ital The president and his attrac tive bnmette wile highly pop niar among most Canadians are expected to receive public welcome second only to that seen on royal visits The RCAF base at Uplands where the presidential plane is scheduled to land at 435 pm if being thrown open to the pub Hundreds at lagsthe Cana dian Ensign and the Stars and Stripeswere set out Monday at the air ticld and along the iinal section of tho 12mile route that the president will follow nu his drive into the city President and Mrs Kenmsiy will travel in open convertibles weather permitting The wea thcr forecast is or mixed clouds and sunshine and tempera ture near Toa break from the heat wave at the last three days The heat however hos torced tens oi thousands of tulips into bloom and the peak of the fam ous spring tulip display thus co incich with the state visit SPEAK AT AIRPORT This first day will be mostly dresses at welcome at the air port by GovernorGeneral Vna ier andthe prime minister President Kennedy will reply and also inspect rm RCAF guard Following their arrival at Government House residence of intecl Visit the Governor General where they will stay the president and Mrs Kennedy will take part in the traditional tree planting ceremony on Government House grounds Each will plant red oak Tonight there will be state dinner andreceptlon at Governlt meat House Arctic char and roast lam bare on tho menu Main events of the presiden tial visit come Wednesday Mr Kennedy will address members or the Connnous and Senate in formalities starting with ad Cummnns chamber speech that will be broadcast nation ally by radio and television in the morning he and Mr Dielenbaker will have Ziahour talk in the prime ministers ni iice in the East Block oi the Parliament Buildings Promise Urgent Attention To Civil Defence Readiness OTTAWA CP Prime Min ister Dieienh obviously dissatisï¬ed with the govern ments civil defence prepared ness Monday promised urgent attention to correct gaps in the countrys readiness to meet national emergency He told the Commons that in Exercise Tocsin on May many gaps were revealed in the plans and preparations At another point in his state ment to the House the prime minister said wouldhe lessthnn frank ii did not point out that the ot liciency ot the operation was less than is requisite Main purpose of the exercise was to see how well emergency government could be carrid on undr make believe bomber attack Three cabinet ministers and some 200 officials went to an underground centre at Pe tawnwa military camp 100 miies northwest of Ottawa Sim ilnr emergency centres were manned in the provinces Mr Dietenbnker said the early stages at the exercise in Ottawa went as planned Alert signals were sent to the provinces and it took only 39 seconds for all the provinces to acknowledge the message COULD OPERATE The operation at Petawawa he said revealed that in an Greater Trade In Perishables Result 0i Lower MONTREAL CWMore At lantic trade in perishable prob ably will be one result of re duced air cargo rates announced here Monday night The rates reduced as much as 65 per cent or large ship ments mean delicacies such as Nova Scotia iobstcr can be flown to Europe in six hours for prices far below the previ ous prohibitive air ireight tags The international Air Trans port Association said the new and drastically revised pattern of cargo rates will go into eilt feet Sept until March 31 1963 it took negotiators from 24 airlines more than two weeks of harrowing debate to agree on the simplified system Bryan Renwick copier ence chairman and vicepres ident of Canadian Paciï¬c Air lines said the new systemmay mean an economic revolution in distribution and marketing It mainly involves gradu ated scale of prices or break points depending on volume Rates per unit go down as higher levels of volume are reached The special New YorkLondon eastbound break point of 7500 kilograms will carry rate of 67 cents kilogram Present Cargo Rates general New YorkLondon cargo rate is $101 kilogram or more than 500 kilograms kilogramis roughly equal to 22 pounds General cargo rates between Montreal and Europe will run from one to nine cents below New York levels Cuba Gels Credit From Communists HAVANA CPI Communist countries have extendedto Cuba more than 250000000 pesos worth oi credits since the revo lutionary government took of iice more than two years ago Foreign Trade Minister Alberto Morasaid The Cuban government keeps the peso pegged at par with the US dollar but on the interna tional money market the ex change rate would be much less favorable Mora told Sunday television audience the credits generally Caljiied an interest rate of only We per cent and were repay ab1eover 10 years But Com munist China had granted 60000000 peso credit bearing no interest with Cuba to settle the debt when it was able emcrgcncy the basic elements oldgovernment could be oper in But much remained to be done in the way of emergency planning by departments ad vance preparation oi ordérs and directives staff training and iurthcr improvement in com municatinns Harold Winch CCF Van couver East one at two oppo sltion members who went to Fe towawa as observers said the exercise disclosed not only minor but many major gaps The make believe attack was supposed to be realistic he said Yet it supposed that the entire attack was by manned bombers except for two mis siles But the major gap said Mr Winch was that ouLside of the low cabinet ministers parlia mentary secretaries and two private members from the op position the government and the House of Commas were cmpietely wiped out Amendment Gives Extended Credit OTTAWA CF oneeword legislative amendment will add $100000000 to the amount of credit facilities available to Ca nadian farmers Finance Minis ter Fleming explained Monday night The oneword change subsli tues tour for ï¬three in the Farm improvement Loans Act and thus themaximtlrn amount of guaranteed bank loans available under the act will be $400000000 The proposed amendment met approval from all parties in the Commons AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Have your automatic trans mission repaired by quail and mechanics You may aiao flnlncn all work Ind plrtshele MOTORS ass Bayileid st PA 83330 BUY unless you are sure See the latest designs or our PB exurbaa homes at onrshowrooma Individual Design Styled TOSIIII teal Value Now is the time to carefully select plan pf your home to suit your individual taste OurlP systempermits the prefabricution of many economical designs that will enable you to cutcnsts and do the worktyourseif Financing is vaiiabla to cover the materials and lab Yamowa toiyourselt with about aguarapteéraneTPhene now for an appointment withr Carruthers his tivceocnt stamp will be issued in June to mark the ioth anniversary at the Colom bo Plan The design hiuoon background at ht brown shows two men looking to wards hydro dam Photo AIIACKS GROUP ACCRA Reuters Presi dent Kwama Nkrumoh oi Ghana hioadaynight attacked the recent Liberian conlerence at 20 Airican states and real iirmed his view that Airicon na tions should be willing to sur render their sovereignty in the Interests at unity in PaayPlahsLega1aa¢n Against Political Contributioas OTTAWA CP The New Party said Monday in drait declaration on democracy that ii elected to power it would leg islate against hidden oontribu tions to political parties The document iourth and last in series of manifesto on the partys proposed platform will come before the founding convention of the New Party in Ottawa this summer To saieg Parliament against the control of parties by hidden wealthy contributors the New Party will pass legis lation requiring iuii publicity for political contributions and reasonable and effective llmita tion on campaign expenditures said the policy declaration it also promised that greatly extended research facilities will be made available to members at opposition parties so that they may become acquainted with internration now at the dim poml or government alone The statement advocated new concept at on operative leduaiisrn in which the prov inces would play greater role in the countrys eliairs Promising to revive cabinet portion dealing with ederab provincial aflnirs the docuth added New Party government will create department led eral provincial relations to maintain and extend coopera tion with the provinces to co nrdiaate and actas special in camranu LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial warehousing Agents or North American Van Lines PA 66555 rm 3mm Marmotaux secretariat or joint committee and counct it also picked the party to work out reasonable method of amending the British North America Act stop now being worked on by the Conservative government For ethnic groups the party endorsed policy of protection for cultures andtradltlons it recognlm the special eco nomio needs and problems at the original inhabitants oi Can adathe indians and Eskimos whose traditional modes of liv lng have been disrupted by CLIFFORD HAIR FASHIONS FRED GRANT ST Son Water Shampoo Expert Hair Styling PA 6oe91 modern civilization the stats meat said The New Party will accord them full political and social rights as Canadian citi mm The statement said the New Party will adopt distur ctlvo Canadian flag and anthem to give expression In Canadian on tlonhood YOUR MENS CLIITHINC HEADQUARTERS Why pay more when you can buy yor less MACKS rm wean 35 Dunlap so when new No matter whatthe octane rating of the gasoline you now use other important factors in reiiningand blending determine whether that gasoline deliversitsfullipower inevery cylinder ofyour car And because you want the full power you pay for because you want the to release worlds most thoroughly teétédinotor fuels maximummilegaining benefits of gasolines with Superior octane processed and 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your engine the maximum protection of BP ViscoStatic all weather motor oil 5B CANADA LTD MEMBER OF THE BRITISH PETROLEUMSGRDUF